No one can get rid of the children who are poisoned by piggy page from the water, even the traffic volume is no exception.

Chu Xiaoxiao played happily in the puddle. He even warmly invited his brother to dance with him. Chu Xiaoyi wanted to pull her out, but the little thing flashed right in the middle of the ponding to avoid his arrest.

Chu Xiaoyi didn't wear rain boots. He couldn't catch his sister. He had to spin around the ponding and said angrily, "come out quickly!"

If it weren't for the black camera still shooting in the distance, Chu Xiaoyi once wanted to be angry and beat the child. He felt that his nerves would collapse. He has a little cleanliness mania. It's not too serious at ordinary times, but he's going crazy to see this.

In the eyes of outsiders, the little girl trampled on the water in the rain, innocent and childlike; In the eyes of children's parents, they can't see the beautiful picture of childishness. They focus on the splashing of water and the flying of mud, and they will usher in an unprovoked workload - brushing raincoats and boots.

Chu Xiaoyi has always been walking on steel and straight wind, and occasionally he has to talk about fans' love. Now Feng Shui turns around in turn. He is like an ant on a hot pot. He can only be incompetent and angry at the edge of the water: "Chu Xiaoxiao, be obedient and come out quickly!"

Chu Xiao Xiao Fei didn't listen to him. She also sang let it go in the rain, quite like her brother's singing and dancing style: "let it go, let it go, can't hold it back anymore..."

Chu Xiaoyi: "..." I ask you to hold back immediately!

Chu Xiaoyi finally offered his trump card: "if you don't come out of the water, I'll call my mother!"

Chu Xiaoxiao's singing stopped suddenly. She couldn't believe it. Her little face was full of discontent. She shrugged and said, "why do you have to destroy the happy moments of children all over the world?"

Chu Xiaoxiao felt that her brother was really disappointed. Mingming's father would jump with her occasionally, but he was giving a little report to his mother all day.

Chu Xiaoyi saw her coming obediently and said angrily, "don't pull children all over the world into the water!" it was clearly her naughty trick. Why did she pull others?

Chu Xiaoxiao said solemnly, "I didn't pull them into the water. Everyone volunteered to go into the water. Didn't you jump over the puddle?"

Chu Xiaoyi: "I won't imitate a pig, and I won't hold a pig every day in my childhood!"

Chu Xiaoxiao whispered, "you were so boring when you were a child..."

Chu Xiaoyi taught: "when I was a child, it was popular to watch serious dramas. Unlike you who watch cartoons every day, I have no historical knowledge."

Chu Xiaoxiao bowed her head and was scolded. She glanced at him and said coldly, "what plays did you watch when you were a child?"

Chu Xiaoyi didn't expect her to kill him. He was almost stunned on the spot and said calmly: "we all watch huanzhu gege. Have you heard of it?"

Chu Xiao shook her head. She knew nothing about the field of TV dramas and had not developed this section.

Not far from the black camera: "

Camera: what kind of drama is this? Relying on the generation gap between the two sides, wantonly deceive children?

Chu Xiaoyi was disturbed by his sister's mud pit disco. He was not in the mood to lead dirty little things to buy vegetables. He simply chose to send vegetables to the door with his mobile phone and decided to go back to deal with dirty clothes first.

Chu Xiaoyi looked at Chu Xiaoxiao with disgust. While flushing his raincoat with water in the yard, he complained: "look at you, you're covered in mud. Who washed it in the end?"

Chu Xiaoxiao: "I can wash it myself..."

Chu Xiaoyi: "you just speak well. You can't wash it at all!"

Chu Xiao stared: "Why are you like this? You asked me to wash it, I washed it all, and you turned your face when you were half washed, suddenly grabbed it and then washed it..."

Chu Xiaoxiao felt that her brother had a lot to do. She didn't refuse to brush her raincoat. However, she was taken away by the other party before she finished. She complained that she didn't wash carefully. She's just a little slow. Why can't he wait a little?

Chu Xiaoyi was worried when she watched her sister clumsily brush her raincoat. She always felt that she didn't wash this or that. She simply took a burst of crazy brushes to save her collapsed nerves.

Chu Xiao and Xiao Fei said that she used to brush by herself and wanted to get back her yellow raincoat. Chu Xiaoyi immediately laughed: "nonsense, it must be dad who helped you deal with the aftermath. Only your little strength can brush it well!"

Chu Xiaoxiao's heart to take the initiative to brush her raincoat is good, but she doesn't have the strength to clean it at all. Chu Xiaoyi speculates that her parents must brush it again later.

The yellow raincoat and boots were hung under the eaves of the courtyard. Chu Xiaoxiao regretfully looked at his disco equipment and said, "anyway, I have to brush it sooner or later. I should have danced more for a while just now..."

Chu Xiaoyi: "you think so! Why don't you come in?"

Chu Xiaoyi just took care of her sister's raincoat. In the afternoon, it was time to prepare for dinner. Chu Xiaoyi opened the vegetables and muttered, "I feel like you are a monster swallowing time. I revolve around you all day?"

Chu Xiaoxiao: "what does this have to do with me? You don't get up until noon. Your day is already short."

Chu Xiaoyi: "I feel like I don't want children after taking you these two days."

Chu Xiao glanced at him and said faintly, "it's like you can find your wife."

Chu Xiaoxiao: what spring and autumn dream is brother cheap doing? It seems that someone must be willing to form a family with him. He can't even cook well.

Chu Xiaoyi: "??" little sister, what's the matter with you?

Chu Xiaoyi: "Chu Xiaoxiao, I really want to beat you?"

Chu Xiaoxiao didn't care about him. She felt that her brother wouldn't spoil the kitchen for the time being. She simply slipped out to watch a video. Chu Xiaoyi saw that she regarded herself as air and began a new round of incompetent Rage: "you make it clear to me? What do you mean by that?"

In the living room, Chu Xiaoxiao turned a deaf ear to the roar of brother card. She opened her iPad and began today's happy learning. There are many videos of foreign language courses in the iPad. She watches the videos every day, imitates them, and occasionally dances to follow them. She can have a good time alone.

At first, Chu Jiadong and Xiao Bi didn't notice the talent of their little daughter. She did speak very early, but she didn't stand out among children. No one will deliberately test the child's IQ, and her family will not force Chu Xiao to recite Tang and Song poetry. She learned it by imitation

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