We reach the city two days later instead of three like last time. The numerous encounters we had along the way actually boosted our travelling speed, to my own surprise. For now, nobody is dead as well. Although three guys got wounded and healed back, we managed to keep the dead counter to zero, which is a very good thing. 


Now, we are establishing a little camp to make ourselves comfortable. It is still the early morning but we don't have much else to do. Though it is risky since the city isn't that far and a Longinus's attack could accur at any time. It is by no mean a reason to sleep on trees. 

While I am cutting wood, the others are busy as well, either setting up the tents or preparing the fireplace. Willhem said there would no need to set up traps since the Longinus won't die from it. So the only thing will be to stay on guard. 

"Once we finish this, we should go and check the entrance they spoke of." 

"Yeah, good idea, Hendrick. I will go and-"

"Hey, you two! Go and check the entrance we are supposed to use!" 


Willhem doesn't give me the time to answer Hendrick and dispatch those people from the other group of mercenaries.

"What was that for?" 

"You are the captain here. Not some lackeys." He simply says that with a straight face and leaves. I look at Willhem and he just nods silently then goes away. Let's just say it is like this then.


Later in the evening, the camp is ready and the two guys who were sent to investigate the secret passage come back. It took them the whole afternoon? Were they slacking off? They don't seem particularly tired.


"There really is a secret passage. But…" The guy looks at his comrade who then looks at me with a perplexed face. 

"That place is cursed." 

"The fuck?" Yeah, thanks, Hendrick. I didn't know he was listening. He comes to us, followed by all the others like bees that smelled a flower. 

"What do you guys mean by curse?" 

"W-well…" They seem overwhelmed by all the other mercenaries who came to hear their story as well. Still, they will have to tell us. "We first found a mount of soil there but dug it up. There was a hole underneath and we entered it as you asked. It is large enough for people to enter while walking normally. But the problem is that as we walk in, light became scarce and we light up a torch, right?" 

"And? Just get on with it already."

"Then there was a mist, thick and black as charcoal covering the ground and up to your waist. There were groaning noises that started as well. It must have been ghosts."

"This place is cursed, I am telling you!" 

"Pff…" Willhem almost bursts laughing but then manages to contain himself. 

"Ahahaha!!!" The others don't manage to hold it and laugh like their lives depends on it. 

"You guys…" I want to laugh as well I know that it can be frustrating so I will abstain myself.

"Captain, we are telling the truth, you know…" 

"And they even keep going!! Oh, fuck! My stomach!" Hendrick, that's a bit much, I think. 

Anyway, the guys finally leave, I stay with the two scouts and while they have their heads down like little children, I touch their shoulders to reconfort them.

"It is not a crime to not know something so don't pay it any mind. As for what you saw, it was actually a Regas mist. You made the right choice to not proceed inside because that thing will sap your strength and render you powerless quickly if you don't pay attention. The groans you heard must have been Longinus men placed there to stand guards."

"Regas mist?" 

"Isn't Regas the Longinus power? How does it turn into a mist? Won't it be super dangerous to go there then?" 

"I don't know. It's like you are asking me how they turn it into that dome." I point at the dome of the city and they turn around. When they look back at me, their faces are making the 'ah' expression. So they finally understand, huh.

"Looking at it like that…" 

"It's true that we didn't consider this as well." 

"Right. So as a punishment, you guys will find us our dinner. You have an hour." 

"Okay, capt'. On it." 

They both leave and I return to the others and smile thinking about what they said.

"Ghosts…Yeah, I know one that could be classify as ghost." And she would most definitively kill you whenever she gets the chance.


In the middle of the night, the guys are sharing their stories and battle experience around the fire. Now that I think about it , I don't know their names. Apart from Willhem and Hendrick who were the ones to stick out the most. I should try to learn them.

"Hey, Fiz. Pass me that spoon." 

"Fuck you, Bal! Take it yourself." Okay, that's Fiz and Bal. Don't know what it stands for but it is indeed easier to call them like this.

"I am not bald, you fucker! This is just a style! Hey, Maki! Tell him I am not bald!" 

"Hey? You stupid or what? Of course you are." 

"Bastard! Aren't you the one who shaved it last time?" 

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever." 

"Hair don't prevent stupidity anyway so what is the point?" 

"Nobody asked you, John." 

It is really lively and noisy even though we are near a city infested with Longinus. I really wonder if those guys are aware that we could die at any point. Still, this is good. This is a good atmosphere. I wish Farner and Lanuvel were here. 

"Thinking about your lover?" 

"W-what?" Willhem puts his arm on my neck and the smell of alcohol immediately hits my nose. This guy is drunk like a barrel. 

"There is no need to hide it, your smile is giving it away."

"Let's suppose I was. Is that a problem?" 

"Nope, not in the slightest. But you shouldn't be too attached. For us, the worst thing that could happen would be to create too solid bonds. Because once we do, we become weak and vulnerable."

"I know that but-"

"Oh no, don't worry. Hiccup! I am not telling you to not love her or anything. Just make sure you stay on guard enough so that should the day come, you can do what you have to. Even if you have to pull out your heart after that." That's really profound.

"What happened to…" Willhem falls asleep before I can ask him anything. He starts rocking back and forth until he falls backwards on the grass, snoring with a bottle in hand. 

"Don't pay too much attention to that, capt'." Hendrick was apparently listening.

"And why is that?" 

"Because I personally have a wife and two kids. Most of us here are married."

"I don't see how it contradicts what he said." 

"It's just that…This guy loved a woman so much he forgot his brain. He was ready to die for her so when a noble tried to have her for himself, he almost waged war to him." 

"Wow." That's a great story. That's the kind of story you guys should tell me! "And then? What happened?" 

"What do you think? The girl betrayed him for money. There is not much of a choice between a noble and a mercenary, anyway." 

"I see." Well, the end was anticlimactic compared to the story in itself.

"After that, he has been as you see now. Always saying that you should stay detached from love." 

"He is not wrong though." Though I don't think I can stay away from Gnoll 1 and 3 that easily. Which is funny since I am comparing them to gnolls.

"Yeah, he might not be but my point is that it can happen. Nobody knows the future so you shouldn't give up just because of one mistake. That's the only thing I always wanted him to learn." 

"That's true as well. But some mistakes are unforgivable, you know?" 

"I do. But for us mercenaries, this is a world of mistakes. We aren't gentle enough to please people and we aren't smart enough to hold high positions in society. So if we are given the opportunity to leave our traces behind. We don't hesitate."

"So even you want to be remembered, then. That's a good reason, I guess. But then, you don't necessarily need love for that."

"Would you want to have children with a woman you don't love or that doesn't love you?" 

"I don't know. I…I don't think I would." 

"Exactly. Love is a fruit to be eaten together. Only then can it be sweet. Eaten alone, it just turns bitter and sour."

"Look at you being all philosophical about life."

Fiz interrupts us and Hendrick blushes like a maiden. His face looks funny right now. But yeah, I guess he is right. Love could be the answer to everything. It saved me when I was drowning so I can't deny it.


The next day, out of boredom, I go to the recently dug hole to see if the mist is that impressive but as soon as I enter, the entrance collapses behind me. 

"My luck…" I can officialy say it, I have the worst luck in history.

"Gra…" And of course, they heard the noise.

"Alright, bring it on, guys."

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