Chapter 295 - CHAPTER 295: TERRORISTS (2)

"Argh!! Fuck!!" 

So they are waiting for us to go in. That's a pretty clever tactic. It is already difficult enough to enter but if you have to be under enemy's fire as soon as you do, then this is an almost unpenetrable fortress.

"I wonder how you manage to always do what we expect the least."

When I open my eyes, Rebecca is near me, healing my wounds already. I try to push her hand away but she grabs mine instead and frowns again.

"Think about all the people watching before behaving like a little child." She whispers to my ear while acting as if she is checking on my wound.

"Kevin, are you okay?!!" After I stand up, it is Rose's turn to run to me. She starts touching my body all over with aniety, making sure I got no wounds left.. 

That in itself must be really rude since I got healed by the very Saintess. Who could blame her though?

"I am okay." But you are not. Rose is sweating heavily. This isn't just exhaustion. She is genuinely not able to stand up properly yet. See, this is how a loving parent should be. Not like you two.


"How did they manage to enter the city?" I look at Rebecca with a judging eyes as after she reacts, I get a review of the current situation and how it happened.

"Shouldn't you have started with that?" I didn't ask you, doggy.


"I am sorry, Saintess. Ahem…it seems somebody sabotaged the defences of the city. Normally, there is a barrier that prevents Longinus from entering the city that was reactivated after we discovered that they were using people as well." 

"And even that failed?" 

"No, like I said, it has been sabotaged. By who is what we are trying to discover." 

"And the king? Isn't this just a diversion to get to him?" 

"The king is safe." Frankher is the one to answer to that. "I guarantee it with my life." 

"I see." 

"Capt', what do we do?" 

"Willhem, circle around the halo and try to see if there is anything that could allow us to enter." 

"our men alre-"

"On it!" 

Willhem goes with the other mercenaries before doggy can say anything. You don't matter after all so.

"As for me…" I fly up above the dome and look for anything, any possible defaults. I circle around a few times but nothing. When I come down to where everyone is, Rose is breathing heavily, supported by the two soldiers from earlier.

"Have you found anything?" But still, she doesn't care about her life. Lanuvel, you have such a great mother.

"I haven't found anything yet but don't worry, I surely will. Please, you must go back and rest now." 

"How can I when my daughter is in danger?"

"Then entrust her life to me. I will definitively save her, even if I have to die for that." 

"Do you promise?" 

"I swear on my life." 

"I se…" She faints while her head drops upwards. Thankfully the soldiers were holding her or she would have hurt herself.

They take her away as all the other soldiers present look astonished. This is how you guys should have been. 

"Okay now that this is taken care of." Let's see what I can do about this thing.

"Capt'. There is nothing." Willhem comes back a few seconds later. So the dome is perfect. No, it is not since I open it. That means…

"If there are no faults, we just need to create one, right?" 

"Fufu. Oh yeah." It seems Willhem understood what I am thinking.

"You guys really think you can do what even the saintess couldn't?" And doggy understood as well.

"Why not?"

"AH!!! Prospeterous!!" 

"How dare you!!" 


The soldiers around start making a fuss about how we just disrespect the saintess. But neither Willhem nor I do we pay them any mind. Why should I care about people who aren't trying to do anything and just wait patiently?

Rebecca grabs my arm and pulls me over.

"I told you to watch your behavior." She tries to whisper but her voice still comes out loud enough to be heard.

"You know I won't so stop. I will do whatever it takes to enter this place. So you either help me or look me do it."

"You impudent little swine." 

"Yup, I know." 

Rebecca looks at me with anger for a good while then she finally resign and waves her hand at doggy.

"Listen up. We will establish a perimeter around the area until the high-commander arrives. I want a soldier every three meter around the dome. You must watch and be high alert. Signal anything strange you notice. No matter how small it can be. In the meantime, a team of five will take the lead with me and help the saintess breach this dome. Now, move it!!!" 

"Sir, yes sir!!!" 

The soldiers move swiftly and in less than a minute, we are now only seventeen people left: me, Frankher, Rebecca, doggy and his five soldiers, K'nor, Wilhem and the mercenaries.

"Now, the plan is simple. I will weaken the barrier once again as much as I can then you guys will strike it with everything you have. Is that okay with you?" 

"Yeah, why not?" 

"Let's do this then." 

"Frankher?" He is going to help us as well.


"I…I am surprised to see you-"

"My daughter is inside." 

"I see." With everything going on, I forgot my aunt is also inside. This is really a dire situation.

"Alright, are you guys ready?" 

"No, wait." Since I will use Sever the sky, I should go back a bit. "Ah, yes. You guys should get out of the way." 

"Like this?" Frankher and the mercenaries immediately understand why I am asking this while doggy and his soldiers are just slowpokes.

"Yup. That's good." 

We are now standing in a V-shape with me at the far end. Rebecca and doggy at at the beginning of the V.

"Okay, here I go!!" Rebecca raises her hand to the sky and starts shining gold. 

At the same time, we all release our auras. The place starts trembling as we do. The surroundings buildings, the trees, even the air is vibrating like crazy. It also becomes harder to breathe. 

"You guys!! Control your Angas flows!!"

"Kevin!! You are overwhelming us!!" 

"Just bear with it!!" 

"Meetia's domain!!!" 

Rebecca releases her script and as everything becomes brighter, the dome starts getting hollower. Its darkness fades so much you can barely notice what is beyond. But then it restarts getting darker.

"Hurry up!!"

"We know already!! THOUSAND STRIKES!!" Hendrick is the first to unleash his script.

"WINDBREAKER!!" Then it is doggy.

"FIRE TEMPEST!!" Frankher gives us his best shot as well.

Everyone releases his script and as it hits the dome, it starts swaying but still doesn't break. Oh, but you will fall with me. I am sure of it!!


I release my script as well. Since I was using Raizen and it was made of fire and lightning, I guess it is normal that Sever the sky looks the same. 

When it hits the dome, a gigantic fault appears. A vertical one, the nsmaller one forms from it and extends to the side. Finally…


The dome breaks at the part where we were focusing our attacks but we don't have time to feel happy about it since Rebecca reminds us of the problem. That thing will close up fast. We all rush to the created entrance but right as the first soldier tries to enter.


He is hit by dozens of arrows and disappear just like that. 


What dammit? Did doggy forgot that there are people waiting eagerly for us inside? He didn't, right? I mean, if he did, that would make him a complete idiot, fufufu. No, now is not the time to mock him. I can do that later. 

"Don't falter!!" Willhem encourages the soldiers who hesitated for a moment. The five soldiers doggy asked to stay with us were the fatest to reach the fault. I wouldn't mind if they weren't blocking the way but since they are.

"Ah!!" The four others arms themselves of a new courage and all enters the dome. Sadly we were too late to follow them and by the time me and doggy arrive, the fault is almost closed.

"No, you don't!!" 

"No, you don't!!" 

Like a reflew, we both extend our weapons at the rest of the entrance and try to maintain it open by pushing upwards.

"Come on!!" 

I push with everything I have but still, this thing doesn't budge.


"No!! Stay back!!" 

The only thing we get to hear are the screams of the four soldiers as they get torn apart. 

"Shit!!!" Doggy screams at the top of his lungs when the dome finally closes up again. That was really a failed attempt. 

He then strikes his sword to the ground so hard half of it gets buried. 

"We need more firepower." We just need a little more push to do this. But who could…

"Should I help then?" Suddenly, a voice resounds like that of a true hero. 

"Alphonse!" Now, we have all the firepower we need.

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