Chapter 294 - CHAPTER 294: TERRORISTS (1)

In the end, the five cowards weren't killed. Well, their judgment has only been delayed since they will hands to take care of the people inside the city.

All the after work is left to the soldiers. And they really know what they are doing. They swiftly made a fire and started cooking for the fifty people like they were used to it. We are just sitting at the top of a building, observing everything that is happening.

"You think we will get paid in the end?" 

"Yeah. Why not?" Though, Hendrick is right to ask. Eduard and the commander are dead. I should worry a bit about it. "Our employer is the eternal army so if push comes to shove, we can just go their headquarters later. There are witnesses after all.." 

"Yeah, it's true." 

"But seriously, if those guys had the means to blow up the camp, why did they not do it earlier?"

"I don't know, Willhem. Maybe they needed them to drop their guard as much as possible. Or maybe they needed the maximum number of soldiers to be in the camp." 

All the soldiers were back at the camp after all. That was not only careless but stupid as well. The commander made a huge blunder there and it has cost him his life. 

While we are watching, a bright blue light suddenly appears out of nowhere. It is right where the soldiers are distributing food to the survivors so panick spreads instantly.


"To arms!!" The soldiers instantly react as well but by the time any of us can grab a weapon, people start appearing. 

Two, then five…Rapidly, more than a thirty people appear. And among them…

"Commander!!!" Surprisingly, the commander is alive. And so is Eduard, who is among the people who just appeared. 


"So you guys are telling that those mercenaries defeated a small army of Longinus, being only eight people? And you really want me to believe that?"

In the middle of the night, all of us survivors and the commander are assembled in a small house near the mayor's building. The soldiers had to continue taking care of the people until he night had completely fallen then the others guys who arrived were set as patrols for the night. Another group has also been sent to the fort to check and see whatever they can uncover.

The operators and the captain have already told the story to that stupid commander but he doesn't seem to believe them. Well, I personally don't care. It was a nice experience and that's it. 

"We are telling the truth, sir."

"Even if you are, how I am supposed to announce this to the high-commander? He already knows that all our soldiers stationed here are dead and that we lost this battle. You want me to go and say that mercenaries brought us victory?"

"You can just tell him the truth! What is wrong with that? Aren't we using mercenaries on other places as well. I heard four villages were conquered back thanks to their help so what is wrong with this?!!" 

"You wouldn't understand." 

"It's a matter of pride, simple." One of the mercenaries speaks with a calm voice. Everyone then turns around and looks at us. 

"Pride?" The commander lowers his head while the other soldiers present look confused.

"Yup. Ten thousands, no, fifteen thousands soldiers, two weeks and they couldn't do what nine mercenaries di in a single day. It is the most shameful day in history for you guys."

"But it's not like-"

"It doesn't matter. What matters is that we finish it. It is the result that counts, not the process. Right, commander?" 


The commander's silence is the best answer he can give. It throws a cold wind on all the soldiers who lose their illusion about the greatness of what we did.

"In what kind of world…In what kind of world do we live for people to be acknowledged even though they saved lives?" 

"Welcome to Schamerin then. You should be proud, you have been born again."

That was the last nail to seal the coffin. They all look dejected and angry but nobody dares to say anything.

"Sigh… The mortars operators and the captain as well as all the soldiers still alive will be receiving the honor and decorations for this event. You will be considered heroes and I will officially resign from my post for failing my men." 

"But commander, we-"

"There are no but." The cowards from the patrol try to protest but there is no use. "Now, if you will excuse me." 

The commander stands up and goes out with a dark and resigned face. Is he really regretting that we survive and won this battle? That's mean, man. I mean, what was the point of coming back here if you thought we were all dead? Did he think they would be surrounded by Longinus as soon as they arrive then some of them would have to sacrifice again so that others can escape. Yeah, he probably did but still, it is irritating. In any case, it is not my problem anymore so…

The next morning, I feel restless. My body feels weird, itchy almost. And I shouldn't be feeling those things unless there is a problem. A blue light appears once again and this time, it is Eduard who is coming from it. He went back yesterday? I understand why we didn't see him.

"We have a problem, Mister Dragonroad! The eternal academy has been attacked!" And of course, there is a problem.

"How?" Isn't Mercuria heavily defended since the king and the pope and all those important figures are staying there?

"I don't know the details. It's just that this morning, there was a halo all around the academy then I heard that a lot of people are trapped inside, including the heroes."

"Fuck!!" Farner, what were you doing there?!!! And what about Lanuvel?!! Of course, she must be there as well! "Those idiots!! Bring me back to Mercuria!! Right now!!"


"We are coming as well, capt'."

"No, thanks, Willhem."

"I wasn't asking."

"Let's go then!!" 

Please, be safe guys!!


When we arrive at Mercuria, we are inside the church's room for teleportation. There are several priests assembled there. Are they going somewhere? 

"Sir Eduard, what are you-" I don't have time to think about them. I just push through everything then exit the room. 

Outside that room, it is buzzling with activities as people are running everywhere. 

"Get out of the way!" 

But this is nothing. I sprint my way through the church's building and when I exit it, I see a big black halo covering where the eternal academy is supposed to be. 

"Those bastards really did it this time." Wait until I find the bastard who did this!!

"Mister Dragonroad!" 

While I am looking at the halo, a familiar voice resounds among the chaos. Sophia makes her way to me rapidly then grabs me by the shoulders.

"Please, you have to help! My-"

I rapidly shake her off then leaves. We all have important people inside.

"Don't worry!! I will save them!" 

"Please, you must!!" 

The whole city is in panick. People are running everywhere. Some soldiers are rushing over to the entrance to the academy while others are trying to calm down the people, to no avail sadly. The city guards are also doing their best to maintain the order but barely anyone listen. They could use violence but that would probably set everything ablaze.

"Kyaa!!" I hustle a little girl while running but I don't have time to look behind and seeif she is hurt. 

When we reach the academy's entrance, several people are already there. Frankher, Rebecca, doggy, but most surprising of all…

"Let me go!! My daughter is inside!! Let me go!!" 

"You can't go in, madam!! If you touch this thing, you will die!!" 

"Let me go, I said!!" 

Rose can walk already? Since when? She is struggling to get through two soliders. No, the two soldiers are struggling to not hurt her while she is doing her best to get past them. So, like I thought, Lanuvel is inside as well. That's the more reason why I should enter.


"Mister Dragonroad?"

Frankher seems surprised to see me. What? You thought you would be in trouble and I wouldn't come. Rebecca and doggy turns around as well, but with a kind of indifferent faces.

"Who has entered already?" 

"Nobody. All those who have touched this halo so far have died."

"And you haven't done anything?" I look at Rebecca who simply frowns.

"Do you think we are just standing there?!! Light Angas doesn't affect it enough!! I was only able to weaken it but it doesn't break! Something must be powering it from inside and a problem we can't solve from here." Excuses!! It is always excuses with you!!

"Then what do we do?"

"We wait. As soon as the heroes will break the barrier from the inside, we will storm through. We have also requested from a mortar so it should arrive rapidly."

Are you guys even hearing what you saying?! We wait for the heroes to do something?! What are they to you?!!!

"I am not waiting like an idiot here!!" 

"No, stop!! You will die!!" 

Before Rebecca or anybody else can grab me, I pounce on the halo and grab it with both hands. Immediately, my hands start burning and the pain makes my heart go haywire. This halo is made of Regas, alright.

"No way!!"


"Ahhh!!" Surmonting the pain, I put all my strength and Angas into my hands and push. "Ahhhhhh!!!!" 

Slowly, the halo opens a little bit then when it is about the size of my face, I see not only Longinus but people inside as well. Then the next moment, an arrow comes and push back.


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