Chu Xiaoyi did not expect that one day he would become a national brother and was drafted by his sister on the program. This move would like to make the people all over the country his seven aunts and eight aunts. The pain he lost during the Spring Festival for five years has now been recovered at one time. All of a sudden, everyone paid special attention to his marriage, which made him deeply suffocated.

Chu Xiaoyi also received the caring news from director Chen. He was surprised and said, "am I not a traffic idol? Now falling in love will cause a decline. Don't others understand?"

Chu Xiaoyi: I think you are all disorderly officials and thieves. You can't ruin my plans!

Of course, Chu Xiaoyi's fans know he won't fall in love, so they enjoy the evil taste of his tragic ridicule. They can't help fanning the flames and calling themselves "Chu Xiaoyi's sister-in-law". It's funny that passers-by take Chu Xiaoyi seriously, especially the elders who don't like to surf the Internet, and ask about Chu Xiaoyi from time to time.

Did Chu Xiaoyi have a blind date today: my father just suddenly asked me: did the star named Chu Xiaoyi find someone? Me: not yet. He shook his head regretfully: I fell in love with your mother three days ago. He still can't. look, he's worried about his sister! [chuckling] no, I'm going to be teased to death by my father

I'm Xiaohei: I read two or three comments to my family: "Chu Xiaoyi has a low education and goes back to variety show". My grandmother turned angry after hearing this. "What's the matter with his low education? He doesn't allow people to go on a blind date on the program. Just don't worry every day like you." my grandmother is busy helping Chu Xiaoyi fight against the underworld offline. Who dares to say he's not good [Doge]

At present, Chu Xiaoyi was ridiculed by sunspots on the Internet. After all, he couldn't talk about variety shows in those years. Now he has a good routine of slapping his face. He can't help but encounter sour words. However, the sunspots can't touch him now. The reason is that Chu Xiaoxiao said too much on the program, so that people can't find a starting point!

Chu Xiaoyi's sister personally certified her brother as "poor and stupid, unable to speak a foreign language and do housework". Where else can outsiders start? This is just like the stock. It has fallen directly to the limit. How else can it fall?

The sunspots continue to slander Chu Xiaoyi, and even people who make way can't see it. The young man's own conditions are so bad that he still clings to other people's problems every day. Do you really want to force people to death?

Chu Xiaoyi didn't expect to be washed white by his own bad one day. Because of his bad image in his sister's eyes, now everyone pity and comfort him for fear that he won't be able to think about it.

Even if he has repeatedly been black faced in the face of reporters' remarks on blind date and forced marriage, there is no longer any deterrent. Now everyone knows that he is simple and naive in essence, but likes to attack with heavy punches in the exterior.

After the second issue of "our generations" was broadcast, Chu Xiaoyi had a more honest and simple image because Chu Xiaoxiao was too strong in kindergarten. In the program, the production team also intimately marked the words "this is a precious clip under strict review, and all the staff worked hard for it" in front of the kindergarten clip.

The numerous luxury cars at the gate of the international kindergarten, the parents and children who frequently greet Chu Xiaoxiao, and the flow of people attacking their brother and sister like the sea all make the audience feel novel and interesting.

In the picture, Chu Xiaoyi leads her sister to walk in the kindergarten. They are surrounded by countless lovely cartoon animal images. Some parents and children's faces are covered tightly. I don't know they thought it was Disney live animation. Chu Xiaoxiao was quite calm in the crowd and greeted his classmates freely. However, Chu Xiaoyi looked quite flustered and disoriented.

——Is this a kindergarten or a zoo?

——Chu Xiaoxiao is the top student in kindergarten. Since then, novels like "three-year-old secret service Princess" have appeared in my mind [Doge]

——Please brother Xiao walk alone and don't touch porcelain. Our first sister in kindergarten [OK]

——The little animals in the program wear better than me_ (: з) ∠)_

Annie's mother and others are willing to appear in the program. Naturally, they will not be covered by cartoon avatars. She also has her own character label. The largest four characters are Annie's mother, and the following small characters are a brief introduction to her identity. Because the program of "our generations" also has a time process, Chu Xiaoyi has announced it to the brand official at this time, and the smart people immediately see the clue!

——I thought it was my problem that I couldn't find a job. Now I'm so angry that I kicked my brother (?)

——I said how the brand official publicity came so suddenly. Brother Xiao, how do you mean to suck blood sister??

——Xiao Sheng: Dad, mom, I don't want to work hard. Please have a second child! Look at cxy, you should think of me!

——Children's social networking is really effective. It reminds me of my father's work as a group leader in those days. As long as you master the parent group, you will master the lifeline of the world economy of the local county, province and country

——Refuse to bind, focus on the cub. Cxy, please don't touch porcelain by leaping over the grade and stick the popular flowers in kindergarten. Please also pay more attention to Chu Xiaoxiao's work "little black foreign language classroom" [cute]

If the previous clips are all small mischief and laughter, Chu Xiaoxiao's speech on the podium shocked the audience and really made the audience aware of what a "human translator" is. We just joked that Chu Xiaoyi didn't understand a foreign language in the program. When Chu Xiaoxiao spoke, we were surprised to find that we didn't seem to understand a foreign language?

In the picture, a lovely little girl like a glutinous rice ball, wearing a formal robe, solemnly speaking on the stage, with bright eyes and innocence. The program group also divides the six foreign languages into six screens, which are directly spread out on the screen, all of which are fluent at the mother tongue level.

The audience began to laugh at Chu Xiaoyi, but before long, their smiles faded and they found that they were both illiterate? If they don't watch the subtitles of the program group, they don't know what Chu Xiaoxiao is talking about?

——I lost the right to laugh at brother Xiao. It turned out that I didn't know a foreign language like him [kneeling]

——The real hammer of the three-year-old spy princess is definitely a reborn agent proficient in more than a dozen foreign languages [OK]

——Is this memorized? It's common for children to recite manuscripts?

——Sorry, I'm a Russian major. I have to practice reciting the manuscript. I'm ashamed to learn after reading it. You never know how old the peer leaders are [boxing]

——In fact, I just wanted to say, don't you think Xiao Xiao's language organization and logical thinking ability are far beyond his peers, as if he belongs to the category of genius?

After the broadcast of our generations, Chu Xiaoyi was infected by anxiety in kindergarten and communicated with her parents at home, which made the audience feel real, warm and empathetic, and liked the program more and more. Of course, many people are persistent in discussing whether Chu Xiao is a child prodigy, and even divided into two groups for fierce discussion.

Child prodigy believes that her learning ability is very strong, her wisdom is far beyond ordinary people, and she does not belong to ordinary children; The non child prodigy thought she was just a little smart, and began to cite the example of her friend's children, saying that it's nothing for today's children to know two foreign languages.

——Let me ask you to see clearly. Is that just two foreign languages? That's six mother tongue levels? Do you know how hard it is for adults to learn that standard!?

——All right, everybody, stop arguing. You can't wake up some of the audience who pretend to sleep. They probably think their children can break like this. They can't wait to help [OK]

——I hope some parents don't be too harsh on their children. Xiao Xiao is really smart and lovely, but she also lives happily. I beg some people not to look forward to their children's success, and first pay attention to whether their children are happy or not!

The ups and downs and praise and criticism disputes on the Internet have no impact on Chu Xiaoxiao. Now she shakes hands with teacher Mei and makes peace. She studies and lives happily in the kindergarten every day, and has not been affected by the broadcast of the program at all. If Chu Xiaoyi doesn't go home again, she may forget her brother, who makes people too happy in school.

Of course, some children in the kindergarten watch the program with their parents and naturally learn some remarks.

Anne, a little girl of mixed race, climbed on the chair. Her little yellow curly hair hung on the side of her face and asked curiously, "Xiao Xiao, are you a child prodigy?"

Chu Xiaoxiao thought for a moment and replied, "No."

Annie: "but my mother said that many people are discussing whether you are a child prodigy?"

After Anne's mother watched the program, she realized that chuxiao seemed really special. Because Xiao Bi only communicated with the school in private and didn't publicize it everywhere, many parents didn't know the truth. The child prodigy school on the Internet is justified and takes out various literature references, which makes people feel particularly true.

Chu Xiaoxiao tilted his head and said seriously, "they say I am. They say I am not. They are happy. Anyway, I am Chu Xiaoxiao."

Chu Xiaoxiao is a very thoughtful child. She doesn't care about outsiders' evaluation and has her own thinking system. This is also the reason why Miss Mei was difficult to teach her at the beginning. Chu Xiaoxiao didn't respond strongly to external stimuli such as praise and punishment. If she didn't care about you, she would treat you as air.

The comments of netizens belong to the air for her. She doesn't think "whether she is a child prodigy" is very important. Her name is Chu Xiaoxiao, not a child prodigy.

Annie blinked. She didn't understand such a long sentence, but she was noted by Chu Xiaoxiao's words and smiled excitedly: "yes, I'm Annie anyway!"

Chu Xiaoxiao was infected with her, and also exhilarated: "I am not a prodigy, I am piggy page!"

Annie: then I'm Susie the lamb

The two children immediately forgot the topic and began to play role-playing games again, leaving the program behind.

Chu Xiaoxiao's scope of activities is quite limited. It is basically concentrated in kindergartens and communities. It is not easy to leave the hospital. Her life was not affected by the program fire, and she still played with Yang Yin as usual. Yang Yin usually studies in the next province. She only comes on weekends and holidays. She doesn't watch variety shows.

Chu Xiaoxiao and Yang Yin often pick up express cartons and empty bottles in their spare time, and then collect them and sell them for money. Some money is used to buy some extracurricular books, and some money is donated to the community to buy food and sterilize stray cats. In this way, there will be a lot of surplus.

The garbage classification in the community is very clean. The owners basically pile the express cartons on one side. They just flatten them and take them away. Yang Yin is a child born in the countryside. She works very neatly. Chu Xiaoxiao only needs to fight next to her. She can't do much because she's young. She mostly feels like joining the fun.

They worked as usual, talking and laughing, and suddenly heard a violent drink not far away.

"Chuxiao, what are you doing?"

When Chu Xiaoyi walked through the community, he found his sister picking up junk next to the trash can. A string in his mind suddenly broke, which was no less than seeing her jump into a mud pit in the rain. With an angry face, he strode over and said hysterically, "come home with me!"

Chu Xiaoyi has a slight cleanliness habit. In his mind, "trash can = bacterial breeding ground", Chu Xiaoyi completely challenges his bottom line!

Chu Xiaoxiao also didn't expect her brother to appear suddenly. Her little face was confused: "Why are you here?"

"Xiao Xiao..." Yang Yin looked at Chu Xiaoyi in a daze. She had never seen this person at all and was not sure about the situation for a moment.

Chu Xiaoxiao explained, "this is my brother. Don't worry about him."

The little girl quickly avoided her brother's attempt to drag people's hands and jumped discontentedly: "just go home yourself. I'll go back in a minute!"

Chu Xiaoxiao also wants to play with Yang Yin for a while. After all, Yang Yin's sister will return to school on Monday and will not meet until another week, but her brother lives at home when recording the program and can easily see it every day.

Seeing that she didn't repent, Chu Xiaoyi angrily said, "go home and wash your hands with me now!"

Yang Yin was still bundling cartons. She looked at her brother and sister who were deadlocked and whispered, "Xiao Xiao, go back with your brother first..."

Yang Yin is a precocious and sensitive girl. She sees that Chu Xiaoyi is quite angry and doesn't want them to argue here. Although Chu Xiaoyi's dissatisfied eyes made her a little flustered, she didn't care about these details at this time. She only hoped that Chu Xiaoyi wouldn't be angry with her family.

Chu Xiaoyi's words had no effect on Chu Xiaoxiao, but Yang Yin's words did stop the little thing's temper. Chu Xiao reluctantly left with her brother. She seemed quite unhappy all the way, and her small steps were angry. Chu Xiaoyi didn't look at Yang Yin all the way. It seems that he just wants to take Chu Xiaoyi away.

Yang Yin watched her brother and sister leave. She still liked Chu Xiaoxiao in her heart, but she still felt a touch of sadness. She can understand Chu Xiaoyi's anger. The other party thinks she is taking Chu Xiaoyi to do dirty things. His words reveal resistance and rejection, and he doesn't even want to look at her.

Yang Yin met Xiao Xiao's parents. Their clothes were simple and low-key. Occasionally, she would greet her friendly on the road, so that she forgot many details. Chu Xiaoxiao is actually completely different from her family. Xiao Xiao lives in yurongtai community, but her father is only the security guard of the community.

Chu Xiaoyi is also completely different from Yang Yin's impression of his brother. He has sharp eyebrows and stars, is handsome and straight, wears clean clothes that fit neatly, and shows the dignity brought by his superior family background. He has no coquettish and timid temperament at all. He looks like a fairy, but he doesn't allow his sister to stick a little ash on her hands, or he will be angry.

Yang Yin suddenly realized that not all the brothers in the world were the same as her brother, and the difference could be so great. She looked down at her rough fingers and washed white shoes. She just wanted to explain that she took Xiao Xiao to wash her hands every time. Now she suddenly felt boring.

She's too far away from people like that. It's strange that she can become friends with Xiao Xiao.

At home, Chu Xiaoyi washed his hands with small things twice. He was sure that only the aroma of hand sanitizer was left on his hands, and his tight nerves were half relaxed. He asked Chu Xiao to change her clothes, threw all her coats into the washing machine and rolled nonstop.

Chu Xiaoxiao felt that she was going to be washed and molted. Wearing Pikachu's home clothes, she jumped angrily on the sofa and shouted, "you're exaggerating!"

Chu Xiaoyi sneered: "Chu Xiaoxiao, you wait. I have to complain to my mother today and let them listen to what you have done!"

Chu Xiaoyi wanted to throw her sister to take a bath, but she jumped around on the sofa to escape. She had to wash her face and hands first.

At dinner, Chu Xiaoyi complained to his parents at the dinner table. He couldn't wait to draw the front and ask them to warn his sister not to go next to the trash can.

Chu Jiadong heard his little daughter's feat of picking up rags and said with a smile, "Xiao Xiao is great. How much money did he make today?"

Chu Xiaoyi had been waiting for his father's serious warning. At this time, he heard the other party's tone: "??" did I ask you to say this?

Chu Xiaoyi heard his father's "you" and immediately felt that the situation was bad. Isn't this the first time?

Sure enough, Chu Xiaoxiao leaned against her father. She complained: "before I finished with sister Yang Yin, my brother had to drag me home and wouldn't let me stay more!"

Chu Jiadong said leisurely, "Hey, go and ask after dinner. Dad is waiting for Xiao Xiao to save money to buy me a villa."

Chu Xiaoxiao nodded solemnly when she heard the speech: "I will work hard."

Chu Xiaoyi's eyebrows jumped and said simply, "Dad, I'll pay for you to buy a villa now. Can you say something reliable?"

Chu Xiaoyi: how much money can my sister make from picking up junk? My father actually expects her to buy a villa? How ambitious is this!?


Yang Yin is not her brother CP, so there is no need to continue the discussion in the comment area.

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