Chu Xiaoyi opens the door for He Xin at the door. Now there are only Chu Xiaoxiao, Liu Yunhan and Liu's mother in the house. Mother Liu was stunned when she heard Chu Xiaoxiao's words. She looked at her daughter in surprise and asked, "what do you want to do? Do you want to learn other things?"

Liu Yunhan: "I..."

Liu's mother was not immediately angry, but looked at her daughter suspiciously, but Liu Yunhan couldn't answer her mother's expectant eyes for a moment. She can't give a reasonable proposal immediately. If she says something casually now, her mother must be busy preparing, just like when she first learned to perform.

Chu Xiao saw that her companion couldn't answer, and she solved the siege with understanding: "aunt has been helping sister Yunhan. Now she is very good. You can change her to help you. Doesn't Aunt want to do anything?"

Liu Yunhan thought Chu Xiao was really smart. She immediately cheered up and echoed, "yes, does mom want to do something? What can I do for you?"

Liu Yunhan is always overwhelmed by her mother's love. As long as she returns this love, she can relax a little.

Mother Liu shook her head without thinking: "I have nothing to do. I feel very good now."

Liu Yunhan did not expect her mother to answer decisively, but Chu Xiaoxiao was puzzled and questioned, "then why do other uncles and aunts always say you are poor?"

"I'm afraid they have misunderstood." mother Liu couldn't bear to explain the complex family disputes to the child. She bowed her head for a few seconds, looked up at Liu Yunhan and said helplessly, "I just hope you can be well."

When Liu Yunhan heard the familiar words, she breathed for a moment, felt the indescribable complex emotions, and held back her tears.

Seeing that her teammates were going to die in battle, Chu Xiaoxiao quickly made a pause gesture and said seriously, "stop, stop, please wait!"

"It's not what my aunt wants to do, it's just my aunt's good wish, just like I want my family to be safe and healthy. What I want to do is only related to you." Chu Xiaoxiao corrected rigorously and added patiently, "does my aunt have any interests? No special goal?"

Chu Xiaoxiao thinks that Liu's mother is really a strange person. Everyone in her family has their own things to do, but Liu's mother seems to live around Liu Yunhan.

"Hobbies?" mother Liu looked blankly, "I really didn't think of it for the moment. I just hope Hanhan can live well and have a bright future in the future..."

This is the truth of mother Liu. As long as her daughter can live well, she has no other regrets.

Liu Yunhan could no longer bear it when she heard the speech. Infinite pain surged into her chest. Finally, she couldn't help crying: "Mom -"

Liu Yunhan was standing on the side of the bed. She rushed to her mother and couldn't help crying. This was a moving picture, but Chu Xiaoxiao was unmoved. She looked at the scene, thought for a moment, and calmly commented, "aunt hasn't grown up yet."

Chu Xiaoxiao has been able to accept other people's emotions since childhood and has a strong ability to resist pressure. Just as she was driven to tears by Liu Yunhan on the set, her brain is still clear and logical, and can even explain to Xiao Bi. As an outsider, of course, she will not be easily defeated by mother Liu, but see more things.

Chu Xiaoxiao looked at mother Liu's confused look and said in an orderly way: "sister Yunhan has been acting like an adult, and you are like a child. You can't live without others. You haven't grown up at all."

Mother Liu is like some children in chuxiaoxiao kindergarten. If the teacher doesn't assign tasks for them, they will never know what to do. Someone must plan for them. Once they encounter free time, they will muddle through.

Mother Liu was in some confusion for a moment. She couldn't believe it. She looked at Chu Xiaoxiao, who was a kid. Although the other party was not tall, she looked calm and comfortable.

Liu Yunhan's face was still hung with crystal tears. She was stunned and said, "Xiao Xiao..."

"Other uncles and aunts don't misunderstand you, because aunts don't live their own life well and always place their hopes on others, they will feel sorry for you." Chu Xiao said slowly, "if aunts had been up and lived their own life well, they wouldn't say so. You left them a handle."

This is really enough to kill the heart. It immediately hit mother Liu, and Liu Yunhan also had a strong reaction.

Liu Yunhan didn't want to see her mother's embarrassed face. She stopped loudly and said, "Xiao Xiao, stop talking. I don't want to act! Stop talking!"

As a daughter, Liu Yunhan is definitely the one who doesn't want her mother to feel like a knife. Otherwise, she won't be silent for so long and swallow countless pains in the dark.

"No, I just want to say that children can't always be used to adults, then they will mistakenly think that they have grown up all their life. In fact, they are just making trouble and causing trouble inexperiently!" Chu Xiaoxiao is also unwilling to show weakness. Of course, she understands Liu Yunhan's mood, but it is obvious that they can never solve the problem without strong medicine now.

If she doesn't wake up mother Liu here, the other party will never know what her mistake is!

Mother Liu trembled all over and said in a trembling voice: "... Is it wrong that I hope Hanhan is good?"

"It's not wrong for you to hope sister Yunhan is good, but it's wrong for you to transfer the pressure to her. As long as your aunt doesn't want to do anything and wholeheartedly helps sister Yunhan, you won't have a chance to fail. It's really cunning to blame her for failure..."

Chu Xiao said discontentedly, "you will never fall, but if she falls, it will hurt you. It is completely a risk transfer!"

Chu Xiaoxiao thinks that Liu's mother is an epic investment fraudster. As long as she doesn't have what she wants to do and puts all her bets on Liu Yunhan, she doesn't have to bear any potential risks and is psychologically calm.

"This is unreasonable. I will never live only around my parents, nor will my parents live only around me. We all have each other's lives!"

Chu Xiaoxiao will not entrust her life to her parents, and her parents will not entrust their life to her. They are only an important part of each other's life, and no one can be responsible for each other's choice.

Mother Liu is like a baby without thinking ability. She entrusts all her strength to Liu Yunhan, which is an embodiment of extreme immaturity.

What is maturity? Only when people have the ability to bear life risks independently and no longer need others to transfer risks, can they be truly mature. Most people have lived a step-by-step life since childhood. They are arranged by their elders in the family and teachers in the school. When they step into the society and need to make their own decisions, they immediately lose their direction and don't know where to go.

The fault in childhood can be attributed to the bad parents, and the fault in school can be attributed to the bad teachers, but the fault in adulthood can no longer be borne by anyone, but they can't resist the risk. Maturity has nothing to do with age. As long as people don't have the courage to really take risks in life, whether they are 30, 40 or 50, they are not mature.

If Chu Xiaoxiao makes a wrong choice, her life will be dark, and she will not blame her parents. In the same way, if parents make wrong choices, they can't vent their anger on her and have their own lives. She is willing to be responsible for her every choice. She knows who she lives for. Her parents are not her boss or life manager, but equal partners at most.

Because they are equal partners, Chu Xiaoxiao can calmly accept her parents' defects, and her parents can rationally accept her defects and be responsible for their own lives.

Because of this, Chu Xiaoxiao's life is very simple and clear. She chooses to learn and knows who she is learning for. She refuses to learn and can bear the consequences and always maintain the internal driving force.

However, Liu's mother did not make a choice. She put all her strength on Liu Yunhan. It seems that she is wholeheartedly helping each other. In fact, she is avoiding her own life risks. She will never make mistakes. Only Liu Yunhan will make mistakes. She can choose to blame angrily or forgive kindly. She is always in an invincible position.

Regardless of Liu Yunhan's success or failure, as long as Liu's mother doesn't live well, she can say that she can't take care of herself and become an irresponsible devotee because she helps her daughter wholeheartedly.

Of course, Liu Yunhan will feel tired. She becomes her mother's parent or teacher and bears potential risks for each other. The two sides actually exchanged identities. Liu Yunhan was forced to mature, but Liu's mother had not grown up.

"Is that so..."

Chu Xiao's words were chiseled, but mother Liu was like a bolt from the blue. She didn't expect her long-term pay. In the eyes of outsiders, it was a weapon to harm her daughter. Now think about it, she used to have hobbies and goals, but she had been exhausted in the trifles of life. She assisted her husband when she didn't divorce and her daughter after divorce.

Relatives can only see what mother Liu has done to her husband and daughter. They can't condemn her like this. They can only put their words on other parties.

Liu's mother is not an incompetent person, otherwise she can't divide a large amount of property, and she can't make Liu Yunhan's career better and better. She just forgot to output by herself. She always subconsciously stood in the auxiliary position and felt that she could not hurt.

It has to be said that Liu Yunhan's forbearance and tolerance comes from her mother. She presses her emotions for her mother, and her mother will forget her strength for the family. Mother Liu always wants to help her daughter realize her dream, but she doesn't know how much torture this hint is to her child.

Mother Liu was quiet for a long time, and her concussion gradually recovered. She looked at her daughter sadly: "... Han Han, do you really don't want to act?"

Chu Xiaoxiao said that Liu Yunhan didn't want to act again, and Liu's mother naturally wanted to speak and ask.

"I don't want to act. I'm just afraid that I can't meet my mother's expectations. It seems that it's no longer my business..." Liu Yunhan finally shed big tears. She completely revealed her true voice and said hoarsely, "I'm so afraid that my mother has been working for me. In the end, I screwed up and failed to live up to all the efforts in front..."

Liu Yunhan is not Superman. She dare not guarantee her future, not to mention that this future also carries her mother's expectations. If she takes a little wrong step, it will destroy their lives. Naturally, she will be afraid and lose the courage to move forward.

Mother Liu looked at Liu Yunhan in tears. For a moment, she didn't know what to say. She could only open her arms to each other silently and rigidly. Her lips were murmuring, her mind was still in confusion, but her body subconsciously reacted.

Liu Yunhan was slightly stunned, and then, like a homing chick, naturally jumped into each other's arms, vented wantonly, and cried out of breath.

The mother and daughter both cried into tears. The momentum was quite amazing. They simply scared Chu Xiaoyi and He Xin back.

Chu Xiaoyi stood beside him obediently, but Chu Xiaoyi looked surprised and said in a trance: "her mother is just a bone fracture, don't you have to cry to this extent?"

Chu Xiaoyi: people who don't know about it probably think it's a terminal disease. Otherwise, how can the cry hurt so much?

Chu Xiaoyi felt that Liu Yunhan's actors were too emotional and couldn't stop their tears. He couldn't help muttering, "when I broke my bone, my father wasn't so sad and beat me up..."

Chu Xiao said strangely, "why do you have a bone fracture?"

Chu Xiaoyi: "it's not a big deal. I climbed a tree. It didn't hurt much when I fell. It hurt when I was beaten."


Chu Xiao's mood is a little subtle. She has always banned beating children and severely denounced her parents' violence, but her brother's behavior really refreshes her cognition. Although she felt that it was unkind of her to think so, Chu Xiaoyi was not wronged, especially when he said "dare again next time" on his face.

Chu Xiaoxiao: sure enough, he is still an immature brother. He never fails to run away from home, climb trees and make trouble.

Chu Xiaoxiao feels that his logic is also negligent. Everyone has to take life risks for his choice, but there are also brothers who are reckless when they see the risks. They don't know what he is doing. Maybe they don't think life is exciting enough.

Liu Yunhan wiped away her tears and said goodbye to Chu Xiaoxiao and others. Naturally, she wanted to stay at home. Mother Liu also thanked her brother and sister. After all, she ran a long way to send her daughter back, and then drove back. It was estimated that it would be dark. It was really hard.

The contradiction between mother and daughter is broken. Brother and sister can't stay any longer. They rush home as soon as possible. Chu Xiaoxiao didn't hear Liu's mother's reply, but she firmly believed that the other party had felt something, at least in the cry.

A few days later, Liu Yunhan sent a message to Chu Xiaoxiao, saying that she pushed off the lower play and stayed at home with her mother to recover from her injury. She planned to suspend the adjustment for a period of time. A few days later, Liu Yunhan said that her mother suddenly threw in her resume and might have to go to work after she recovered. Although her mother's attention to her may decline, she felt happy in her heart.

Liu Yunhan said that she would make a film in the future and was reluctant to give up completely. After all, she can get to know chuxiao, but also thanks to her role in Yamila fairy, which also adds luster to her life.

She will talk to her mother about their work in the future. Their work contents don't coincide now. Mother Liu has gone back to her old job and found her life. Relatives seem to have some ideas, but after mother Liu found a job, her energy and spirit also changed, which soon broke the doubts of the people around her.

Chu Xiaoxiao heard the voice from her little partner. She was also happy for each other from the bottom of her heart. She couldn't help offering her father's famous saying: "the days are really the better."

However, Chu Xiaoyi's good days didn't last too long. The reason is that Chu Xiaoyi went home to have a rest, which also brought an extremely arduous task.

Chu Xiaoyi's trip is not only for rest, but also with a little selfishness. In the living room, he glanced at his sister watching Disney cartoons, sneaked up to her and said carelessly, "do you think this is useful for oral English?"

"HMM... should there be?" Chu Xiaoxiao is the worst to answer the question of "useful" or "useless". She is learning language by virtue of her interest. Once she mentions practical application, she will drift.

This is similar to foreigners' curiosity about the usefulness of Chinese video intercom in Chinese. It mainly depends on the video content. News network is certainly different from German cloud crosstalk. Chu Xiaoxiao didn't know what aspect of oral English her brother wanted to ask. She couldn't give an imprecise answer. Naturally, she was vague.

Chu Xiaoyi: "if I want to make a short-term assault on oral English, what should I look at? How can I learn faster?"

Chu Xiaoxiao: "how short do you want?"

Chu Xiaoyi: "two or three weeks."

Chu Xiaoxiao: "to what extent?"

Chu Xiaoyi: "sounds like an American or British? You don't know so many languages. Give me some learning suggestions!"

Chu Xiaoxiao pondered for a long time. Facing her brother's burning eyes, she sincerely said, "dreaming is faster."


Forgive Chu Xiao for her lack of learning. She really can't think of it. She can only give Liang Shuangqi's suggestions. There's everything in her dream.


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