Chu Xiaoxiao's mouth was turned and her hands were around her chest. She was sulking at her brother's childish behavior in the corner. Chu Xiaoyi chatted with his parents in his spare time. He can't go home to rest now. He can't relax until all the extra concerts are finished.

Chu Jiadong and Xiao Bi were chatting with their eldest son. Chu Xiaoxiao's little ears stood up to eavesdrop. She couldn't help muttering, "so don't you go home today?"

Chu Xiaoyi: "yes, your brother, I'm not so free!"

Chu Xiaoxiao felt that he was a little depressed while he said in a muffled voice, "Oh..."

He Xin has gone to arrange the vehicle. He will send Chu Xiaoyi's relatives back in a moment, but Chu Xiaoyi himself has to stay with the team.

Chu Xiaoyi seemed to be aware of his sister's little mood. He proposed excitedly: "just when I go home next time, your midterm exam is almost over. Shouldn't you be the first to welcome me?"

Chu Xiaoyi didn't really want to force her to be the first in the exam, but he knew it was easy to annoy the children. He was just enjoying jumping in the minefield.

Sure enough, Chu Xiaoxiao just had some sadness of parting. When she saw him mention it again, she was so angry that she wanted to beat him and said angrily, "you didn't rank first among the stars. Why do you always let me rank first in the exam?"

Chu Xiaoyi's eyes drifted, and he said, "stars don't have rankings like you, and there's no quantitative data..."

Chu Xiaoxiao: "you're just making excuses!"

Xiao Bi, as a peace ambassador, came forward and said, "well, well, you are all the first, not taking the exam is also the first..."

Brother and sister can pinch each other as long as they meet, and their angles are different every time. There are many strange reasons from appearance to achievement. Chu Xiaoyi can make fun of his sister by relying on the stars' no ranking. Anyway, they don't have a unified standard report card as artists. There are some unreliable wild lists on the Internet.

Before leaving, Chu Xiaoyi continued to provoke outside the car. He shouted to his sister, "remember to be first in the exam! Promise to be first!"

Chu Xiaoxiao just got out of the car to pinch him. She subconsciously clenched her fist and anxiously retorted: "no promise..."

Chu Jiadong pressed his little daughter back to her seat and comforted her: "well, my brother is kidding you. We're going home."

The door closed slowly. Chu Xiaoxiao saw him making faces at herself through the window. She was like a small firecracker lit, and her soft emotions were burned with anger. If he still has the courage to go home, she will press him with a hammer!

At night, Chu Xiaoyi watched the car carrying his family leave. When he saw the excitement and relaxation of his relatives fade, he felt that his physical strength was overdrawn and his body was light after the concert. He couldn't help sighing: "ah, so tired..."

Although Chu Xiaoyi did physical training in preparing for the concert, his continuous singing and dancing still made him quite tired, but he was dazzled by the joy of not seeing his relatives for a long time, which made him look energetic. He moved his arm, turned back and continued his work, trying to finish his recent trip as soon as possible.

After the concert, Chu Xiaoxiao returned to school to continue her classes. She forgot Liu Wenpei's research. Unexpectedly, she received each other's academic achievements every few days and got a paper.

Liu Wenpei handed Chu Xiaoxiao the paper version. She pushed the black frame glasses and explained, "I'll send you the electronic version in the evening. This is my latest achievement in this field."

Liu Wenpei was awakened to her research enthusiasm at the concert because she couldn't forget the excitement at the scene. She went to see several other people's concerts. Finally, she found that "classmate Y" was more interesting. Since Chu Xiao has been a dull "Y classmate", she decided to change her direction to do research.

Liu wenpeisi and her research guide shared the paper with Chu Xiaoxiao in the hope of enlightening him. She said calmly, "because I just came into contact with this field, I spent some effort in the early stage of the research. Fortunately, the final results are quite good, which should be helpful to your research in the field of 'classmate y'."

"Thank you..." Chu Xiaoxiao was overwhelmed with a thick paper paper. After Liu Wenpei returned to her seat, she began to look through it curiously and wanted to know what the other party had studied.

Liu Wenpei's research results have detailed data and sufficient literature. In short, it is to pursue stars in a scientific way and summarize the opportunities and challenges faced by classmate y in his career in simple terms. If Chu Xiaoxiao studies the internal characteristics of classmate y, Liu Wenpei studies the external environment of classmate y, and the direction is different.

The paper describes Chu Xiaoyi's ups and downs in the entertainment circle, the timeline from his debut program to his first concert, and even lists his competitors and new generation idols in the same period. The author compares and demonstrates with various data and sales volume, and hangs the wild list of major network data with a degree of rigor.

At the end of the paper, the author also makes a curve trend prediction and believes that Chu Xiaoyi will be in an explosive period in the next one or two years and reach the data inflection point at the same time. If he adjusts his position in time, he may really get rid of his status as a traffic idol; If he does not seize the time for transformation, he is bound to face declining popularity and falling data.

To tell the truth, Chu Xiaoxiao can't understand some professional terms. She hasn't been enlightened in the field of star chasing, even worse than Liu Wenpei. But she recognized Chen fenghan by looking at the photos in the report. She still remembered that she gave the other party less about awada's life. Chen fenghan belongs to the competitor of the same period.

With all kinds of talent shows emerging one after another, Chu Xiaoyi, 26, will also face the challenges of younger generations. The age of 28 will be an important turning point in his career. After that, many traffic gradually withdrew from the public view. How to change their identity and maintain their own business value is a difficult problem they all have to face.

Chu Xiao looked at her brother's competitors. She suddenly woke up in her heart: you still have the face to make me the first in the exam. Obviously, you are more critical now!

That night, Chu Xiaoxiao sent Liu Wenpei's paper report to his brother, so as to overturn the other party's nonsense that "stars have no ranking", which means there is a ready-made data flow report!

Chu Xiaoyi was dazed when he saw the electronic report. He incredibly sent a voice to his sister: "Chu Xiaoxiao, are you too cruel? You're still free to write a report for me just because you won the first place in the exam!"

Chu Xiaoyi: what's more terrible is that you write quite right, which makes me more anxious as I read.

Chu Xiaoxiao said seriously, "this is the report shared by Liu Wenpei to me. You said you didn't rank. She listed the data to me."

Chu Xiao has quite a dissatisfied tone from his parents. It sounds like "you said that the school didn't have homework, and the teachers made a long group of homework".

Chu Xiaoyi: "..." I didn't think you could make a ranking now!?

Chu Xiaoyi deliberately took the "first place" to make anxiety for his sister. He wanted to tease her with evil taste. He never thought that his sister would make anxiety more. She gave herself a super double with her backhand and worked out her career planning report with her little partner.

Chu Xiaoxiao said seriously, "you don't work hard soon. If it's the college entrance examination, you should study in a closed way like sister Yang Yin."

Chu Xiaoyi was so angry that she smiled: "are you two my career fans?"

Chu Xiaoyi deeply felt the horror of SSRs. He noticed his sister's and her classmates' research ability, and suddenly had a flash of inspiration. He said thoughtfully, "Alas, do you think you will be robbed to go to college? In the news, it's not that your boyfriend is admitted to a famous school and asks to admit his girlfriend. When you ask to bring me to college, I can successfully transform..."

Chu Xiaoyi feels that when his career is mature, he can feel the variety of campus life. He doesn't have to drill in the circle every day, which is also a means of transformation. Of course, he has a headache about applying for school. He's still busy for a while. Now even if he enters school, he's afraid he'll fail like Dustin.

Chu Xiaoxiao: "??" I sent a report to encourage you to make progress, but you suddenly began daydreaming?

Chu Xiao angrily hung up the voice call. She rejected her brother's brazen delusion. She really couldn't bear the burden of life.

Liu Wenpei's report was later used twice by He Xin. He believes that the part that touts Chu Xiaoyi is calm and objective in the data flow, which is very suitable for the studio to issue the release.

Liu Wenpei has no opinion after learning that. She has recently focused on biological research and engaged in star chasing research in her spare time. She also generously said that Chu Xiaoxiao can access her own data at any time. At least they are veteran partners of the subject (?).

After Liu Wenpei stepped down as monitor, she enjoyed a lot in her study and life. On the one hand, she found new interests outside of research, and on the other hand, she didn't have to deal with Chen Guangsu. Although she is a little lonely in the class, she won't be annoying. Everyone can tolerate her if she doesn't talk to others occasionally.

Xu Xiao once commented on this: "a big man is a big man. A big man has a normal personality."

Liu Wenpei's comments in the class are ordinary. The main reason is that she doesn't care about other people's business. Anyway, she is buried in research without hindering others. Chen Guangsu's wind review has a downward trend. His slightly arrogant character is a little annoying, which gradually makes the class invisible.

Chu Xiaoxiao always plays with girls such as Xu Xiao. She can't feel the undercurrent surging on the boy side, but the contradiction seems to be slowly exposed on the water surface.

During the recess, a boy couldn't get used to Chen Guangsu's tone. He replied bluntly: "but what are you looking like? Your grades can't compare with Liu Wenpei and your election can't compare with Chu Xiaoxiao. You look blind with us all day and pick soft persimmons!"

Although other children in the class are not in the top three, they are not without temper. At the beginning, they may admire top students. After they are familiar with them, they gradually have their own playmates, and the top three also take off the initial aura. Class is like a small society. Achievement is an important indicator, not the only indicator. Making friends and partners should be more complex.

Chen Guangsu didn't expect to be pouted in public. He was so angry that his face turned red. He couldn't stand down in the class, and his eyes even flashed. Facing the sight of other people's exploration, he simply jumped out of the class door without saying anything to fight back.

"Wait..." Chu Xiao was going to find Mr. Lu with him. Unexpectedly, the sudden contradiction disturbed everything. Chen Guangsu was obviously not in the mood to go to the office again. His figure disappeared in the noisy corridor and didn't let Chu Xiao catch up at all.

Seeing this, Xu Xiao suggested, "otherwise I'll accompany you to the office?"

Mr. Lu wants to have a meeting with the head and Deputy monitor, but Chen Guangsu has forgotten it.

Chu Xiaoxiao: "no, I guess it's OK to go to one." in fact, Miss Lu only needs a monitor several times. She always calls Chen Guangsu to avoid unnecessary trouble, but he should not care about it today.

In the office, Chu Xiao made a rare mistake and didn't expect to move the exercise book today. When Mr. Lu saw Chu Xiaoxiao coming alone, he looked at her little body again and hesitated: "didn't Chen Guangsu come? I also said to ask you to call Liu Wenpei to come too."

Chu Xiaoxiao saw Gao Gao's exercise book and immediately turned around and said, "I'll go back to my class and call someone..."

Miss Lu: "wait, I just want to ask you something. Let's talk first!"

Chu Xiao walked back blankly. He didn't know what the head teacher wanted to say. Miss Lu pondered for a few seconds. She thought about her words and said carefully, "Xiao Xiao, how do you feel about being a monitor with Guangsu now? Do you get along well?"

Mr. Lu had a headache about the fight between Liu Wenpei and Chen Guangsu. Although Liu Wenpei finally avoided his edge and withdrew from the election of monitor, Chu Xiaoxiao estimated that he would encounter the same trouble, so he should pay attention to it.

Chu Xiaoxiao didn't like to speak ill of others in private. Her eyes drifted and whispered, "are you okay..."

Chu Xiaoxiao: anyway, I'm in a good mood every day. He doesn't know whether he's in a good mood or not.

Mr. Lu breathed a sigh of relief and subconsciously blurted out: "that's good. I'm afraid he hates school again."

Chu Xiao blinked and said curiously, "why does he hate school?"

Chu Xiaoxiao thinks it's interesting to go to school. In addition to wearing an ugly school uniform, she is very happy with her classmates at school every day. In addition, there are always extracurricular activities in the extraordinary class. She can also visit the surrounding museums, former residences of celebrities and other places. Life is colorful.

Miss Lu was about to stop talking. She didn't know whether she should disclose it to Chu Xiaoxiao, but considering that the little monitor had a good personality and might be able to keep an eye on the situation in the class, she was helpless to say: "Chen Guangsu's previous experience in school was not very pleasant..."

Mr. Lu said it vaguely, and Chu Xiaoxiao could only barely understand it. In short, Chen Guangsu had been bullied, so he went on hunger strike and didn't want to go to kindergarten again. Seeing that he was so tough, the family could only agree in the end.

Mr. Lu also asked her to tolerate Chen Guangsu, the Deputy class. If Chu Xiaoxiao feels aggrieved when doing class work, he should also report to the head teacher in time, and the teacher will find a way to adjust.

Chu Xiaoxiao nodded and said happily, "Miss Lu, I don't have any grievances." if she has grievances, she will solve them on the spot and will never let her emotions stay overnight.

Chu Xiao, Xiao Si and Chen Guangsu have arrogant faces. It's hard for her to imagine that the other party has been bullied. What kind of picture does that have to be?

After chatting with Chu Xiaoxiao, teacher Lu asked her to go back to the class and ask someone to move the exercise book. Fortunately, Chu Xiaoxiao found the tool man when she went out. Liang Shuangqi came out of the senior office opposite. Today, he was also wearing a red and white school uniform and followed his companions out, with a trace of speechless resentment on his face.

The teachers' offices are separated. Mr. Lu is located in the lower grade office, and in the opposite room, there are teachers from grade 4 to grade 6.

"Brother Qi?" Chu Xiaoxiao saw an acquaintance. Her eyes lit up and she immediately shouted to her companion.

Liang Shuangqi is also surprised to see Chu Xiao. Before he can open his mouth, people around him have rushed up. They looked around the little dot curiously and laughed: "Liang Shuangqi, who is this?"

Chu Xiaoxiao is used to this kind of sight. When she was in Latin class, she always faced the eyes of the orchestra and roughly contacted the same routine.

Liang Shuangqi was impatient. He dispersed his classmates like a fly and said coldly, "my sister!"

After the fifth grade students left with laughter, Chu Xiao said calmly, "you lied again."

Chu Xiao: why do you want to be my brother so persistently?

Liang Shuangqi said righteously, "I just haven't succeeded in taking the post. It's not a lie. I can avoid trouble."

Chu Xiaoxiao: "what trouble?"

Liang Shuangqi is in a general mood today. He rarely complains: "if I don't say that, they talk a lot of nonsense all day."

Liang Shuangqi is now in the fifth grade. His class is gradually entering puberty and begins to have a hazy sense of men and women, which makes him feel the stupidity of the people around him. He used to say the word "like", but now he won't continue to use it. He always feels that this word is discredited by ignorant students, with shame and alternative color, and becomes no longer pure.

There was no problem with the communication between male and female students in the lower grade, but there was the possibility of being gossip in the higher grade. As a result, Liang Shuangqi had walked around the girls in the class for fear of being teased and teased by the annoying boys. Pupils have just realized the difference between men and women. In their opinion, "like" and "boyfriend and girlfriend" are enough exciting topics to make people blush.

Chu Xiaoxiao didn't understand what he meant. She looked puzzled: "why do they say it?"

Liang Shuangqi didn't want to explain to her the dirty thoughts of the people in the class (in fact, it's not dirty in the eyes of adults), so he slowly avoided the topic and said slowly: "because there are always boring people in the world who say boring words to kill boring time."

Since Liang Shuangqi appeared at the right time, someone helped Chu Xiao move the exercise book. Mr. Lu didn't say much when he saw Liang Shuangqi. After all, there was too much difference between grade one and grade five. He was just surprised to learn that the two children were in the same community.

Chu Xiaoxiao thinks the exercise book looks very high, but Liang Shuangqi can move it easily. Now he is like a bamboo pole jumping up. It won't be long before he reaches a new height, which makes Chu Xiaoxiao anxious about the small bamboo shoots around him. She didn't understand why everyone was growing. She didn't grow for a long time.

In the corridor, the two walked to class 3 with exercise books in their arms. Chu Xiaoxiao thought of the scene just now and asked casually, "brother Qi Qi, why did you come to the office?"

Liang Shuangqi immediately had dim eyes and said unhappily, "the teacher talked to the boys in the back of our class. I happened to sit behind and had to follow."

Chu Xiaoxiao: "why talk?"

Liang Shuangqi was angry when he thought of the mentally retarded behavior of the boys in the class. He simply shared his confused behavior with Chu Xiaoxiao and said with a sneer: "my deskmate tore off the head rope of the girl in the front row and directly spread her braids, causing her to cry in the toilet for a long time. The head teacher asked us to prove who did it."

Liang Shuangqi didn't say the second half of the sentence to Chu Xiaoxiao. The male deskmate secretly said he liked each other, so he tore away the braids of the girls in the front row.

When Liang Shuangqi first heard this, his expression was completely: [black question mark face. JPG]

Liang Shuangqi: I often feel out of place in my class because I don't have enough sand carvings!

Chu Xiao didn't understand Liang Shuangqi's aversion to her classmates in the past. At this time, she fell into the same daze and said in surprise: "... Why did he do this?" what a big revenge?

Liang Shuangqi was inexplicably involved. Now he is still very angry. He said faintly, "how do I know? If someone in your class takes off your head rope, you can tell me directly. I'll pull up his hair."

Chu Xiaoxiao: "

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