Is this a dream? Is this reality? Why am I fighting Kevin? Where are we? Why am I saying those things to him? 

Suddenly, he brings out a dagger and stabs me. Why? What have I done? Why are you doing this?!


It hurts!! It hurts so much!! What are you doing?!! Please, stop!! I don't want this!! What is happening?!! 


When my eyes open back, I am in a long and white corridor. This place, I feel like I know it even though I have never been here before. Where am I? 

There are white pillars everywhere I can see and this corridor doesn't seem to bring anywhere. 

"Am I…" 

Am I dead? Does this mean Kevin killed me? But why? Why would he do that? And why was I fighting him? I do remember dreaming. It was a dream where Mother was telling us to find and deal with him.. But then I refuse and my mind went blank. 

Is that why? He must have thought I betrayed him. Oh, my god. What have I done?! For him to feel betrayed again after everything that happened, of course, he would snap. But still…

"He looked really sad." I guess I really went and did it this time. 

While I was thinking, a door has appeared before me. A gigantic door that is at least ten times my size. And it is made…of gold. It is shining like gold at least. Whoever made this door has a very bad sense of design. 

"There is no use daddling here." 

I advance to the door and try to push it but it opens as soon as I touch it. A blinding light appears as the door opens and it takes a good while to get used to it. Then, I enter the room and it is not as big as I thought from seeing the door. 

It is big, yes, at least two times bigger than our main hall back at the academy. But I thought it would be as big as the eternal academy itself at least. There are pillars here and there but what really catch my attention is the ceiling. The ceiling is made of stars shining in a blue sky. I don't know how it is possible but still, I am seeing it right now.

"This would make a really good decoration in a living room." What am I even thinking about? Am I not dead? What use is there to think about this? I keep thinking I am dead but I don't feel like it. It's weird. 

While walking aimlessly in the room, I happened to see something. A round globe of some sort. It's just like the one that was in Sir Frankher's office. Ah, Sir Frankher, he is dead as well. Did he see something like this as well? Could he be here? 

The globe is rotating and I see strange lines on it. Wait, this…This is a globe of Schameria, right? I am pretty damn sure it is. There is one place that is completely painted in black. Wait, that place…If I remember correctly, it is…

"Ioll." Suddenly, a voice that sounds really familiar but isn't rings in my ears. It came from the end of the room, I think. 

Right when I try to run to see who just spoke, the person appears before me.


How did I know that she is my mother? For sure, this woman looks like me and the power she is emitting is so overwhelming she must surely be a god. But still…

"So, you don't even kneel before me." As she says that, I feel a great pressure above my head and I am forced to kneel down on both knees. 

"Hm…That's better." 

"Who? No, why are you…"

"Don't you mean why are YOU here? Well, you are dead, in a way so your spirit came back to its origin."

"In a way?" What does she mean? 

"What do you not understand? You just had to be weak and feeble, and so you died. Sigh…What the hell are you guys even doing down there? I went as far as sending three of you and you weren't even able to locate that fucking traitor or kill a single anomaly." 

"T-traitor? A…Anomaly?" I have a hard time speaking because of the pressure that is keeping me kneeled with my head down. But I don't understand. What is she talking about? Who is a traitor? Who is an anomaly? Who were we supposed to find?

"Oh well. It doesn't matter much since he did the hard work by himself. Now, your sisters just need to kill him and that will be over. I will finally be able to rest a little. Ah…I am so tired of staying up already." 

The woman turns around and starts walking. As she gets further away from me, I feel like I am disappearing, like my very existence is being erased. But more importantly, what was she talking about?


"Hm. Ah, yeah, you. I forgot to erase you." She comes back and places her hand on my head.

"Argh!!!" An immense amount of pain enters methrough my head. It is as if something is sucking up my brain and organs while I am still alive. 

"Y-you!!" As suddenly as she placed her hand on my head, my mother removes it. The pressure that was weighing me down disappears as well. Allowing me to stand back up. 

I immediately jump back from her and take a fighting stance. But can I fight my mother? Why would I even fight her? Isn't she a god? Doesn't it mean that everything she does is right? But then, why did she just try to kill me without telling me anything? 

"Wh-why are you trying to kill me, mother?"

"Don't call me your mother!! You defective tool! How dare you sleep around with an anomaly!!" 

"W-what?" Wait, could it be… "Is the anomaly you are talking about Kevin?" 

"Why would I know his name?!! He is of no importance! How could you?!! How could you betray me as well?!!" 

My mother's aura suddenly feels the place and just like before, I am forced to kneel down. What is this feeling? This…This isn't just killing intent. There is something more violent in her aura right now

"M-mother, I-"

"Shut up and die!" 

Without giving me the opportunity to speak another word, she hurls a spear at me, a spear made of light. It goes so fast by the time I think of reacting, it is already before me. Why? Why do you want to kill me after everything I did? Is it really just because I fell in love with him? Is he really the cause of your hatred for me right now? 

"You are as unreasonable as always, Meetia." 

Another voice resounds throughout the room. A powerful, calm, and relaxing voice that made the time stop. The spear stopped right in front of my eyes as that voice intervened. Then a man appears before me, his hand actually holding the spear. 

"You…Why are you here, Varian?!" My mother's voice sounds angrier than ever. "I already wrote to the council. You are finished, you fucking god  of absolute victory!" 

"Fufufu. Come on. You really didn't try to think even a little, did you?" 

"What are you-"

The pressure that was filling the room disappears and I can finally move and breathe like normal. 

"Now, it should be better, right?" The man turns around and looks at me. He…he is really handsome for some reason.

"Are…are you also a god?" 

"Yeah. I am the one who granted his power to your lover." 

"You are the god of dragons?" 

"Not exactly but-"

"Varian!!" My mother's voice resounds even more powerfully in the room and it starts turning black here and there.

It allows me to understand why I felt at ease all of sudden. The god in front of me is using his power as well, creating a sort of sphere around us.

"Wait, please. You don't need to waste your time with me. Help Kevin instead." I don't know what is happening but I am sure Kevin needs help more than I do right now. Especially if my sisters are tracking him like I did. And I wouldn't want him to do something similar to what he did to me to them.

"Fufu. I guess I was right to intervene. Meetia, could it be that you have forgotten?" 

"Shut up!! I don't need to hear it!! Leave my world and take your stinky and stupid lizards with you!!"

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