Chapter 296 - CHAPTER 296: TERRORISTS (3)

"What are you doing here?" 

Alphonse is standing at the top of a building. When he comes down, I notice something is different about him. He has become stronger again. No, it is not just strength. There is something even more deep, more profound about him now. As he walks to me, I notice his eyes are now shining. A deep blue shine, just like the hero. How and why? Has he become a hero? I don't think so since their eyes are shining gold instead but maybe that's because they are girls?

"You impressed, right?" 

"By what exatly?" He starts talking to me like the others don't even exist.

"I have become a DIZ'KAR man!! You were too late this time!!" 

Ah, I see. That's the reason.. He is a Diz'kar now. A demi-god. But even though he is a demi-god now, I don't feel that much of a difference compared to before. Or maybe he has to release his aura first. No matter the case, I don't like that smug look you are giving me.

"Oh yeah? Well, I killed a thousand Longinus all by myself! Take that!" 



Not only him, but even Rebecca and doggy goes 'what' when I declare that. 

"Y-you are lying! And even if you aren't, you must have defeated them over a long period of time!" 

"Nope, all at once and in a single morning." 

"No way!! I-"

"Guys!!" Finally, Rebecca brings us back to the reality of the moment. I am ashamed that I forgot the most important to me right now.

"S-sorry. Anyway, I am looking for my sister. Do you think she is inside?" 

"Yes, she most certainly is." Frankher answers him and Alphonse's face goes back to the seriousness it had the first time we met.

"I see."

"Saintess, can you still do it?" 

"Of course. You guys should get ready." 

We retake our position and this time, Alphonse and I are standing at the back.

"Why are you here, by the way?" 

"Our kingdom has decided to ally with Syldavie my father was sent as an envoy. I just tagged along to see Germinia." 

"You really love your sister, huh." Sadly, it isn't the same for her.

"Who wouldn't love her?" I better not tell him I punch the hell out of her once.

"Once again, are you all ready?!!" 

"Oh, yeah!!!" 

"Let's do this!!"

All auras are released and I understand now what being a Diz'kar means. Alphonse's aura is so powerful I feel like a wall got created around him as soon as he released his aura. Just staying near him is taking great effort from me. 

"Dman!! You weren'lying!"

"Told you!! Now, let's do this!!" 

Yeah, let's. 


The same pattern, the darkness of the dome fades, everyone releases his script then when it is my and Alphonse's turn.


"The fourth sword : …" He has created another scipt? 

"The sky!!" 


Wait, what?! Our scripts are the exact same!! This little thief stole my script after telling me that I shouldn't copy him?!! Oh, you aren't getting away with that.

Both of our scripts hit the dome an dit shakes greatly. Though Alphonse's script is clearly stronger than mine seeing the length of it.


The dome once again breaks. A larger and longer fault this time. We all rush inside and Alphonse is the first to enter, followed closely by K'nor, then it is Willhem, right as I enter, I hear a scream from behind.

"Saintess!!" It seems something happened to Rebecca. Surely she exhausted herself. I don't care anyway.

After me, Hendrick and two mercenaries enters. Then Frankher gets through right before the fault is too little for anybody else to enter.


As soon as we are inside, we are greeted by a huge committee. 

"The first sword!!" 

Alphonse unleashes his devastating script and it decimates the Longinus and people present.



There are really human screams among them. Who are they?

I create ten bullets and launch them everywhere as well. 


As they explode. I ready Raizen and unleash my most powerful script horizontally.


It goes flying like a birds of prey and cuts through everything on its path. To my surprise, there are Longinus prators ,dalls and Sloins here. That means the possibility for a kirsurk is high as well.

I had deployed Sphere just in case and that was a wise decision. A needle comes and strikes it so hard it breaks. Who sent this?!! I look around but see no one. Still, I am sure I have felt this attack before. Among the multiple enemies coming to us, I discern a figure running and hiding then another needle comes. I knew it! It's you!


I bombard his position with bullets and he emerges from the smoke while holding his short sword and needles.

"Welcome to your grave, murderer!!"

As our weapons clash, the shockwave pushes everything away. But this time, I don't need to hold back. I push him back and gives him a bullet but he refuses to take it and cuts it instead. Two needles pass through the smoke of the explosion and I evade them.


"Go forth!! I will handle him!!" 

Now that we are inside, there is a sort of pillar going from the top of the gamma's students dorm to the dome. It must be whatever is recharging it. If we can destroy that, then we have won. 

Everybody else advances while eliminating all he Longinus they face. I stay back to settle my old affairs in the meantime.


"K'nor, you take care of the annoying ones for me!"


K"nor goes to the Longinus while I fire a bullet at Thando.

"Don't you understand that this won't work?!"

He uses Disperse and reappears right in front of my face. I still manage to block his attack and sparks fly everywhere as I do.

"Good! Try to keep up with me a little!!" 

We start a contest of strength and speed and our weapons clash numerous times. Each time they do, I can feel it. The source of his strength: his hatred for me. The one who took everything from him.

But still… That doesn't mean I am going to surrender!!

"Even I have been through blood and hell!!"

I hit the guard of his sword so hard with the Raizen that it breaks. Thando backs away while the blade of his sword falls to the ground and I fire three bullets at him. 

"Hmph!! You are too predictable." He launches his needles and my bullets explode. "Sunflare!!" 

Then, he unleashes his script as well and the huge fireball clears out the smoke of the explosion. How can he use Angas? I can feel crystal energy emanating from him so how is that possible?!

"Let's see how you handle this."

Instead of launching his script at me, he throws it at K'nor who has his back turned, firing wind ball at a persistant Longinus dall.

"K'nor!!" That fireball is too fast!! K'nor won't have time to evade it. Shit! "Sphere!!" 

I deploy Sphere around him but at the same time, a needle comes and hits my arm.


K'nor is swallowed by the explosion of the fireball while being protected by Sphere while I am hit on my arm, my left leg and my chest as well.

"See. I told you you were too predictable." 

"You fucking shit!" 

"Don't…Don't you dare insult me!!" 

He releases three other sunflares but I use Disperse and lands behind him.

"Let's see how you-"

"I already knew-" He disappears as well, "that you would do that." His voice resounds far behind me as well but by the time I turn around, his scripts explode. 

"Argh!!" I throw up an act since I knew it would turn out like this then amidst the flames, I use disperse again and this time, I appear right in front of the voice I heard earlier. But he isn't here.

"I already know that you can't feel pain from this. Don't worry, I have taken this into account." 

Once again, the explosion resounds but I use Sphere on me this time. This guy is predicting my movements eve though he cannot read minds? How is he doing that? Or maye he can do it? Then everything I am doing is useless.

I get out of the smoke and seeing k'nor fighting again reassure me. But Thando doesn't igve me the time to rest. While I am healing myself, another sunflare is already going towards him.

"Your dog or you. Choose one but you can protect both." 


I protect K'nor again but I manage to evade the needles that are thrown this time. 

"I guess you do learn a little bit."

Thando is looking down on me from the top of a tree like I am some kind of vermin. It pisses me off. 

"Veronica said you would be a great challenge for me but she is was over estimating you."

Veronica… What is her objective for attacking this school? Was she only aiming at a confrontation between me and Thando? Anyway, let see what she taught you then.

"Your parents must have been really doting ones, huh?" 

"What did you say?"

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