Town chapter 87: From town to country, from match to electrical appliances 4

The royal capital was far from the Fujiwara territory. That distance was about 500 kilometres. To go on such a long road, 12,000 people left the capital with a few pieces of luggage each.

So, there are 12,000 people. n.o.buhide wanted 6,000 people, which was an additional 2,000 to the minimum necessary number of 4,000 in preparation for unforeseen circ.u.mstances. However, the actual number of people who gathered was 12,000.

Of course, there was a reason for this.

"In the small country group, the Initia Kingdom army slaughtered even those who were not soldiers"

It wasn't a lie, but that wasn't the whole story. The fact is that there was only one city where they ran amok; it was a mixed unit with men from the Initia Kingdom. Other than that, the Initia Kingdom army did keep their discipline well and didn't turn their weapons toward the citizens, but those in poor cities would never know. The impending danger of life, with a light body and a desire to get a house and a job, caused many poor to partic.i.p.ate in the march.

In addition, because Reina agreed to accompany an old man who could only beg on the street, the poor trusted them, 「This is true, after all 」. The weak were the first to be abandoned in a crisis. Helping along a dependant that couldn't walk properly, greatly influenced the others. Because of this, the number of immigrants to Fujiwara Territory has grown exponentially.

The long line of 12,000 people simply went north. Occasionally, it rained, and some people got sick but those who were in poor health were put on a wagon that had been prepared in advance, so no one dropped out. Although food was simple, it was distributed to everyone and with these considerations, people strengthen their resolve to move to the north.

However, contrary to the crowd's mindset on going north, the process was extremely slow. Marching just 10 kilometers a day. Would they arrive in one month or two? Because of the long snake, the front would start and those at the back would start moving an hour later. If the children and the elderly are accounted for, including a break, it could be said that the slowness of the march is acceptable.

Speaking of salvation, there was no steep road and there was no attack from the Initia army on the road. The Initia army, of course, noticed this movement and thought that the queen was in it.

However, the reason why they did not send a pursuit unit was that there was no escape after they reach the north. Rather, it would be convenient if they run to the north. The Initia Kingdom army thought that it would be able to gain the people's attention if they said that the royal capital without the queen was easily captured and the queen fled.

Spies made sure to let the eastern countries know that the Queen was still alive. Only Reanis and Komatsuna looked like they thought there was a stronghold in the north, but that was all.

When Initia Kingdom had all the land of the Dryad Kingdom, except for the northern part under control, the frontier general Roberto Frelken took over the eastern guard and the right general, Risa Koolhaas, entered the royal city as the overall head. Reanis and Komatsuna led the army heading north. Of course, Risa, the right general complained about the supreme commander heading to the frontline. Stating that 「A subordinate should go to the front and the supreme commander should look over the whole army in the royal capital where there is no danger」. However, Reanis countered this.

"Since I and Komatsuna are young, the command of the entire army relies on the experienced Risdono"

This touched Risa's reverse scale. She said 「Go to the front line and look at how you will die or be hurt by being selfish」 and never advised Reanis again. The triggers were 「Young」 and 「Experienced」.

Risa Koolhaas. 42 years old――single. When she was young, she worked hard on martial arts and by the time she noticed, she had entered the middle of her thirties without an encounter. This was a woman who tried to be impatient but was already late and lived without knowing a man until today. By the way, she loves reading Olive Olive´s Breaking off an Engagement series. She could sympathize with the heroine.

――One week after the line of people left the capital city towards the northern Fujiwara territory.

Kaoruko was in the line. Why was she there when she lived in the slums? That was because she is a water-magic user.

Water was essential all along the way. That's why Edenstam forced water magic users from the Water Guild to partic.i.p.ate in the march. Most of the water magic users gathered were less than half of those in the guild since many refused to go north and had their heads in the clouds.

Of course, the orphans that Kaoruko took care of were also there. Kaoruko and the orphans joined at the back of the line and moved along silently.

It was only at the beginning that the orphans were well. Now, they didn't even have enough physical strength to speak.

The head of the group is entrusted to the older ones and Kaoruko walks behind the orphans. A position from which she can keep track of everyone's situation.

At one time, Kaoruko looked far beyond the line. The empty scenery spread out everywhere. The flock of people in the line wound along the road toward the invisible destination.

Looking at the entire line from the sky, Kaoruko thought that it would be like a snake moving forward. A long line just like the letter S. But for a snake, the speed was slow.

(At this speed, it's more like a worm than a snake)

This sluggishness was natural because people walked without any training. It's not just Kaoruko who wondered how long it would take to reach the destination. Yet, Kaoruko considers.

(Whether we are a snake or an earthworm, I wouldn't ever want to think about it when I was in j.a.pan. I've also grown)

The appearance of a snake crawling on the ground like a snail is an ugly thing itself. Even earthworms were disgusting when you see them crawling on the ground. But now, it gave the feeling of 「Appreciation」 that Kaoruko held in her heart towards snakes, as for earthworms, they were just profitable creatures that cultivated the soil. Kaoruko was already familiar with this world in terms of humility. And as expected, c.o.c.kroaches were also not good even in this world.

Anyway, Kaoruko compared this march to a snake. Everyone was out of breath, the skin on their feet was tearing off, but they still move forward. They're all humans who don't give up due to their desire to live. It made her feel the pure and animal-like nature of humans, which was rarely seen in the world where Kaoruko once lived.


A young voice is heard from the front. One of the orphans stumbled and fell.

"Everyone wait!"

Only the orphans stop in response to Kaoruko´s voice in the line that keeps moving. However, although they stopped, the orphans did not try to help the person who fell. It's because everyone was tired. Amidst that, Kaoruko rushed up and approached the girl's side.

"Are you alright?"


A girl less than ten years old with tears in her eyes looks up. The reason why she didn't say anything more was to try and endure the trouble.

"Look, I 'll give you a ride. Get on my back"


Kaoruko carries the girl on her back. A heavy load was applied to both her feet.

"Alright, let's go!"

The orphans start walking again with Kaoruko´s voice. For the first and second step, Kaoruko's legs were also easy to lift, but from the third step onwards, they were hard to lift.

――After leaving the capital, it was almost February.

Kaoruko stepped forward and wondered how much she had walked. No, it's better to be forward-thinking. The next thing to consider is how far they will walk.

(If this is the case, It would have been better to have gone to Fujiwara's territory three years ago)

Regret. The reason she didn't follow n.o.buhide at that time was that she had a stable job and was able to live smoothly. It was a major thing for Kaoruko that she had lived for a long time even though her life was difficult. The right and left are not understood and there is no guarantee in this other world. Even if someone from her hometown invited her, she couldn't abandon the place where she lived for so many years.

Her legs were heavy. Her whole body was awkward and seems to be moving regardless of intention. Kaoruko thought it was painful.

But at that time, Kaoruko always just looked at the children――her younger brothers and sisters. They walk without saying anything or crying. Always so. They have never said anything selfish. Their will was much stronger than her own. Then, courage arises in order to do her best.

(I have to do my best)

Kaoruko cheers herself up and shakes off her weariness. It was such a time.

"Hey, village! There is a village!"

When that information was transmitted from the front, Kaoruko became happy. They may finally rest under a roof. With only that thought.

The children who faced down also raised their faces. They couldn't see it from so far behind, but they have the same feeling as Kaoruko.

"Onee-chan, did we finally arrive?"

*** You are reading on ***

One of the children asked Kaoruko with bright eyes. Wrong. The destination was a castle city. However, Kaoruko mutters. The reason is that the girl had a brilliant face full of expectation saying「We don't have to walk anymore」.

"Th, That's right. I hope so"

Kaoruko lamented her weak self who could not speak the truth. Eventually, the group entered the village. There are fields and houses that are sloppy, but there is no sign of people.

After a while, the fields disappeared and the number of buildings increased rapidly. The place was not a village but a town.

"You are here!"

Guided by soldiers. Houses were given priority to the elders, women and children on the main streets from the lord's mansion. As a result, Kaoruko and the orphans were able to enter a house, but it seemed that some people felt intimidated. There were many more homes as you went farther along. However, if you went too far, you would have trouble when leaving.

"Those who are free, come!" Make a meal! Water magic users too!"

When Kaoruko entered the house, she heard a voice from outside before she got a rest.

"I'll go for a moment. I'm sorry, please take care of the small children"

She told the children that she was going and then asked an aunt who she didn't even know the name of and was going to fall down. When Kaoruko went outside, many people who were tired volunteered to help.

A fateful community. Everyone shared their hardships and everyone felt they were going to go north.

The place taken by the soldiers was a large warehouse in the lord's mansion. There were countless potatoes stacked there.

"I know this! It's a new food called potato!"

Someone raised a voice. What had recently been on the market――potatoes. It was still expensive in the city and ordinary people couldn't easily touch it.

An errand boy from n.o.buhide occasionally delivered them to Kaoruko's house. It was now a favourite of the children.

"First of all, let's peel them! Make sure the sprout is completely removed because it's poisonous!"

Under the instructions of the soldiers, everyone peels the potatoes. The peeled potatoes were boiled with salt and distribution began.

"Yes, potatoes!"


The orphans, that were taken care of by Kaoruko, smiled and swallowed the potatoes. 「It's delicious」 a little girl grins at Kaoruko.

"Yes, it's delicious"

As if Kaoruko forgot that he was tired, she smiled with a piece of potato in her mouth. The next morning, the group left the village. The place where they were now was the Fujiwara territory. Only a little more to the destination.

If there is a beginning, there is always an end. A long journey from the capital. It was finally over when the people had walked a million steps.

"What is that!"

The leading soldiers shouted at an artefact which was seen from far away. Along with that, Edenstam on the horse put his hand horizontally on the forehead and squint. Olivia and her relatives also came out from some of the nearby carriages.

"That is your destination"

The leading guide, moustached Peter, who had joined Reina in the previous village, told Edenstam. At that moment, a roar of the soldiers rose. The line was brave from the top to bottom and moved towards the destination in view.

The distance between people is increasing and the line is gradually falling apart, but Edenstam did not give up. On the contrary, Edenstam was speeding up his horse's legs without even realizing it. This was because of the great joy. Finally, taking the whole view of the city ahead in his eyes, Edenstam replied, 「This is, no way......」.

The vertical height was not much, but the length of the sides was not comparable to the capital city. One side is more than twice it's length and if the depth is the same, the area enclosed by the walls would be more than four times that of the royal capital.

"Unusual......that he was making something like this......"

On the long journey until now, a suspicion mixed with anxiety emerged. However, The huge castle city blew it away. Large tubes were lined up along the walls. But who was next to those large tubes?

"Be-, Beastmen! There are Beastmen on the wall!"

A scream came from the person who realized. The scream became fear and it propagated from the beginning of the line to the rear so that the snake bent from head to tail. But Peter said in a calm voice to calm everyone down.

"Don't worry. If they're hostile, they would have already attacked you"

Edenstam thought it was true. If you use beastmen to create this city, then the beastmen should be good. The large tubes are consistent with the described new weapon. Everything is as the information they´ve heard from Reina.

However, Edenstam´s mind was not clear. This was because there was a strong feeling of hatred in the expression of the Beastmen, as it could be seen from such a distance.

The castle gate opened. n.o.buhide and Reina came out to receive them

"First of all, the family register must be done! After that, you can rest at your home! Follow me!"

Even though there was the queen, she didn't mind the situation. Edenstam felt hateful, but with the presence of cannons and beastmen, he had no desire to disagree.

The line gently enters the gate. Then, the scenery that they have never seen spread.

"Wh, What is this......"

Unintentionally, Edenstam leaked a surprised voice. A boulevard extending several tens of meters from the gate. This is also not the size of the capital city. Houses with white walls line up on the left and right and the scarlet roofs shone brightly from the sunlight.

It was a kind of architecture that he had never seen before. However, the uniform and sophisticated cityscape is an outcry. Edenstam had the illusion that he was lost in another world.

No, not just Edenstam. Everyone who entered the castle city stood there equally stunned.

"The beastmen and Fujiwara made this......"

Edenstam looks around while being overwhelmed. People were strolling around the main street without any s.p.a.ce for horses to pa.s.s through. There were no beastmen there, all of them were humans. When he looked further, Edenstam realized something.

"There are no stairs leading to the walls......"

It was a castle wall that surrounded the city, but it strangely there were no stairs outside or stairs inside. So how did the beastmen go up onto the wall? With that in mind, Edenstam was relieved. The city within the city walls is only about half as deep as it is wide. In other words, Edenstam predicted that there was another castle city in the back.

"We are birds in a cage......?"

Edenstam realized. He came here and everything came together.

The true ident.i.ty of the escorts who once covered their bodies. He didn't know how it happened, but that n.o.buhide had been in a friendly relationship with the beastmen before coming here.

Polo Company was based in the Sandra Kingdom. There was a rumour that the Sandra Kingdom had been defeated by beastmen, but no one believed it. But that was true and Polo Company was probably involved. Edenstam didn't know why, but n.o.buhide came here to make a place for the beastmen to live.

But even if he knew it, Edenstam could no longer do anything. He was just a helpless refugee.

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