When we go downstairs, Roxcia is firing the death stare at me. Is it because she knows or…?

"You better have not done anything to her." Okay, good. She doesn't know. 

Lanuvel and Farner have stopped blushing at least so she shouldn't be able to catch on. 

"Farner, the high-commander has left already. He said he had something urgent to do." 

"In Titanium?" 

"What?" Oops. Since I felt the two draconic energy of both Dilt and Cissa's brethren in Titanium, I accidentally blurted it out.

"Sorry. It's nothing." 

"Are you going senile already? Anyway, he said he will be in Sacoxs for a while and he will go back to Floras to help us soon." Roxcia's tongue is as sharp as ever. 

"And the Saintess?" Farner walks to her sisters and the group of three starts advancing, leaving me and Lanuvel behind.

"She is waiting for us. We will leave for TEHAMHILL today." 

"By the way, what did the others say?"

I didn't inquire about Frankher and the others yesterday because of doggy. Roxcia looks at me with a long, hard and harsh look then she sighs and scratches her forehead.

"Sir Frankher…no, some students and members of the staff of the academy have decided to fight. Bu-"

"What?!" I look at Lanuvel who looks away while whistling. "No way. You are not going." 

"Under whose decision?" 

"Mine, obviously." 

"And wh-"

"If you weren't going to listen, you shouldn't have asked to begin with." Roxcia is about to kill me with her stare. She really is even more angry at me than usual.


"Hmph. The apology of a murderer. They obviously aren't worth anything." Well, that was both uneccessary and unexpected.


"You shut up, Farner! I told you that guy was bad news from the beginning but you wouldn't listen and now here we are so you better shut up!"


I didn't know she was so frustrated at this situation. Well, I can't blame her. Roxcia is righteous, way more than her sisters. Somebody like me must be an eyesore for me. 

"Then what will you do?" Excia is the one to step up and talk to her. "You heard what the high-commander said yesterday, right? If you judge somebody has to die, kill him." 

She also looks at me but unlike her sister, her eyes are normal. There is no particular negative emotions in them.

"Is that so." Roxcia brings out her staff and places the tip right in front of my face. "Then perhaps I should really end it all here." 

Farner tries to move and Excia blocks her. Same for Lanuvel, I prevent her from interfering. 

"You aren't asking for anybody to help you? Just in case you don't know, you surviving from falling into an Angas pool is pure luck. Blowing up your head is as easy as breathing for me." 

"it wasn't luck." 

"Ohhh… And why is that?" 

"because it was the third time it happened." 

"What? Don't make a fool of yourself. Who would believe that?" 

"I am not asking you to believe it. I did it and that is that."

"You insolent-"

"Roxcia. If you want to take my life, then do it. I will not resist or flee. But do know that just like you, there are things I have to do. Things that only I can do. And I won't stop until then." 

"A murderer like you can't do anything so stop acting all noble! And even if you really are special, how can you know you aren't going to destroy our world?" 

"How can you?" 


"How do you know you aren't going to destroy the world? Because you are a hero?" 

"Of course!! Saving this world is my first and foremost priority!!" 

"So is mine. So is the hammer hands's conviction towards his people. And yet, the results are different, the methods are different, the paths are different."

"What's your point? Don't think you can weasel your way out of this!" This time, she places the tip of her staff on my forehead, above my left eye. I also start seeing red.


Lanuvel tries to intervenes once again but this time, I actually grab her to prevent her from doing so.

"H-hya…" Looking at Lanuvel after her weird scream, I notice that I grabbed something soft and squishy. Oops.

"Sorry." I remove my hand and she blushes while backing away.

"It's…it's nothing."

"I am still waiting." Yeah, I know you are.

"My point is that you shouldn't judge me now, while I am still on the road. Only in the end will you truly be able to tell whether I was right or not."

"That's absurd. Somebody who took others people' lives cannot possibly be right. And what if you die? There is no logic in your words." 

"If I die midway, does it not mean I was wrong?" 

"You could too weak to defend your idea even though it was the right one."

"Not having to strength to defend that idea means it was the wrong one. Only those strong enough can defend their convictions and impose them to others. Just like you right now."


Roxcia looks at her sisters who almost burst laughing at what I said. They had to hold it with everything they have when Roxcia looked at them. So now they have weird and stupid expressions on their faces.

"Sigh…So you are saying I am thug to you, huh. The first time we met, you called us bandits as well." 

"Sorry about that." Roxcia looks at me a last time then retrieves her staff. "Just remember that no matter what sort of ending you bring to us. I will always protect those I care about and will slay you once I deem you too dangerous."

"I understand. Thank you for your forgiveness." 

"Hmph. I don't need your thanks." She turns around and looks at Excia who is still holding her laugh in. "I guess you can be a clown for us until then, at least." 

"Ahahaha!!! Sorry, I can't hold it anymore!" 

Excia and Farner break in laughter and Roxcia starts hitting them gently. You really love your sisters, don't you?


After our discussion, we went to the church's graveyard for the funerals of the students and teachers who were killed during the attack. As fortunate as it can be, it seems most of the students were away so there was not that much people involved. Still, among those present, twenty people died, including Derkheil and my raizen teacher, Albert. Derkheil was thrown in the Angas pool from what the heroes told me.

All the graves we are facing don't have bodies. There are just stones with their names on it. Now that I think about it, I didn't build a grave for Excafol and Selene. Nor did I for Anriette, Frank and Claire. I should do it once this war ends.

There are people crying here and there. Some students, even teachers as well, and people who look like family's members. Is this how it was for me too? Did people cry like that after Tatradum? I highly doubt it but then again, it doesn't change much.

Lanuvel has had her eyes closed ever since we arrived. Meanwhile, the heroes have left to join the Saintess and doggy. They are now standing in front of the graves, with Frankher, Keltia and the others students who were directly involved.

Even Germinia is there. Alphonse, however, is standing behind us. Just like Lanuvel who is next to me, he has his eyes closed. Rebecca raises her hands to the sky. I guess it is a sign that the prayer will begin.

"May the goddess's light guide the brave souls who died, offering their lives so that we can continue the fight. May we never forget them and be given the strength to carry their dreams and hope." 

The atmosphere is really depressive. But then, suddenly, Germinia releases her aura. Everyone looks at her while her face is just distorted with anger. When I read her mind, she is just angry at her own weakness and is swearing on those who died to become stronger. Especially Derkheil. Why him?

Yeah, you are right, the only thing we can do is to get stronger for those who have fallen. That was the promise I made on Excafol and Selene's grave. I raise my finger to the sky and release my aura as well while closing my eyes. 

Excafol, Selene, Anriette, Frank, Claire, Cordel, Esteressa, Derkheil, teacher. Once again, I pledge an oath, to make sure that your deaths weren't in vain. I shall carry on your last wishes. Soon after, I feel the aura of Alphonse, then it is Lanuvel, next to me, then a lot of people do the same, until finally the heroes join the fray as well. 

The pressure emitted by some auras is way more imposing than others, but still, everyone who is releasing his aura is doing it with everything he can, as a proof that he desires to change, to evolve, to get stronger. Only then, will he overcome, only then will he vanquish.

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