"Are you serious?" 

When I wake up after falling into the Angas pool, I find myself into a hallway full of pillars the height of three-story buildings. This is really not the time to dream. Farner, Lanuvel and the others are still in danger, I must go and help them. 

I run through the hallway that doesn't seem to have an entry or an exit and after a while, there is still nothing. Why?

"Where the fuck am I, dammit?!!" 

I punch one of the pillars and it breaks, I finally notice something. Between some of the pillars, there are statues. Statues of people who look just like Cissa: dragons. 

The one in front of me has different horns compared to hers. Seriously, where am I?

"Cissa, do you know something about this?" 


Still nothing, huh…Well, let's see if I can find her statue first. This might be what I am supposed to do. 


I don't know how much time has passed but I haven't found Cissa's statue at all. I have found around thirty statues so far and I keep running while looking left and right but still nothing. I notice a statue that looks weird for a moment compared to the others but then I continue. 

"Wait a minute." 

When I go back to that statue, I immediately understand why I thought it looked weird. It's a statue of me. Well, at least, that's definitively my face there. But why do I have the same horns as Cissa? 

"What is this?" Is somebody trying to tell me something?

Suddenly, the statue vibrates then like a bolt, looks at me. 

"What the-"

Just like that, everything turns white around me then when the scenery changes. I am now at some sort of courthouse. Or at least I think it is a courthouse. I am kneeling without the possibility to raise my head but still, I can look around a bit. There are a lot of people inside the courthouse. Eleven from what I can count, five on each side and one in front, who is apparently sitting. 

I try to speak but my voice won't come out, nor will my body move at all.

"Well, it seems you are almost there. That's good. Keep up the good work." 

The person sitting speaks and with that, everything turns black. I feel like I am falling endlessly. I try to fly or use Angas but it's no use. When I extend my hand to grab whatever I can, I am back at the school.

"What was that?"

Did I hallucinate from taking too much energy in at once? 

"Anyway, I will think about it later."

I look around and the pit where I got thrown was actually made of crystals. They were arranged with such precision that there is no possibility for a liquid to leak from it. Also, they are empty and don't shine at all. Veronica has really been doing a lot of researches. When I think about the story Excafol told us on those Angas pool and how Ioll got destroyed, I am amazed that she actually found a way to contain that.


A longinus scream reminds me of the situation I am in. I jump out of the pit and there is nobody left, the wall of the room is destroyed and when I look outside.

"Tell me I am dreaming." 

A freaking dragon is almost completely out of a portal. They called another one here?!! How?!! Does that mean Veronica has an army of those with her?!! Still, with only a peek, I can tell this one is different from the other I fought. The horns aren't the same and this one looks skinner. 

The dragon falls in the premises of the school, a bit near the walls separating the school from the city. Then as soon as it lands, it turns to the city like it came here for only one purpose.

"Kriekkk!!!" It immediately fires its breath and the Saintess's wall appears to block it. I also see Farner and Excia flying to the flames.

"Those idiots!!" At least they are alive, so Alphonse managed to save them. What a relief. 

I go to the wall but then, when I walk on a piece of clothes lying on the ground, I notice that I am naked as a new born baby. 

"Argh, shit!" 

I rapidly grab the piece of clothes and attach it around my waist while I jump down and run to the dragon.

"The fourth sword." 

When I reach its position, Alphonse is unleashing his copy of my script at it and it forces the dragon to raise its head a bit. But still, it isn't enough. 

I also see doggy hitting it from the top as well while I get past Alphonse. If its neck is too sturdy, there is only one thing to do. I jump at its mouth and kick it with everything I have. As I do, its mouth closes while the head move upwards even more and the breath explodes inside it. 

I land on the ground at the same time as the dragon's head but since I can still feel its crystals, it must still be alive.

"You!!! Friend! Alive!!!" Alphonse is the first to speak and I don't know if it is out of surprise but he can't seem to be able to make normal sentences.


Farner's voice resounds so loudly I am sure the whole city heard her. But as she flies to me, the dragon restarts moving. I jump forward then start flying to better appreciate the situation. 


The dragon looks immediately at me. Yep, I know, I am in deep shit. But, hey, you have to admit that my kick was pretty good, right?


"Yeah, yeah." 

"Kevin, be careful!!" 

Farner flies to me and grabs me before another breath comes. That was unnecessary, I am sure I could have blocked that one. A light Sphere which looks like the wall Rebecca uses appears before we are hit and Farner flies with me, out of the breath. 


Only now do I notice that the armor Farner is wearing is not only shining dimly, like a torch which will extinguish very soon, but it is also quite sexy. It is tight around her body and really brings out all her charm. Especially the helmet that looks like it is nicely and delicately placed on her face, the rear part of it even tied up her hair in a ponytail fashion.

"What?!!" She looks at me as we land. She is tired. I can see that in her eyes.

"You look good in that." 

"You really think it is the moment for that?!!" 

As she yells at me, the light emitted by her armor stops and it disappears, leaving the school's uniform behind. I thought she would be naked. No, no, no. This really isn't the time for that.


Roxcia screams at us and right next comes another dragon's breath. This guy is adamant on settling his score with me, it seems.

"Kevin!! R-"

"Not this time, no." I pull her close to me and use Sphere. "This time, I will be the one to save you, hm…To help you. I don't think this is a situation where I could speak about saving." The breath of this dragon is weaker than the other one. Is it because it is made of flames? He also doesn't take much time to use it. The other one took a bit more time to unleash his own. 

"You already did. You have already saved me. So please, if this is a dream, I want it to end. I don't want to suffer from your absence even more when I will wake up."

She starts crying while placing her head on my chest. 

"You think this is a dream?" Was she that convinced I would die? "Then look at me while I make it into a reality." 

As soon as the breath stops, I release Farner and use Disperse. I land near the dragon and Alphonse is already in place to use his attack. I was sure he would be. A diz'kar is a diz'kar after all. 


"I know!!" 


I call the Raizen and before the dragon can aim at me again…

"The first sword!!!" It receives Alphonse's script.


Its eyes, his mouth, his neck…Everything is hit. I take the stance for Sever the sky as well but I hear something behind me.

"This will be the last one!! BIRDS OF PREY!!" Excia also releases a script. 

A huge circle of Angas appears in the sky then millions of small of birds made of fire comes out of it and falls on the dragon.


Bombarded by both Excia and Alphonse's scripts, the dragon uses his wings to protect itself. But as it does, something else is already coming.


This time, Roxcia unleashes her own script. I never heard of that one. Once again, a circle appears in the sky and then a lightning bolt so thick it could make a building disappear entirely when hitting it strikes the dragon's head.


Yeah, you are right. I should free you of your misery.

"Kevin!!" Don't worry, Farner. I will do it.

"DO IT!!!" Not only Excia, even Roxcia and Rebecca screams encouragements at my back. 

"I can't fail after something like this, right?"


In a last effort to save itself, the dragon raises its paw while being washed by Roxcia's script like a rain falling on a five years old kid but it is too late.

"Sever the sky."

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