Chapter 300 - CHAPTER 300: DIZ’KAR (1)


As far as I remember, there are two things that I have always liked: training and playing with my little sister: Germinia. 

Father has always been a strict and disciplined man, so as the one with more potential, I had to follow his path until I could eventually surpass him. Therefore, the moment I spent playing with my sister were like an escape from the too serious habit of father's training. Sadly, Germinia was passionated by father's sword as well and as the differene in our skills became more and more clear, she started being more distant.

Somehow, that drove me into a boredom that I couldn't get out of. Everything became boring. Everyone became the same. Every move became only one. Until I met that guy. Even though I beat him, I received a slap that day. A hard slap to the face.

'You aren't there yet.' Is what my sword told me that day as my arms were still vibrating with the lost pleasure of a battle.

After that, I finally found back the way of the sword that I had lost and my body became a sword as well.

"How? How is that possible? I should be stronger! No, in the first place, you should be weaker right now! How can I be defeated without you using a script?!!" 

Ever since I fought against him, I kept saying that I would repay the favor for what he did. But defeating an enemy that purely focus on his scripts isn't worth mentioning. Though I wonder how the servants of the Longinus can still use Angas. 

I flash through the stairs since I lost a lot of time defeating this guy but when I reach the last floor, there is a Regas mist everywhere. Breathing is hard enough and I can feel my body getting weaker by the minute. He really went through all this? Then as the first of us two to become a Diz'kar, I should be able to do the same.

I advance and notice that the mist is coming from a place to the left. I touch it and it immediately hurts me, burning my hand. This cannot be touched by hands. 

"Still, if they are beyond this, I must press on." 

I was trying to keep the maximum of my energy and Angas just in case but if this isn't the 'just in case' then what is?

I first strike the wall but it does close to nothing. The wall just slightly changes color. Going from its black to a whiter color. 

"Fuuu..." Okay, let do this then. I prepare and take the overhead strike stance. 

It is really difficult to concentrate with this mist that saps my strength. I must hurry.

"The fourth sword: destiny." 

I cut through the wall and enters but right as I do, the first thing that I meet is a ring. Then an explosion greets my ears. 




Then I see the hand of my friend as he is falling inside a pit emitting a weird light. Is that an Angas pool?!!


I run to help him after grabbing the ring but then…


A Longinus's scream resounds from the smoke to my right. There was a Longinus here as well? No, no, no. This isn't the time to think about all this. Besides, there are too many questions that I wouldn't be to get an answer to right now.

The longinus comes out of the smoke and part of it looks like a human while another looks like a squid. 

Is that why my friend gave me the ring? To take care of it. Thank you, friend. I couldn't save you but…

"Your sacrifice won't be forget!" 

I inject Angas into the ring and then, it starts shining like a star. The warmth brought by the ring and its brilliance alleviates my body of all the burden I felt until now. Every bit of darkness that was around us disappears as well.


The Longinus covers itself as best as it can while running to the guy who was near the pit just now. As it catches him then runs and breaks to the wall in front of us, the light extends and everything that is made of darkness completely vanishes. 

The root-like things on the ground, on the wall, the mist, the pillar…the pillar emitting the dark ray that feeds the dome also gets destroyed and once again, I feel even more at ease now. I feel more comfortable.

"What was that?!!" 

"There is no time to think about this!!" 

As soon as they are free, the heroes all run to the pit where my friend fell earlier. But while one is trying to jump in, the other two prevents her from doing so.

"Let me go!!" 

"Are you crazy?!! He is dead already!!"

"No!! he is not!! Kevin!!" 

It seems one of the heroes was quite friendly with him as well. The others all walk to her and another girl kneels in front of the pit while crying as well. 


"Why?!!! Why did you do that?!!!" 

Both girls are crying their lungs out and I can tell. There was more than just friendship between them

None of the others dares to say something and in fact, there is no need to.

"My friend did what he had to. We must find those who have escaped or his sacrifice will be in vain. "

"He is right, Farner. We must go."


"I will go ahead then. Those who can still fight should follow me." 

I will avenge you, friend. I swear!!


While I am running down the stairs, I soon hear other footsteps coming. It seem some of them decided to follow after all. When I reach the hall, the three heroes are already behind me and even get passed me before I can reach the door. 

"We are going ahead. Try to follow." 

I know that I haven't recovered all of my Angas yet but for the heroes to be that fast. When I get out. The dome is almost completely cleared up but…


"Don't approach him carelessly!! Keep your distance!!" 

The soldiers and the saintess have already engaged the remaining enemy. I am impressed at how formidable he is. Even though the saintess is using her power and there a few dozen of soldiers fighting it, it still manages to hold on. But that was only for now,sadly….


The heroes all bring out a gold object the size of a pill then release a massive amount of Angas as their bodies disappear in spheres of light. This is something i only heard of once while i was training with my father. The divine gear of the heroes. 

From what my father said that day, when heroes die to the Longinus, their souls crystallize and the memories of their battles are kept. It was made so by the goddess so that the next generation of heroes would be able to learn faster from the mistakes those before them made. I didn't think I would actually live to see it. Friend, you really were incredible.


The Longinus fires a dark lightning bolt at them while they are in their sphere but the Saintess's wall blocks it easily. I also reach it and save a soldier from being cleaved in two by a tentacle waving around from the monster like it exists separately.


"Pay attention!!" 

I throw him to the back then blocks the tentacle.


The Longinus looks at me with a furious face. For an abomination like you to use our faces is really hilarious.

"This is for my friend!!! The first sword!!!" 

I unleash my first script and while some of slashes are blocked by the tentacle, the rest efficiently reach him. At the same time, the sphere of light covering the heroes dissipate and from it, they appear. 

Beings blessed by the light itself, as divine as gods themselves, as beautiful as a sunrise, as glamorous as the prettiest women. They are here. Truly the saviors of humanity. Their armor is entirely made of gold and amber. While the shape is different for each of them, it is still the best looking armor I have ever seen.

The weapon they are holding look like it is made of gold and amber as well. White and gold, Miss Farner is holding a two-hand sword, Miss Excia a big fairy tale-like bow and Miss Roxcia a staff. 

"The heroes are here!!! Victory is ours!!!"

The protector of the Saintess finally scands the shout of victory and even the air starts rising like it heard that.


All the soldiers scream joyfully then…


This wasn't a normal scream. Don't tell me!!!

Suddenly, above the Longinus, up in the sky, a portal opens. Impossible!!

"Shit!!" I run to the Longinus to finish him up before the portal can be activated but the heroes are already on it. 

Miss Excia fires an arrow which goes at the speed of the sound itself. I only see it hitting the Longinus then a crystal comes out of his body at it does. That crystal has the size and shape of a pear. I have never seen one so big or shiny before. 

She fires another arrow while her sister brandishes her staff to the sky and fires three lightning storms to the portal. I don't even know where to look right now. No, actually, I don't even know if I should help out or not. 


The Longinus somehow blocks the second arrow by creating those roots things again but then, miss Farner finally moves. Her speed is so that dust rises after her, the rage on her face is so that no one would deny her anything, her sword she raises is so that a mountain would be separated by a single strike. 


With a simple strike, a strike without Angas or anything, she cuts the Longinus in two, together with the ground and even the trees a few meters behind him as well. 


Another crystal falls in the fault created by the hero. But still, the thing is alive, the roots things appear everywhere and Miss Farner jumps in the air to evade them, so do I. 



But some soldiers who were still too close get caught and died. 

"All of you!!! Be prepared!!"

Miss Roxcia warns us and as I look at the sky while falling, I see it. Something is coming. Something huge has its paw already out of the portal.

"Would you look at that." The rumor was true. They really have dragons on their side.

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