Chu Xiaoyi thinks that today's children are really powerful. He ran away from home, that is, he went out of the community. Liu Yunhan can actually run so far by car. Sure enough, the child star who stepped into work earlier is brave?

Running away from home may be the childhood experience of many children. They leave home for different reasons. Some are to attract the attention of their families and want more love; Some can't tolerate living at home and can only rely on this to threaten or punish their parents. Children can do limited things, which is one of their few means of resistance.

Chu Xiaoyi learned that he didn't dare to stay in the crew. It happened that he didn't play for half a day today, so he hurried back. He Xin and others also sent the collected data of Liu Yunhan to him. At the same time, they said to find someone to inquire about the little child star's home and see why she ran away from home.

In Yurong stage, Liang Shuangqi has left to play the piano, leaving only Liu Yunhan who doesn't want to go home. Xiao Bi can't force the little child star to contact her parents. She can only comfort her with a warm voice and let Chu Xiao accompany each other first and wait for the news of her eldest son.

Chu Xiao said strangely, "sister Yunhan, are you going to never go home again?"

Liu Yunhan hugged her knees in the chair and shrunk into a ball. She shook her head and said in a stuffy voice, "that's not good. Mom will worry."

Chu Xiaoxiao: "but your mother will worry now?"

Liu Yunhan said sadly, "but I really can't hold on. Just one day. Let me leave home for one day..."

Chu Xiaoxiao thought for a moment and suggested, "let your father persuade your mother?"

Chu Xiaoxiao thought of Liang Shuangqi's refuge. He was almost beaten by his mother after he made trouble. Uncle Liang came forward to stop him, and then he could naturally go home. Although Liu Yunhan's behavior of running away from home is too risky, wouldn't it reduce Liu's anger if her father made peace?

Liu Yunhan pursed her lips, her eyes dim and said, "Dad has a new home, so I can't leave my mother."

Liu Yunhan's parents divorced. Her father remarried long ago and had children with her current wife. It is impossible to handle Liu Yunhan wholeheartedly. Liu's mother made a lot of trouble with each other when she divorced. She divided a large amount of property and had no worries about food and clothing from then on, but obviously she also had resentment in her heart and asked her daughter to change her surname.

If Liu Yunhan was allowed to make a choice, of course she would still choose her mother. After all, her father did something wrong and her mother was an innocent victim. However, she has gradually become unable to support her mother's love. She often feels out of breath and thinks she is shaky.

After her father left, everyone confided in Liu Yunhan's mother's pity. Liu's mother did her best to take out double love and wanted to help her daughter to a higher level in her performing arts career, but Liu Yunhan was more and more frightened.

"If I can't do so well, or even stop acting one day, my mother will be very disappointed." Liu Yunhan whispered, "at first I wanted to learn acting, but now I go back on my word, which will only make her sad..."

Liu Yunhan felt that she was a terrible child with this idea in her arms. She took the initiative to be a little actress, but now she suddenly changed her mind, putting her mother who had been helping herself in a dilemma. It's hard for child stars to get up. Even when she played Yamila fairy, her salary was very low. Only recently did her salary get higher and receive more and more good plays.

When Liu Yunhan first started performing, her family had to pour money into it to realize her actor dream. When she thought about this, she felt more and more ignorant, but she always had a sense of fatigue in her spirit, which could not be eliminated no matter how long she rested.

Chu Xiao listened to her companion finish, she tilted her head and thought, hesitated and said, "but I don't think sister Yunhan needs to be so guilty, because you haven't hurt your mother."

Liu Yunhan: "but I don't want to act..."

Chu Xiaoxiao said seriously, "that's just your idea. Haven't you put it into action? You haven't perfunctory work all the time. Even today, you didn't work before you came out, which means you haven't let your mother down."

Liu Yunhan whispered, "I will disappoint her sooner or later..."

Chu Xiaoxiao asked solemnly, "why do you always take the role of your father?"

Liu Yunhan was stunned: "Alas?"

Chu Xiao blinked and said, "you didn't do anything wrong, but you always think you are a bad person. Your mother is a poor person."

Chu Xiaoxiao thinks Liu Yunhan is curious. She doesn't quite understand Liu Yunhan's parents' disputes, but she thinks her little partner hasn't done anything wrong. Even if Liu's mother is a poor person who has been hurt, Liu Yunhan is not the perpetrator, but she always takes all the mistakes.

Liu Yunhan felt that her mother was very pitiful, that she was extremely guilty of disappointing her mother, and that she was unforgivable for trying to give up her acting career and abandon her hard-working mother. She hinted at herself with this idea every day. Of course, she always felt very tired and couldn't lift up at all.

Chu Xiaoxiao: "I think your mother is already an adult. She is not as fragile as you say."

Liu Yunhan was speechless for a moment. She couldn't immediately change her old ideas. Who let everyone around her pity her mother and repeatedly told her to care about and honor her mother and not let the other party be hit again. She subconsciously took over the burden of adults, but her small shoulders were still unable to carry it, so she was naturally out of breath.

At this time, Chu Xiaoyi also arrived at yurongtai. As soon as he stepped into the house, he gasped and said, "Liu Yunhan, your mother fell down the stairs today and had a bone fracture. Now she is still in the hospital."

Liu Yunhan suddenly ran away from home today and left without saying goodbye, which greatly flustered her mother. She looked around for the trace of her daughter and asked her classmates and friends, but she slipped during the search, fell down the stairs and was taken to the hospital.

Liu Yunhan didn't want to go home. At this time, she stood up in a panic and said, "which hospital is mom in? I'll find her now..."

Chu Xiaoyi: "take my car and tell your mother that you are safe."

Hearing the news that her mother was in the hospital, Liu Yunhan couldn't care that she was still running away from home. She immediately called to contact her mother and showed a worried look. She was a sensible child, always unwilling to hurt adults, so her inner mood became more and more heavy.

Chu Xiaoyi took advantage of Liu Yunhan's phone call. He couldn't help rubbing his sister's small head and was speechless about her super recruitment ability: "are you a peddler? You just met Liu Yunhan and could recruit her?"

Chu Xiaoyi certainly knows that Chu Xiaoxiao didn't make a mistake, but he's not sure whether Liu Yunhan's parents are reasonable. What if the other party throws the pot to Chu Xiaoxiao and says she teaches her children badly?

Chu Xiao jumped angrily, reached out and clapped his hand, and said angrily, "don't pollute my head!"

Chu Xiaoyi deliberately opposed her and joked: "I will pollute, I will pollute. If you have the ability, you will run away from home..."

Chu Xiaoxiao threw the ground and said in a voice, "I won't run away from home! I'll drive you out of the house!"

Chu Xiaoyi: "... Are you really ambitious?"

Chu Xiaoxiao is not stupid. She will never give up her base camp. If her family dare to suppress her, she will break out the opposition from her home so that she will not be pitiful in the streets. She felt that Liu Yunhan's practice hurt the enemy by a thousand and lost 800. If she would never run out by herself, wouldn't she have no food, no drink and no place to live.

Chu Xiao and Xiao Zhenzhen have words: "you should know that those who run away from home have no good end."

Chu Xiaoyi joked, "what history? There are historical allusions to running away from home?"

Chu Xiaoxiao: "look at our family history. You were the last one to run away from home. Now you're just... Alas, don't mention it, don't mention it!"

Chu Xiao sighed. She waved her hand helplessly. She looked like her grandfather who saw bad news. Chu Xiaoyi left home for several years. Now he often comes back for a long time. His result is very obvious. Future generations should learn from history.

Chu Xiaoyi: "

Chu Xiaoyi immediately stretched out his claws to his sister, gritted his teeth and said, "Chu Xiaoxiao, you don't come to a good end! Your brother and I are doing well!"

Liu Yunhan called her mother and took Chu Xiaoyi's car back home, accompanied by her brother and sister. She hung her head uneasily all the way, as if worried about her mother's situation and kept silent in the car. Chu Xiaoxiao didn't know what to say. He could only hold hands with Liu Yunhan, but he felt the other party's palm was very cold.

Chu Xiaoyi comforted: "your mother is not seriously injured. Now she has gone home. Let's drive directly to your house."

Liu Yunhan nodded, like a wilting seedling.

Liu Yunhan's family is really far away from yurongtai. They live in the same urban area as grandma Chu Zhen and others. Although there are few new buildings in the old urban area, there is an inch of land and an inch of gold here, and the price is on a par with yurongtai. When Liu Yunhan arrived in the community, she became familiar with the way, but her door was also crowded with many relatives.

Liu Yunhan mysteriously disappeared. Mother Liu naturally wanted to mobilize everyone to look for her. Now when the seven aunts saw the child returning, they immediately shouted, "Liu Yunhan, where have you gone? Your mother is going crazy!"

"Why don't you tell me when you go out? It's hard for your mother to take you alone. How can you be so ignorant!?"

"Your mother is pathetic enough. Don't always make her sad. She ran around anxiously looking for you and fell down the stairs..."

Some of them were loud, others were low, and they were in a noisy mess, which made people's ears ache. The elders denounced and advised Liu Yunhan loudly, mainly because Liu Yunhan's behavior was too dangerous, which made Liu's mother very sad.

Liu Yunhan turned pale in the face of the accusation. She couldn't answer for a moment and was in a dilemma at home.

Chu Xiaoyi wore a black mask. He didn't see such a chaotic scene. Holding Chu Xiaoxiao in a daze, he went upstairs and couldn't hold his temper for a moment. He said bluntly, "come on, come on, uncle and aunt, what's this to do with? She didn't deliberately crack her mother's bones. It's also because there are potential safety hazards on the stairs, or the soles of shoes are not anti-skid, which has nothing to do with children!"

Chu Xiaoyi can't stand others pressing their emotions on him. If he had been talked about like Liu Yunhan every day, he might have run away from home 800 times!

Chu Xiaoyi: "closing the door is family business. Her mother will educate her well. Don't bother you!"

Chu Xiaoyi walked forward with Chu Xiaoxiao in her arms, strongly opened a way for Liu Yunhan in the crowd, and let the little girl go back to her home. He called He Xin upstairs and asked the agent to persuade the left relatives and right neighbors at the door. He didn't want to see a large group of people gather when he went out.

Chu xiaoyicai doesn't care whether he Xin and his team are difficult or not. Anyway, the young master has always been capricious. He said that clearing the scene is about clearing the scene, regardless of who the other party is. He directly cleared away the relatives around him, instantly relieved Liu Yunhan. She immediately ran into the house to see her cracked mother.

"Mom, I'm back..." Liu Yunhan was frightened all the way. Now she was relieved to see her mother safe and sound.

Liu's mother was resting in bed, and her legs were obviously treated. She looked at Liu Yunhan with red eyes. Her anger went out in an instant. She trembled and said, "you're back. You scared me to death! I thought you were abducted!"

The mother and daughter reunited at the bedside. Both sides were almost ready to cry and obviously couldn't leave each other. Chu Xiaoxiao now understands Liu Yunhan's idea. Although the other party chooses to run away from home, he subconsciously doesn't intend to leave his mother, but breathes air in this way.

A moment later, mother Liu sorted out her emotions and gradually recovered her composure. She told her: "I can't accompany you to the following crew. I'll let your little aunt take you. You remember to report the progress with me every night..."

Liu Yunhan showed a stunned look on her face. Unexpectedly, her mother was injured and didn't forget her schedule. She could find someone to do it for her. She looked at her mother's injured leg and thought about what she had done. Finally, she bowed her head reluctantly and said in a dumb voice: "... OK."

Liu Yunhan was also moved by Chu Xiaoxiao in yurongtai. At the moment, she was defeated by guilt and felt sorry for her mother.

Chu Xiao didn't know what her partner thought. She said frankly, "aunt, sister Yunhan doesn't want to act recently."

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