Chapter 319 - CHAPTER 319: HUNTER AND PREY

"You may be a bird but you will eventually fall to the ground!" 

The Longinus unleashes a flurry of arrows at me and in order not to put anyone in danger, I go to the left side of the melee, where there is much more Longinus. That way, even if his arrows miss or get deflected, it won't hit too much of us.


Another kirsurk takes a sudden interest in me and tries to catch me with his claw but then his arm gets severed by an arrow.


"I said that nobody should touch it!" 

So selfish. Anyway, I have used my Raizen only once and I am a bit hesitant about using it again now. If I show it to him again and he adapts, then I will have revealed almost all my cards. But on his side, he still hasn't transformed yet. If he is like his friend from the time with Rose, he should do so soon enough. There are only three crystals left in him after all..

"Hey, capt'!!!" As I fly by a group of Longinus, I hear a familiar voice. When I look, the first I see is a white raizen coming. Hendrick and the others seem to be over here. Then I should change my position and go elsewhere. 

"Take this!!" But arrows come with the speed of sound and I am forced to dodge and deflect as much as possible. 

"Come on, can't you do anything else?!!" Those arrows are so fucking annoying.

I dodge, deflect, dodge and deflect and repeat the same while flying around. Some Longinus get hit by the arrows, some humans as well. But what is good is that most of the victims are the Longinus. Crystals rapidly decorate the battleground thanks to my prey and the score is still in my favor. 

But soon enough, I will have to get closer. Which means that I will have to confront that attack from earlier. 

"Fufu. Like Willhem would say, we ain't crazy enough if we are still thinking straight." 

I can only take that thing head on and defeat it with a bang.

I fly right at him and dodge the arrows incoming.

"You made a mistake, prey!!" 

He stops his arrows and once again makes his gigantic sword appears. I reach him as he raises his arm and immediately fire bullets at it. 

"It's no use!!" It comes down and the time of truth comes with it. 

I call out Raizen and block his sword. The strength behind his swing is so great, my feet get buried into the ground.


The shockwave makes me deaf. Sparks are flying everywhere from the clash of our weapons and my head suddenly feels like it got split in two.

"No way!!" 

"Yes way!!" 

Still, I blocked it. And it is all that matters. 


I then fire as many bullets as I can on him and he is pushed back. I jump in the smoke and slash through the upper part of his head, removing another crystal. Now, only two are left. I rapidly grab it and fly back to the sky. Now, I am sure you will transform.


"You…You…" The guy just stays in the smoke for a while after that. 


In the meantime, I hear somebody calling me from afar. It is a soldier. Do I know him? I go above him to check but I don't recognize him.

"What is it?" 

"Kriekk!!" A prator tries to catch me by jumping but he doesn't even reach close to my height and lose his head to four bullets after that. His headless body turns into ashes before it touches the ground.

"The acting commander has asked that you rapidly deal with the situation." 

The guy then blocks a sloin that tried to sneak up to him. 

"The acting commander?" Frankher? Or the stupid drunkard captain? 

"Yes!!" The guy screams while cutting the head of the sloin. Was it a yes I have beaten it or yes, the acting commander?

Anyway, I have received and acknowledged your order. I raise my thumb while looking at the rear line then turn around to see what my prey is up to now.

At the same time, the same ray as the one that is emitted from the pillar I destroyed manifests, and everything turns darker for a moment. Yep, this guy has decided to go full out now. 

"You are the most delicious prey I ever got to meet!! So I will use my fullest to hunt you down and makes sure that your flesh and bones will be a feast!!" 

The ray stops and the guy appears. 

"Damn. A Longinus gear again." I have a very bad experience with those. Whether it was Borgas or Thando, I didn't manage to overcome those things. But this time, I don't think I have any other choice. 

But thankfully, I am not alone this time. Three giant fireballs fly to the Longinus and I am almost forced to smile, that is until he vaporized them with his arrows. 

"You guys are a nuisance." 

He aims at one of the mortars then the arrow released goes so fast I wouldn't have seen it if I was careful. 

"No, you don-"

I fly to the arrow and try to deflect it but the strength is such that Raizen is completely canceled out. What kind of strength is this?!!

The arrow hits the mortar and it explodes loudly behind me. Shit!!!

"I said not to interfere. This is my hunting ground and I get to decide when to deal with every single one of you." Not on my watch, fucker.

I fly to him but the barrage of arrows restarts and with their speed, it is much more harder to dodge them now. I am forced to once again circle around while letting him hit his own comrades, relieving the soldiers around.

"Do not think I am afraid of putting them to rest!! My kin doesn't fear nor know death!! We only sleep until we are woken up to slaughter once again!!"

He fires even more arrows, faster, stronger ones now. Even though he is staying in place, the shockwaves that are continuously released starts to become the predominant sounds on the battlefield, covering even the sounds of the mortars firing.

"Entertain me more!! Prey!! Only then wi-" Once again, a mortar has aimed at him and the fireball this time hits. The Longinus is engulfed in a sea of fire but this time, there are no screams. Still, I should take advantage of it.

"I told you…" Hearing his voice in the fire and pounces rapidly. I must reach him before he fires. "Not to interfere!!!" 

The fire is completely extinguished and one of his bows is already aiming at another mortar. But I reached him before he shoots and slashes. The raizen Hendrick gave me barely makes a scratch and the fucking monster smiles. His body is entirely covered with the Longinus gear except for his head. 

"Tch." I knew that those were too hard for a physical raizen. Though, I created the diversion I wanted. The guy turns the bow he was aiming to the mortar towards me. 

"You were a good prey but-"

"But you forgot I am not alone, right?" 

Another mortar's shot once again arrives above us and the guy instead aims at it. I was hoping that we would both get hit then I would use the fire as a cover to smash through him but this is unexpected. Unexpected and truly a goddess-sent situation.

"Why do they always interfere?!!" 

"You left your guard down." 

I invoke Raizen and slash through. Going from the armpit to neck. The longinus gear is really tough but still, Raizen goes through. Another crystal leaves his body. 


Then to make a good measure. I spin around to give me as much momentum as I can and punch the armor.

"Shadow punch!" I used shadow punch plus lightning fist to which I added fire and wind Angas. I pour all of my strength into this and the result is much more than I hoped. 

The Longinus body gets engulfed into a colossal wave of Angas and arches back while the armor cracks and breaks everywhere. He doesn't even manage to scream. 

I never knew blending those two techniques would create such an effect. I should do this more often now!!

The wave gradually decreases then stops. The Longinus lands on the ground, on his knees, broken, defeated, his arms missing. 

"You…You fucking human!!" 

He raises his head and I see it. His eyes, devoid of everything. Only showing the darkness of the power he is using. The redt of his left arm turns into a sword again but as he raises it, his head is blown away and his body immediately starts turning into ashes, letting a crystal fall to the ground before me. I know only one capricious, big and fluffy, beautiful guy who could do this.

"Woof!!" Of course, it is you. 

K'nor lands near me after that. 

"You were the prey all along. And an easy one at that."

I also fall on my knees though.

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