The 1.000 year Great Sage ---> COMPLETED STORY
Chapter 176:Report 154
In the morning, Seya went with them to his Baron's house, for a visit over his lands. They eventually joined with the Representatives from the Myshka World, visiting the Kingdoms of the Ariansyl World. So many wonders, puzzled them on Seya's lands, even more after his explanations. The amount of flour coming out of the Watermill, the fields full of wheat or corn almost ready to harvest, hundreds of horses roaming free in fields full of grass.
In the LizardKind prairies, the way of life similar to ancient Japan on Earth astonished them, and Aku Kiro's Dojo where BeastKind and RabbitKind were happily training the Three-Sword-Style with a few Dwarfs that stubbornly, wanted to train while using a battle-axe or three short swords.
The group visited King Barunger's domains, where huge forges fed by Fire Crystals were making some metal parts for many of Seya's farming equipment. There was also piles of wood laying around, but they were more because of an ancient tradition, of burning wood from very specific trees to provide a sweet scent all over the caves. Barunger explained that those types of trees are chopped branches that the Dwarfs take from some trees that the Elfians authorize, as long as the trees are not cut. In case of an entire tree is needed for a special feast, a wedding or a birthday, for every tree cut, the Dwarfs plant two more. That part was strange for the Dwarfs of Legosyl, but Barunger explained that such a task was not regarded as a shame, but rather as a duty because they were the ones to cut down the tree. On his personal view, it was not only the Elfians that had the duty to take care of the forest, but it was also a duty of everyone that lived in the Ariansyl World. The Legosyl Dwarfs nodded while thinking on Barunger's words.
During the visit to the RabbitKind Kingdom, there was a tournament going on in the Coliseum. Seya's guests were invited to either join the tournament or just watch. They all decided to join. Seya was forced by his friends, guests and the Denar'an King, to participate as well.
During the tournament, Seya defeated every single one of his opponents, proving to his guests that what Xenya said about him being a fearful fighter, was not a lie. In the end, only him remained undefeated, while Arys was knocked down on the ground next to him, with several cuts on her body and nasty bruises. Seya warned her over and over at the beginning of the tournament, to be careful and not try that he fought seriously during their fight. She didn't, and that was the end result.
On that night, after a feast in Gaya for his guests, everyone was gathered in the Meeting Room. The Representatives of both worlds, every King and Queen of Ariansyl, Seya and his friends, the Principal, Teachers and students, and everyone that was still living inside Gaya.
Seya was at the centre, looking around. He smiled and addressed the crowd.
- My friends and honourable guests, I am very glad that everything is going so smoothly with everything. The Demonoids are gone, confined in the Compressed Dimension that we created at great cost and sacrifice, and I am predicting a great future for our World. With that in mind, I reached to other Worlds so that we could increase the numbers of our population by the members of those Worlds. There will be great opportunities for trading, visits, or if anyone wants, to spend some holidays or live in another World. That only depends on you and on the goodwill of the people living in those other Worlds. On this World, the Bushido Code taught 1.000 years ago by the Elfian Great Sage and the Goddess Teachings written by the Goddess Aria herself, helped on shaping and modelling our World into a peaceful one. I hope that our influence, help on changing the minds of the beings living in the Myshkasyl and the Legosyl Worlds.
He looked around, and a lot of smiles reached him. He then dropped the bomb.
- With that in mind, I will need the help of everyone again, in a few days. I will contact the World from where the Humans came, Millennia ago, Earth. In there, there are people that are as kind as the Goddess, some that are evil and destructive as the Demonoids and many others with the same mindset of the Empire, always trying to get the best things for themselves, without caring about the consequences of the disasters that they may cause. Magic doesn't exist in there, which is a good thing, because if it did, they would be all dead, by now. Instead, they use science and their outstanding curiosity to push them further and further, always looking for answers for everything around them. That curiosity and willpower to push further is one thing that we lack, as a people. With their influence, I think we will change our mindset.
Some nods and smiles showed that they understood his reasons, even if they weren't so sure in the beginning. Seya paused for an instant and he then continued.
- For security reasons, the only way to go from Earth to Myshkasyl and to the Legosyl World will be by those Arches that we have on the next room, and I will be very strict about who can go there. Many of you remember how things were, in the Empire. On Earth, some things are similar, plus ten times more. There are many Humans on Earth that are always looking for territories to explore, without bothering to stop before they destroy something. I don't trust them to behave properly, in our World, or on the others. At least, until they change their ways. I must also warn everyone to try not to be influenced by them in the wrong way. In case of doubt, remember the Bushido Code and the Goddess Teachings. Well, I think that's it, let's see how things go from here, shall we?
Clapping and smiles accompanied the end of his speech. The crowd slowly began to exit the Room, using the Gateways that Gaya opened by using the Communicator Device, to contact the Kingdoms. Seya waited for a while, thinking and looking at one wall. Ryn approached him, but seeing him in so deep thoughts, Lionelia stopped her.
- Better leave him alone. I know that look, he's making some plans. If you interrupt him now, he will lose focus and make a mistake. Don't worry, when he's done thinking, he will tell us what he wants to do next.
Ryn left with Lionelia and his friends. She was looking back at him, worried. Aria waved at her when they crossed paths on the exit of the Meeting Room.
- I got this. Go to sleep, I think I know what is worrying him. I am going to talk to that guy for a while, don't worry.
Ryn nodded and she looked back at Seya. He was still looking at the same wall, completely still. Aria runs towards him and stood at his front, waiting. Some time passed, and he was still thinking. Aria was starting to get bored.
- Oh, come on… Hey, wake up! Seya!
- Oh… Hello! Sorry, I was thinking about some things.
- Care to fill me in?
- I was wondering… How much time as passed, since my life ended on Earth?
Aria frowned.
- That's easy. How old are you?
- 16… Wait… Time wasn't supposed to go differently here?
- Who told you so? I never said that. You were the one to jump to weird conclusions. I travelled in time to Earth, back and forth, guided by the Council of the Gods. But if we go now to Earth, only 16 years have passed, since you died in there.
- I see… But I need more information, manly, how are things in there. I was wondering, can you make a small Gateway to the top of a skyscraper from where I could take a look around or try to watch the news? I think I can use my Magical Television to see news on the CNN channel.
- I can do that. Your tv can get CNN?
- I think… I remember what the channel frequency is, I need to make a Magic Crystal that vibrates at the same frequency to get it, but in theory, it's possible.
Aria smiled.
- That would be so cool! Let's go to your Laboratory, we can test it right now!
Before Seya could open a Gateway, Aria took him along one of hers. He blinked with the change of light and after he could see properly, he went to the Magical Television. He grabbed a small brand-new Crystal that was coming from one of the Automatic Production Lines on top of a nearby table. He infused a small Magical Program with some command words, placed on the side of the Television and asked Aria to open a Gateway to Earth. When it was open, Seya could see the edge of a building and more buildings around.
- Where did you make it connect?
- To U.S.A. Atlanta, Georgia. Headquarters of CNN, of course. Right on top of their building, near a wall. Since my Gateway is white, it's almost invisible during the day. And because it only gives little light around, it would be imperceptible during the night as well.
- That's perfect, thanks. Now, since we are right at the emitter, let me try to get CNN International…
Seya placed one hand over the Frequency Crystal and ordered it.
- 'Frequency Crystal, activate!'. So, let's see if it works… I feel it vibrating. 'Increase frequency by one hundred!'… too low… 'Increase frequency by one thousand!'
On the Tv, an image appeared, a little distorted. Aria was looking and she smiled.
- A Bugs Bunny cartoon! Wait! I didn't saw this episode!
Seya didn't wait and he gave another command.
- 'Increase frequency by ten thousand!'… Let me see… FOX… 'Increase frequency by one hundred!'… AXN… 'Increase frequency by five hundred!'… CNN with distortion… 'Increase frequency by ten!'… There! Perfect image and sound. Let me grab some chairs for us… Now, we watch what's happening in there, lately.
Aria was frowning at the image of a firing cannon.
- We could watch that Bugs Bunny cartoon… instead of war-related things… Can you at least program that Crystal to get more channels and a way for me to change the channel?
- Yeah, I think I can do that. I need to do a search for the channels and record that frequency on the Crystal. When you want to change channels, you just need to say the name of the one that you want to watch. But not now, ok? I want to see what the recent news are, to see if things are the same, or worst.
For the next two hours, Aria and Seya watched images of natural disasters, news about assassinations, car accidents, a rebellion on a prison that was still underway, a speech from the President of America about the economy and the plans for improving it, a debate between two reporters about that speech and a ship wreckage full with immigrants that were fleeing from North Africa by crossing the Mediterranean.
Seya recorded that channel on the Crystal and searched for some others, trying to find better or happier news. There was a new exposition at the Louvre about ancient Egypt, a ski competition in Switzerland, and the birth of triplets on the Royal Family of an African country. When Seya was getting tired, he recorded more channels that Aria asked and he left to sleep, while she remained in the Laboratory, watching the Cartoon Network channel.
In the morning, Seya returned to his Laboratory and little Aria was still there, but with his friends. Hina jumped to get some explanation about how he made it possible to get those images on the tv, together with some explanations of what they saw and how he knew so much about that World like he made it clear over the last speech that he made. Seya looked at Aria, asking for support but she slowly shook her head, for him to remain silent. He understood and tried to give an excuse.
- I am sorry, but what I know about that World, is something that I prefer not to explain, it's too soon for me...
Arys interrupted him.
- You told us some time ago that the Goddess asked for your help, sixteen years ago. Which can only mean that she took you from another World. I am sure that World was Earth. You were brought here like the first settlers, right?
Seya looked at Aria by the corner of his eye.
- Almost… but not exactly like them. Let's drop this for now, ok? I prefer not to talk about it, so please, don't ask anything more, ok?
Arys frowned.
Seya smiled, he understood.
- Don't worry, cousin, I won't leave you guys. This is my World, as it is yours.
Arys nodded while pointing with her head in the direction of the television.
- Yeah, because I don't like that World… The Humans in there are mean! They are always killing each other! We saw some news about a Healer that saved some people on a car accident, but that was the only good thing, all the rest, are either sad or horrible! How can Humans live in that World?
- Yeah, how indeed… One more reason to go there, right? To show them how we live so that they aim to do as we do. But we must be careful. They don't know that there are other Worlds with intelligent beings or Magic. They can get scared. And Humans are always scared of differences. I need to prepare some things before we go there. My cute Goddess, can you close that Gateway and open another one right inside one of the caves of Mount Fuji, in Japan?
- Sure, but what for? It's still night in that part of the world, I think everyone is sleeping, we won't be seen.
Seya smiled.
- That would be perfect. If no one is in there, I want to turn that Mountain into a Magic Crystal. I know it is considered a sacred place, so we must go in hiding and only turn the inside into Crystal, leaving the outside of that Mountain as it is. If possible, leaving the inner walls as they are, for no one to suspect what we did.
Aria was opening her mouth, in surprise. Before she could say anything, Ryn asked.
- But only with us, it will take a long time, no? Do we have time to transform that Mountain, before the day starts?
Seya stopped to think for a while.
- Yeah… Maybe you guys could go to school and call the students to help us. The sooner the better, actually. It would be good to place today one Gateway Arch near Mount Fuji, maybe in the city of Fujinomiya, where several hiking trails start. It would attract more attention to it, for sure, if it's placed in a place where a lot of people visit almost every day.
Arys opened a Gateway directly to the cafeteria.
- You stay here watching television and relaxing while we take care of that for you. We need to warn the Principal too, he may want to come as well.
Seya nodded.
- That would be perfect, cousin, thanks. It will be a different class of Applications of Magic, for sure!
They rushed to cross the Gateway and Seya remained near the television, watching the news with Aria. She offered some biscuits and tea that she made to appear on a table and they ate while talking about the fights in Colombia between some criminals and the army. Titania joined them in the conversation, she too, was puzzled by what was happening on Earth.
After some time, Arys' voice came from the Communicator Crystal on Seya's neck.
- Cousin, we are all here in the Meeting Room. Teacher Fitz and Teacher Chris are here too, with the Principal.
- Ok, we are going…
Aria took them immediately before Seya could finish his sentence. They disappeared from the Laboratory and appeared in the centre of the Meeting Room, with the familiar 'Flash' and 'Bum' sound. Titania was blinking and Seya was frowning by that sudden trip.
- This is so weird… Hello, everyone, good morning. Today I need your help on a new project, as Princess Arys may have already told you about. We need to be fast, to finish before the day starts and people appears inside the caves where we are going in a few moments. As soon as we get there, put one hand on a wall or on the floor and let your Magic Flow travel along it. It would be a little hard because there's no Magic in there, but it will get better as we continue because if the Goddess keeps the passage open, the Magic Flow from this World will go through it and that, will help us to become faster.
A lot of smiles and serious looks confirmed that they understood. The Principal slowly raised his hand.
- Seya, this is one more of your special classes?
- Yes, you can see it in that way. Don't worry, this time it will be safer, there's no Demonoids to attack us. Maybe a few bats, but they are harmless. Queen Titania, it would be great if you took care of our protection, just in case, together with some of Gaya's Knights.
- Of course, dear Seya, you can count on us, right Gaya?
- …||… Yes! So cool! I am going to another World! …||…
- Just one thing, if someone appears, restrain him, ok? No need to kill anyone in there. Or that will only give us problems, later on. Aria, can you take care of the passage?
Little Aria frowned.
- Sure, just use me as your personal cab driver, will you?
Before Seya could apologise, the Light Gateway appeared next to him. On the other side, a small cave. Seya turned to the students.
- In silence, ok? Remember my instructions.
Seya crossed first, looked around and called for the others. When everyone was next to him, he pointed to the walls. His friends, the students, Teachers and the Principal, placed one hand over the walls around them. Titania and two of Gaya's Knights stood watch on the nearby exits of that cave. Aria placed one hand over Seya's shoulder and whispered to him.
- I will give you some Magic so things get faster, ok? Don't tell anyone about me doing this, ok? I don't want people to think that I favour you.
Seya whispered back.
- Like if no one knew it already… Everyone knows that I am your favourite!
- Shut up and concentrate, will you? I don't want to be here all night!
Seya connected his Magic Flow to the wall. Slowly, he found the Flow of the others and even more slowly, they began to turn the interior of the walls and the interior of the floor, into Magic Crystal, leaving intact a few centimetres deep of solid rock. If anyone looked at one wall or a part of the floor, they would never guess that twenty centimetres deep, there was Magic Crystal inside, covering every inch of Mount Fuji.
Over the next ten minutes, they travelled with the Magic Flow, following Seya's indications on where they needed to continue the Crystal. Since they had some experience from the Demonoid Island, they were getting faster by the minute, as confidence increased. Then, Aria gave a huge amount of Magic Flow to them, through Seya. Her Flow travelled along Mount Fuji, filling it with Magic. Seya used that to increase the speed and in two hours, Mount Fuji was a gigantic Magic Crystal in disguise.
After a signal from Seya, they all slowly disconnected from the Magic Flow of Mount Fuji. Seya noticed that the Flow from Ariansyl was coming from the Gateway that Aria had kept open. They quickly went back to Gaya, in silence. When Aria dispersed the Gateway, Seya took a deep breath before speaking again.
- Well, that was fun… Kind off! I need to leave again, to place the Arch. Aria, can you choose a place in the city of Fujinomiya? Maybe in a garden or a park. A park would be great, actually.
Aria made a frown while thinking. After a few moments, she smiled.
- I know just the place… The National Park Fuji-Hakone-Izu.
- Sounds perfect. Can we go there?
A Light Gateway with rough edges appeared, as an answer. Seya crossed after Aria and on the other side, it was still night with only the moon giving a dim light. Seya quickly placed the Gateway Arch, at some distance from a children's playground. On both sides of the Gateway, there was a huge grass field. Seya smiled, it was indeed a beautiful place. Mount Fuji could be seen at some distance, a tall mountain with the top covered in white, and Seya could sense a straight line of Magic Flow coming from it, deep underground, and connecting to the Gateway Arch.
As soon as Seya activated the Arch to connect to Gaya, the Flow from Ariansyl started to come from it and going to Mount Fuji. He smiled to Aria and they crossed, returning to Gaya and to the group that was looking at them through the Arch. It seemed that Arys guided them to the cave where the Arches were, while they waited. In there, Seya explained the functions of the Arches, how they were supposed to help the Worlds and also, the security measures that he placed, to prevent any surprise visits.
On the other Arches, two BeastKind were looking at them, through the Myshkasyl Arch and a Dwarf was on the Legosyl Arch. The students greeted them and talked a little, they were curious about the Worlds of their ancestors, especially the BeastKind and the Dwarf students. Teacher Chris received a growl from the Dwarf. Being an Elfian was sure to grant him a nasty response from a Legosyl Dwarf.
When Seya saw the day rising on Earth's Arch, he asked for everyone to leave the cave, he was expecting that some people noticed the brand-new Arch in the park and approached it, to check. He didn't want to scare anyone before news of that strange construction was sent all over. In fact, he was counting on the reporters, to help spread the news about the Arch. He only asked Gaya to place a Knight in front of it, so that people on Earth, could see him. Or her, considering the Knight was made using Xenya as a model.
In the LizardKind prairies, the way of life similar to ancient Japan on Earth astonished them, and Aku Kiro's Dojo where BeastKind and RabbitKind were happily training the Three-Sword-Style with a few Dwarfs that stubbornly, wanted to train while using a battle-axe or three short swords.
The group visited King Barunger's domains, where huge forges fed by Fire Crystals were making some metal parts for many of Seya's farming equipment. There was also piles of wood laying around, but they were more because of an ancient tradition, of burning wood from very specific trees to provide a sweet scent all over the caves. Barunger explained that those types of trees are chopped branches that the Dwarfs take from some trees that the Elfians authorize, as long as the trees are not cut. In case of an entire tree is needed for a special feast, a wedding or a birthday, for every tree cut, the Dwarfs plant two more. That part was strange for the Dwarfs of Legosyl, but Barunger explained that such a task was not regarded as a shame, but rather as a duty because they were the ones to cut down the tree. On his personal view, it was not only the Elfians that had the duty to take care of the forest, but it was also a duty of everyone that lived in the Ariansyl World. The Legosyl Dwarfs nodded while thinking on Barunger's words.
During the visit to the RabbitKind Kingdom, there was a tournament going on in the Coliseum. Seya's guests were invited to either join the tournament or just watch. They all decided to join. Seya was forced by his friends, guests and the Denar'an King, to participate as well.
During the tournament, Seya defeated every single one of his opponents, proving to his guests that what Xenya said about him being a fearful fighter, was not a lie. In the end, only him remained undefeated, while Arys was knocked down on the ground next to him, with several cuts on her body and nasty bruises. Seya warned her over and over at the beginning of the tournament, to be careful and not try that he fought seriously during their fight. She didn't, and that was the end result.
On that night, after a feast in Gaya for his guests, everyone was gathered in the Meeting Room. The Representatives of both worlds, every King and Queen of Ariansyl, Seya and his friends, the Principal, Teachers and students, and everyone that was still living inside Gaya.
Seya was at the centre, looking around. He smiled and addressed the crowd.
- My friends and honourable guests, I am very glad that everything is going so smoothly with everything. The Demonoids are gone, confined in the Compressed Dimension that we created at great cost and sacrifice, and I am predicting a great future for our World. With that in mind, I reached to other Worlds so that we could increase the numbers of our population by the members of those Worlds. There will be great opportunities for trading, visits, or if anyone wants, to spend some holidays or live in another World. That only depends on you and on the goodwill of the people living in those other Worlds. On this World, the Bushido Code taught 1.000 years ago by the Elfian Great Sage and the Goddess Teachings written by the Goddess Aria herself, helped on shaping and modelling our World into a peaceful one. I hope that our influence, help on changing the minds of the beings living in the Myshkasyl and the Legosyl Worlds.
He looked around, and a lot of smiles reached him. He then dropped the bomb.
- With that in mind, I will need the help of everyone again, in a few days. I will contact the World from where the Humans came, Millennia ago, Earth. In there, there are people that are as kind as the Goddess, some that are evil and destructive as the Demonoids and many others with the same mindset of the Empire, always trying to get the best things for themselves, without caring about the consequences of the disasters that they may cause. Magic doesn't exist in there, which is a good thing, because if it did, they would be all dead, by now. Instead, they use science and their outstanding curiosity to push them further and further, always looking for answers for everything around them. That curiosity and willpower to push further is one thing that we lack, as a people. With their influence, I think we will change our mindset.
Some nods and smiles showed that they understood his reasons, even if they weren't so sure in the beginning. Seya paused for an instant and he then continued.
- For security reasons, the only way to go from Earth to Myshkasyl and to the Legosyl World will be by those Arches that we have on the next room, and I will be very strict about who can go there. Many of you remember how things were, in the Empire. On Earth, some things are similar, plus ten times more. There are many Humans on Earth that are always looking for territories to explore, without bothering to stop before they destroy something. I don't trust them to behave properly, in our World, or on the others. At least, until they change their ways. I must also warn everyone to try not to be influenced by them in the wrong way. In case of doubt, remember the Bushido Code and the Goddess Teachings. Well, I think that's it, let's see how things go from here, shall we?
Clapping and smiles accompanied the end of his speech. The crowd slowly began to exit the Room, using the Gateways that Gaya opened by using the Communicator Device, to contact the Kingdoms. Seya waited for a while, thinking and looking at one wall. Ryn approached him, but seeing him in so deep thoughts, Lionelia stopped her.
- Better leave him alone. I know that look, he's making some plans. If you interrupt him now, he will lose focus and make a mistake. Don't worry, when he's done thinking, he will tell us what he wants to do next.
Ryn left with Lionelia and his friends. She was looking back at him, worried. Aria waved at her when they crossed paths on the exit of the Meeting Room.
- I got this. Go to sleep, I think I know what is worrying him. I am going to talk to that guy for a while, don't worry.
Ryn nodded and she looked back at Seya. He was still looking at the same wall, completely still. Aria runs towards him and stood at his front, waiting. Some time passed, and he was still thinking. Aria was starting to get bored.
- Oh, come on… Hey, wake up! Seya!
- Oh… Hello! Sorry, I was thinking about some things.
- Care to fill me in?
- I was wondering… How much time as passed, since my life ended on Earth?
Aria frowned.
- That's easy. How old are you?
- 16… Wait… Time wasn't supposed to go differently here?
- Who told you so? I never said that. You were the one to jump to weird conclusions. I travelled in time to Earth, back and forth, guided by the Council of the Gods. But if we go now to Earth, only 16 years have passed, since you died in there.
- I see… But I need more information, manly, how are things in there. I was wondering, can you make a small Gateway to the top of a skyscraper from where I could take a look around or try to watch the news? I think I can use my Magical Television to see news on the CNN channel.
- I can do that. Your tv can get CNN?
- I think… I remember what the channel frequency is, I need to make a Magic Crystal that vibrates at the same frequency to get it, but in theory, it's possible.
Aria smiled.
- That would be so cool! Let's go to your Laboratory, we can test it right now!
Before Seya could open a Gateway, Aria took him along one of hers. He blinked with the change of light and after he could see properly, he went to the Magical Television. He grabbed a small brand-new Crystal that was coming from one of the Automatic Production Lines on top of a nearby table. He infused a small Magical Program with some command words, placed on the side of the Television and asked Aria to open a Gateway to Earth. When it was open, Seya could see the edge of a building and more buildings around.
- Where did you make it connect?
- To U.S.A. Atlanta, Georgia. Headquarters of CNN, of course. Right on top of their building, near a wall. Since my Gateway is white, it's almost invisible during the day. And because it only gives little light around, it would be imperceptible during the night as well.
- That's perfect, thanks. Now, since we are right at the emitter, let me try to get CNN International…
Seya placed one hand over the Frequency Crystal and ordered it.
- 'Frequency Crystal, activate!'. So, let's see if it works… I feel it vibrating. 'Increase frequency by one hundred!'… too low… 'Increase frequency by one thousand!'
On the Tv, an image appeared, a little distorted. Aria was looking and she smiled.
- A Bugs Bunny cartoon! Wait! I didn't saw this episode!
Seya didn't wait and he gave another command.
- 'Increase frequency by ten thousand!'… Let me see… FOX… 'Increase frequency by one hundred!'… AXN… 'Increase frequency by five hundred!'… CNN with distortion… 'Increase frequency by ten!'… There! Perfect image and sound. Let me grab some chairs for us… Now, we watch what's happening in there, lately.
Aria was frowning at the image of a firing cannon.
- We could watch that Bugs Bunny cartoon… instead of war-related things… Can you at least program that Crystal to get more channels and a way for me to change the channel?
- Yeah, I think I can do that. I need to do a search for the channels and record that frequency on the Crystal. When you want to change channels, you just need to say the name of the one that you want to watch. But not now, ok? I want to see what the recent news are, to see if things are the same, or worst.
For the next two hours, Aria and Seya watched images of natural disasters, news about assassinations, car accidents, a rebellion on a prison that was still underway, a speech from the President of America about the economy and the plans for improving it, a debate between two reporters about that speech and a ship wreckage full with immigrants that were fleeing from North Africa by crossing the Mediterranean.
Seya recorded that channel on the Crystal and searched for some others, trying to find better or happier news. There was a new exposition at the Louvre about ancient Egypt, a ski competition in Switzerland, and the birth of triplets on the Royal Family of an African country. When Seya was getting tired, he recorded more channels that Aria asked and he left to sleep, while she remained in the Laboratory, watching the Cartoon Network channel.
In the morning, Seya returned to his Laboratory and little Aria was still there, but with his friends. Hina jumped to get some explanation about how he made it possible to get those images on the tv, together with some explanations of what they saw and how he knew so much about that World like he made it clear over the last speech that he made. Seya looked at Aria, asking for support but she slowly shook her head, for him to remain silent. He understood and tried to give an excuse.
- I am sorry, but what I know about that World, is something that I prefer not to explain, it's too soon for me...
Arys interrupted him.
- You told us some time ago that the Goddess asked for your help, sixteen years ago. Which can only mean that she took you from another World. I am sure that World was Earth. You were brought here like the first settlers, right?
Seya looked at Aria by the corner of his eye.
- Almost… but not exactly like them. Let's drop this for now, ok? I prefer not to talk about it, so please, don't ask anything more, ok?
Arys frowned.
Seya smiled, he understood.
- Don't worry, cousin, I won't leave you guys. This is my World, as it is yours.
Arys nodded while pointing with her head in the direction of the television.
- Yeah, because I don't like that World… The Humans in there are mean! They are always killing each other! We saw some news about a Healer that saved some people on a car accident, but that was the only good thing, all the rest, are either sad or horrible! How can Humans live in that World?
- Yeah, how indeed… One more reason to go there, right? To show them how we live so that they aim to do as we do. But we must be careful. They don't know that there are other Worlds with intelligent beings or Magic. They can get scared. And Humans are always scared of differences. I need to prepare some things before we go there. My cute Goddess, can you close that Gateway and open another one right inside one of the caves of Mount Fuji, in Japan?
- Sure, but what for? It's still night in that part of the world, I think everyone is sleeping, we won't be seen.
Seya smiled.
- That would be perfect. If no one is in there, I want to turn that Mountain into a Magic Crystal. I know it is considered a sacred place, so we must go in hiding and only turn the inside into Crystal, leaving the outside of that Mountain as it is. If possible, leaving the inner walls as they are, for no one to suspect what we did.
Aria was opening her mouth, in surprise. Before she could say anything, Ryn asked.
- But only with us, it will take a long time, no? Do we have time to transform that Mountain, before the day starts?
Seya stopped to think for a while.
- Yeah… Maybe you guys could go to school and call the students to help us. The sooner the better, actually. It would be good to place today one Gateway Arch near Mount Fuji, maybe in the city of Fujinomiya, where several hiking trails start. It would attract more attention to it, for sure, if it's placed in a place where a lot of people visit almost every day.
Arys opened a Gateway directly to the cafeteria.
- You stay here watching television and relaxing while we take care of that for you. We need to warn the Principal too, he may want to come as well.
Seya nodded.
- That would be perfect, cousin, thanks. It will be a different class of Applications of Magic, for sure!
They rushed to cross the Gateway and Seya remained near the television, watching the news with Aria. She offered some biscuits and tea that she made to appear on a table and they ate while talking about the fights in Colombia between some criminals and the army. Titania joined them in the conversation, she too, was puzzled by what was happening on Earth.
After some time, Arys' voice came from the Communicator Crystal on Seya's neck.
- Cousin, we are all here in the Meeting Room. Teacher Fitz and Teacher Chris are here too, with the Principal.
- Ok, we are going…
Aria took them immediately before Seya could finish his sentence. They disappeared from the Laboratory and appeared in the centre of the Meeting Room, with the familiar 'Flash' and 'Bum' sound. Titania was blinking and Seya was frowning by that sudden trip.
- This is so weird… Hello, everyone, good morning. Today I need your help on a new project, as Princess Arys may have already told you about. We need to be fast, to finish before the day starts and people appears inside the caves where we are going in a few moments. As soon as we get there, put one hand on a wall or on the floor and let your Magic Flow travel along it. It would be a little hard because there's no Magic in there, but it will get better as we continue because if the Goddess keeps the passage open, the Magic Flow from this World will go through it and that, will help us to become faster.
A lot of smiles and serious looks confirmed that they understood. The Principal slowly raised his hand.
- Seya, this is one more of your special classes?
- Yes, you can see it in that way. Don't worry, this time it will be safer, there's no Demonoids to attack us. Maybe a few bats, but they are harmless. Queen Titania, it would be great if you took care of our protection, just in case, together with some of Gaya's Knights.
- Of course, dear Seya, you can count on us, right Gaya?
- …||… Yes! So cool! I am going to another World! …||…
- Just one thing, if someone appears, restrain him, ok? No need to kill anyone in there. Or that will only give us problems, later on. Aria, can you take care of the passage?
Little Aria frowned.
- Sure, just use me as your personal cab driver, will you?
Before Seya could apologise, the Light Gateway appeared next to him. On the other side, a small cave. Seya turned to the students.
- In silence, ok? Remember my instructions.
Seya crossed first, looked around and called for the others. When everyone was next to him, he pointed to the walls. His friends, the students, Teachers and the Principal, placed one hand over the walls around them. Titania and two of Gaya's Knights stood watch on the nearby exits of that cave. Aria placed one hand over Seya's shoulder and whispered to him.
- I will give you some Magic so things get faster, ok? Don't tell anyone about me doing this, ok? I don't want people to think that I favour you.
Seya whispered back.
- Like if no one knew it already… Everyone knows that I am your favourite!
- Shut up and concentrate, will you? I don't want to be here all night!
Seya connected his Magic Flow to the wall. Slowly, he found the Flow of the others and even more slowly, they began to turn the interior of the walls and the interior of the floor, into Magic Crystal, leaving intact a few centimetres deep of solid rock. If anyone looked at one wall or a part of the floor, they would never guess that twenty centimetres deep, there was Magic Crystal inside, covering every inch of Mount Fuji.
Over the next ten minutes, they travelled with the Magic Flow, following Seya's indications on where they needed to continue the Crystal. Since they had some experience from the Demonoid Island, they were getting faster by the minute, as confidence increased. Then, Aria gave a huge amount of Magic Flow to them, through Seya. Her Flow travelled along Mount Fuji, filling it with Magic. Seya used that to increase the speed and in two hours, Mount Fuji was a gigantic Magic Crystal in disguise.
After a signal from Seya, they all slowly disconnected from the Magic Flow of Mount Fuji. Seya noticed that the Flow from Ariansyl was coming from the Gateway that Aria had kept open. They quickly went back to Gaya, in silence. When Aria dispersed the Gateway, Seya took a deep breath before speaking again.
- Well, that was fun… Kind off! I need to leave again, to place the Arch. Aria, can you choose a place in the city of Fujinomiya? Maybe in a garden or a park. A park would be great, actually.
Aria made a frown while thinking. After a few moments, she smiled.
- I know just the place… The National Park Fuji-Hakone-Izu.
- Sounds perfect. Can we go there?
A Light Gateway with rough edges appeared, as an answer. Seya crossed after Aria and on the other side, it was still night with only the moon giving a dim light. Seya quickly placed the Gateway Arch, at some distance from a children's playground. On both sides of the Gateway, there was a huge grass field. Seya smiled, it was indeed a beautiful place. Mount Fuji could be seen at some distance, a tall mountain with the top covered in white, and Seya could sense a straight line of Magic Flow coming from it, deep underground, and connecting to the Gateway Arch.
As soon as Seya activated the Arch to connect to Gaya, the Flow from Ariansyl started to come from it and going to Mount Fuji. He smiled to Aria and they crossed, returning to Gaya and to the group that was looking at them through the Arch. It seemed that Arys guided them to the cave where the Arches were, while they waited. In there, Seya explained the functions of the Arches, how they were supposed to help the Worlds and also, the security measures that he placed, to prevent any surprise visits.
On the other Arches, two BeastKind were looking at them, through the Myshkasyl Arch and a Dwarf was on the Legosyl Arch. The students greeted them and talked a little, they were curious about the Worlds of their ancestors, especially the BeastKind and the Dwarf students. Teacher Chris received a growl from the Dwarf. Being an Elfian was sure to grant him a nasty response from a Legosyl Dwarf.
When Seya saw the day rising on Earth's Arch, he asked for everyone to leave the cave, he was expecting that some people noticed the brand-new Arch in the park and approached it, to check. He didn't want to scare anyone before news of that strange construction was sent all over. In fact, he was counting on the reporters, to help spread the news about the Arch. He only asked Gaya to place a Knight in front of it, so that people on Earth, could see him. Or her, considering the Knight was made using Xenya as a model.
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