Chapter 365 - CHAPTER 365: BETRAYAL (2)


The next day, Miss Farner has been avoiding my eyes every time she can. I don't know what this is all about but I don't have time for this. I walk straight to her in the afternoon while she talking with the Saintess.

Saintess, may I ask something to the hero? It won't take long." 

"But of cour-"

"We weren't finished though." 

"Don't worry, Miss Farner, it won't take long." 

"Sigh…Okay, okay. But then Rebecca should stay here as well." 

"I would prefer that she doesn't." 

"Then I won't answer anything." 

"And why is that? You don't even know what I am going to ask?" 

"It is about Kevin, right?" 

"Hm…Not really."

"Eh?" Why does she look so surprised? It's true that I got afraid about what her friend Lanuvel said yesterday but since it cannot ben there is no need to dwell on it. 

If Kevin was really my son, he would have told us a long time ago. My son has always been a gentle and happy little fellow after all. 

"I simply wanted to ask you about the ornament you gave in secret to your friend." 

"W-what? Which ornament?" She fumbled. I knew it. She gave a sacred ornament to her friend without thinking.

"Sigh…You…" Even Rebecca seems to have understood instantly. "How many times do I have to tell you that those are blessed items we can use in case of emergency." 

"But I thought it was an emergency. What if something happens to her on the road?" 

"There are four knights that I personally chose with her. Or are you saying that they are too weak to do their duties?" How can she just give that away like this? Oh, this time you are in for a real scolding, trust me. 

"I…I am sorry" Oh no, don't look at me with those puppy eyes. It won't work. 

"Sigh…Don't forget to take it back when we finish this, okay?" 

"Yes, Rebecca! You are the best!" Miss Farner jumps at her neck and just like this, I lose my chance to scold her. Well, it is also good like this, I guess. I just hope nothing big will happen. 


Three days later, we have reached our destination. Floras is standing in front of us, covered by a gigantic dome. That dome is so large it even covers the forest around the city. 

"I thought we would get to see the dragon who messed him up." Miss Farner comments something while walking ahead of me. The dragon who messed him up? Ah, yes, it is true that he got heavily wounded by a dragon that appeared here. Does it mean it is inside the dome right now?

We didn't get any report of dragons anywhere else in the kingdom so far so I guess it must be here indeed. Then this battle will be harder than I thought; way harder.

"But that's weird, there are no Longinus around." 

Our army has a bit more than three thousand people. Plus, the heroes, the saintess, and the high-commander who is surely coming; I am confident that we can win this without too many casualties. Though since they don't even show up, I guess this will be even easier.

"Don't worry. They will come. I can somehow tell that they are here. Behind this thing." 

"I am not worried, Miss Farner." 

"I hope so. You will have to survive this after all. You and the Saintess must absolutely survive, okay?" Why the sudden precision? Why are we more important now? The Saintess I could understand but why me too?

"Of course, protecting her is my sworn and life duty. I would die before something happens to her." 

"Don't die then." Miss Farner looks at me with such determination my body trembles. 

"I…I will try to." 

"Good." And she leaves with a smile. 

Survive, of course, I will survive. I have no right to die before Rebecca does. 

"Sir, we are waiting for your orders." The special team that I am in charge of is all ready for this as well. 

"Let's make an inspection of the site first. We should appreciate the size of the dome and check for any possible weakness that can be exploited. We will divide into four teams with three men each. Dolor, Steve, with me." 

"Yes, sir!" 

We separate in different directions and spread around the dome. In the meantime, the mortars are already in view. 

"They made it pretty quickly."

"Since the heroes were helping, it is only natural, Steve." 

"But sir, won't they be too tired from helping us out like that?" 

"That's why we have to fight with everything we have so that they rest as well." 

"Of course, sir. We will." 

Putting that aside, this dome is really big. From the reports we had when they used it at the academy, there is a pillar feeding this. But how big is it to feed this one? I am afraid that even the Saintess blessing won't be able to get through this one. She already had trouble with it last time. 

"Sir, look." 

Suddenly, Steve spots something. There is something going on there. The dome, is waving around, like something is striking it regularly from the inside. We stop and get down from our horses to inspect it. 

"Do you have one of those devices with you?" 

"Yes, sir but do you think…" 

"We won't know if we don't try to see what is going on. Worst case, we will fight until the breach closes. Just be ready." 

"Yes, sir!" 

Dolor goes to the dome and uses the device created at the academy. I have heard that only those who have light Angas can use it. If it is true, then somebody like me isn't fit for it at all. 

A triangle appears on the dome after the device starts shining. It is big enough to let us enter but there is no need to. 

"An old church?" The building that appears in front of us is an old and abandoned church. Is that why the dome waving around at this part? The power of our goddess is affecting it but not enough to break it. "This will be our entry point. Let's go and notify the others. Dolor, you can stop now." 

"Yes, sir!" 

"Kriekk!" Right as Dolor stops the device, a Longinus's scream brings me to the edge. Maybe it isn't a good entry point after all.

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