Chu Xiaoyi was really confused on the stage. When he thought about it carefully, he thought that "red" seemed to be blood and "white" should be "white hair", but he just said it was red blood cells and white blood cells, so he was in a dilemma. He always has a quick tongue, otherwise he won't interview and roll over repeatedly, and he didn't get rid of this problem at the concert.

Chu Xiaoyi held the microphone awkwardly, and the fans in the front row immediately burst into laughter. They were not afraid of making fun of things and immediately reminded the parties of something.

Chu Xiaoyi turned around. He couldn't see the gloating of these fake fans. He simply handed the microphone to the audience and said brazenly: "this question is very interesting. Why don't we ask the fans on the scene? I'm sure everyone who likes my music will understand..."

Front row fans: "?" sudden live interaction?

The Chu family's technique of kicking the ball comes down in one continuous line. Chu Xiaoxiao kicks the ball to Liu Wenpei, Chu Jiadong kicks the ball to Chu Xiaoyi, and Chu Xiaoyi kicks the ball to the on-site fans.

The fans in the front row were not surprised at Chu Xiaoyi's anti fan behavior. The concert was originally a place for idols and fans to communicate. They immediately shouted "please be a person" and "Yiyan Yiyu" under the stage, trying to resist someone's tyranny.

The staff have stepped down with microphones to find people. They directly went to the front row to find the most arrogant female fans and forcibly entered the biological Q & a session.

Chu Xiaoyi smiled: "can you explain the problem of red blood cells and white blood cells?"

The little girl didn't expect the newspaper to be so fast. She also said goodbye to high school biology for a long time. At this time, she said dryly: "... Do I have time to take off the powder now?"

Little girl: didn't you tell me that you have to learn biology to pursue stars?

"It doesn't look like real powder..." Chu Xiaoyi saw that the fans couldn't answer. He immediately found a little face. Suddenly, there was a sense of pleasure that the teacher called the roll in the big class and looked around excitedly, "let's find another one!"

Chu Xiaoyi suddenly had a bad taste. These guys still want to see my jokes. Let me see who reads whose jokes!

When the fans saw him full of interest and looked around, they didn't know what someone on the stage thought. He was Aidou who said "don't expect too much from each other". If he had nothing to do, he would be able to blackmail and pinch each other with the fans.

Fans: we are not good people, but you are also a real dog!

Fans saw Chu Xiaoyi and asked for someone. They wanted to run away and shouted, "we are all fake fans!"

"Don't order, don't order, who knows what you write!"

"Why don't you ask the magical conch“

The whole audience laughed in an instant. They all seemed to be recalled by Yiyan Yiyu. They fought back against Chu Xiaoyi loudly under the stage, and the atmosphere was suddenly hilarious and cheerful. Chu Xiaoyi was originally a star who could joke. He had to face the powder with his mouth open when he was free. Otherwise, how could there be a pile of fans who "powder goes deep and naturally black".

——Too bad, too bad. Chu Xiaoyi was stabbed at the lyrics in public, so he became angry and poisoned his fans. The scene was like killing red eyes!

——Chu Xiaoyi: it's better to teach me to bear the world's people than to teach the world's people to bear me.

——Popular student Chu Xiaoyi, the first person to wash biological powder!

——I just want to watch the concert live. Can I see the tension of roll call in online class?

——Fan: I spent so much money on infield tickets just to ask you questions?

——I can see the inner flavor of Deyun club in my personal concert.

Chu Xiaoyi finally kicked the iron plate. The staff came to the ordinary table holding the microphone. The anonymous four heroes of biology came out again!

On the big screen, the honest middle-aged man pushed his metal framed glasses. He said solemnly: "the 'restless red' should be an immature red blood cell, because it is not mature, so it can be restless. At this time, it has organelles and genetic material. When the red blood cell is mature, it will participate in oxygen transport, its life becomes very short, and naturally it can't be restless..."

Around the middle-aged man, there were three peers. They all nodded in agreement. They looked serious, such as academic discussion, like the middle-aged idol men's group interviewed by reporters.

Liu Wenpei suddenly realized that she thought, "I see. No wonder the lyrics emphasize restlessness..."

Chu Xiaoyi: "..." no, I didn't think so much when I wrote the words. How did you interpret it?

——Mr. Wang, I wronged you. You came to the concert to answer questions!

——I was almost amused by cxy's expression. His face was full of "I just wrote nonsense. What do you say?".

——This is a large-scale academic discussion meeting attended by the four biological heroes! It is definitely a real hammer!

——Then the question comes. Similarly, what does it mean to push "the sky is blue and waiting for misty rain, and I'm waiting for you"?

——A: because the ancients couldn't change the humidity, the best sky cyan of blue and white porcelain can only be fired on a misty and rainy day. This small probability event of chance is as difficult as I can wait for you.

——???? You can choose Tsinghua University or Peking University. You are the number one scholar in liberal arts?

——This atmosphere is so interesting. I suddenly want to buy a ticket to see it!

——Sisters, report the bullet screen in front. I don't allow anyone to compete with me for tickets [Doge]

Chu Xiaoyi's first concert is eager to search the hot times. The live broadcast bullet screen area of the platform is a collection of passages and golden sentences, together with his lyrics "restless red, DNA engraved memory, solemn white restraint, rebellious when he was young" successfully out of the circle. It has frequently appeared in the public's view for a long time.

This song was originally written with moving and true feelings. It is one of Chu Xiaoyi's satisfactory works, but he never expected that one day it would be so popular in the north and south of the river, and even the title stem of biological questions would be forcibly deducted.

In the future, whenever the biology test paper mentions red blood cells, white blood cells and other knowledge points, the front question stem must quote this lyrics. The question teachers have to show their fashion and cutting-edge in this way. After all, it's the lyrics parsed by the four heroes of biology. It's really suitable to do questions!

No one knows whether the restless red has the memory of engraved DNA, but countless students engrave Chu Xiaoyi's lyrics in their minds.

After the concert, the data of the live broadcast platform exploded, Chu Xiaoyi sold tickets, and Liu Wenpei's research also achieved remarkable results, which can be described as killing three birds with one stone!

After the concert, Liu Wenpei said goodbye to Chu Xiaoxiao and her family. She said solemnly, "I have learned a lot today. I have a research outline in my head. Thank you very much for your help in my research. If you need my help in future research, please feel free to tell me."

Liu Wenpei felt full and engaged in the concert. She even forgot that she wanted to see "Y classmate" at first. Now a new research direction has been born. She felt that Chu Xiaoxiao gave herself a lot of help. Naturally, she promised to repay her kindness and contribute to each other's research.

Chu Xiaoxiao didn't do research now. Of course, she didn't know how to ask Liu Wenpei to help. She politely thanked each other and waved goodbye to her classmates and their families.

Liu Wenpei looked like a little more human after the concert. She calmly waved the aid stick and said, "see you at school on Monday. Bye!"

"Goodbye!" Chu Xiao saw her leave with the aid materials. She didn't say anything like before. She couldn't help muttering, "she seems to have learned a lot..."

Liu Wenpei used to say goodbye to few people in her class. She talked straight and didn't like to deal with people.

Chu Xiaoyi stood behind his sister. He said coldly, "can I venture to ask what you have learned and studied?"

Chu Xiaoyi: the concert is over and you can finally beat the children.

"Wow!" Chu Xiaoxiao was caught off guard and raised by her brother. She immediately grabbed his shoulder in panic and screamed to her parents for help, "Mom and Dad..."

Chu Jiadong and Xiao Bi just smile when they see it. They just regard it as the noise between brothers and sisters and continue to talk to He Xin.

Chu Xiaoyi immediately stopped her. The villain complained first and said in a high voice, "come on! Look at what you've done. I'll be searched and hung up all over!"

Chu Xiaoyi: I just learned that I almost became a legal expert.

Chu Xiao grumbled discontentedly, "that must be the publicity of your team..." He Xin told her.

Chu Xiaoyi held her in one hand and pinched her face in the other. He smiled and said, "it's a pity that all the plans prepared by our team were squeezed out by you..."

He Xin had prepared a marketing plan, but he felt that there were too many hot searches in the concert tonight, so he overturned the original plan and simply promoted the natural hot search. Chu Xiaoyi seriously suspects that the team will retaliate against him. Because he killed their content earlier, they simply become the ghost of their sister!

Chu Xiaoyi: there are always treacherous ministers who want to harm me. There are all her people around!

Chu Xiaoyi was like a cat, holding her up and shaking around, only making her so angry that she wanted to dance her fist. Chu Xiaoxiao thought his brother was handsome on stage today. In addition, she missed him for a long time. Now she is holding it up for fun and is so angry that she thinks he has changed back to an annoying and naughty brother and no longer has the style on the stage!

Chu Xiaoyi had a bad heart about his sister for a long time. He began to swear that he would get her tickets. She should also give some big gifts to thank herself. She directly blocked Chu Xiaoyi's words about praising his concert back to her stomach, so that she just wanted to show her teeth and claws.

Chu Xiao is in a complicated mood. She thinks her brother is two people on and off the stage. She seriously doubts that the handsome singer and dancer in today's concert is a double. Otherwise, how can the difference be so big?

She just remembered Chu Xiaoyi's stage charm, and now she is stunned by his straight man's behavior!

Chu Xiaoxiao was disgusted. She refused to be pasted by him. She hurriedly said, "don't touch me, you have sweat!" this man sang and danced on the stage. Only when you don't have sweat can you have ghosts.

Chu Xiaoyi was a model and glittering man on the stage, but now he said childishly: "I'm so angry with you, I'm so angry with you..."

Chu Xiaoxiao: "

Chu Xiaoxiao: you really didn't pay attention to the details and ruined my tenderness!

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