Chu Xiaoyi looked at the scene in the kindergarten and felt that he had strayed into a new world. He used to be a kindergarten in the old urban area, which is an affiliated kindergarten of a university. The teachers are fairly good. The children are also from Kochi families, but they are by no means exaggerated now.

In the auditorium, Annie's mother took Chu Xiaoyi to her seat and saw many enthusiastic parents along the way. Chu Xiaoyi found that Annie's mother was also very popular in the school. He wanted to come to Annie, who was also a powerful child in the kindergarten, otherwise there would be no aura of "Annie's mother".

Annie's mother and Chu Xiaoyi went to the front row of the auditorium. She pointed to the named seats in the front row and explained, "Xiao Xiao is the student representative. The position of parents is not in the class, but in the first row."

Chu Xiaoyi turned around and saw the seat of "brother Chu Xiaoxiao" and hurriedly said, "thank you!"

Chu Xiaoyi was confused in the auditorium. Fortunately, with the help of Annie's mother, she finally succeeded in taking her seat. There is also a small paper bag on each seat. Inside, there are souvenirs of the kindergarten's opening ceremony. All kinds of small objects are made very delicately and grandly.

Chu Xiaoyi: are the plans for the opening ceremony of the kindergarten catching up with the brand activities these days?

He found that Annie's mother's seat was next to him. It is estimated that the child Annie also had arrangements at the school opening ceremony. Their position was a VIP seat. As soon as they took their seats, someone in the back spoke.

"Is this brother Xiao? It's the first time I know that Xiao Xiao has a brother?" the parents in the back row poked their heads and said inconceivably.

The front row parents' seat seems to have a unique communication circle. Everyone knows each other or knows each other well, and it's not awkward to talk. Chu Xiaoyi is a newcomer. He has never had such great social pressure. He can't help saying, "Hello, I'm brother Xiao Xiao."

"Hello, I'm Yahan's father!" the man handed Chu Xiaoyi a business card and solemnly shook hands with him.

Chu Xiaoyi said hello to countless children's parents and accepted several business cards in a muddle. Fearing that he would confuse people, he simply took out a pen from a small paper bag and wrote the child's name on the parent's business card, so as to distinguish it from the parents who did not hand in the business card.

Chu Xiaoyi: if you are blind or afraid of society, you may have completely collapsed now.

Chu Xiaoxiao seems to have a good relationship with Annie and Yahan, so Annie's mother and Yahan's father also take good care of Chu Xiaoyi.

Yahan's father: "we'll take pictures at the ceremony later. Do you have a camera?"

Annie's mother took the compact Leica out of her bag and said, "I brought it, but I can't use it very well. Now try it again."

Yahan's father nodded and silently looked at Chu Xiaoyi with concerned eyes.

Chu Xiaoyi knew the requirements of the school. The kindergarten asked parents to take a picture of their child at the ceremony as a souvenir. He scratched his head in embarrassment and hesitated: "I can just shoot with my mobile phone?"

Xiao Bi told Chu Xiaoyi about it in advance, but he thought it was OK to shoot it by mobile phone. Naturally, he was not prepared.

Yahan's father immediately showed disapproval, but he was quite forthright. He patted his chest and said, "it doesn't matter. I'll take a picture for you!"

The next second, Yahan's father took up the SLR camera with an ultra long lens and showed Chu Xiaoyi his weapon. If it weren't for his suit, Chu Xiaoyi would suspect that the other party was a paparazzi or a station sister, and would rush out to shoot a star.

Chu Xiaoyi was a little flustered and hurriedly said, "thank you, but it's not necessary, really not necessary..."

Chu Xiaoyi: what international star is my sister? Is this already Oscar red carpet treatment?

Annie's mother advised, "just let Yahan's father shoot it, or there will be a gap in her heart when Xiao Xiao handed in her homework."

The photos taken by parents to their children will eventually be handed in, and teachers will even show them in class. If Chu Xiaoyi taps casually with his mobile phone, won't Chu Xiaoxiao be unable to lift his head in front of the children?

Chu Xiaoyi was confused. He didn't expect this link. After learning more from Annie's mother, he knew that this was a parent-child project reserved by the kindergarten. Once the school arranged the task, it must be displayed in the class. In the past, there were parent-child painting, parent-child baking and so on.

Anne's mother said sadly, "where can I bake? Last time I had to go to the baking class in advance to meet the requirements of making cakes. I finally managed to cope with it."

Chu Xiaoyi: "..." this kindergarten is "why not, toss parents first"?

Annie's mother: "but I heard from Xiao's father that you also brought a cameraman. You can take pictures with your mobile phone. Anyway, there are high-definition images left, which is more commemorative than photos!"

Yahan's father thumbed up in admiration and said, "it's terrible. I didn't expect it!"

Chu Xiaoyi directly offered a sacrifice to deny Sanlian and frantically waved his hand to explain: "I'm not, I don't, you misunderstood..."

Chu Xiaoyi: how can I explain that director Li and others are not here to take commemorative images for Chu Xiaoxiao?

The opening ceremony finally began. Chu Xiaoyi didn't have to talk to the warm-hearted parents anymore. He couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. The ceremony was quite normal, including the principal's speech, the student representative's speech and the parent representative's speech. The content of the speech was not new, but the languages used were very rich.

The headmaster is a gentleman with blond hair. He finishes his speech in Chinese, English and French respectively.

Chu Xiaoyi said blankly, "it's so difficult to be a kindergarten head now? Do you have to know three foreign languages?"

He make complaints about the way he walked into the kindergarten, like a bullet screen comments.

Annie's mother: "what's difficult? Xiao Xiao is no better than him... Xiao Xiao Xiao is coming, Xiao Xiao is coming!"

Chu Xiaoyi heard Anne's mother's excited voice, and sure enough, he saw Chu Xiaoxiao in a small robe on the stage. She wore a dark robe outside and a school uniform in the morning inside. She looked dignified and clever.

The blond headmaster smiled gently at Chu Xiao. He reached out to guide her forward and adjusted the height of the microphone on the podium for her. Chu Xiaochao thanked the headmaster and began to make a speech out of draft again. He said smoothly, "respected teachers, dear parents and lovely students..."

Although Chu Xiaoxiao's speech level is the style of a three-and-a-half-year-old child, she stands solemnly in the warm light of the auditorium. She is really childish and lovely. Chu Xiaoyi saw the little thing standing on the podium to speak. His heart softened and stretched out his hand to take pictures of her.

Chu Xiaoxiao's speech was not long. Just when Chu Xiaoyi thought she was going to step down, she suddenly turned her tone and burst out another language. She said freely: "good morning, ladies and gentlemen, my dear teachers and..."

Chu Xiaoyi was stunned. He just thought his sister wanted to speak bilingual, so he put down his cell phone and continued to listen. Before long, she changed her tone and continued: "mesdames et mesieurs, Bonjour..."

Chu Xiaoyi: "

Chu Xiaoyi: "this is..."

Annie's mother said with admiration: "Xiao Xiao's French is very good, no worse than Annie!" Annie's father is French, so the children grew up in a Chinese French family.

Chu Xiaoyi: "??"

Chu Xiaoxiao finished speaking French and continued to say calmly:“ Дамы игоспода……”

Chu Xiaoyi said tentatively: "... Is this Russian?"

Annie's mother: "you're great. You can hear it!"

Chu Xiaoyi: "..." no, no, no, I just remembered the experience of being humiliated by the big tongue tremor that day, so I engraved this tone into my bones.

Chu Xiaoxiao switched out two languages, adding up to six, and finally stepped down in warm applause.

Annie's mother applauded and said regretfully, "it's a pity that I can't understand Spanish and Arabic..."

Chu Xiaoyi was puzzled and asked, "since you don't understand, how do you know she speaks Spanish and Arabic?"

Annie's mother: "because Xiao Xiao's speeches are in the working languages of the United Nations, namely Chinese, English, French, Russian, Arabic and Spanish, a total of six."

Chu Xiaoyi: "..." she's the spokesman of the United Nations for a long time!?

After Chu Xiaoxiao's speech, the parents' representative took the stage to speak. He uses three languages like the principal. According to Annie's mother, this sincere father used to do simultaneous interpretation. In short, he is also a professional player. Of course, he received less applause than Chu Xiaoxiao. After all, he doesn't have an advantage in the number of languages.

Chu Xiaoyi witnessed his sister's amazing performance at the ceremony. He felt that he had misunderstood her all the time. Could it be that piglet ten scholar was a genius?

Xiao Bi actually told her eldest son that her youngest daughter is very gifted in language, but she always belongs to the introverted and modest school and doesn't like to talk too full, so that Chu Xiaoyi doesn't clearly understand the true meaning.

Chu Xiaoyi heard of the parents' private efforts and was convinced that it was not the parents who created the language environment for Chu Xiaoxiao, but her sister's own ability. Unlike Anne's mother and others, Anne's mother planned to learn the language first and then practice with Anne in order to give the children a language environment.

Yahan's father can't learn a foreign language by himself. He will ask foreign teachers to practice one-on-one with Yahan, but this choice obviously belongs to the middle and worst policy. There are no excellent parents of the school of "parents are the best teachers".

The parents of this kindergarten are painstakingly studying all kinds of courses, choosing the best goals, and taking their children around the world. They should not only study, but also broaden their horizons. They have long bothered to find summer camps and talent camps, so that their children can make preparations early, so as to help them attack rattan school in the future.

Chu Xiaoyi is by no means a "qualified" parent, but the funny thing is that he has attracted much attention relying on his sister, and countless people have to ask him for experience.

Chu Xiaoyi said in surprise, "but don't you feel tired? Won't you delay your work?"

Annie's mother showed him the Gantt chart on her mobile phone and replied, "tired is definitely tired, but if you manage your time scientifically, basically neither side will delay."

Annie's mother is an excellent working woman and a master of project management. She arranges her work and family time in an orderly manner. It is said that Annie's father is the same. They are respectively responsible for Annie's foreign language training to maximize the efficiency of education.

Chu Xiaoyi pondered for a few seconds. He frowned slightly and said carefully, "I don't know whether it's appropriate to say that... But I think you're a little anxious?"

Chu Xiaoyi felt suffocating anxiety after facing her parents alone. The people around him seemed to be always ready and hurried, showing the momentum of winning the war, which made him a little scared.

Annie's mother smiled bitterly and said, "of course I'll be anxious. What should I do if Annie hasn't mixed well with us in the future?"

"She has to go to a high ranking Ivy League school before she can carry out various plans for life."

Chu Xiaoyi couldn't help falling silent. He looked at Anne's mother's worried eyes and suddenly realized what they were afraid of. They are already heroes and elite parents, but they are deeply afraid of class differentiation and the class decline of their children.

They force themselves to become world-class education experts and push their children up with all their strength, lest they fall behind at the starting line. They are convinced that money alone is not enough. What is more important is to maintain the existing circle. They must do their best to give their children the best.

This is not only the family strength of parents, but also the action and willpower of parents.

No matter how outstanding you are in your field, you will still fall into a strange circle of anxiety, even the more elite you are. Only the elite know the importance of class, but ordinary people don't have such trouble.

After the school opening ceremony, Chu Xiaoyi's mood has been subtle and complex, and even lasted until he took Chu Xiaoxiao home. Chu Xiaoxiao calmly climbed to the back seat and put her small schoolbag on one side. She looked the same as in the morning, as if she had not been affected.

Chu Xiaoyi looked at his sister in the rearview mirror and hesitated. If a little thing is really a genius, then the family will face new problems. How can she not waste her talent?

Chu Xiaoyi: Annie's mother works so hard to raise the card with Sr. naturally, they can't fall behind others with SSR.

Chu Xiao noticed his brother's silence. She found his fluctuating mood and frowned, "what's the matter with you? Why are you in a bad mood?"

Chu Xiaoxiao looks at Chu Xiaoyi's emotional color. She feels that her brother has so many things. Can she be in a bad mood countless times a day? He was either sad or angry. Now he began to worry again, just like an unstable chemical element.

Chu Xiaoyi hesitated for a moment and asked, "Xiao Xiao, what school do you want to go to in the future? When shall we go for a stroll in advance?"

Annie's mother takes Annie to visit rattan school every year, so that she can establish interest in well-known universities and lay the foundation early. Chu Xiaoyi felt it necessary to know her sister's ambition. Does she like Harvard or Cambridge? Should he take her to America or England?

Chuxiaoxiao tilted his head and said, "I want to go to Hogwarts. Can you take me?"

Chu Xiaoyi: "

Chu Xiaoyi gritted his teeth and said, "I'm asking about the university you want to study..."

Chushosho: I'm going to read Hogwarts! I'm going to Gryffindor

Chu Xiaoyi was holding his forehead with pain. Could anyone else take the kids to the rattan school, and he took his sister to Universal Studios?

Chu Xiaoyuan was calm, but she became more and more excited at this time, and even happily sang the Hogwarts School Song: "you might be long in Gryffindor, where dwell the brake at heart, their darling, nerve and chivalry, set griffindor art..."

"..." Chu Xiaoyi recently discovered her sister's problems when she was happy. She would dance and sing happily. The last time she was stepping on the puddle, she sang let it go.

Although Chu Xiaoyi felt that he was talking to her like a chicken and a duck, he had to say that her singing resolved his anxiety and made him no longer feel tense and uneasy.

His mood also relaxed, regained the standard of singing and dancing stars, and joked: "you sing really ugly."

Chu Xiaoxiao: "then you sing the sentence I just sang. If you can sing it out, I'll admit it's ugly."

Chu Xiaoyi: "..." he can imitate the tune, but he can't recite the lyrics!?

Chu Xiao saw that he couldn't learn it. She immediately showed a proud look and admitted her long-term doubts: "brother, do you really have fans? Why do they like you?"

Chu Xiaoyi: "!?" kill your brother and your heart?

That night, Chu Xiaoxiao paid a painful price for her remarks. She was forced to watch her brother's costume TV series in the living room, and her beloved iPad was confiscated. She hummed and rolled on the sofa and cried, "I don't want to see this..."

Chu Xiaoyi: "Chu Xiaoxiao, you don't watch foreign language cartoons every day. You should also accept the influence of history and culture. You can't forget your roots!"

The backstage editor and director heard the remarks of huanzhuge level 10 scholars: "

Backstage editor and director: are you sure you can accept the influence of history and culture by watching domestic costume dramas?

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