Seeing that Chu Xiaoyi didn't speak, Li said, "in fact, I've seen many of your interviews and have a preliminary understanding of you. You said you wanted to make achievements and prove yourself to others. I don't think that other people mean the public, but actually the family?"

Director Li has met with many artists. Some stars have a variety effect on the program and can laugh frequently, but some stars have a very tight attitude on the program and are wary of cameras. Chu Xiaoyi is obviously the latter. After his debut, he no longer goes to variety shows, and even has few interviews. He doesn't like to show his true self.

Director Li doesn't need stars to perform in his own programs. What he wants is plain and true, not dramatic reversal. With the sense of smell of the reality show director, he felt that Chu Xiaoyi was a person worthy of deep exploration, and the other party projected a lot of things of the times.

Chu Xiaoyi noticed that the other party was well prepared and simply said frankly, "director Li, in fact, I had a terrible quarrel with my family, so I don't want to participate in the program. You really found the wrong person."

Director Li: "why do you say that? What's worse?"

Chu Xiaoyi couldn't mention the past, so he simply described his feelings: "I occasionally feel that I belong to my family, and occasionally feel that I go out independently..."

Director Li showed an understanding smile: "it's normal. This is the normal state of your age. You still miss the warmth of your family, but your sense of independence always conflicts with your parents. Naturally, you will often fall into contradictions."

Chu Xiaoyi showed a confused look and didn't quite understand the director's meaning.

Li said patiently, "our country believes that 18 is an adult, and the marriage law stipulates that 22 for men and 20 for women are the legal age for marriage, but these are only the numbers defined by the outside world, which does not mean that people are mature. I think that when people are really mature, they should have the ability to build a small family alone."

Director Li knows that Chinese families have their own particularity, and there are more and more only children. It is difficult for parents to really ignore their children. Even if their children have grown up and choose to work or get married, their parents will still be busy and eager to work all their life. Some people seem to grow up, but they still rely on their parents, even until they are 40 or 50.

"Children have a certain economic foundation, can independently assume family responsibilities, and are willing to pay for it. Of course, I don't just mean getting married and starting a family. In fact, many young couples still don't have the ability to establish a small family, and often need the help of their parents, which is not mature."

Guide Li smiled easily: "how can I describe it? No matter how old the child is, he will always feel that he is still a baby in front of his parents? One of the signs of maturity is that the baby's mentality is weakened, and even this mentality has nothing to do with economic ability. Many people with strong working ability are not big in front of their parents."

Chu Xiaoyi was inexplicably guilty. His eyes slowly floated to one side and said in a stuffy voice: "should I leave my original family and establish my own small home?"

Director Li said earnestly: "the small family and everyone do not exist independently, but overlap with each other. Since you don't understand it for the time being, why don't you go home and have a look and return completely?"

"Our program is to show several generations of the family. Maybe I can talk to your parents and family? Let's discuss whether it's OK, rather than the two of us simply decide?"

Chu Xiaoyi hesitated a little, but he had no reason to refuse in the face of the orderly guide Li. With the encouragement of director Li, he sent messages to his parents and made a proposal to hold a family meeting.

Chu Jiadong and Xiao Bi replied quickly.

Chu Xiaoyi was a little confused when he looked at the news on his mobile phone. He didn't know what he was doing, but when he looked at the reply from his parents on his mobile phone, he suddenly found that communication didn't seem so difficult? He took the lead in taking this step, but his heart became a little easier?

Li Dao saw Chu Xiaoyi's eyebrows slightly loose and suddenly said, "in fact, you are really different from other artists."

Chu Xiaoyi was stunned and looked up in surprise: "

Li said frankly, "other people should ask me for money now, but you seem to be very happy with your wind up message. It looks good to bargain."

Chu Xiaoyi: "??"

Chu Xiaoyi didn't expect that director Li would talk about family relations one second before, and haggle over prices the next second, showing the terrible nature of businessmen, which can be called the face change of Sichuan Opera. He did not expect that after Li Dao saw his parents, the other party took Chu Jiadong and Xiao Bi at the speed of light, and they were about to win a complete victory.

Director Li said that he hopes to use family voting to decide whether to go on the program, rather than simply let Chu Xiaoyi choose, which may be more in line with the original intention of our generations.

In Yurong platform, Chu Jiadong and Xiao Bi have long received the news of their eldest son and are receiving Li Dao and his party.

Li Daoke said: "because Xiao Yi's work is busy and there are few opportunities to go home at ordinary times, do you have any regrets? We can realize them one by one in the program?"

Xiao Bi didn't speak. Chu Jiadong hesitated. He carefully said, "will Xiao Yi?"

Director Li: "the program process will consider the opinions of everyone in the family, including Xiao Yi. If it is inconvenient for Ms. Xiao to show her face, we can also post-processing to protect your privacy."

Xiao Bi: "it doesn't matter to me. The key is the children's choice."

Chu Jiadong and Xiao Bi certainly hope to get along with their eldest son. There are too few opportunities for the family to get together, but they don't know the opinions of their youngest daughter, and they can't answer them at once.

In the small courtyard, Chu Xiaoxiao sat in the teahouse, looked at his cheap brother walking around, and complained softly, "you dazzled me."

Chu Xiaoxiao now seriously doubts whether she wants Chu Xiaoyi too many times recently, resulting in him running home soon. Is it true what her brother said before he left? As long as I miss him every day, he will often run back?

Chu Xiaoxiao: that's really my fault. Please ask him to go back to work.

Chu Xiaoyi didn't expect director Li to be so good at fooling, and the other party specializes in intellectuals. He has talked and laughed with his parents in the living room. He looked at his sister, who looked at piggy page, and solemnly said, "you will refuse him in a moment, so that your parents will be helpless."

Chu Xiaoyi is not stupid. Although director Li said to rely on family voting, small things can obviously pull other votes. As long as she doesn't want to be on the program, her parents will never force her to obey. It is estimated that she will give in for her will.

Chu Xiao glanced at him and wondered, "didn't you bring those people?" cheap brother led the wolf into the house and asked her to fight the wolf?

Chu Xiaoyi looked guilty and muttered, "that bad old man is very bad. Give me a feeling card when you meet..."

Chu Xiaoyi has been worried about his family's Affairs recently. Guide Li came up and brainwashed him directly. He looked back and thought carefully. He felt that there was something wrong. He always felt that the other party had adopted tactics and just took himself in another way.

Chu Xiaoyi's trust in the variety show team is very low. These people speak very well in the early stage, and they ask for hundreds of them as soon as the contract is signed. In the later stage, there are often single moths in the editing, which makes it impossible to prevent.

Chu Xiao looked down at the iPad and said decisively, "no, you're avoiding work, just like you don't like doing your homework." she felt that her brother was so poor and didn't like working to make money. It was really unreasonable.

Chu Xiaoyi saw that she didn't realize the seriousness of the problem. He simply grabbed the iPad in the little thing's hand and said seriously: "Chu Xiaoxiao, I seriously tell you that if you really record this program, your life in school will be very troublesome in the future, and may even be ridiculed by children."

Chu Xiaoxiao: "the day you went to the Spring Festival Gala, they should have finished laughing?"

Chu Xiaoyi: "??"

Chu Xiaoyi tried to mobilize his patience. He pointed to the pink pig on the screen and continued to give an example: "you will become like page. Countless people stare at you every day. They will discuss your appearance, conversation and knowledge..."

Chu Xiaoxiao corrected rigorously: "we never discuss page's appearance, conversation and knowledge."

Chu Xiaoyi: "... I'm just making an analogy, but others will discuss you!"

Chu Xiaoyi saw that she didn't understand. He returned the iPad to the little thing, squatted down and whispered, "they may maliciously misinterpret you, and you have to bear extra pressure for this, even for a long time. They will pour out their emotions frankly, and you may not be able to bear it."

Chu Xiaoyi is too aware of the power of external public opinion. The lives of other adults have been stereotyped, but her young sister is different. She is likely to be affected and even change her life trajectory.

If she doesn't perform well on the program, she will be blamed by many strangers; If she is deeply loved on the program, it doesn't mean it's over. People will always pay attention to her and bring her back into public view from time to time, just like other child stars. She can no longer make mistakes easily and may lose the happiness of ordinary children.

Chu Xiaoxiao didn't expect her brother to be serious, but she still couldn't understand each other's concerns. After all, she has always been able to directly feel her emotions and observe the attitudes of everyone around her, so she doesn't feel how difficult it is to bear. This is her innate ability.

"You're really curious. You don't listen to your parents, but do you care about the remarks of strangers?" Chu Xiao blinked. She felt that her brother really put the cart before the horse and wondered, "they have nothing to do with me. How to evaluate them is very important?"

Chu Xiaoyi was speechless for a moment. He looked at his sister's bright eyes and didn't know whether she thought too simply or she thought too thoroughly.

"But I can probably understand what you said. You're worried that your work will affect us." Chu Xiaoxiao stretched out two little fingers. She made a serious gesture and showed a happy smile. "You finally grow up, make progress and be sensible!"

Chu Xiaoxiao witnessed the changes of underachievers with his own eyes. Naturally, he felt a little joy and felt that the prospect was very good.

Chu Xiaoyi looked at the invisible tiny distance between her fingers: "..." I'm afraid it should be observed with a microscope?

Chu Xiaoyi couldn't help rubbing her head: "I'm your brother. How old are you? Don't pretend to be a little adult in front of me!" she was clearly a little devil and praised people here.

Chu Xiao said discontentedly, "you are old, but you can only be big and small." just long, not wisdom.

Chu Xiaoyi: what the hell are big and small people?

Before long, Chu Xiaoxiao was called to the living room to formally meet Li Dao and others. Chu Xiaoxiao carefully observed director Li. She felt that her uncle looked friendly, and she was not old enough to be a "bad old man", but had a little beer belly.

Director Li said kindly, "Hello, Xiao Xiao. I'm the director in charge of the program. Do you already understand the situation?"

Chu Xiaoxiao sat beside his parents and nodded cleverly.

Li said with a smile, "would you like to finish this family game with us?"

In the face of the little girl, director Li naturally adjusted the wording slightly and replaced it with a statement more acceptable to the children.

Chuxiao said, "I will."

Director Li: "Xiao Xiao, if you have a chance, is there anything you want to change at home? Or your long-term wish? We can try to do it."

Li will ask each family member's opinions to make up for their regrets, including the young Chu Xiao. The answers of the family directly affect the program process and link settings, which can be regarded as a breakthrough for the editors and directors.

Chu Xiaoxiao didn't quite understand for a moment. She tilted her head and thought for a long time. She simply replied, "I want to be a brother. Let me wander outside. Let him live at home. He's not sensible."

Director Li cried and laughed: "well... We really can't do this..." he really can't change the relationship between brother and sister.

Chu Xiaoyi didn't expect to chat very well in the teahouse one second ago. The next second, her sister immediately dropped her chain and said angrily, "Chu Xiaoxiao, you're just wandering outside!"

Chu Xiaoyi said strangely, "where do you usually live?" Chu Xiaoyi has been out and doesn't go home. Where he settled down makes her feel very confused.

He Xin helped answer: "our team all live in hotels. According to different work contents, the hotel location is also different."

Chu Xiaoxiao: "it's not a stray cat?" isn't this the stray cat running around in the cat's nest in major communities?

The crowd burst into laughter, and even Chu Jiadong and Xiao Bi showed helpless smiles.

He Xin smiled and echoed: "yes, in fact, we don't want to wander. It's good for your brother to let us go home twice..."

Chu Xiaoyi nodded his head. Chu Xiaoyi took the initiative to wander, and He Xin and others were forced to wander.

Director Li: "Xiao Xiao, do you want your brother to go home? Do you like your brother very much?"

Chu Jiadong and Xiao Bi were stunned and looked at Chu Xiaoxiao together, waiting for their little daughter's reply. Chu Xiaoyi secretly stood up his ears and wanted to know what the little thing really thought. He still remembered that before he left, the other party asked whether he would come back. Could he hear the true confession this time?

Chu Xiao seemed to be entangled. She bowed her head and meditated for a long time. She didn't ask and answer for a long time.

Director Li: "Xiao Xiao?"

Chu Xiaoxiao hesitated and said, "well... I don't like hurting others, but I don't like lying at will..."

When she finished, a trace of apology appeared on her small face. She wanted to engrave "I'm so difficult" on her face.

Li daoruo nodded thoughtfully: "I understand, don't ask, don't ask..."

Chu Xiaoyi: "??" what do you know? What's the matter with you?

Since the family had no opinion on the program recording, Chu Xiaoyi half assented. He is still at a stage of hesitation. On the one hand, he hopes that he can really get close to home. On the other hand, he is afraid of a new round of deadlock. Perhaps director Li's program just wants to gain heat and can't solve substantive problems.

Director Li held a ballot box. He raised it to Chu Xiaoyi and said, "come on, your vote."

The three members of the family have put their votes into the barrel. Now only Chu Xiaoyi hasn't voted yet. Holding the white paper in his hand, he moved his eyes to one side and said in a muffled voice, "all three votes agree, so I don't need it. The result is very obvious."

Chu Xiaoyi felt that the tide was over. It didn't matter whether he voted or not. Anyway, the program must be recorded.

Director Li pondered for a few seconds. He looked straight at Chu Xiaoyi and said earnestly: "even if the result has been determined, the form is also very important. Only if you really participate and regard yourself as a member of the family can our program go on."

Director Li knows that the hard shell covering Chu Xiaoyi cannot be removed immediately. The other party may have to accept and forgive himself a little, which takes a long time.

Chu Xiaoyi: "

Chu Xiaoxiao saw that her brother was still stunned. She immediately stepped over her parents, pressed Chu Xiaoyi's hand on the paper, and opened her mouth overbearing: "write."

Chu Xiaoyi was both angry and funny: "Chu Xiaoxiao, are you going to rebel? Do you really think of yourself as my brother?"

Chu Xiaoxiao glanced at him disdainfully and said simply, "write!"

Chu Jiadong and Xiao Bi looked anxiously at their brother and sister. Chu Xiaoyi showed a subdued look. Finally, they obediently bowed their heads to write the ballot and handed it to Chu Xiaoxiao. Chu Xiaoxiao took the vote with satisfaction and threw it into the ballot box with ease, showing the look of success.

Chu Xiaoyi: endure the calm wind and waves for a while. In fact, she forced me. I didn't particularly want to record the program!

With the help of Chu Xiaoxiao, director Li collected all the votes and said slowly, "good, then I'll start singing."

"One vote for approval, two votes for approval, three votes for approval, four votes for approval..." director Li looked at Chu Xiaoyi with a smile. "That's all the votes at home. This is a good start!"

The three adults sat silently, while Chu Xiaoxiao applauded warmly, which made Chu Jiadong shoot with them. However, he and his little daughter clapped at different rhythms. He is like a slow bear, causing his wife to squint wordlessly.

Li directed Chu Xiaoxiao to nod and said sincerely, "thank Xiao Xiao for holding my respect."

Chu Xiaoxiao: "you're welcome."

Chu Xiaoyi couldn't bear to help her forehead directly. For a moment, she couldn't accept the kindergarten atmosphere at home. She just felt that Chu Xiaoyi and Li Dao were poisonous.

The program group of "our generations" needs time to prepare. Director Li and others not only have to finalize the contract details with Chu Xiaoyi's team, but also arrange cameras at yurongtai's home. Everyone worked hard to prepare for the end, and unknowingly it was Chu Xiaoxiao's school opening time, which was also the recording time of the first program.

Chu Xiaoyi can't stay at home for a long time. He can only come back from time to time to record one episode, and the task of each episode is different. Director Li has told him his first goal and hopes that he can independently support the operation of his family for three days.

Chu Xiaoyi put her hands in her pockets and said lazily, "that's me and my sister staying at home for three days? No, she's about to start school. In fact, she's staying for one day?"

Chu Xiaoyi roughly understood the meaning of the program, which was to let him do housework at home, go out to buy vegetables, and bring his sister in his spare time. It was not difficult at all. At the beginning, Li Daoyi didn't mobilize the public. It is estimated that he wanted Chu Xiaoyi to go from easy to difficult. Don't start the hell mode when he comes up.

Director Li: "in fact, it's to let you take over your parents' family work. Let's exchange for a short time."

Chu Xiaoyi: "OK, that is to clean the house, cook dinner, and occasionally bring a little bit more?"

Chu Jiadong listened. He immediately showed a worried look and hurriedly said, "why don't I let my little uncle come over? Or I'll stay at home for three days?"

As the boss of the company, Chu Jiadong no longer needs to work every day, and the time is quite flexible.

Chu Xiaoyi: "no, don't bother your uncle!" of course, he hopes that the fewer people in his family, the better, and reduce many unnecessary troubles.

Xiao Bi hesitated: "no, Xiao Xiao has a school opening ceremony, which needs parents to attend. These two days are not suitable..."

Li Daocai won't tell. He deliberately inquired about the kindergarten, so he chose these two days.

Chu Xiaoyi: "well, well, I'll drive it for her. It's not a big deal? She can't cause any trouble!"

"No..." Xiao Bi stopped talking, which was hard to describe for a moment. Chu Xiaoxiao's situation in kindergarten is complicated. Han Ya suggested that she be sent to the child prodigy class in the future, but she is not old yet and is in an awkward transition period.

Chu Xiao has the most calm attitude and enjoys cartoons all the way. Her recent film list has been updated. She is watching "strange fate of ice and snow" with relish and turns a deaf ear to the chatter of adults.

Chu Xiaoyi decisively dispelled his parents' superfluous concerns and ensured that they would go very smoothly for three days. Moreover, they went home after work in the evening. In fact, the daytime was not long. Chu Jiadong and Xiao Bi hesitated and fell into silence.

Chu Xiaoyi: "I've been living outside for so long, and I always have the least ability to take care of myself!"

This time, He Xin, a new agent, hesitated. He scratched his head in embarrassment. He was not sure whether his artist had any?

He Xin: I'm afraid it's not Schrodinger's self-care ability?

On the day of recording, Chu Jiadong and Xiao Bi were still a little worried and told them again and again before going out. Because Xiao Bi teaches in high school, Chu Jiadong wants to drive her to school, so they go out very early. They want it to be dark.

Chu Xiaoxiao is still sleeping in the cabin, but Chu Xiaoyi wants to support his sleepy body and let his parents go out quickly: "yes, I see..."

Chu Jiadong: "I have to help Xiao Xiao clean up tomorrow's schoolbag in the evening. Forget it. I'll do it again when I come back!"

Chu Xiaoyi: "well, what else does she need?"

Xiao Bi: "don't let her watch iPad for too long. If you can't control her, call me..."

Chu Xiaoyi: "how can I not control her? I can hold her with one hand?"

Chu Xiaoyi finally sent off his nagging parents. He just felt his eyelids fighting wildly. He looked up and didn't arrive at seven o'clock. He simply went into the house, fell on the bed and continued to sleep.

Chu Xiaoyi didn't know how long he had slept. He felt his little hands moving around in a hazy sleep. It seemed that he was pressing his face. Half asleep and half awake, he opened his eyes and saw Chu Xiao, who claimed to be able to press with one hand. Her right hand stretched out and retracted, again and again, pressing his handsome face impolitely.

The little girl rode on Chu Xiaoyi's chest. When she saw her brother cheap, she finally opened her eyes and said calmly, "Hi, morning."

Chu Xiaoyi: I think you are a stray animal. Do you call early on time every morning?

Chu Xiaoyi slept dizzy. For a moment, he didn't care to press his little things. He reached out to take out his mobile phone and said in confusion, "what time is it?"

Chu Xiaoyi saw the "10:32" on the screen and was startled. He immediately sat up and said, "I slept so long, just like a pig..."

Chu Xiaoyi: is the morning time swallowed up by unknown monsters?

"Please don't insult pepper and George." Chu Xiaoxiao successfully woke up his stupid brother and jumped out of bed easily, just like a clever little rabbit.

Chu Xiaoyi: "

Chu Xiaoyi hurriedly finished washing. He opened the refrigerator and checked it. Thinking about the current time, he suggested, "shall we have some bread in the morning?"

Chu Xiao glanced at him and said, "fine."

Chu Xiaoyi: "

Chu Xiaoyi: "how do I feel that when you speak English, there is always a mockery? Can we communicate in our mother tongue?"

Chu Xiaoxiao switched back to his mother tongue and explained, "but now it's English time in our school. The teacher said that parents should communicate with their children in English, including winter and summer vacation."

"Of course, fine really means what you want, and your feeling is not wrong." Chu Xiaoxiao thinks that cheap brother is not an elm head. He has a talent in grasping tone.

Chu Xiaoyi vaguely recalls the Spring Festival. He has forgotten who was practicing English with little things at home at that time. Maybe he didn't wake up in the morning, so he didn't remember at all? He was only responsible for playing with his sister during his vacation and had no idea of her study.

"Fine, I won't talk to you in the morning." Chu Xiaoyi soon gave a solution. He can stick to it until the end of English time.

Chu Xiaoyi fooled the little things with milk and bread. He began to study today's lunch and planned to make a good meal at noon. He took out the frozen fresh meat on the top of the refrigerator, took out the kitchen board in the corner of the kitchen, and planned to slice it with a knife.

Chu Xiao followed him silently, like the little tail of a supervisor. She looked at the plate chosen by her brother and said calmly, "if Mom stood here, you would be dead now."

Chu Xiaoyi: "ouch, why don't you speak English?"

Chu Xiaoxiao rolled his eyes and replied, "if you want others to realize the seriousness of the problem, you have to choose the language that is easiest for them to understand to warn. You make a serious mistake by cutting meat with the cutting board."

Chu Xiaoyi looked at another chopping board and said in surprise, "is there any difference between which chopping board to use? Can't I wash it later?"

Chu Xiaoxiao pondered for a few seconds. She couldn't explain the problem. She could only intuitively describe the consequences: "if my mother knew about it, she would press you directly on the kitchen board."

There is a detailed division of work on the chopping board in the kitchen. Vegetables, raw meat and cooked food have different chopping boards.

Chu Xiaoyi: "

Chu Xiaoyi glanced guilty at the kitchen camera. He was not sure whether the scene had been photographed or whether he had time to destroy the corpse. He hurriedly cleaned the wrong chopping board, hurriedly put it away and chose the chopping board again.

Chu Xiaoyi: "can you go out? It's no use staying here?"

Chu Xiaoyi is cooking, but the little thing is staring at him, adding a little pressure to him. Chu Xiaoxiao didn't respond to his complaint. He still stood motionless and watched, like a small nail stuck on the ground.

Chu Xiaoyi reached out to open the gas stove, but found that there was no fire and couldn't help rotating the button repeatedly. There was still no fire on the gas stove. At the same time, the alarm sounded, which startled him.

Chu Xiaoyi: "what do you mean? There's no gas at home?"

Chu Xiaoxiao: "you turn on the range hood."

Chu Xiaoyi: "I'm talking about a gas stove..."

Chu Xiaoxiao: "you turn on the range hood!"

Chu Xiaoyi couldn't bear to hear her tone, so she had to honestly turn on the range hood, but was surprised to find that the gas stove was successfully lit, and said with admiration: "yes..."

Although Chu Xiao can't cook, she always observes her parents' actions and has accumulated a lot of common sense in life.

Chu Xiaoxiao's eyebrows were slightly frozen, and the bitter mouth woman said, "I know you don't often go home, but I still want to live here. Please don't light our house."

Chu Xiaoxiao: I don't have time to watch cartoons today. I'm afraid my brother let the whole family wander in one day. My parents came home and found the house burned down.

Chu Xiaoyi: "

Chu Xiaoyi was despised by her sister. She still stood up under the pressure of her white eyes and decided to show her skills. When he left home in his early years, he really often cooked and tasted good. He planned to save face with dishes.

However, people may fall off the chain at the critical moment and come to what they are afraid of. Chu Xiaoyi succeeded in cooking outside again and again, but when he came home, he accidentally overturned his car and made a mess of it. He put the fried meat slices on the table and immediately noticed the subtle look of the little thing. She raised her eyebrows a little uneasily, and her little face wanted to be wrinkled.

Chu Xiaoyi looked into her eyes and felt the soul torture in her eyes: is that it? That's it? That's it?

Chu Xiaoyi drily rounded up the field and forced his respect: "it just doesn't look good, but the taste is OK!"

Chu Xiaoxiao stared at the meat paste in a complicated way and said sincerely, "although I don't want to waste food, I think they have been wasted before they are put on the plate."

Chu Xiaoxiao: this pig died miserably. Even its last appearance is disgraceful.

Chu Xiaoyi was very embarrassed. Fortunately, there was no one else at home. He begged angrily: "old sister, give me some face, have a taste! Have a taste!"

Chu Xiaoyi found that small things are soft rather than hard. She seems to have no way to respond to other people's requests. Last time, she ate his poor seller and took out her red envelope. If you want to deal with her severely, she will fight back impolitely, but if you speak well, she won't refuse severely.

Sure enough, Chu Xiaoyi looked at Chu Xiaoyi, who was crying, making trouble and hanging. He seemed to have no way to play. She hesitated to scoop up a piece with a spoon, tightly twisted her small eyebrows, carefully handed it to her mouth and gently bit it off.

Chu Xiaoyi tasted it in advance. He looked at the little thing he chewed and looked forward to: "how about it?"

Chu Xiaoxiao, as a child prodigy with strong language talent, lost his ability to organize language at this time. She didn't want to hurt people. She thought about it and said, "brother, let your mother call the teacher."

Chu Xiaoyi: "why?"

Chu Xiaoxiao: "if I take a few more bites, I can't be a student representative and speak at tomorrow's ceremony."

Chu Xiaoyi repeated his old technique: "... Give some face, give some face."

Chu Xiao was quite philosophical and said, "I didn't give you face, but you won it by strength."

Chu Xiaoyi: "..." what a kid!

Takeout finally saved Chu Xiaoyi's life. Chu Xiaoyi still dared not let his sister take risks and dispose of the failed works. He couldn't understand why he didn't fail in cooking outside and overturned so seriously when he came home.

Chu Xiao was a little hesitant. Should she call her parents not to come back? What if their family of four were poisoned at night?

Chu Xiaoyi had planned to go out to buy vegetables in the afternoon, but he didn't expect a light rain outside. He thought for a moment and said, "stay at home and I'll go out and buy some vegetables."

Chu Xiaoxiao looked at him suspiciously: "don't you need me to accompany you?"

Chu Xiaoyi lowered her head and put on her shoes: "it's raining outside. You don't have to go out."

Chu Xiaoxiao had little reaction, but she showed a cheerful look and said in surprise: "it's raining outside?"

Chu Xiaoyi didn't understand her happiness. He nodded and said, "yes."

"I want to go with you!" Chu Xiao jumped up from the sofa fiercely. She ran back to the house like a little white dove flying.

Chu Xiaoyi didn't understand why his sister became sticky and didn't want to leave for a moment. He kindly advised: "I won't go out for too long. Don't get sick at that time."

Chu Xiao dressed quickly. She immediately appeared in front of her brother in full arms and said, "I have a raincoat and boots!"

Chu Xiaoyi looked at her yellow raincoat and little yellow boots in a daze. As a fashion trendsetter, he was puzzled and said, "what era are these? Why are you still wearing a raincoat?"

But the raincoat really wrapped the little things tightly. Chu Xiaoxiao didn't seem to have the possibility of getting cold in the rain.

If it were in the past, Chu Xiaoxiao would have to quarrel with her cheap brother, but now she is in a good mood and kept urging, "go away and go out!"

Chu Xiaoyi was also infected by his sister's inexplicable joy. He had to take his umbrella and important items and hurried out with her. Outside the building, Chu Xiaoyi walked into the drizzle with an umbrella. He immediately smelled the comfortable and humid smell. The water curtain added foggy filters to the surrounding scenery.

Before Chu Xiaoyi enjoyed the rain for too long, he saw the little thing rush out and hurriedly said, "Xiao Xiao, don't run around!"

Chu Xiaoxiao turned a deaf ear to his cry. She ran straight to the shallow ponding on the side of the road and jumped in. She wanted to make a happy pig cry!

Wearing a yellow raincoat and yellow boots, she jumped happily in the ponding, like a golden ball!

Chu Xiaoyi looked at his sister's mud pit jumping. For the first time, he felt a collapse and suddenly understood the role of raincoats and boots.

Chu Xiaoyi was surprised and said, "Chu Xiaoxiao, you come out!" who ran to the pit and stepped on mud and water!?

Chu Xiaoyi found that his sister may not be as good as he imagined. He just hasn't been with her for a long time and doesn't understand the truth of far fragrance and near smell. Because his parents deal with the usual chores, he only needs to play with his sister to feel that she is an angel and doesn't see the devil?

Chu Xiaoxiao didn't care about his roar. She jumped into the mud pit unscrupulously and said, "Paige's family plays like this. Mom and dad will dance with Paige."

Chu Xiaoyi: "

Chu Xiaoyi: I hope SARFT will put down piggy page immediately to reduce the common troubles of contemporary parents.


Thank you for your continued support. 2 points in the comment area will be randomly distributed with 100 red envelopes~

It's really hard for me. The draft box is updated regularly at 12:00 noon. I saved it in advance, but it doesn't display, so I can't help it.

I can only modify the words and see if I can brush them out_ (: з」 ∠)_ collapse

@The river and the moon are sticky every year

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