Seya looked to the Gateway that was still open.

- Queen Athena, do you mind joining us? May I introduce to you, another Magical Being, Queen Athena of the Mermaids.

Athena crossed with a smile and she made a gracious bow towards the Representatives.

- Hello, I am Queen Athena.

Seeing her with a tiara made of seashells, a pearl neckless, a big seashell covering her breasts and dressed in a very short light blue skirt adorned with seashells, granted her a lot of smiles from the men present and some envy gazes from the women. A male voice was heard from one side of the room.

- She doesn't look like a Mermaid…

Seya smiled and pointed his hand to the left side of Athena. Before the surprised eyes of the Representatives, a rock was appearing, coming from the ground as if it was growing.

- Queen Athena, do you mind laying on that rock? Now, let me see… place your right hand on the rock and your left hand on the side of your head… raise your elbow a little higher… that's it. Now, if I do this…

Seya created a bubble of translucid water, surrounding Queen Athena and the rock. She smiled and her crossed legs started to change into a long fin. Seya pointed to her while addressing the Representatives.

- Does she now look like a Mermaid?

The Representatives were astonished. Not only because a real Mermaid was in front of them, but also because of Seya's Magic. He dispersed the water bubble and when Athena had legs again, she quickly jumped to the floor and Seya threw the rock into his Compressed Dimension. He then threw some Fire Magic together with Wind Magic to dry her up and the floor as well. That was too much for many Representatives. Some were screaming while many others fainted. Seya looked around in surprise.

- Oops… Maybe I have exaggerated. I totally forgot that you never saw any kind of Magic like this. Here, let me help the ones that fainted.

Seya opened a small passage on the Shield Dome and he threw a small ball of compressed Healing Magic. The ball dispersed and a faint light containing Healing Magic went all around, waking up everyone that was fainted and calming down the others. When the Representatives were quiet and looking at him, he spoke.

- Sorry about this. But if you fainted just because of this, I wonder what will be your reaction with my other guests… Ryn, Princess Lionelia and Princess Arys, do you mind coming here?

They crossed the Gateway and stood at his side, bowing to the Representatives. They were easily recognized, because of their previous appearance. Seya pointed with his hand to each one, introducing them.

- Ryn Mycym, my girlfriend, a famous security guard of long course caravans and a powerful Water Mage. Princess Lionelia Leonhard, also my girlfriend and heir to the throne of the BeastKind. Princess Arys Denar'an, my cousin and heir to the throne of the RabbitKind.

The Secretary-General asked for order, the noise was getting too loud. After some moments, he asked Seya.

- Seems that everyone is too surprised. Great Sage, those girls, are really Princesses? And you have two girlfriends? But, the girl with the rabbit ears, she can't be your cousin!

Arys turned to the Secretary-General with an angry look.

- Who are you calling rabbit, Human? I am a RabbitKind Princess, you shall address me with the respect that my position grants me! Or do I need to go up there and slap your butt for you to learn some manners? I am seeing a lot of people in here with different eyes and different skin colour, did you hear me insulting them when I arrived?

Some disguised laughter was heard among the Representatives and the Secretary-General was quick to apologise.

- I am sorry, Princess Arys, I didn't want to sound disrespectful, I was just surprised.

Seya placed a hand over Arys' right shoulder.

- Hold on, cousin, let me explain, ok? Secretary-General and Representatives, they are indeed Princesses, and also heirs to the throne of their own Kingdom. I have two girlfriends because I am a Marquess and as a High Noble, I am supposed to, as long as the girls allow it. I didn't mention it earlier, but my father is a Half-Breed, the son of the previous RabbitKind King, and a Human concubine. When his mother died, my father was raised by the RabbitKind Queen and King, and he was acknowledged as a pretendant to the crown, and that granted him the title of a Duke. My mother, on the other hand, is Human, but she was adopted by the Dwarf King when she was a new-born baby after her entire family and friends were killed by a huge pack of wild wolves. On our World, babies born from parents of different Races is normal. What is rare, is being completely Human, like Ryn Mycym here.

Ryn raised her hand.

- Hold on, Seya, I never once told you that I am completely Human… My great-Grandmother from my mother's side was a Half-Breed Human and DogKind.

- What? You never told me that!

- You never asked! Hina and Myra are the ones that are all Human, even their great-great-Grandparents were Human.

Seya smiled and continued the introduction of his guests.

- Well, this is a surprise even for me… So, now I want to introduce to you another Magical Being, an amazing one. The Dragonoid Elder, Master Eridan.

Eridan crossed the Gateway and made a slight bow. The Representatives saw an old man wearing a long cape, two RabbitKind ears and a long beard, looking around with a smile.

- Hello, it's a pleasure being here. I am Eridan, the first Magical Being that the Goddess Aria created on the Ariansyl World, 10.000 years ago. Queen Titania has more Magic than myself, but I am stronger and a little bit older. This is my RabbitKind form, my complete form doesn't fit under this ceiling.

Eridan increased his Magic and his shadow went up, forming the head of a Dragonoid. The head looked around and made a slight bow. It then dispersed and Eridan continued to smile.

- I hope I didn't scare anyone. If I did, I apologise.

A lot of voices rose all around.

- A Dragon… so cool… but he looks Human, except for the ears… was that Magic?

Eridan raised his hand to ask for silence, with a serious look on his face.

- I am not a Dragon, I am a Dragonoid. I know that the Goddess made me inspired by the images of a Dragon that she saw in this World, many centuries ago. But your Dragons are either wild animals or work as a means of transportation, in some of your stories. I am way more than that. Dragonoids like myself, are mostly thinkers, sculptures or painters. We prefer to think and to create art, than flying around spitting fire and eating cows. Please, don't call me a Dragon, it's too much of an insult.

That last sentence had so many Magic mixed that the pressure went across Seya's Light Dome and the Representatives felt the rise of the hair on the back of their neck. Seya was slowly shaking his head.

- Master Eridan, you really should do something about that temper of yours. If Master Inia ever found out what you just did, by scaring everyone in here, she will knock you out for sure.

- Yeah… She will… I am sorry for my angry reaction, but calling a Dragon to a Dragonoid, it's like if I called monkey to a Human. It's that insulting. Or even more, considering the fact that I might not know that designation.

- I want to introduce the Elfian Prince Muryu, who I consider as my brother since I was five years old. And my Grandfather, the Dwarf King Barunger.

The appearance of those two caused an uproar in that room. The previous visitors were surprising enough, but everything about them screamed Fantasy World. A tall, beautiful and slender young man, with long hair and pointy ears, with a longbow at his back, made a lot of the women Representatives sigh. Next to him, an old man with long grey hair and beard, with a crown with shining Fire Crystals that Seya made years ago and offered him as a gift, with a big battle axe at his back, so short that only reached the thighs of the Elfian, made some Representatives hold on their laughter. Seya put one hand over Barunger's shoulder, stopping him from grabbing the axe.

- Hold on, gramps. Didn't I tell you to leave the axe? Why are you so stubborn? Do you honestly think I would let you use that?

Barunger pointed at one Representative that was turning red, trying not to laugh.

- And what I am supposed to do about that one over there? Do you want me to pretend that I don't see him mocking me?

- Yes, that's exactly what I want you to do. You are Barunger the Dwarf, a master blacksmith, King of one of the most outstanding races of the Ariansyl World. You are better than that racist Human that had to pay, bribe or lick the butt of everyone that he met on all his life, to be seated on that chair. Don't mind him. Don't mind any of them. They don't deserve your punishment, they are not worthy of it. And you, proud United Nations Representatives, you should take a good look on everyone that's here with me. Because if you don't swallow those smiles and that laughter, you will never see any of us again and tomorrow you will have to explain to every person on your own country, how you had the courage and the right to miss such a chance of improving their lives with everything that we had to offer.

Slowly, the sound of disguised laughs diminished, either because they were ashamed or because they covered their mouths. Seya increased his Magic and he began to be surrounded by Dark and Light flames.

- Until now, you only saw Earth, Water, Fire, Wind and Light Magic. I used Dark and Light Magic for creating that Gateway that brought us here and Healing Magic to wake up the ones that fainted moments ago. Any of these Attributes of Magic can be used to attack, defend or to help. Do you want to dig a well? Earth Magic can open the soil until any depth that you need. Do you want to fly without any kind of apparatus? Wind Magic does that. Heal a severed limb, remove lymphomas or tumours? Healing Magic doesn't need surgery or anaesthesia for that. When I was ten years old, I healed a broken medulla on Princess Heiji's neck. How many doctors do you have in your own country, capable of doing that? And you dare to laugh just by seeing my amazing Grandfather? Because of what? Of your own prejudice and misconceptions about Dwarfs that you once read on a book when you were a child, Dwarfs that sang and dig diamonds from a mine? At least Tolkien had more imagination than Walt Disney when he depicted the Dwarf Race in his books!

Princess Heiji crossed the Gateway together with little Aria and grabbed Seya's right arm.

- Breath, big brother, breath… I know they don't deserve it, but remember what you told us? Many of these Humans are xenophobic, racist, and crazy, but there are some of them that are truly amazing. You are too mad, let me continue, ok?

Heiji turned to the Representatives and made a slight bow.

- Greetings, I am Princess Heiji Rohan, heir to the throne of the Human Kingdom of Rohan. I shall grant you with my presence, even if you are not worthy! But don't be fooled by my young age and my pretty smile, I am way more powerful than I look and if you make me angry, I will blow up this entire building with all of you still inside. Seya told us that you were the Representatives of many countries in this World. Does that grant you any right to laugh at the expense of any of us? Or are you just stupid?

The Representative of England stood up and he was having a hard trouble holding his laughter. He took a deep breath before speaking.

- I am truly sorry for my reaction. I can't speak about my colleagues here, but I only thought it was funny because of the height difference between the Dwarf King and the Elfian Prince. If they didn't come together, my reaction would surely be different. Neither the less, I must apologise. I think that everything until now was so surprising that I may have lost track of what I am supposed to be doing here.

Little Aria took one step further, reaching the edge of the Light Dome.

- No way… Your accent, are you Scottish, by any chance? What's the name of your clan?

The Representative stuttered for a brief moment.

- I am… Scottish, yes. I am Thomas Macleod, from the clan Macleod. My family came from the Highlands of Scotland, many centuries ago.

Aria had her eyes wide open.

- Really? What are the odds… Are you the great-great-great-Grandson of Tobias Macleod?

- I… I had one ancestor with that name… How do you know…

Before he could finish his sentence, Aria went near the Gateway.

- Duncan, come here! I found one of your uncles!

Duncan crossed the Gateway, surprised by what she said. He stood at her side, looking in the direction of the England Representative. Suddenly, he became enveloped with Aria's light, and when it diminished, he was fully dressed in a kilt, a cloth covering his left shoulder, a sporran at his waist, lace-up boots, a small sgian-dubh knife on a sock, and a sword hanging at his side, firmly held by a sheath around his waist. Duncan looked at his clothes, surprised.

- What… Why am I dressed in my family clothes? Despite the fact that I left all this at my father's house?

That change in Duncan's clothes, so easily and effortlessly, made the Representatives gasp in surprise. The English Representative was puzzled, more than anyone else.

- Why… why is that boy dressed in my clan's tartan pattern?

Aria smiled.

- May I introduce to you, Duncan Macleod, from the clan Macleod. A direct descendant of the first Human settlers that agreed to come to my World, many centuries ago. Those first settlers were the second son of Tobias Macleod and his lovely wife. Tell me, does your family still owns that pretty castle in Inverness?

- Yes… it's been in my family for several generations…

Aria placed her hands on her waist.

- And that painting of Tobias Macleod next to a little girl with curly, long, blond hair, and blue eyes, is still above the fireplace in the main Dining Room?

Thomas Macleod was more and more puzzled.

- Yes… it's there… I know that painting, it has been there since the time of Tobias Macleod…

Aria smiled and with her familiar 'Flash' and 'Bum' sound, she disappeared. Seya quickly turned to the Secretary-General that was calling out for order, after that sudden disappearance.

- I am sorry for this Secretary-General, I don't know what she's up too. She never warns me beforehand.

Then, the same 'Flash' and the 'Bum' sound resonated in the room. Aria was near the Representative from England, holding a big painting.

- Do you see any resemblances?

Thomas Macleod looked at the little girl in the painting, then at Aria, to the painting again, and he turned pale.

- You… both look alike…

Aria looked at the painting with a smile.

- Yeah, I always loved this painting. Tobias wanted it, to remember me. I wanted this too, but he convinced me to let him keep it. He was a very good friend of mine.

She looked at Thomas Macleod, with a slight light around her and she made a gentle smile.

- I hope you are as honourable as your ancestor, Thomas Macleod. Are you married? Do you have children? Are you happy?

- Yes… I have a boy and a girl… I… think I am honourable and happy with my life…

- Then, saving your ancestor Tobias Macleod and the entire Macleod clan over that war with England wasn't a waste of my time. May your clan live forever, Thomas Macleod.

Aria slowly disappeared, without the expected light and noise. The Representatives in that room were talking among themselves, trying to figure out what just happened. Thomas Macleod smiled, and he slowly nodded while getting up.

- Great Sage, that little girl, she was the Goddess Aria, right? I know her story, how a Goddess disguised as a little girl appeared in the middle of a battlefield, saving my ancestors. She stayed for some time with my ancestor Tobias Macleod, and my family history says that when she left this World, the second son of Tobias Macleod went with her, together with his wife.

- Yes, she is the little girl form of Aria, the Goddess of Creation. I wasn't expecting that she would come here. I know that she visited Earth, many years ago, but she never told me what she did in here. Seems that wherever she goes, either Earth or Ariansyl, she always tries to save as many people as she can.

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