The 1.000 year Great Sage ---> COMPLETED STORY
Chapter 181:Report 159
The uproar that followed Seya's words, was too much. Many Representatives wanted to know more, while others were screaming that it was impossible. The Secretary-General was trying to call for order, but it was no use. Seya raised his right arm, asking for silence. When the Representatives noticed, they slowly calmed down.
- I know, it seems impossible. Up to some years ago, everyone in the Ariansyl World never dreamed about meeting the Goddess like that, face to face. Over these past few years, and mostly because I kept on annoying her, she is appearing more often. She is always around, and people don't know her real identity. It's very rare, the times that she reveals herself like she just did. She is one of the reasons why our World is in peace. She guides us more directly than most Gods. I can understand if you are too sceptic about this subject, but you can't deny what just happened.
There was some noise around, of people agreeing with him while others were still denying what they saw. Seya continues, to change the subject.
- So, finally, I want to introduce my last guest. I must warn you, despite the fact that he seems scary, he is, in fact, one of the gentlest beings that I know. He uses Magic in a different way, he uses Mind Magic. That includes telepathy, mind-reading, memory bending, telekinesis and some more. His vocal cords don't allow him to speak, but he knows Japanese. Some years ago, I found a way to translate his thoughts in Japanese to English, and we can hear him inside our heads. You can speak to him because he also understands English. He is a Clan Chief, member of the Ten Clan Conclave, the form of Government of the LizardKind.
From the Gateway, came Aku Kiro. Dressed in light brown clothes only covering his waist, with chest armour and sandals made of wood and straw. With 2-meter-high, the reptilian head, the long tail, and the scales covering his body, his sight made some female Representatives scream in surprise while others were too dumbfounded to react. Many Representatives were holding their breath, waiting for what was going to happen next.
Suddenly, they all heard a voice inside their heads while Aku Kiro was making a deep bow towards them.
- …||… Greetings, Earth Human Representatives. Me being one chief of Ten Clan Conclave, me Aku Kiro, son of Aku Kiro, grandson of Aku Kiro. This me lineage. …||…
While the Representatives were still digesting the nightmare image before their eyes, Seya pointed to the Representative from Japan.
- Master Aku Kiro, if you remove your Translator Crystal, you can speak in Japanese to that Representative. He is from the same country from where the Elfian Great Sage came, the one that taught the LizardKind about the Japanese way of life, the Samurais, and the Bushido Code.
Aku Kiro turned to the Japanese Representative and made a deep bow. He sent a mental message in Japanese only for him, thanking him and his country for everything that the LizardKind learned from one of them. He, in turn, got up and retributed the deep bow.
- Dōmo arigatōgozaimashita. O ai dekite kōeidesu.
Because the other Representatives were looking at him, the Japanese Representative was quick to translate his own response to Aku Kiro, before the official translators could do it.
- I said, thank you very much. It is an honour meeting you… Great Sage, how is this possible? How can such a being know Japanese and our ways?
While Aku Kiro was putting his Translator Crystal on his neck again, Seya answered.
- I told this to your Prime Minister. Because Goddess Aria came to this World many years ago and reincarnated in the Ariansyl World a concubine after she was killed by an Empress in the Tokugawa shogunate. She spread the way of life of the Samurais, together with the Bushido Code. She was also a Geisha, and she taught many aspects of that art to the LizardKind females. Up until today, Geisha are a very important part of the LizardKind Race. One of the Ten Clan Chiefs used to be a Geisha. And if you know your History and you are proud of it, you would be amazed if you ever went to the LizardKind prairies. Wooden buildings in their cities, temples, monks in yellow robes, kimonos and dojos everywhere. And also, LizardKind fully equipped as a Samurai, walking down the streets. They are a Race that takes pride in their duty and tries to improve themselves, every day. Sounds familiar?
The Japanese Representative was smiling at each description.
- Yes, old Japan, indeed… I would love to visit such a place…
Seya shrugged his shoulders.
- I don't see why not. The Gateway is right there if you want to visit. It connects to my home, Gaya, a living and flying Mountain. If you ask her, she can help you in opening a Gateway to a city of the LizardKind.
The Representative blinked a few times.
- Wait, you said a Mountain that it's alive and it flies?
- Yes. My friends and I made it float and the Goddess grant it life. I have made an Avatar for her to use and to travel with us if needed. You all have seen this Avatar, it is the female Knight that can be seen through the Gateway Arch in Japan.
The sound of scattered voices resonated in that room. The Secretary-General asked for order again, and he looked angry.
- Great Sage, do you mind not causing such an uproar every time you speak? I am getting tired of trying to calm everyone!
- Yeah… My bad, sorry, Secretary-General. The Representative asked, I just answered.
Seya turned again to the Representatives.
- I know that until now, all of this is too surprising. It looks like a dream, a well-elaborated Magic trick or a deception. But take a look into that Gateway. It connects to our World but I can also create a Gateway to another place here on Earth, if I ever went there previously or if I can see where it connects. It's as easy as crossing a door to another room. For example…
Seya created on the outside of the Light Dome, a Gateway from where the Statue of Liberty could be seen, another one with the Eiffel Tower nearby, and a third one with the Taj Mahal at some distance. He then pointed at each Gateway.
- If you want to go for a quick test, you just need to cross one of those and you will be there. Even considering that some of those locations are so far away from here.
The American, the Indian and the French Representatives stood up and they went towards the Gateways. They looked at each other, trying to see who would be the first to risk crossing that strange door frame. The female Representative from India went first. She crossed, looked around, greeted a man that was looking at that strange frame door that appeared near him, and came back with a smile.
- Yes, he was right, it's as easy as crossing a door. That's Agra in India, for sure, no doubt about it.
The American and the French Representatives crossed their own Gateway, stood on the other side looking around, completely dumbfounded and returned, their face a little pale. They looked at Seya in disbelief and the French Representative spoke, after breathing deeply a few times.
- How is that possible… it's Paris on the other side!
Seya nodded.
- Yes, that's one of my most advanced Magics, the Gateway. I normally use it to travel, to save time. With a few modifications, it allows the crossing of Worlds. Remember that dark circle with light around where I put my Mage robe and my Staff? That's another one of my Magics, the Compressed Dimension. A space compressed so many times, that can hold a huge number of things inside. That and the Gateway, I made it possible for everyone in my World to be able to use, with some security measures, of course. For example…
Seya opened his Compressed Dimension, and from there, he took one belt purse and one-shoulder bag.
- This belt purse can hold 10 kilograms of things, as long as those things fit through the opening. And this bag can hold 1 ton. Perfect for travels, holidays, trading… and some strange uses. Princess Arys Denar'an thought that this bag can be used as a prison. Our friend Myra Calcym figured out that the bag can also be used as a portable toilet. Both of these use small Magic Crystals, like the ones over there on the floor, that are making this Light Shield Dome around us. These are only a few applications for it. I am sure that many of you can think about a few more. For security reasons, the Crystals on this equipment can only be used for this and if they are messed with, they can explode.
The Secretary-General was alarmed.
- What do you mean, they can explode? And why is that a security measure?
- Like I said, security reasons. I made it like that for preventing someone to use it for criminal actions. Someone could try to find a way to bypass the security measures. If the Security-General let me approach, I will give you this two equipment, for you to test. You can consider them as a peace offering if you want. Of course, you can also suspect my intentions, but if I wanted to kill you, I didn't need to use this. But I should warn you, because of the qualities, possibilities and variety of applications of these, on this World, they are priceless. They can surely be more valuable than Mona Lisa and all the gold inside Fort Knox.
- I… understand. I want to see those things up close, please, come here.
Seya went to the edge of the Light Shield and with a flick of his hand, a passage opened. He climbed the few stairs and he got near the Secretary-General and handed him the belt purse and the bag.
- You can put inside of this anything that you want. If you want to take something out, you just put your hand inside and when you touch what you want, take it out. Or you can turn the opening upside down and press this Crystal, and the contents will come out, all at once. My friend Myra made this feature, she says it's easier to use, like that.
The Secretary-General looked at the belt purse, opened it and he could only see the darkness. Puzzled, he put inside of it one pen, a piece of folded paper and his handkerchief. Closed the purse and shacked it.
- Weird, I don't feel anything inside of this.
Seya pointed to the purse.
- You have space in there for all the papers that you may find in this room, to a limit of 10 kilograms. It's a lot.
The Secretary-General put his hand inside the purse and tried to find the things that he placed in there. One by one, he found all of them. Puzzled, he looked at the darkness inside.
- This is so weird… I can put my entire arm inside of this! What kind of Magic is this? This is just impossible!
Seya smiled.
- Not really. Difficult to accomplish, that's for sure, but it's not impossible because you have it in your hands. This is doing wonders in our World. Merchants travel anywhere in the World by using a Gateway directly to a city with one or two of those bags, they buy or sell their merchandise and come home in time for dinner. Before this, they used to travel for several weeks, sometimes months, with wild animals or bandits to worry about. I wonder what something like this will do, in this World. I can think of several uses. Medical aid to African countries sent immediately, without worrying about transportations costs. Families that want to move to a new house and don't want to rent an entire truck for transport of their belongings. Farmers using the bags for storage of their harvested products, saving with that, a lot of space.
The Secretary-General was looking at the bag, thinking.
- Yes… I see what you mean that this equipment can be priceless in this World. That's why I can't accept them, they would give me a lot of problems.
He delivered the bag and the purse to Seya, and he immediately put them inside his Compressed Dimension.
- I totally understand and your decision is what I expected from a man in your position. Seems that you are wiser than most of those Representatives over there, and I don't know if they are good enough to represent the fine, hard-working people, living in their countries. Well, it's not up to me to say any more than this, time will decide. And their people…
- So, I said everything that I wanted. This and much more is what we have to offer. From Earth, I want knowledge, to evolve our World further and further, together with people, to increase our numbers and to push us. Magic is capable of many things, but it has a drawback. People tend to become lazy and less curious about everything around because Magic makes things so easy. On Earth, you never had that problem. There are a lot of wonders and new discoveries in every branch of science, appearing almost every week. Imagine what you could do, with your curious mind and a little help from Magic. If anyone has any question about everything that I said or if you want to know anything more in specific, you just need to ask.
Slowly, some voices started to speak at the same time. Seya raised his arm and called for attention.
- Please, one at a time, it's too difficult like this. Remember, everything is being broadcasted, think about what the people watching us, would want to know.
The Representative from China raised his arm.
- Great Sage, you said that the Representative from Japan could visit your World if he wished. Is that invitation available for all of us?
- Yes. I don't want any of you thinking that I am favouring Japan over the other countries. But remember, I will remain the right to deny a visit, if I think the person wanting to go there, should pose a threat or if they annoy me. For instance, that one over there, that was to vehemently spreading a sheet of distrust at the beginning of this meeting, and the Representative of America, that was twisting my words in the beginning, is not allowed. But their Prime Minister can come, or another person that they choose, one that doesn't insult or annoys me.
The American Representative got up and he asked while raising one eyebrow.
- Are you saying that you are the ruler of your World? What if, for example, I asked Queen Athena or King Barunger, to visit their Kingdom? If they are the rulers, they can accept my visit, overruling you, correct?
Seya crossed his arms and answered.
- Didn't I tell you that I don't want to talk to you again? You are rather stubborn… Reminds me of someone that I know… Ok, you could do that, but I wish you good luck, considering the perverted look that you made when you saw Queen Athena or the way that you laughed when King Barunger entered this room…
- I know, it seems impossible. Up to some years ago, everyone in the Ariansyl World never dreamed about meeting the Goddess like that, face to face. Over these past few years, and mostly because I kept on annoying her, she is appearing more often. She is always around, and people don't know her real identity. It's very rare, the times that she reveals herself like she just did. She is one of the reasons why our World is in peace. She guides us more directly than most Gods. I can understand if you are too sceptic about this subject, but you can't deny what just happened.
There was some noise around, of people agreeing with him while others were still denying what they saw. Seya continues, to change the subject.
- So, finally, I want to introduce my last guest. I must warn you, despite the fact that he seems scary, he is, in fact, one of the gentlest beings that I know. He uses Magic in a different way, he uses Mind Magic. That includes telepathy, mind-reading, memory bending, telekinesis and some more. His vocal cords don't allow him to speak, but he knows Japanese. Some years ago, I found a way to translate his thoughts in Japanese to English, and we can hear him inside our heads. You can speak to him because he also understands English. He is a Clan Chief, member of the Ten Clan Conclave, the form of Government of the LizardKind.
From the Gateway, came Aku Kiro. Dressed in light brown clothes only covering his waist, with chest armour and sandals made of wood and straw. With 2-meter-high, the reptilian head, the long tail, and the scales covering his body, his sight made some female Representatives scream in surprise while others were too dumbfounded to react. Many Representatives were holding their breath, waiting for what was going to happen next.
Suddenly, they all heard a voice inside their heads while Aku Kiro was making a deep bow towards them.
- …||… Greetings, Earth Human Representatives. Me being one chief of Ten Clan Conclave, me Aku Kiro, son of Aku Kiro, grandson of Aku Kiro. This me lineage. …||…
While the Representatives were still digesting the nightmare image before their eyes, Seya pointed to the Representative from Japan.
- Master Aku Kiro, if you remove your Translator Crystal, you can speak in Japanese to that Representative. He is from the same country from where the Elfian Great Sage came, the one that taught the LizardKind about the Japanese way of life, the Samurais, and the Bushido Code.
Aku Kiro turned to the Japanese Representative and made a deep bow. He sent a mental message in Japanese only for him, thanking him and his country for everything that the LizardKind learned from one of them. He, in turn, got up and retributed the deep bow.
- Dōmo arigatōgozaimashita. O ai dekite kōeidesu.
Because the other Representatives were looking at him, the Japanese Representative was quick to translate his own response to Aku Kiro, before the official translators could do it.
- I said, thank you very much. It is an honour meeting you… Great Sage, how is this possible? How can such a being know Japanese and our ways?
While Aku Kiro was putting his Translator Crystal on his neck again, Seya answered.
- I told this to your Prime Minister. Because Goddess Aria came to this World many years ago and reincarnated in the Ariansyl World a concubine after she was killed by an Empress in the Tokugawa shogunate. She spread the way of life of the Samurais, together with the Bushido Code. She was also a Geisha, and she taught many aspects of that art to the LizardKind females. Up until today, Geisha are a very important part of the LizardKind Race. One of the Ten Clan Chiefs used to be a Geisha. And if you know your History and you are proud of it, you would be amazed if you ever went to the LizardKind prairies. Wooden buildings in their cities, temples, monks in yellow robes, kimonos and dojos everywhere. And also, LizardKind fully equipped as a Samurai, walking down the streets. They are a Race that takes pride in their duty and tries to improve themselves, every day. Sounds familiar?
The Japanese Representative was smiling at each description.
- Yes, old Japan, indeed… I would love to visit such a place…
Seya shrugged his shoulders.
- I don't see why not. The Gateway is right there if you want to visit. It connects to my home, Gaya, a living and flying Mountain. If you ask her, she can help you in opening a Gateway to a city of the LizardKind.
The Representative blinked a few times.
- Wait, you said a Mountain that it's alive and it flies?
- Yes. My friends and I made it float and the Goddess grant it life. I have made an Avatar for her to use and to travel with us if needed. You all have seen this Avatar, it is the female Knight that can be seen through the Gateway Arch in Japan.
The sound of scattered voices resonated in that room. The Secretary-General asked for order again, and he looked angry.
- Great Sage, do you mind not causing such an uproar every time you speak? I am getting tired of trying to calm everyone!
- Yeah… My bad, sorry, Secretary-General. The Representative asked, I just answered.
Seya turned again to the Representatives.
- I know that until now, all of this is too surprising. It looks like a dream, a well-elaborated Magic trick or a deception. But take a look into that Gateway. It connects to our World but I can also create a Gateway to another place here on Earth, if I ever went there previously or if I can see where it connects. It's as easy as crossing a door to another room. For example…
Seya created on the outside of the Light Dome, a Gateway from where the Statue of Liberty could be seen, another one with the Eiffel Tower nearby, and a third one with the Taj Mahal at some distance. He then pointed at each Gateway.
- If you want to go for a quick test, you just need to cross one of those and you will be there. Even considering that some of those locations are so far away from here.
The American, the Indian and the French Representatives stood up and they went towards the Gateways. They looked at each other, trying to see who would be the first to risk crossing that strange door frame. The female Representative from India went first. She crossed, looked around, greeted a man that was looking at that strange frame door that appeared near him, and came back with a smile.
- Yes, he was right, it's as easy as crossing a door. That's Agra in India, for sure, no doubt about it.
The American and the French Representatives crossed their own Gateway, stood on the other side looking around, completely dumbfounded and returned, their face a little pale. They looked at Seya in disbelief and the French Representative spoke, after breathing deeply a few times.
- How is that possible… it's Paris on the other side!
Seya nodded.
- Yes, that's one of my most advanced Magics, the Gateway. I normally use it to travel, to save time. With a few modifications, it allows the crossing of Worlds. Remember that dark circle with light around where I put my Mage robe and my Staff? That's another one of my Magics, the Compressed Dimension. A space compressed so many times, that can hold a huge number of things inside. That and the Gateway, I made it possible for everyone in my World to be able to use, with some security measures, of course. For example…
Seya opened his Compressed Dimension, and from there, he took one belt purse and one-shoulder bag.
- This belt purse can hold 10 kilograms of things, as long as those things fit through the opening. And this bag can hold 1 ton. Perfect for travels, holidays, trading… and some strange uses. Princess Arys Denar'an thought that this bag can be used as a prison. Our friend Myra Calcym figured out that the bag can also be used as a portable toilet. Both of these use small Magic Crystals, like the ones over there on the floor, that are making this Light Shield Dome around us. These are only a few applications for it. I am sure that many of you can think about a few more. For security reasons, the Crystals on this equipment can only be used for this and if they are messed with, they can explode.
The Secretary-General was alarmed.
- What do you mean, they can explode? And why is that a security measure?
- Like I said, security reasons. I made it like that for preventing someone to use it for criminal actions. Someone could try to find a way to bypass the security measures. If the Security-General let me approach, I will give you this two equipment, for you to test. You can consider them as a peace offering if you want. Of course, you can also suspect my intentions, but if I wanted to kill you, I didn't need to use this. But I should warn you, because of the qualities, possibilities and variety of applications of these, on this World, they are priceless. They can surely be more valuable than Mona Lisa and all the gold inside Fort Knox.
- I… understand. I want to see those things up close, please, come here.
Seya went to the edge of the Light Shield and with a flick of his hand, a passage opened. He climbed the few stairs and he got near the Secretary-General and handed him the belt purse and the bag.
- You can put inside of this anything that you want. If you want to take something out, you just put your hand inside and when you touch what you want, take it out. Or you can turn the opening upside down and press this Crystal, and the contents will come out, all at once. My friend Myra made this feature, she says it's easier to use, like that.
The Secretary-General looked at the belt purse, opened it and he could only see the darkness. Puzzled, he put inside of it one pen, a piece of folded paper and his handkerchief. Closed the purse and shacked it.
- Weird, I don't feel anything inside of this.
Seya pointed to the purse.
- You have space in there for all the papers that you may find in this room, to a limit of 10 kilograms. It's a lot.
The Secretary-General put his hand inside the purse and tried to find the things that he placed in there. One by one, he found all of them. Puzzled, he looked at the darkness inside.
- This is so weird… I can put my entire arm inside of this! What kind of Magic is this? This is just impossible!
Seya smiled.
- Not really. Difficult to accomplish, that's for sure, but it's not impossible because you have it in your hands. This is doing wonders in our World. Merchants travel anywhere in the World by using a Gateway directly to a city with one or two of those bags, they buy or sell their merchandise and come home in time for dinner. Before this, they used to travel for several weeks, sometimes months, with wild animals or bandits to worry about. I wonder what something like this will do, in this World. I can think of several uses. Medical aid to African countries sent immediately, without worrying about transportations costs. Families that want to move to a new house and don't want to rent an entire truck for transport of their belongings. Farmers using the bags for storage of their harvested products, saving with that, a lot of space.
The Secretary-General was looking at the bag, thinking.
- Yes… I see what you mean that this equipment can be priceless in this World. That's why I can't accept them, they would give me a lot of problems.
He delivered the bag and the purse to Seya, and he immediately put them inside his Compressed Dimension.
- I totally understand and your decision is what I expected from a man in your position. Seems that you are wiser than most of those Representatives over there, and I don't know if they are good enough to represent the fine, hard-working people, living in their countries. Well, it's not up to me to say any more than this, time will decide. And their people…
- So, I said everything that I wanted. This and much more is what we have to offer. From Earth, I want knowledge, to evolve our World further and further, together with people, to increase our numbers and to push us. Magic is capable of many things, but it has a drawback. People tend to become lazy and less curious about everything around because Magic makes things so easy. On Earth, you never had that problem. There are a lot of wonders and new discoveries in every branch of science, appearing almost every week. Imagine what you could do, with your curious mind and a little help from Magic. If anyone has any question about everything that I said or if you want to know anything more in specific, you just need to ask.
Slowly, some voices started to speak at the same time. Seya raised his arm and called for attention.
- Please, one at a time, it's too difficult like this. Remember, everything is being broadcasted, think about what the people watching us, would want to know.
The Representative from China raised his arm.
- Great Sage, you said that the Representative from Japan could visit your World if he wished. Is that invitation available for all of us?
- Yes. I don't want any of you thinking that I am favouring Japan over the other countries. But remember, I will remain the right to deny a visit, if I think the person wanting to go there, should pose a threat or if they annoy me. For instance, that one over there, that was to vehemently spreading a sheet of distrust at the beginning of this meeting, and the Representative of America, that was twisting my words in the beginning, is not allowed. But their Prime Minister can come, or another person that they choose, one that doesn't insult or annoys me.
The American Representative got up and he asked while raising one eyebrow.
- Are you saying that you are the ruler of your World? What if, for example, I asked Queen Athena or King Barunger, to visit their Kingdom? If they are the rulers, they can accept my visit, overruling you, correct?
Seya crossed his arms and answered.
- Didn't I tell you that I don't want to talk to you again? You are rather stubborn… Reminds me of someone that I know… Ok, you could do that, but I wish you good luck, considering the perverted look that you made when you saw Queen Athena or the way that you laughed when King Barunger entered this room…
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