The 100 billion times training system instantly reaches full level

Chapter 384 What the hell is a Taoist priest?

Wang Tao couldn't wait to hit his head on the table in pain, stood up and said excitedly: "Do you have any strong painkillers? Give me some pethidine or something like that first!"

The doctors and nurses became vigilant and quickly called in another group of doctors in white coats, forcing Wang Tao to do another blood test.

Soon the results came out: "I have no bad habits, and the urine and blood tests are all normal!"

This time Panpan refused to agree, and slapped the table hard: "Our children have excellent academic performance in school, respect teachers, and unite with classmates, but you treat them like drug addicts! Do you still think of us in No. 3 Middle School?"

"The child had an accident on campus. The ambulance could save him halfway, but you should go explain it to the security officer!"

Then he pulled Wang Tao up and said, "Follow the teacher, let's find another hospital!"

Wang Tao has scolded the system tens of millions of times. The system knew it was in the wrong and said nothing.

Panpan opened the car door and asked Wang Tao to take her car to the hospital. Wang Tao said weakly: "Teacher Guo, I'm dizzy. It's useless to go to the hospital. I'd better go home and lie down for a while."

Panpan refused, so Xiaoyue pushed her father hard.

Teacher Zhu also advised: "The city hospital is a top three hospital after all. Since there is no problem in the examination, it is time to let the child go back and have a rest."

"Let me tell you something we shouldn't say. The child's illness may be a false illness that cannot be detected by the hospital."

Panpan looked at Xiaoyue and said, "You still have experience in this matter. Your Xiaoyue didn't talk about it when she was a child. It suddenly got better. There must be a reason."

Then Panpan said: "I'll take Wang Tao home, Yun Xiaolan, and Murong Jian go back to class. If you don't do well in the quiz, you two should be careful!"

Zhuyue said nonchalantly: "Aunt Guo, please take them back to school. You have classes in the afternoon. I don't have training this afternoon. I'll take Wang Tao back."

Zhuyue has already obtained a place in the sports school, and no one will care about her current cultural classes.

Teacher Zhu glanced at her daughter in confusion, and then at Yun Xiaolan. In the end, family affection defeated reason.

Zhuyue sent Wang Tao back to rest.

The broadcast on this bus was that a black-hearted plastics factory in the southern suburbs of our city was struck by lightning and burned down, and a lot of medical waste that should have been destroyed was found, as well as many non-recyclable materials.

Experts said that it was thunder and lightning caused by strong convective weather. Anyway, no matter whether the people believe it or not, the media only needs to believe it.

Zhuyue bought a lot of painkillers on the roadside for Wang Tao to take, which finally relieved his pain temporarily.

When he calmed down enough to reprimand Xiaolong, the guy said: "Go to the store to marinate chicken for dad to make money to pick up girls!"

Fly away along the window.

Zhu Yue was so angry that she jumped up and scolded. Wang Tao took out the return mirror and looked at it repeatedly, wanting to know what happened to the 10% damage recovery.

Zhuyue's shadow in the mirror was blurred, and she turned into the narrow sword again, loosely slung on the body of a man wearing Bagua Taoist robes.

The boss held Buddha dust in his hand and stood lonely on a cliff, seeming to be watching the afterglow of the sunset.

The sword and candle moon floated in the evening breeze, and it seemed that she was enjoying the tranquility of these days.

Wang Tao suddenly felt that something was wrong. He put his face against the return mirror and discovered to his surprise that the height ratio of the Taoist was the same as his own.

He had never worn the alchemist's Bagua robe in the heaven, let alone the clothes of a Taoist priest.

After carefully examining the Taoist's profile, Wang Tao grabbed Zhu Yue and asked eagerly: "What did your original master look like?"

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