Wang Tao looked at the boy lying on the ground, shrugged helplessly and said: "It's not that I don't want to help you, it's just that someone is making things worse."

The boy had tears in his eyes and looked resigned to his fate. He struggled to pull out the messy tubes on his body and bowed to Wang Tao.

The old lady came out of the house and said with a frown: "Wait, the whole C city knows that my family's immortal family is the most powerful. You are a newcomer and you want to steal grandma's job."

Wang Tao was confused and looked at the old lady and said word by word: "I snatched the soul back from the demon. I was repairing it when you detained it. Now there are still two souls that have not been repaired. Who is hurting me?"

"You stinky boy dare to be stubborn in my hall, beat me!"

The old lady was very fierce, pointing at Wang Tao and shouting: "He is the demon star. If you don't believe me, come out and see. He has no life span at all!"

People on this street can see something. When they heard the Ma grandmother yelling, they immediately came out to watch.

Many of them were pale and even called it bad luck, and some even hid in their own rooms, even closing the door tightly.

The identity that Wang Tao chose for the next term was a junior high school student who was selected by the Return Hall and was supposed to die. The gods came forward to replace all his information, so that Wang Tao, a poor student, was admitted to the third middle school.

But the soul of Wang Tao in this world had long been extinguished, and the soul of Wang Tao of the gods was not something that these mortals could explore.

The greasy man with the gold chain immediately begged the old lady: "Ma Xiangu, please avenge my son."

Ma Xiangu curled her lips, and the greasy man immediately ordered someone to send a box of money and pile it in front of the incense table.

Wang Tao looked at the young man struggling on the ground, then looked at Ma Xiangu's eyes shining when she saw the money, and finally looked at the greedy shadows around the money box.

Finally, she sighed heavily: "Even you disciples who are out to do evil things for money, is it strange that the power of faith is seriously lost?"

Ma Xiangu said angrily: "How dare you challenge your grandmother Ma!"

As she said this, she danced and sang, but after a long time, there was no movement. The old lady roared: "We immortals are tired of helping Xiao Dong to appease his soul just now, and we went back to rest. You kid picked up a ready-made advantage today."

Wang Tao hugged his shoulders and sneered at the old lady Ma, saying grimly: "You'd better call it over. I must eradicate the so-called monster that harms all living beings."

The old lady Ma sang, danced and sang more and more vigorously, and finally there was movement.

Her voice became trembling, and she asked tentatively: "Sir, why do you call me a fairy?"

Wang Tao spat: "You are worthy of being called a fairy?"

"It's fine if you can really get the chance to transcend the calamity and ascend to heaven by practicing good karma, but what do I see? The little ghost is bringing wealth and doing evil things. Today, I will definitely spend your cultivation!"

After Wang Tao said that, he threw the dozing little dragon out. The little dragon rubbed his eyes and said confusedly: "Dad, throw it into the mountain stream or the lake?"

Wang Tao said coldly: "Eat it directly!"

The little dragon responded happily: "Okay, the inner elixir is a great tonic!"

As he said that, he pounced on Old Lady Ma. At first, Old Lady Ma ran quickly on all fours, but the little dragon chased her closely. In the end, the demon fairy abandoned Old Lady Ma and fled for her life. The little dragon chased her and slapped her with a claw, and swallowed the inner elixir directly.

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The man with the gold chain was so frightened that he fainted. Many people who were peeping whispered, "What kind of fairy does this kid worship? Pillow fairy? Meatball? Bug? Big lizard?"

Someone who saw it more clearly said in a speculative tone, "Maybe it's a particularly fat Chang fairy."

Old Madam Ma woke up and said angrily, "You dare to hurt my Huang fairy, the fairies in our hall will never let you go!"

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