Chapter 386 - CHAPTER 386: TO FIGHT A GODDESS (3)

"Hurry up and go inside!" N'donkeu doesn't give me the time to breathe and makes me enters through the door in a hurry.

The room inside is quite simple. There is a bed, a small chair and a table, and a bigger one near the single window of the room. It is a rocking chair that looks quite old. The back of the chair is towards me so I can't see what is on it. The table is full of notes and papers. 

"This was your room, right?" I am sure it was. 

"Grab everything that is on the table and jump out!" 


"Hurry up!" 

I go to the table and grab the papers. All of them. I don't even know what they are for but it doesn't matter right now, I guess.

"Take my ring as well! It is of no use to me anymore!"

"Why do you keep screaming like-" Before I can finish, the floor starts breaking apart. The whole tower seems to be about to collapse. 


I turn around and without taking a second look at the corpse that is completely dry in front of me, I remove its ring and goes to the window. When I jump outside, I hear a loud rumbing behind me and as I turn around to look, the tower is crumbling to the ground. Rays of light are emitted from the cracks that have appeared everywhere while it does. 

"She woke up quite brutally." 

"You can say that again." 

N'donkeu and Maria are next to me. They can fly as well?

"You guys can fly?" 

"We are ghosts, remember?" Thanks for the reminder, Maria. I really forgot.

"You took ten months to clear my tower. I am impressed. Though not too much." 

"What?!!" Ten months?!! "I have been here for ten months?!! There is no way!!" 

A blinding light then surges from the remains of the tower and illuminates the whole place. When the light vanishes, the remains of the tower are scorched. The stones are all red and melted around a single person. 

That person has three pairs of wings on her back and there are lines made of light running all around her body. The white dress that she is wearing doesn't hide them. There is an aureola that looks like a crown floating above her head as well as some smaller ones with a similar shape around her hands and legs. She has my mother's face but clearly, that's not my mother. Her skin is too white to be a human and her hair are shining with a golden color I have never seen before. Not even the heroes' hair are like that. Her eyes seem to be closed though.

"Saving your mother is impossible now. But we will shorten her suffering as much as possible." N'donkeu looks at me then gets down to the ground.

"The ring he gave you has a storage script engraved in it. If you inject your Angas into it, you should be able to store the things he gave you. For now, hide while we take care of this, okay?" Maria goes down as well. 

Now, I am all alone, watching the goddess as her power is filling the space. Even breathing has become difficult because of that. And I can tell just by looking, she is strong. She is so strong I wouldn't stand a chance as a human. But that is if I was still a human.

"What are you going to do then?" 

"Do you even have to ask, Cissa? We are fighting of course."

"Fighting a god would be unwise. You were gifted with power by a god in order to help another one. If you fight her, then the purpose of the gift can be discussed. Therefore, it may harm our lord in the long run." 

"Hey, he told me to do whatever I wanted. Besides, that woman is using my mother's body to do as she pleases. Can't I even get a bit of retribution for that?" 

"Didn't you want to kill her?"

"You know what I mean so stop already." 

"Sigh…you humans and your roundabout methods. Let's do this then. But don't blame me later." 

"Hell yeah!" 

I store the papers I received from N'donkeu while going down as well. When I land next to them, the goddess finally opens her eyes. But to my surprise, those are still my mother's eyes. Or maybe the goddess has the same eyes as my mother? I thought they would be blue just like Maria and the others.

"Mother, it has been a while." Maria is the first to start the conversation. The tension in the air is almost unbearable. It could probably kill anybody who is standing between those people right now. 

"Hello again, Meetia." Meetia? Not goddess? N'donkeu sounds really arrogant, confident almost, with his greeting.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Maria then looks at me but I almost thought she was talking to her mother since her tone of voice didn't change. "If you fight with us, you will inevitably be branded a traitor. Whether it is now or later. If you-"

"He will die anyway. He is not from this world and I cannot allow such pests here. He will have to answer for this. Sending such trashes into my world, preposterous." Finally, the goddess, Meetia speaks. Her voice is…Her voice is chilling. I just got goosebumps from hearing it. 

"Oh…You think you can kill me?" I am pretty sure she can if I let my guard down. I will have to be careful at all times while fighting her. She is no joke.

"This goddess has no finesse and she seems to be unable to discern things properly. How can she call our victorious species trash?" Cissa got vexed as well? Well, that's rare. 

"Your business is with us, mother. Why would you involve innocent people once again. Wasn't Genesis enough?!" Maria's voice becomes more passionate and angrier. 

"You are the cause of all this, Maria. If you had obeyed and listened. None of this would have happened. But I guess I shouldn't have had high hopes from a defective tool. Speaking of which, I will have to erase those failures I have sent this time as well later." 

"What?" What did she just say?


"Meetia, your arrogance, and pride have brought this world to where it is now. Don't try to change the truth."

"You…Even dead, you would continue to annoy and insult me? But how? I can understand for this foolish daughter of mine but why are you still alive. I left you to rot in this tower of yours." 

"I have my own ways. You really think I can't do something your daughter can?" 

"And I am not foolish, mother. But still, I will ask you one last time. Please leave us alone and release the body you are using right now. Els-"

"Hey. What did you just say about Farner and the others?" 

She said she would erase them? My Farner? You are going to erase her? 

"You will use the most respectful honorifics while speaking to me, cockroach. And I have no need to answer you." 

"Is that so?" I don't know why but my body jumps before I could think about it at that moment. Did Cissa do this? 

"No! Don't!" 

I have already done it so I can't go back, Maria. I bring her Raizen out and strike the goddess but the reaction on the other side gives me the chills. She didn't move. None of her muscles moved, but the Raizen isn't reaching her. It stopped right before her skin. The blade stopped by itself as if it was ordered to. 

Hmph. Insect." With those words, my vision blurries. I am thrown away like papers to the forest. Thankfully, I have put up Sphere so I don't suffer any damage.

"Shit!" If she is able to send me so far away with just words, how strong can she be? And how the hell am I supposed to beat her?

"Cissa, the soul of dragons! We are going to obliterate this bitch!" 

"You don't need to tell me when you want to use it, you know?"

"Sorry, it's out of habit." You could have just said yes. 

I release my draconic power and wear the dragon's scales. Let's see if you can still throw me away with this!

Before I arrive, a pillar of flames appears. It is as high as a three-story building and just as big. When I land, N'donkeu is brandishing his staff towards the position where the goddess was. That guy can do things like that? That script looks absolutely devastating. I wonder how many special scripts he created during his lifetime. 

"If you cannot fight then you should flee! This isn't a battle that can be won with willpower alone!" 

"Do I look like I have willpower alone?!" 

The pillar of flames gets dissipated and the goddess appears, holding a shield and sword made of light. This is just like dreaming.. But I won't let it end the same way.

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