Chapter 335 - CHAPTER 335: AMBUSH (2)

The next day, everyone starts packing. I guess we are free to go.

"Hey, capt'. I have some great news." Willhem has an incredible smile on his face. He is also holding a letter in his hand.

"What is it?"

"The old man."

"Frankher? Something happened to him?"

"He has decided to attack Titan."

"Oh…" Finally, then, we are doing this.. "So the time has come then."

"Yeah. The real fun is finally coming along."

The others mercenaries are also smiling brightly. We are really a group of freaks, huh.

"But before that, there is something I will have to do."

I will go to that tower near Titan. Surely Tatiana won't be there anymore since a lot of time has passed but there might be some useful intel still there. Also, there is a one in a million chance that she is still there, in which case it would be really bad if we attack, and then she just comes to bite us from the rear.

"Something personal?"

"Yeah, sort of." Hendrick seems really interested in my business. Well, whatever.

"The kind we cannot help? Cause it would be easier if we all go. Then we can also reach Titan together and enjoy it."

"You guys could die there, you know."

"Pfff…" Fiz stops his laugh from coming out but seeing my serious face, their smile all disappear.

"I am serious. That woman is the worst. She will use any dirty tricks up her sleeve to kill you in the most miserable way. I managed to kill her before but I don't know she came back to life."

"You killed her before and she came back for you?"

"I wouldn't go that far but yeah, she did come back to life."

"Wait, who are you even talking about?"

"Tatiana Flolerl."

"Tatiana? The thunderous viper?"

"You know her, Willhem?"

"Who doesn't know the crazy bitch who ripped off the balls of a general of Floras's army out of boredom." Wait, she did that? Then how did she manage to get employed in our mansion? Who was the idiot who was employing people there?

"Well, if you know her then it will be faster for you to understand."

"I see. So, she is your target." Hendrick places his hand on his chin and starts stroking it while looking a bit intellectual.

"But you said you killed her before? I have a hard time believing that. That woman was the evil, so to speak. And one hard to defeat bitch."

"She was already poisoned by mangradora so I pretty much just finished her off."

"Tatiana who was an expert in using poison got poisoned without a countermeasure?"

"It would be too long to explain, Willhem. In any case, I think she is in a tower near Titan so I want to go there and kill her before heading to the city."

"Then isn't our next destination decide already?"

"Think carefully before-"

"You really think we will let you have fun alone, capt'?"

They all look at me and their smile…I guess I can't refuse.

"Let all have a drink after this then."

"Oh yeah!! Now we are talking!!"

"You are the best, captain!!"


It takes the guys the whole morning to pack up. While they are moving to the entrance of the city with K'nor, I go to the heroes' house. When I enter, they are having breakfast in the living room with Lanuvel and Samson. Farner looks a bit sick but I guess it is the effect of the beer from yesterday.

"Good morning."

"Good morning."

"Sorry for yesterday, Kevin." Farner apologizes with a red ashamed face.

"Don't worry. I didn't mind. I just didn't know I disgust you so much."

"What?!! No!!" She stands up straight, making her fork drop on the floor. "It's not-"

"I am just kidding."


"Anyway, Sir Frankher and the eternal army have decided to attack Titan. I am going there to help."

"So this will be a joint attack then."

"A joint attack?" What does Samson mean?

"We are going to attack Onklah in three weeks from now." Roxcia answers without even looking at me. Typical.


"Yeah. The high-commander believes that since we have retaken about thirty percent of the kingdom, striking the capital will significantly impact the war."

"I see. Then I guess I can only say good luck to all of you, right?"

"Kevin, you…" Lanuvel keeps looking at my hands. When I check them, they are trembling. Why are you afraid, you stupid body?

"Fufu. It seems I am still not ready to face her, huh." Oh, well. I don't have much choice, I will have to do or die. It's do or die once again.

"Are you okay?"

"I am okay, Lanuvel."

"You don't have to do this; you know?"

"I know Excia but I will still do it."

"If you ever need help…"

"No, I won't. But if you need it, Farner. Just scream my name. I will come, falling like a star."

"Puahaha!! What is that? Are you some kind of hero?"

"Fufu. I wonder myself." The mood is somehow sad and heavy but still, I can do this. We can do this. "Good luck guys. Let's all see each other once this is over."

"Yeah, the lake near your city is really beautiful at this time of the year from what Frankher said. We should go there." When did he say that, Excia?

"Yeah, that sounds good. We could go fishing and have a nice picnic under the sun." Lanuvel seems thrilled. So thrilled in fact, that her face has brightened up quite a lot in a few seconds.

"That sounds like a plan, then."

"It is one." I turn around to leave but then, I can feel two pairs of eyes piercing through my back. I turn around and of course, they look sad. "I will bring some flowers to each of you when I come back." There is no need to cry. We will see each other soon enough.

"You better bring me Love, you hear."

"I want those white flowers that-"

"They are called orchids, idiot."

"I knew that, Excia."

"Obviously, you didn't."

"Fufufu. You guys really are a handful. Then, see you soon."

"Yeah, have a good trip."

Thank you, Farner. Thank you, everyone.

"You better survive." Before I lock the door behind me, I hear somebody whispering. That sounded like Roxcia, no? Nah, there is no way.

Outside the city, the others are already inside the carriage when I arrive. K'nor is inside as well, taking much place as he can. I wonder since when he became so lazy that he doens't want to walk anymore. This is giving more work to the horses, you know? Not that I mind though

"I hope you guys left a place for me."

"Captain, you are smiling too much."

"Fuck off, Hendrick."


Two days later, we have covered a third of the distance to reach Titan. Since the sun is setting already, we have decided to rest for the day. We are lucky as well since there is a small river running nearby. Today's dinner will be grilled fish and potatoes.

"Why are you in your underwear, Hendrick?"

Hendrick is in charge of fishing but I don't know why he decided to undress. If he was worried about getting wet, he could have just pull up his trousers and shirt. Now, his hairy chest is visible and it is not a good sight. Especially after seeing the valleys that Lanuvel and Farner were hiding under their clothes. Ah, shit. I am thinking about unnecessary things.

"It is to make sure the fish will be comfortable."

"What the fuck are you…" Right after he said that, he catches two fishes with the wooden harpoon he made. Wait, for real?


"No freaking way."

The bastard just smiles while launching the fishes outside the river. They are big enough for a single person. He doesn't have to fish too much since it is only us. K'nor went hunting already so there is no need to care about his share. No, let's have two for him just in case. I am sure he will like it.

"By the way, Willhem, why are we the only one going to Titan? I thought the other mercenaries would come as well?" Willhem is sitting in front of me, carving something out of a thick and small branch.

"Beats me. I didn't bother to ask. But I think other mercenaries will be there as well. It is a very large-scale attack after all. Titan is a very big city and there are small villages which were built near it as well."

Titan…The hammer hands, Dilt, Thando. I will encounter all of them there. Judging by how Dilt's draconic presence has increased, he has gotten stronger again. But once again, I feel like his power isn't a real draconic one anymore. It's like it got thwarted, corrupted. Well, whatever he is trying to do, if I have to stop it, I will.

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