"H-hey, you are kidding, right?" 

"Am I smiling right now?" Those guys are trying to run away from the own duel they set up, but it is no use. "You can't change it by the way so accept your fate." 

They all fall on their knees with dejected expression as I say that. 

The night that follows, not only us but all the soldiers present, even the captain and Frankher, went to town to see those guys turning into clowns. It was a really funny sight to behold. I can tell that those people needed this. The atmosphere of the city was really much brighter that night. 

The next day, we are ready to depart before the sun is up himself. Seeing as the nine clowns aren't here. I guess Frankher didn't accept their apology in the end. It's not my problem but it would have been good to have them with us for entertainment at least..

"Oh well, nothing we can about it, right? Let's go guys." 

We leave the camp but I soon realize that four people are sneakily following us. 

"You guys go ahead."

"Okay." I send Willlhem and the others ahead then hide on a tree to see who are the spies that…

"How can you guys be so stupid?" 

Soon after, Keltia and co. pass below me. I can understand why Keltia and Peter…No, I cannot but I can accept it at least. But why are Germinia and Sarah coming as well? Isn't her father the one leading the rebellion here in Titanium? Won't it be bad really bad if she is killed or captured? 

Anyway, I get down the tree and run to them. Germinia notices me and turns around then…

"Wow!! What are doing?!"

She uses her whip-sword and severs some trees' branches while trying to cut me down. You have a serious problem girl.

Hearing my voice, the others stop as well.

"You didn't go with the others?" Don't act innocent with me Keltia.

"What are you guys doing here?"

"We were fo-" Keltia rapidly places her hand on Sarah's mouth. Though I already knew what she was going to say.

"We were looking for a lake nearby. Right, guys?" 

"Yup." Germinia is in as well? Weird.

"We were following you." 

"Peter!!" Thanks Pet'. Though Keltia will most certainly punish you later.

"It's no use, Keltia. He knows already."

"I told you to call me Kel." Wait, this is what you are mad about?

"Why were you following us for?" 

"We want to fight as well. Whatever you guys are going to do is dangerous so you will need extra hands." Keltia looks at me with an extremely determined face but determination alone doesn't save the man.

"You mean you don't know what we are going to do?" I look at Sarah and she just nods.

"They are going to wait for the city to be attacked by the soldiers to infiltrate the city and destroy the dome protecting it. I read dad's mind and it seems a lot of them will die."

"Just like back the school. You are acting recklessly as if your life is expendable." 

"You can blame your father for that." 

"I will but you could have just refuse." 

"And let someone else do it right?" 


"You see how you don't even believe it yourself, right? To let somebody else sacrifice so that you can enjoy peace. Wouldn't it be easy? Even more so if you don't know the person, right?" Just like what we do with the heroes. Enjoying our little peaceful neighborhood while they femace the danger alone. 

"Argh!! Geez! Shut up, okay?! I understand what you mean already!"

"Good. Then you will go back without making a fuss, right? I don't even know how the daughter of a noble thought of going to the battlefield. Have you try to imagine in what state Frankher would be if something happens to you?" 

"Hey!! Don't underestimate me!! It is my duty to protect the people and I will most certainly carry it. I am not afraid."

"I can see that. But still, please go back. I may not look like it but I am worried about you."

"She is afraid you will die for good if you go alone." Thanks Sarah, but I already knew.

"Sarah!!" She goes to Sarah and grabs her cheeks from the inside with her thumbs. "I told you to not casually say whatever we are thinking already!" She pulls gently on Sarah's mouth and it takes a weird form as it is stretched. 

"Buf, I wat tighf when I seaf yu loff-"

"Geez!! Can't you stop already?!"

She then pulls harder as Sarah is most likely talking about her and Peter. Well, this is not really a secret, is it? We already all know you love him. Though I am still curious about why he is always trembling when they are alone. 

"In any case, you guys go back and let me handle this." 

I walk ahead but Keltia stops me before I leave.



"You must survive, okay? I don't want to go a cemetery ever again. Not when we are still so young." 

"Right. See you later then." I fly above the trees, leaving them whatever they were about to do. I do hope they won't follow us after wasting so much time talking them out of it.


"Is it all good now?" 

"Yeah, they won't follow us anymore." Willhem had noticed them as well but he didn't seem to mind. There are few people ahead whom we should mind though.

"You ready?" What a question to ask me. 

"I was born for this, man."

"Oh yeah!!!" 

"Bring it on, bitches!!" as Hendrick scream in front of us, a dark ray flies through but doesn't hit anyone. I don't know who fired it but he has very poor accuracy. 



A group of Longinus and Longinus men attack us and so begins the fun. But I am a bit worried about Frankher and the army. If they attacked like this the whole way to the city, then they will be delayed, a lot. Should we take care of all this and prepare a route for them to join us?... Nah, they will be fine. We did inform us that there were occasional ambushes on our way so knowing him, he will find a counter measure.


"Yeah, yeah." I fire bullets at the Sloins that are trying to attack me while blocking a Longinus man trying to hit me from behind. 

I don't know if it is just the effect of Raizen but I am not shaken anymore by the Longinus men' attacks. I must have gotten stronger again. Or maybe the mohana's students from the tournament were that much stronger compared those. It must be the later. I still remember the hard time I had against Thando at the eternal academy. Though it is also true that I was too impatient and predictable. I must be way more careful the next time we meet. He will certainly be as well after all. 

"I wonder how I would do against Borgas now." 

"Come on! Give it to me already!!" 

Hendrick strikes a Longinus man's arm so hard it flies off his body like a fly. He actually pulverized that guy's arm with the smile of a demon. I am sure we are the Longinus right now from their point of view.

"Kriek-" I step on sloin's head then behead a guy violently, sending the head and the two arms he had raised in the sky. There isn't much of them left. I clash with a sloin who is trying to overcome me with his speed.

"Kriekk!!" When I cut off its arm, it screams with its weird mouth but before I can finish it, it receives a wind ball and its head flies to the left. 



"Don't you 'woof' me! That was my prey!" 

"Woof! Woof!" This guy is just happily jumping around while evading the attacks. Sigh…If it wasn't you, you would be receiving something right now. And trust me, it wouldn't be a nice one.

"Argh!! Shit!!" Suddenly, one of the mercenaries' voice resounds. He got stabbed by a sloin and the blade went through his whole thigh. That is painful as hell for having taste it firsthand. 

"You slacked off, huh." Although it is not a mercenary of our group, Willhem helps him by piercing through the head of the sloin. Making him disappear into smoke as he leaves a huge wound behind and two crystals. 

We finish off the rest then I tend to the guy's wound.

"Thank you." 

"it's nothing." 

"You not as scary as I thought when I see you like this." He looks at me with compassion so I punch him hard. I still really hate it when people look at me like that.

"Is everyone okay? Can we move?" I stand up like nothing after that to make sure that there won't be any follow up. The guys just nods at me so we continue. This will be a rather boring trip if it continues like this.

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