Chapter 268 - CHAPTER 268: I AM NOT A HERO


"This is impossible!"

"It's a freaking dragon!!"

"Run, dammit!! Stop tal-"

We suddenly hear an incredible explosion. When I turn around, a ray of dark lightning passes above our heads. Did that dragon just shoot this?!!


"What?!! Don't turn around!"

"No, look!! Above us!" Peter points at the sky.

We all look above and see something falling and landing a few meters before us, inside the forest. It had a human form as well.


The Longinus have caught up to us as well. Kevin didn't manage to block them? Where is he then? No, don't tell me…


Battling through the Longinus, we reach the place where the falling object landed and my worst suspicion is immediately confirmed.


Kevin is lying there, on the ground, his arms, his stomach, his legs, almost all his body is burnt so badly the smell is terrifying. I immediately run to him and he is barely breathing.


Two Longinus vanguards appear but Peter and the knights get rid of them. Only for more to come. We start fighting them around Kevin's position. I am especially worried about Es, she is too wounded to fight, and yet, she is still doing it.

"Captain, what do we do?!" One of the knights is especially prompt in asking questions. Does he really think he is helping right now?

"How would I know?!! The orbs still aren't usable!!"

I check the sky and notice something. The halo that appeared with the portal isn't covering the whole forest. It stops somewhere ahead. Though, it is really far given the situation. Is it worth a shot?

If the reason our teleportation orbs aren't working is because of the halo, then we might still have a chance.

"Captain, look!!" I point at the end of the halo then kill another vanguard. "The halo stops there!! If we go beyond that point, we might be able to flee!"

"How do you know that?!!" He cuts down a Longinus Sloin as well then looks at me with an annoyed look.

"Then what?!! We should just stay here?!!"

"How would I fucking-"


Breaking through two trees, a Longinus Prator appears. As massive and threatening as they can be. Shit!! One knight runs to it while Peter shoots his face with arrows. The knight cuts his knee and destabilizes him.

"Water ball!!!"

Es then shoots a water ball at him. You who always said you didn't like using simple scripts like those. Look at you now. I will pester you about it lat…Es suddenly looks at me.

"Behind you, Cordel!!"


By the time I turn around to look at what Es just pointed or even use my light wall, I am projected in the air by a powerful blow. In mid-air, I also see my arm flying away from my body.

"I told you none of you were leaving, right?!"

That guy!! It's the guy from earlier. Borgas Grandcross, Lanuvel's uncle. How did he arrive here without us noticing?

When I turn around, I see everyone. It's like I am an eagle. Is this what Kevin sees when he is flying?

"Fufu. You lucky bastard."

The pain of my severed arm comes to my brain like somebody just poke it with a needle. Still, I must hold on. The man who just stroke me, Borgas Grandcross, raises his spear as if to finish off Kevin while I am falling. But I don't think he will really kill him. He said he was asked to bring him back alive, right?

"Light ray!!"

I shoot a light ray at him and he blocks it with his spear like I threw a rock at him. Still, it is enough. As soon as I fall down, I grab Kevin's body that was still lying on the ground and throws it towards his pet who is shooting wind balls like a real warrior. I had never seen something like this before and I am not even given the time to enjoy it. Damn!!

"It's no use, you know?"

Borgas runs past me. He goes rapidly to where I threw Kevin. So, he doesn't even mind me, huh…Wait, what is that? Only now do I notice, his armor which was perfect in the basement earlier, is now cracked at some places, moreover, his back is wide open, exposing his body. This is a great opportunity.

"I will just cut off the unnecessary parts!! Don't wor-"

"No, you don't!!"

Peter shoots an arrow at him but of course, the guy doesn't even mind it as it bounces off on his armor.

"Light ray!!" Then let's see if you mind this!!

The light ray hits him in the back and throws him into a tree. That's the payback for earlier. As if he understood what I did, the captain also turns around after taking down a Longinus.

"Ahhh!!! Mighty spear!!" A lightning spear appears in his hand and he throws it at the back of Borgas, which was still exposed.

"Argh!!!" Yes, it was effective!!

"Now, everyone!! Run!!"


"Cordel, your arm!!"

"I am okay!"

Es, even though you have lost more blood than me, you still have time to worry. I would tell you how cute you are right now if seeing your pale face from the blood loss wasn't breaking my heart.

"Woof!! Woof!"

Kevin's pet…K'nor, that name is a bit weird now that I think about it, barks to signal us there are still Longinus in front of us. Are they everywhere?!! We managed to outrun Borgas for a moment but I am sure he is already reaching us.

Suddenly, the knight beside me gets beheaded as something passes by his neck and flies up front. Borgas's spear lodges itself into a tree then falls with the upper half of it. The bastard!!

"Don't stop!!"

The captain screams while he turns around. Are you also going to sacrifice yourself…And me, what am I doing? What is the 'me' who always wanted to be useful, to fight for the good, doing right now? Is this really the Cordel I want to be? A coward.

"Argh!!" The captain's scream resounds in our ears after a few seconds but still, we have no other choice. We must continue!!


Peter shows us his teleportation orb and it is shining blue. Meetia, how merciful can you be!!

"Let do this!!"

The remaining knight, Es and I all bring out our orbs as well. But sadly, Meetia isn't as merciful as I thought. We are suddenly covered by a shadow so huge there are no traces of the moonlight. When I raise my head, it's there. Looking at us like vulgar insects, the dragon is looking at us with his glowing red snake eyes.

"No…This can't be." It can, Peter. It is happening right now. I wish I could pray right now. No, I wish I could wake up from this nightmare.

"Krieekk!!" But if hearing a Longinus screaming while running to us doesn't wake me up, then nothing else can.

The dragon opens his mouth and we all know what is about to come. There is no other choice then. Let's give the 'me' who is a coward a good slap!!


I deploy a dome of light and right as it covers us all, two Longinus land on it and starts striking it with everything they got. I never tried to use it before so I have to admit that I surprised it turned out so well.

"Cordel!!" Don't cry, Es. You will survive so you can't cry.

"You know what you have to do!! Hurry up!!"

Peter, you are a good friend, a pragmatic one. I am sure you know we can't do it any other way.

"No!! We are not leaving you!!"


The dragon roars and everything around us become darkness. Kevin got hit by that? You really are one of a kind. Now more than ever, I wish we started on a different basis, becoming friends and talking about everything. 

"Cordel!!! No!!"

"Let's go!!"

My dome rapidly cracks and by the time it shatters, the last thing I see is Es crying and screaming before disappearing in a blue light. I thought I would be more upset, sadder at least. But I am calm. Right now, I am…I am actually happy.

"I hope they won't find my diary. It would be pretty embar-"

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