Town chapter 88: From town to country, from match to electrical appliances 5

A castle city that does not appear on the map in the middle of Fujiwara territory. It can be said that it is a big city as big as four square kilometers and no less than the capital city of Dryad Kingdom.

Over 10,000 people line up on the main street that runs through the center of the big city. Naturally, there is a lot of noisy fuss. For this reason, outside the line, the control officers of the line raised a loud voice without losing to the loud voices of the people.

At the top of the procession is a large mansion that serves as a government office. Inside the government office, the Polo Company serves as temporary officers, responding to each immigrant and creating a family register for the immigrants through flowing work.

There was a man staring at the process from the edge. This city's ruler n.o.buhide Fujiwara.

"Is it in time?"

n.o.buhide nodded while being relieved. This family register creation is an indispensable item for changing the [Era Setting] to [Modern] in [Ability to create a town]. For the Initia Kingdom Army, n.o.buhide has come so far by incorporating [Modern] into the foundation of the defense plan. If the immigrants didn't get here now, the preparations that have taken about two months to date will be attributed to a exploding bubble.

"The hard work till today will be rewarded"

Yes, two months preparation. n.o.buhide remembered the struggle. The story goes back about two months ago.

The day when Reina left for the capital as an messenger. I immediately headed to the town where the wolf tribe lived. Why? This is to change the「Base」.

So why change 「Base」? This will need some explanation.

It goes without saying that the goal of Initia Kingdom to occupy the Fujiwara territory is the village where the lord's mansion is located (It has been developed until it can be called a town, but for convenience). However, it is difficult to defend this. It is because the village has developed without thinking of an defense system, but with an increasing number of people.

Of course, if I use the ability to create a town, I can quickly prepare defense equipment such as walls. But I said I shouldn't expose the existence of an all-purpose ability. How does a person who knows his value move, whether it is an enemy or an ally? When I think so, I´m only surprised.

The only people who knows my ability are the wolfmen. This was something that could never be changed.

There are other problems besides the lack of defense facilities in the village. That is people. Soldiers for defense. If there are no soldiers to fight, it will be as if we have only made walls and traps.

However, it is impossible to recruit people from the territory and make them soldiers. It is unlikely that amateur soldiers will be able to win against the Initia Kingdom Army that has repeatedly won consecutive battles so far.

Then, there was an idea to fill in our own strength difference with the next-generation weapons not existence in this era. However, that is a double-sided sword. On the contrary, there was a fear in me that I might be betrayed using next-generation weapons. If there is no solid credibility for the residents, there is no way to take such a measure.

In other words, I was able to say that the current fighting power I had was only less than three hundred wolfmen living in my home base. Then I send them to the village where the lord's mansion is located to defend them? The idea is so stupid that I laugh with a snort.

Even if there are next-generation weapons, there are too few people to handle them. As long as it turns out that the opponent has a cannon, the wolfmen are a little too few.

In the first place, I thought that women and children didn't want to partic.i.p.ate in the battle against the enemy so I just have a few wolfmen. If the time comes for them to fight, there will be only a direct crisis for the wolfmen. Women and children are treasures. To increase the wolfmen population, as many women as possible are needed and children should be the core in the future.

Now, let's go back to the first question:「Why change「Base」?」. This answer will come to light when you think about what is necessary for me today.

What I need are defenders and soldiers who handle the next generation weapons without betrayal. How can I get them all at once?

It's easy. We can change the existing「Base」, make no human village, no village in the northern forest and create a big city where beastmen and humans are all in one place. In other words, a defense position is established by the new castle city. Soldiers who handle the next generation weapons without betrayal can be gained with the beastmen of the northern forest who can be trusted to some extent as long as the enemy are humans. So I get both at once.

In addition, the immigration from the capital will make「Era Setting」jump to「Modern」. The idea of ​​getting four birds instead of two birds with one stone. This is why I change my「Base」. Furthermore, it was a plan that I should execute from now on.

I first went to the headquarters and gathered all the wolfmen in front of [D-Type Warehouse] to explain the current situation.

"The army of the Initia Kingdom invaded this Dryad Kingdom. Unfortunately, our country is inferior. Even before that time, the Initia Kingdom will step into our territory. Found. We must fight"

War occurs. The reason why n.o.body was dissatisfied with this was largely due to the confidence gained in the fight against humans so far and the existence of guns that had been trained to date. But my next words,

"I will create a new city and we will live there with humans"

all of them had unpleasant colors. Even Chief Jiharu has a difficult face with wrinkles between his eyebrows. But that is not to live with humans. A young wolfboy says,

"Is it not good for us to go only during defense......?"

I understand what he means. They don't want to leave here. So far they have changed their homes twice and spent more than three years resting here. Everyone would have intended to bury the bones with Utopia as the hometown.

"......I'm sorry, but that won't be possible"

Enemy surprise, mess from inside. When responding to sudden and unforeseen circ.u.mstances, the wolfmen must be there. When I explained them, everyone had a look that couldn't be helped.

Various other questions were also raised. The enemy army, the new home, and the people who live together. I explained to all of them in a convincing way. Eventually, the wolfmen will understand what is best for peace.

On the next day, all employees were ready for the environment. When that was done, they signed a doc.u.ment that stated that they would transfer all of their property to me.

The next morning, I finally made a [Sale] in front of everyone who was ready to leave the town. The houses and the town, sinks into the earth. This is the second time. Those who have tears in their eyes. The wolfmen looked at the disappearing town with different expressions.

Only at this time Catherine goes out to see the end of the town. However, after Catherine blinked, Catherine yawned and then fell down and began to fall asleep. A lot of mess. Well, she has always been in the warehouse, so she doesn't have any particular thoughts.

Anyway, parting from the place where I lived for a long time. It wasn't that I didn't think about leaving the town. But then everyone will not be able to proceed. This is necessary.

"Now, the sentiment is over!"

The aim is the plains located in the center of the east of Fujiwara territory. More than a dozen rows of vehicles carrying us headed to the new land.

About the center of Fujiwara territory. The flat land is not particularly rare, because the soil is thin or the gra.s.s grows spa.r.s.ely. So we parked the vehicles.

I go down from the driver's seat of the armored car and look around while looking at the map. I thought it was here. The view of the surroundings is good and it is clear wherever the enemy comes from. There is a river nearby, so it's a great place to create a castle city.

I'm happy, but I have a walkie-talkie in my hand.

"Everyone get off. I'll make the town here"

Each car driver lowers the rear panel and those who were in the rear seats descend one after another. I could hear the cheerful voices of the children. Apparently, losing the houses where they lived before may not be very enduring. That's good.

I asked them to check that there were no people on all sides and then asked everyone to take a break and eat. The menu of the meal is [Bento Box]. I want everyone to eat at least delicious foods and soothe their hearts. However, I left them alone and stared at my ability alone.

I call「Town Data」and select 「Town Development」 from the bottom command. I don't think there is any need for further explanation, but this 「Town development」 is intended to simplify the troublesome task of building buildings one by one. A three-dimensional map around the headquarters appears in front of me and letters are displayed along with it.

< the="" simulation="" starts="" now.="" please="" select="" a="" range="">>

Until I came here, I was always thinking about what kind of city to make. Even if humans and beastmen are mixed together suddenly, it cannot be successful.

Humans have the perception that they are inferior to beastmen and conversely, beastmen feel hatred against humans. Well, in that regard, it would be nice to deepen exchanges after the battle and eliminate those hurdles. I don't know if it is possible.

Anyway, the priority is now to deal with the impending crisis. Therefore, the city to be created from now on must have separate residences so as not to cause problems between humans and beastmen.

*** You are reading on ***


How big should it be? Is 2 square kilometers......too big?

There is a romance about having a big city, but I should think about the number of soldiers. If I expand the castle, the area they need to protect increases as it expands. In other words, if there are not enough fighters, the defense will be thin.

"One kilometer and four sides. Is it enough for the capital?"

I operate the front panel while muttering. Then, the castle wall appeared on the 3D map in front of me. A 1 kilometer square wall. In the middle, a wall was prepared to separate the beast-inhabited area from the human-inhabited area.

"Isn't this just the case? I thought that I was with the wolfmen, the difference between the number of beastmen and humans and the installation of cannons and other weapons on the walls. I can't help it"

I removed the stairs from the walls of the human area.

Next is the residence. Now this is the problem. In the southern town of the former Sandra kingdom, there are six hundred and fifty-eight houses on a site of about 500 meters square. The area where humans live this time is one kilometer wide and five hundred meters deep. The number of houses is one hundred and thirty six because it is twice as simple as that time. To be clear, it is not enough for 10,000 people to live.

So why did tens of thousands of people live in the city walls in the same size capital city? This is because the distance between the houses was narrow. In addition, the reason is that it was not only a one-story house but a multi-level house.

Then you might think that I should do it that way, but I don't. The buildings of the royal city are made of brick and stone that are resistant to fire. On the other hand, the only thing you can buy is a wooden structure that is vulnerable to fire. Although it is possible to have multiple hierarchies, it is not enough and if a house is narrowed, it will eventually be hit by a big fire. The sad thing is the inconvenience of my ability to buy only j.a.panese items.

"Well, isn't this good?"

I try to move the house around in the 3D image castle, but it doesn't work. In other words, it is overwhelmingly small.

Hmm. Is the city wall 2 km square? If you set up a number of spears on the wall and install heavy machine guns there, we can cover the thinness of the defense.

That's why I build a house with the area surrounded by the wall 2 km square. Also, the area where humans lived was made larger than the area where beastmen lived.


I moved my finger without getting busy, and it was finally completed. To be clear, it's a good feeling.

I touch the panel called [Done] in the corner of the screen.

[Do you want to buy this town] [Yes / No]

Of course, 【Yes】. The sound is like a squeaking noise and the earth rises from the ground. The wolfmen who have already eaten are looking at it, but there is no surprise. Everyone was already used to it and over time, they started studying j.a.panese and I started reading DOKATA × DOKATA books.

Even so, it was more expensive than ever.

[Stone Wall] [Width 2 km, Depth 2 km] [Height 10 m] 120 billion yen

[Residence] [4632 Houses] 237,92 million yen

[Special construction such as inns] 8,15 million yen

[Public facilities such as sewage] 143, 234 million yen

In addition to these, [D-type Warehouse] for Catherine and my house and its facilities. It's a big expense because I've bought [4 pounds mountain guns]. The original [Fund] is about 1,380 trillion yen. And the current [Fund] is 1,200,969,660,000 yen.

However, 1 trillion yen out of this is used to change the 『Era Setting』 to 『Modern』, so the actual amount of money I can actually make is only about 200,9 billion yen. No, considering the early days, "Only" is a luxury story.

Anyway, I just wait for the town to be completed. I finally started my meal.

――After several hours. When I was playing with Catherine in a horse carriage, the sound stopped. The moment I go outside, everyone seems to be sowed in the new town.

"All right, everyone got on. Let's get into town!"

『Yes!』 I could hear the cheerful voices and everyone got on with bouncy steps. The train enters the castle from the south, starting with the armored vehicle I drive.

There, there was a landscape just like j.a.pan. A shopping street spreads along the main street and there are particularly nice-looking buildings such as inns. I knew what the simulation could do earlier, but it's not the same as actually seeing it.

We go through the main street and enter the area where the beastmen will live from now on. Almost all the houses there are nostalgic storehouses. As for the cold protection, I will do magic remodeling as soon as it becomes 『Modern』. In addition, there is of course a special place dedicated to me in the area where the beastmen live. A s.p.a.ce that is isolated from others who can exercise their abilities without worrying about anyone. It's mine and Catherine 's residence.

"All get off"

When I gave the instructions to get off of each car, I heard an exclamation from those who got off the car. Everyone is impressed by nostalgia. They may have remembered the town near the desert that they used to live in before. For the time being, no one is complaining about the town's performance.

That's it for the new 『Base』. [4 pound mountain gun] are also installed. All that's left is to get the cooperation of the beastmen of the northern forest and have them train with the 4 pound mountain guns.

――I want to say that, but there are still things to do. I don't know how many times to say this, but the opponent has a cannon.

As far as I've heard, it seems that the performance of the [4 pound mountain gun] is better. This is also advantageous if there is a castle wall.

However, the victory conditions are different between this and the opponent. To be clear, we can't leave the dead.

This isn't about someone's death. No, I have a feeling that I don't want anyone to die.

But more than that, you can't kill yourself in the sense that you can't replenish your strength. All who partic.i.p.ate in the battle are beastmen. After this, I have to go to the northern village and ask for cooperation, but even if they join, the number is still small. I can't afford to lose them. So I'll do whatever I can to avoid it.


"Ye, Yes!"

The name I called is the one of the smartest wolf-faced youth of the wolf tribe.

"Ivan, Rikka, James――"

Furthermore, I call out the names of those who have good academic performance. One of them is a girl, but this has nothing to say. They come in front of me.

I [Purchase] a certain [Weapon] and [Textbook]. The price of [Weapon] is about 100 billion yen (the list price is 1 billion yen). Now that is the limit of that [Weapon]. However, I can [Purchase] as much as I like when the era becomes [Modern].

"Somehow, get used to this. When you get used to it, teach others about it as instructors"

What is the time limit for the Initia Kingdom to come to this territory? I think it will take about a month or almost two months.

This is a kind of bet. If immigrants have arrived so far, the [Era Setting] will be changed to [Modern]. Then, this modern weapon of about 100 billion yen will have an original price of 1 billion yen and can be purchased in large quant.i.ties.

However, it does not make sense to [Purchase] weapons that require advanced technology such as aircraft. Then I thought it was an anti-personnel mine and I looked for it, but it didn't exist either. Was it never manufactured in j.a.pan or was it manufactured, but was it not manufactured in the present age? Either way, there is nothing to be done, so it seems stupid to be obsessed.

So this. I was more focused than before. I read a related book, but it's easy to drive. The rest is whether they can make full use of this [Weapon].

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