"Shit." Because of my father's behavior, my mood is ruined now. I feel weird now. "Let's go and sleep K'nor." 


We walk to the pet's house but there is nobody there. There are no pets as well. They really evacuate the whole city after all. I noticed there were less people on the streets. Maybe they are inside the church. Oh well, that's just more space for us. We go to the first box and since it is clean enough, K'nor and I install ourselves comfortably on the hay and my eyes close soon after. 

"Fua…Good night, K'nor.."

K'nor yawns as well and caresses my head with his tail a few times. 



Suddenly, a voice wakes me up in the middle of the night. This is the first time I didn't notice somebody approached me. Was I really that tired?

"Who…" Lanuvel and Farner's faces are the first thing that greets me. What are they doing here? "What are you guys doing here?" 

"We wanted to talk." 

"It's the middle of the night, girls. Come on."

"It is important, Kevin."

"Sigh…" I can already guess what this is about but let's follow them. 

The two girls bring me out of the pets' house and make me walk through the city until we reach the building where the others were during the day.

"Seriously? We are going to have that conversation again?" 

"The others have all left to stay at the church for tonight. So this building is empty." Farner seems to be the one who made everyone go. Did she plan all this?

"And why are you not with your mother, Lanuvel?" 

"Because this is just as important. Besides, we have already seen each other."

"I see." 

We enter the building and go upstairs this time. We enter a room with chairs and a small table at the center. The room is enlighten only by the light of the full moon. We all sit, facing each other like some sort of mutual judgment is about to begin.

"So, you also want to know h-"

"Before we start," Farner looks at me with dead serious eyes, "you have to know that your judgment has been delayed under the Saintess and our decision. Until the war is over, that is. You know what judgment I am talking about, right?" 

"Destroying Nargil, right?" 

When I say that, Lanuvel lowers her head in resignation. A cloud also passes by the moon and the room darkens for a minute before becoming bright again, allowing me to see Farner's teary eyes.

"I am sorry. I would like to help you but that was too much."

"It's okay. I have been delaying that too much anyway. It was about time I faced my sin and get punished. Though I would have wished we never end up loving each other." 

"How can you say that?!!" Farner stands up straight while Lanuvel just closes her eyes.

"Because then you wouldn't be crying right now because of me. That's the one thing I hate." 

"You were always like that, right? Always rejecting others, always suffering alone. No matter what, you would prefer to be alone in hell, right, Kevin Koersombre?" 

"What?!!" Farner looks at Lanuvel with such surprise you would think she heard of her death coming soon. "What did you say?!"

"That's my real name." Farner looks at me for a while then she sits down, completely flabbergasted by the news.

"But how? What? Then?" 

"You always said you wanted to hear my story, right? Then as a thank you gift for everything you did for me, let me tell you: who is Kevin Dragonroad." 


When I finish telling my story to the girls, my heart, my body feels light. I told them everything: the dragonroad part, the angas pools as well. The only thing I didn't mention was about N'donkeu and Maria. It could involve Farner more than necessary. Tears are flowing intensely and, altough I could understand in Farner's case; why is Lanuvel still crying? She should have known most of it. 

"Sniff…I would have never… I would have never imagined…sniff…"

"But why? Why were you chosen? This is unfair, I think." Lanuvel seems happy about the fact my draconic power are sealed. 

"Well, it could have been anybody, even you. There is nothing unfair about it. It's just destiny."

"And you are sure that your power has been sealed?" 

"Since I can't use it, yeah."

"Isn't that a good thing then? That power is dangerous. What if it runs amok and destroys another city?" 

"It cannot. Don't worry." How did you even reach such a conclusion?


"Lanuvel, trust me, please." 

"I…" Lanuvel doesn't seem convinced. Well, I can't argue about it with her since I killed her father with that power.

"Why did you not tell the saintess and the protector? Why did you tell to Rebecca and William?" After listening without saying anything, that is if she was listening at all, Farner finally speaks.

"Do you remember the first time we were all together?" 

"When we brought you to her?"

"Yes. Do you know why I cried that day? Because I saw the happiness on the faces of those who gave up on me the moment they were in difficulty. That's why I decided to let it rot. To let it sink at the end of the abyss."

"And you think…" Farner stands up again and comes to me. Then she grabs my shirt with both hands and tears fall even more. "You think that was the appropriate way. You really think anybody would be saved that way?" 

"Well, I can't be saved anymore so…" 

"WHY?!!! Why do you always say that?!!" Farner suddenly explose and starts screaming at the top of her lungs.

"Because it is the truth, Farner." 

"So everything that I did…Everything that we did. IT was all in vain? Is that what you are saying?" 

"No. Those were the happiest memories of my life and I will cherish them until my death."

"That's all they were to you, memories. Then what about your time with those Excafol and Selene? You were smiling quite happily while thinking about those bas-"

"Farner! I can't allow you to insult them!"

"…" She releases my shirt and falls on her knees in front of me. Lanuvel stands up and comes to touch her shoulder while looking at me.

"I don't want this to end. Sniff…I don't want my first love to be such a tragedy. "


I can't say anything to stop your tears. I am sorry, Farner. I am sorry, Lanuvel. I stand up to leave but Farner grabs me, followed by Lanuvel.

"It is better this way. We all know it." 

"No, it is not! I cannot let you run away after killing my father. I will stay by your side all your life to make sure that you never forget your sin." 

"And I will stay with you until you atone for it." 

Farner stands up and as the moon is once again covered and the room turns dark, I am kissed. First by Farner, then by Lanuvel. 

"And this night, we will make sure to imprint our resolve in you, just like you have done with us."

What happens after that is something too intimate to talk about openly.


The next morning, I wake up with the marvellous sight of the two girls on each side of me. Their long silky and beautifully smelling hair on my body. Is this how Excafol felt every morning when Selene was with him. To love and to be loved back… I never thought I would live an experience like this in my life and now that I have, I am not sure I want to part way with it. 

Suddenly, I can feel the draconic energy of Dilt moving out of the city. He is leaving already? Well, we didn't have anything to say to each other so.

"Hnrgh…" Farner is the first to move. We used our clothes to cover each other so there is not a lot of leeway to move without being naked right after.

"Fuaa…" Then it is Lanuvel's turn. 

"The sun is still rising; you can sleep some more if you want." 

Instead of answering, the two shy kitten bury their red faces on my chest. You guys look so cute right now nobody would believe you have gnoll's strength. Farner then raises her hand and pinches my cheek. 

"This is real, huh." Did you have to pinch me to verify? 

"You are too naughty." Lanuvel then raises her head and looks at me with cute eyes. Her cleavage slightly appearing as her body is pressed on me.

"What? Why?"

"She is r-"

Suddenly, the door of the room opens and Excia appears. She looks at us with no expression whatsoever, and we look back with all the shame of the world. Well, the girls do at least from what I can see.

"Sigh… Anyway, we are leaving in the afternoon since the high commander said there wouldn't be any after-party. You guys should hurry up. Especially you, Roxcia is downstairs already." 

"O-okay." Farner answers and Excia closes the door back. Then we all look at each other and the atmosphere is so awkward I don't know what I can say.

"Let's-let's dress up first." I couldn't find anything better.

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