Xiaolong was so frightened that he jumped up to the chandelier, covered his mouth and shouted: "Mom, come home quickly, there is a stepmother and a stepfather, they want a mixed doubles to beat your son!"

Wang Tao then asked weakly: "Who will protect Lan'er?"

Zhu Yue comforted him: "Where is the little swordsman with little brains? An Xin, my dad is also there."

"They are now asking the hospital director's office to explain. There is no danger."

Wang Tao reluctantly got up and looked at his miserable image in the mirror.

My whole body hurts and itches, so I need to take a shower first to wash off the ointment on my body.

"Ding, after comprehending [Healing Technique], you gain experience value * 1 trillion times! Your [Healing Technique] experience has exploded!"

The blurred flesh and blood on the skin gradually became smoother, but this unreliable healing technique seemed to only have a psychological comfort effect. He should still be in pain.

Call Lan'er and ask her to stay put, while she goes to the hospital for treatment.

After the call was connected, Zhuyue's father was still talking to the dean: "You, comrade, have to be pretty good at lying. A patient who was carried into an ambulance jumped out of the car and ran away in the downtown area. You Do you think we can accept this statement?”

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The doctors and nurses in the ambulance were obviously frightened and stammered: "Teacher Zhu, you can look at the glass of our ambulance. He did jump out by himself."

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief until they heard that Wang Tao was coming to the hospital for treatment.

The dean quickly settled in: "Inform Teacher Guo to stop looking for people, arrange a consultation with medical and surgical experts, and take a good look at this young man who is so playful!"

As soon as Wang Tao entered the door of the hospital, Panpan, who was overflowing with motherly love, grabbed him excitedly, touched his burnt hair and his face with some scratches and bruises and said, "As long as everything is fine."

Wang Tao suddenly felt warm in his heart. In fact, the frying pan is not a bad person.

He said in an aggrieved voice: "Teacher Guo, I'm in too much pain. I'm going to the hospital."

With tears in Pan Pan's eyes, he pulled Wang Tao and walked in: "Silly boy, can it not hurt? Come on, the teacher will accompany you in."

The dean spoke and activated the emergency color ultrasound room and CT room, and Wang Tao was quickly sent in for examination.

With a face full of pain, Wang Tao pointed to his limbs and torso where he had been struck by lightning and said, "Doctor, I feel terrible pain here."

The doctor watched the film for a long time, and then stared at Wang Tao with wide eyes for a long time.

He rolled his eyelids and asked, "What other symptoms are there?"

Wang Tao was so excited that he took off his shirt, trying to reveal the bloody wounds, but unfortunately his eyes were clean.

There isn't even a single scar now.

It's just that wherever it hurt before, it still hurts, especially the place where Long's son had been tricked by his father. It hurt and itched.

He pointed to those places awkwardly: "Here, here, it hurts and itches."

The old doctor wearing glasses looked at his colleagues and said, "There is nothing wrong with our surgery. Just take a look!"

The physician held a thick stack of blood and urine test reports, without even looking at Wang Tao, and asked him if he had any recent symptoms.

Wang Tao continued to compare to the doctor, and found that those areas of his body hurt terribly.

But the cheating doctor actually asked Wang Tao: "Xiao Ming's mother gave birth to three children. The eldest is called Da Mao, and the second is called Ermao. What is the name of the third?"

Wang Tao was so angry that he waved his hand: "Xiao Ming!"

The doctor innocently spread his hands and said, "Why don't we call the neurologist to come and take a look? I'm not sick or injured at all. My acting skills are perfect!"

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