"So, what do you guys decide?" 


I turn around to look at the two guys that Frankher brought for us. I already know that they don't want to enter. And I won't force them. Everyone should have the right to decide how he wants to die. 

"You guys don't really want to fight the hammer hands, right? So, if you don't want to enter, then there is no problem. We were prepared to fight like this anyway." 

"And we have our own grudges to settle so you shouldn't die for our own petty reasons." That's only if Tatiana is here, Willhem. And I have a bigger grudge than you to settle with her. 

"But if we don't…"

"I understand. We will stand guard here and make sure nobody enters the castle while you are fighting. That's the best we can do." 

At least, one of the two is decisive. That's good.

"Cool. See you around then." 

I advance with Willhem to the castle's entrance and while we walk up the stairs, the doors pf the castle opens. 

"An invitation right off the bat. He is still polite at least." 

"You think so, Willhem?" 

"I don't really care anyway." 

"I thought as much." 

When we enter the castle, there isn't much to see. The walls have nothing and it is pretty dark since there is no enough light. Still, I can see without trouble.

There is another door in front of us, as big as the first we just went through. It once again opens when we reach it but I don't see anyone behind it or the first one. Who is opening it then?

After the door, there is a big hall with gigantic windows covered by glass. The hall is empty of everything except a throne where the hammer hands is sitting. Also, somehow, the dragon's presence is beneath him. But I can't tell precisely how far he is.

'Hurry up. Come.' Suddenly, I hear a voice in my head. Is it the dragon speaking to me?

"Is that all they have sent? A murderer and traitor to his own people and a fool. They really think this is all a joke." 

"Nope, it is just you they considered a joke." Willhem answers with an arrogant smile but the hammer hands doesn't react. He remains on his throne with his right hand supporting his head like some sort of superior human. He doesn't even have his armor on right now. 

"Take care of them. I will go and kill some more people until they realize-" 

I fire a bullet at him and it explodes. But somehow, the explosion was weird. That was not the usual sound produced by an explosion from the crescent bullet.

"Tch." As I thought, he isn't even hurt.

'You cannot wi…this. Use dragon's po…' The voice from before resounds once again in my head. I didn't catch everything he said but I understand what he wanted to say. Sadly, if I could do so, I would have already.

"Tell me, murderer. How do you manage to find sleep, knowing that you are the spark which ignited the flames of vengeance to this country?" 

The hammer hands's eye start shining with an ominous purple color. Then the pressure in the air changes. 

"Look out!" I warn Willhem and right after, somebody appears in front of us, firing an arrow at him. Willhem dodges it and answers with a bolt which in turn evaded. 

"So, the thundering viper isn't here?" 

"It seems so." There is only that presence coming from the last crystal I can feel now. But I don't think that's Tatiana.

The man in front of us now is already wearing his Longinus gear, we can't see his face but I guess it must be Thando.

"You are using petty tricks like that now?" Since when are you suing arrows instead of those stupid needles of yours?

He doesn't answer me and aim at Willhem like I don't even exist.

"Have I not asked you a question?" The hammer hands's voice reaches my ears together with a heavy blow that I didn't even see coming. 

I am pushed back to the wall of the hall but I manage to recover myself and land on the wall with my feet. 

"Fucking bastard!!" 

I push and launch myself at him but then he simply waves his hands and I am sent to the ceiling this time.


"I am okay!" 

I hear Willhem's voice and answer before landing brutally on the ceiling. He should focus on his own fight. Since we have confirmed that Tatiana is not here. 

"Everything is way too easier!!" 

I fire as many bullets as I can to the hammer hands while falling from the ceiling but from the distance at which they are exploding, none of them seems to reach him. 

Then, once again, the pressure comes from above this time, trying to smack me to the ground. I fly to the side and evade it and land on the ground. 

"Will you not answer then? Should I take as you feel too guilty to tell me?" 

"What the fuck are you even talking about?" 

"You would dare pretend not to know? Are you provoking me?" 

'Use Draco…' 

"Dammit!! Shut up already! I said I can't use it, alright!!" This dragon is way too persistent. You really think I wouldn't use my draconic power if I could in a situation like this? 

"You are a sinner, a traitor, and a murderer. The very embodiment of everything that our nation had to suffer for so long." 

The hammer hands finally stands up but instead of the armor he had before, a new one appears: a Longinus gear. Though it looks a lot like the old one. The battering rams are still present after all. The shape really is pretty much the same as before. 

"You keep on blabbering since earlier but just like Thando over there, you never said why you hate me. If you don't want to say it, then stop speaking in a weird way as if it is my job to understand what goes on in your mind." 

"Is that so."

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