Chapter 388 - CHAPTER 388: A MOTHER’S LOVE (1)

"You really think I would let it all go. After you humiliated and disobeyed me?" The first Meetia stands back up and her wings turn grey. 

"You think I, a god, would back down when mere creatures that I could suppress with a flick of my finger resist me?" 

The second that I was fighting stand as well and her wings turns blue. This is bad, right?

"Does it look like you guys have any other choice aside from dying?" 

The third one behind me then speaks as well and when I turn to look at her, her wings have taken a yellowish white. If my guess is correct, she is going to use lightning, water, and wind. I don't know what kind of attacks it will though. 

The air starts reeling and changes. The wind gets stronger, the air becomes more humid and there is an electric tension floating around. Like I thought, she is going to do something really powerful. 

"As far as I am concerned, I won't ever ask for your forgiveness. You are the god here and you didn't take your job seriously. You can deny it however you want, but the fact that Maria rebelled, the fact that this young man is here, wielding a power out of this world, are proof that you failed." N'donkeu steps forward and brandishes his staff at the two Meetia in front of us. 

"I don't care about what you guys are talking about. But if you intend to harm Farner and the others, then I won't show you any mercy." I face the one who was sent flying by N'donkeu. 

"You insect, you are trying to save mere pawns that should never have had freedom or will of their own. They are but empty shells that I created to fulfill the requirements." 

"Didn't you hear me? I said I don't care." You think Farner is an empty shell? Then you really don't know her at all.

"Of course, you don't. You are just like them. An empty shell designed for a purpose that doesn't understand when to back down." 

The Meetia I am facing then flies and goes over to the other two. I thought they were going to do something but they simply assemble back into a single person. After they do, the arm holding the shield falls to the ground. It simply fell, like it was detached from the beginning. 

"Mother!! Please release that body!! That woman isn't a hero and she has already had to hold your soul for far too long! Why make her suffer like this?!" 

I see. So her arm fell because Rebecca's body is collapsing. Then even if we don't win, as long as we give it enough time, she will have no other choice but to die.

Still, this is a golden opportunity. I can't let it pass. I jump at full speed to Meetia and strike from the dead angle of her now missing arm. She instead bocks it with her wings that all have different colors now. I didn't except it but it is not a problem. I spin in the air and strike upwards. While another wing blocks it, I fire a bullet in the interstice between the two wings she used. An explosion resounds but the next moment, those annoying spikes pop out, piercing through her wings. I use Disperse to dodge them but one especially makes its way to me. Right as I reappear, it is already on my eye, ready to pierce it. 


"No!!" A voice that shouldn't exist anymore rings in my ears right as the spike stops before my eye. Isn't the goddess controlling her body? Why did I hear Rebecca's voice then?

I look at the goddess and her body is trembling. She is even kneeling. But the most surprising thing is that she is crying while looking at me.

"What are you doing?!!" 

"Do not hurt my son!!!" 

Successively, two voices come out of the same mouth. What is happening to her?


"What the fuck are they-"

"Field." Before I can understand anything, a sphere of lightning envelops Meetia and sparks start hitting her from everywhere.

"Argh!! You shitty humans!!!" Her arm that fell off starts floating amidst the sparks and reattachs itself to her body. 

I jump back to N'donkeu and Maria and right after that, the sphere he created gets destroyed by her wings. I didn't pay attention to it earlier but each of them has a different color that is distinctive of an element. 

"I will make you all pay!!" 

From those said wings, thousands and thousands of small needles made of the elements they were charging up appear. Avoiding all of this will be hard. 

"You can try to, if you want." Yeah, keep provoking her N'donkeu. 

"Mother, you…" 

"It is no use, Maria. We already knew that it had to end this way." N'donkeu is trying to convince Maria but seeing how she fought until now, I have a hard time believing she didn't want to. Or maybe she is just that strong

"I know it already. It's just…"

"What are you hesitating for?" You guys are wasting time for nothing.

"Kevin, isn't that your mother?" 

"And so what?" I am surprised you of all people would ask that, N'donkeu. 

It's true that I didn't really intend on killing her, but since I have the opportunity, I might as well have my vengeance.

"Are you done?! Then die!!!" you were growing impatient, huh.

Meetia unleashes her attack and elemental needles fly to us from everywhere. I use Sphere and fly around to dodge them. I see Maria and N'donkeu doing the same, running around while knocking them over as they come. 

"It is no use!!! You will perish skewered like the rats you are!!" 

"You would even insult your own daughter?!!" This god has clearly snapped off. 

"She is no daughter of mine!! I should have never given birth to her or give her that much pow-"

As she says that, an explosion occurs on her face. N'donkeu manages to land a hit; and a solid one. Meetia sways and leaves an opening. Now, it is my turn. I fly down to her but she looks at me as if she was waiting for it. Well, it is better if she was, I will bust her head without remorse of a surprise attack then.

"You scum!!" 

She raises her hand and a massive amount of those needles fly to me. Sphere is broken in a matter of seconds and my dragon scales block whatever they can but I am getting skewered slowly just like she said. The strength of her attack is so high that I can't even move forward a little bit anymore. I am forced to use my arms to cover my face so that my eyes don't get damaged. Now, Maria!!

"Ahhh!!!" Maria's voice breaks the barrage of needles that was hitting me. 

I immediately fall down, and when my eyes meet Meetia, all of her left wings were cut off. That's very good, Maria. Now, I am the only one remaining, right? I pounce on her and Meetia present her wing to protect her once again. If you want to play it like that…

"Then I only have to destroy them!!"

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