Chapter 266 - CHAPTER 266: KICKING THE BEES' NEST (4)

I have been wondering for a while now because I thought he was just acting indifferent but it seems even Borgas doesn't recognize me.

"My wife told me to bring you back specifically and made sure I saw your face during your puny tournament. Aside from that, I don't think I have ever met an insect-like you before. And even if I did, you are too insignificant for me to remember." Yup, he really doesn't remember me. "Now, as I was about to say, entertain me for a while. At least until your friends outside are captured as well."


"Calm down, Cordel."


"I said calm down. Even if you go out there, there is not much you can do if you don't think straight.."

"Fuuu…yes, I know."

"Good. Now, to us, Borgas."

"It is highness to you."


"For insects like you, I am a king. No, what I am saying. I am a god."

"The god of clowns maybe."


"You are the god of clowns. I mean, look at your-"

Instantly, Borgas thrusts his spear and I block it but get pushed back to Cordel to K'nor's position. That was a really powerful blow there.

"Watch your filthy tongue, human." Did this fucking guy just call me a human? Does he really think of himself as a god? For real?!!

I jump and Cordel tries to follow me but I signal him not to. It's better if one of us preserves as much energy as he can. And it's not like I have an obligation to kill Borgas. Not now at least.

As soon as I reach him, we both use Titanic slash. How can he use Titanic slash? It's true that I don't feel crystals inside him but still, his aura feels like Regas and so does his armor.

As always, my Titanic slash is a surprise to a new not-so-strong opponent and I stab Borgas two times, his Titanic slash unleash only four strikes so they were countered by my own. But sadly, his armor completely absorbs the attacks.

"Orahh!!" Like he doesn't mind at all, Borgas thrusts his spear again, I dodge then strike from the side but his armor repels my strike this time. I stroke a place where there was a blade sticking out of his armor.

"Tch!" It's hard. Judging from my vibrating hand and raizen, that armor is really sturdy.

"What did you think?!! this is a gift from my wife!! You think an insect would even scratch it!!"


Borgas attacks and attacks without even defending.  It would have been a great thing but he isn't wrong to do so.

"Ahahaha!! I told you it is futile!!"

Once again, my raizen bounces off his armor. That thing is really tough. What is it? I even stroke the same time thrice but there isn't as much as a dent on it. The only good point, for now, is that Borgas isn't taking this too seriously. Most of his attacks are still light but I can feel it, he is restraining himself.

"I hope you are done warming up!" Finally, he swings his spear in a manner similar to Rose Cross slash and this time, the impact is great. I am pushed quite far back. "Because now, I will get serious!"

Borgas disappears from my sight and his heartbeat rings to my left. A tearing sound then resounds as his spear cuts through the air. I dodge and hit his face but nothing.

"Come on, strike harder! Struggle more!!"


"What?!" I am busy. Why are you calling me now, Cordel?

"It's ready!!" It? What is…? Ah, I see. Well, it's not a bad idea.


I strike Borgas once again then jump back. As I raise my eyes, all I see in front of me is light.

"PILLAR OF LIGHT!!" So that's what his script looks like.

Suddenly, the place becomes extremely bright and engulfs Borgas and a part of the Longinus, Roderick included.


I should make use of this.

"Cordel, be ready to jump!"

"I am."

He grabs the guy we captured and goes near K'nor. I aim at the ceiling and shoot three bullets. They destroy the ceiling which then collapses on all of us.

"How dare you!!"

Borgas suddenly emerges from the light, his armor is cracked at some places but still, he is mostly unhurt.



Among the falling rocks, Roderick mad scream resounds as he makes his way through. Cordel and K'nor jumps towards the ceiling while I counter Borgas but then, the funniest thing happens.



Roderick, trying to get to me, smashes Borgas to the ground like a pancake. I almost laugh before remembering the situation we are in. I then easily dodge Roderick the savior using Disperse and fly to the ceiling as well.


Some Longinus and Longinus men attempt to follow us but I bombard them with another set of six bullets. That was one hell of a funny scene just now.


Up the ceiling, we are actually back at the maze from before. We run through it fairly quickly. We don't encounter any Longinus on the way but there are still some following us. Finally, we reach the stairs of the basement through which we came in. Cordel takes the stairs and I turn around.

The reason: Roderick is coming. I can hear his big steps as he runs madly to us.

"What are you doing?!"

"GO first, I will stall them a bit."

"What?!! No!! We must go!!"

"I am right behind you! GO dammit!"


Roderick the brute, together with two Sloins, appears by breaking a wall. No, actually, he used those Sloins to break the wall. Well, thanks for the help, Roderick. You weren't a bad guy after all.

The guy smashes the ground before me with his massive war hammer while I jump back then I pummel his head with Tremor. I easily slip his head in two but he still moves. Killing him might be harder than I thought. He has such brute strength the ground got completely cracked all around where he stroke his weapon. And now he is raising it again. No way.


I rapidly cut his forearms and his weapon drops with them still holding it. Now, I have got y-


Roderick smashes me with the rest of his left arm and sends me flying through the stairs, directly in the kitchen. I cushion my fall with Sphere then immediately sprint out of there. With good reason, Roderick appears almost instantly after that and once again shatters the wall and the ground.

Three Longinus men come from the stairs after him and I send three bullets to them. I aimed at the head so it should do some damage, I hope.

The explosion is as powerful as it can be but somebody doesn't seem to even care. Roderick the pursuer appears from the smoke as I look back after exiting the kitchen and reaching the garden.

I notice Cordel ahead with K'nor having two people on his back. Ah, yeah, there was the little girl from earlier.

"What is happening?!!"

Suddenly, the knight's voice resounds and Peter's script rains on Roderick and the others Longinus coming out.

"Can't you see?!!"

"Why did you venture so deep inside?!!"

"You think I chose to do that?!!" Is this guy stupid or what?


Roderick runs through Peter's barrage like nothing. It seems he is determined to give me a good strike of his Warhammer today.

"Lumion!!" I target his knees and cuts them wide open with Lumion.

Roderick loses his footing for a moment before recovering himself but when his head raises back up. He receives a bullet. The explosion pushes him back this time and he falls on his back. Now is the time.

"Let's go!!"


Peter, who was standing on the fountain in the middle of the garden to have a better view, jumps down and runs as well. I know Roderick will need more than that to fall but we should have some leeway now.


We exit the mansion and go through the city. Most people we encounter midway turn into Longinus men as well, releasing that black ominous aura as soon as they see us. So it was really a gigantic trap then.


Finally, as we reach the tavern, Esteressa appears, jumping from a building. Her left arm is wounded and bleeding. Both of her knuckles are damaged. And the guy who went with her is nowhere to be seen. There is no need to ask how it went, I guess.

"We must flee! All of you, use your telepo-"

"Nobody will go anywhere!!! Didn't I tell you?!!!"

At the same time as our captain issued his command, Borgas appears in the sky. His voice rings so loudly it could be heard from everywhere in this city, I think. Also, although he is far from us, I can see it. His armor is damaged. Roderick's hit was certainly effective.

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