Fighting a god is really different. Each time Meetia swings her sword, this place is illuminated with light and the ground is scorched from her strike. I evade those aimed at me but there isn't a lot of them so I am okay somehow. But Maria and N'donkeu…They are real powerhouses. N'donkeu manages to block off her attacks with his wall which is way thicker and sturdier than Rebecca's while Maria is attacking the goddess and forcing her to block with her shield.


"Just disappear!!" 

As for me, every time I try to attack her, she swings her sword and I am forced to dodge instead. Damn, she won't even let me place a single hit!

"Argh!!" But thanks to me, Maria manages to strike her wings, making her mother releases a scream that is so high-pitched my ears almost explode. "You all will perish!! I will erase you from all and every memory!!" 

Meetia closes her wings around her and they start shining like crazy. This cannot be good. 

"Come, quick!!" 

N'donkeu calls me but I didn't you to say it. I can already see that this is going to be bad. I fly to him and right after he creates his wall of light, Meetia opens her wings, and lightning bolts fly everywhere. The ground gets scorched, destroyed, the trees explode as soon as they are hit…everything around us turns into destruction.

"Now!!" Maria jumps in and I follow her. 

I see Meetia raising her sword but before she can lower it, Maria strikes first, cutting her thigh. 


"And now, it is my turn!!" 

"I told you to begone already!!" 

As she says that, I feel my body tensing up, refusing to move but I will strike you I will put you down now!!

"Ahhh!!" I force my body to move and strike her hand that she raised. Thanks to Maria striking her thigh, Meetia had faltered so striking her was easier. 

Sadly, the wound I made wasn't deep enough. I stroke her wrist in the hope that I would make her hand flies off but it only wounded it slightly. Maybe it is because of that circle of light around it?

"I got you now!!" Still, I will continue.

"No! Fall back!!" 

Before I can obey Maria's orders, the golden crown that is floating above Meetia's head emits an incredible number of tentacles-like spikes that comes out of it. Hmph! You think you can get me with that?

I use Disperse and land behind her. But the spikes followed me and as I bring my weapon down, they clash and my whole body vibrates from the impact. 


"You lowly insect!!" Meetia turns around with an impressive speed but I Disperse right before we can face each other and go back to N'donkeu. 

It has been less than five minutes since we started fighting and still, everything has turned into flames already. This whole place already looks like a war of a thousand days took place here. Fighting a goddess is really on a whole other level.

"How dare you!! How dare you wound me!!" Meetia's eyes turn completely white and her body starts vibrating. 

"Be extra careful and don't drop your guard now!" I will Maria. Don't worry.

Meetia's body vibrates more and more. It goes to the point that I start seeing double. Like there are two persons in front of…me. 

"She can do that as well?" Instead of a single goddess, there are now three of them in front of us. So she is with a one vs one match then. That's good. That way, I can kick her ass then show my goo…

While I am still thinking, one of the Meetia's disappears, and the next moment, she is right in front of me. And here somebody just said not to drop my guard. 

She strikes my face with her shield and I am thrown away while the taste of blood invades my mouth. 

"You fucking low life!!" 

I regain my balance mid-air but when I look back at the one who just hit me, a light slash is already hurling itself at me. I evade it and use bullets but they explode mid-air for no reason while I see Maria going toe to toe with another goddess. How come she can fight on par with a goddess while being a ghost with no feet and I can't even touch her?!! That's not fair!!

Meetia unleashes another of her monstrous strike but as I evade it, I notice something. It is weaker. It is not to the point it could be easily seen but it is weaker than before. Could it be that by dividing herself, she also became weaker? Oh, damn!! You are in for it then!!

I fly around while firing bullets at her and they all explode in mid-air. I don't know how she is doing it but I will still show you. Amidst the smoke, I use Disperse and find myself in front of her. But wait, that's not the Meetia I am fighting.

"Duck!" N'donkeu's voice pierces my ears and I use Disperse again to land on the side, then a loud explosion resounds and the Meetia who was in front of me has her face covered in flames. I didn't see anything flying to her though. But this is the second time I see him manage to hit her with a script while I haven't landed a single hit. 

"Die!! Insect!!" Another Meetia's vice is coming from behind. Let's see something real quick. 

I turn around and block her attack. But the strength from it forces me to kneel in front of her. 

"Uaghh!" Damn, she hits hard. My whole body felt it even though I am going full out here. Is this really how powerful gods are compared to us? No!! There is no need to think about it now.

"Did you think you could do anything?! Did you think something like you, a vulgar insect that has been polluted my world, could do anything else than die a miserable death?! You may have managed to save your comrades that came here as well but I will make sure to capture your soul and torture it for the centuries to come! Soo that Va-"

"You talk too much." I had already created three bullets from behind her when she stroke me. 

When I send them in, they hit her wings properly and she is forced to go forward as the explosions resound brutally from behind her. 

"Argh!!" The strength she was applying also diminishes. It is now or never. 

"Let me pay you back." 

I fire her everything. Titanic slash first.


Then it is Lumion!

"You fucking!!" She blocks it with her shield but it doesn't matter. 

"Because it never connected before!" Lumion was always a rather weak and inefficient script. Therefore, it should be used to connect other techniques.  I give her an upward strike next and her shield sways, moving upward with the raizen. And now… "Sever the sky!" 

There is no need to focus too much energy on it. I would need way too much time for that and time is a luxury I don't have right now. 

Meetia's wings all come in front of her and receive the blow from my script. And now, your back is mine!

I use Disperse and immediately slash at her without thinking.

"Uargh!!" Oh yeah!!

"It's not over!!" I strike and fire bullets and scripts at the same time. The person in front of me is covered by the explosion but I can see her body appearing sometimes as I cut through the smoke created by my scripts. My hits are connecting; I can see it. But wait, earlier, she did that thing with her aure…

Right as it comes to my mind, spikes appear out of the smoke.


Two of them pierce my stomach and shoulder and the last one graze my neck. I use Disperse and land a few meters away from her. 

With a flap of her wings, Meetia dissipates the dust cloud around her and the wounds I gave her are all here on her back. But no blood is coming out of them. In fact, those wounds are shining like the inside is made of a sort of gem or something. Then a green hue appears around her and the wounds start closing as she turns around to face me.

"Insolent insect. Do you think I-"

While this Meetia is talking to me, another Meetia comes crashing into her and they both go flying to the right. Then Maria lands a bit near their previous position and pushes a sigh of relief out.

An explosion rings in my ears after that and another Meetia flies next to me, landing brutally behind me. Well, they are certainly going hard at it. 

"Mother, this isn't a fight you can win. Please, let us stop. I am begging you." 

Maria, you are still trying to convince her? Well, she is your mother. I can't blame you.. But when I think about the fact that you guys were erased from history and it is surely thanks to her, I really think you should just give it to her.

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