Chapter 209 You will die if you cross the boundary!

“What’s wrong with the hooligan?”

“We are!”

“Brother Zhao is our boss, Zhao Tianba, the head of gangsters!”

The people around also laughed unkindly.

Zhao Zilang waved gently.

A group of them gathered around.

Fang Siyuan laughed and said: “Haha, Brother Mu, fighting or something, I like it the most. It should have been like this long ago, and life must be bloody!”

Mu Feifei glanced at him, and said lightly: “Then these people will be handed over to you, and I will deal with the rogue leader.”


Fang Siyuan was still stunned, but saw the thunder surrounding Mu Feihua behind him, quickly condensing into a pair of thunder wings.

In the next second, Mu Feifei rushed out of the encirclement.

Fang Siyuan looked at Mu Feifan who was drifting away, then looked at the dozen or so people in front of him, and couldn’t help but blurt out, “Fuck!”

No matter how good he is, he can’t pick more than a dozen alone.

At this moment, more than a dozen people moved their wrists, looking at Fang Siyuan’s eyes as if they were looking at a dead person.

Fang Siyuan suddenly resounded what he had said before.

This is too passionate.

Bibo Burn!

At the same time, Mu Feifan came next to Zhao Zilang.

“Just relying on you?” Zhao Zilang never expected that Mu Feihua would come to challenge himself.

Don’t look at your pill refining, but daddy is the No. 1 in Yaowen.

The next moment, Mu Feihua no longer obscures the level, the huge aura is like a wild beast, roaring.

Depend on!

Zhao Zilang’s eyes finally changed.

“Foundation Building middle stage?”

“At this age, there are not many in Binjiang City.”

“You are definitely not an unknown person, who are you?”

Mu Feifan responded indifferently: “People you can’t beat.”

“Fart!” Zhao Zilang was furious.

He slapped his storage bag, and suddenly flew out a long-handled weapon, with a cold light glowing in the air.

Then, Zhao Zilang stretched out his hand and held it.

Mu Feifan took a closer look.

Zhao Zilang’s weapon is very peculiar. The upper end of the long handle turned out to be a huge sickle. The whole body was blood-colored, looking evil and ferocious.

“Haha, do you know why I like to use a sickle?” Zhao Zilang smiled madly.

Mu Feifan said: “Because you like to do farm work?”

Zhao Zilang felt his momentum collapsed in an instant.

“Depend on!”

“Because daddy likes to cut your leeks!”

“It’s all my stepping stones!”

Zhao Zilang looked at Mu Feifei like he was looking at a prey.

The next moment, he waved his sickle, drawing half-moon-shaped blood-colored ripples, surging.

“Blood Scythe!”

Zhao Zilang shouted, full of momentum.

Mu Feifei silently sacrificed the Sea King’s shield.


The blood sickle slashed heavily on it, sparks splattered everywhere.

There was no trace on the Sea King’s shield.

“You can’t use this weapon.” Mu Feifan commented.

It’s a mere high-level spiritual weapon.

Zhao Zilang was very embarrassed.

The next moment, a breath of horror surrounds him.

Zhao Zilang’s original haircut, under this turbulent flow, is even more upside-down.

His eyes gradually filled with bloodthirsty colors!

“You angered me!”

“Younger Lang is very angry, and the consequences are serious!”

Zhao Zilang’s voice became a little deep and hoarse, as if Devil was asleep in his body.

The ground under his feet cracked.

The ultimate power is brewing in the body.

In the next second, Zhao Zilang held up the blood sickle, as if death descended, and there were yin wind and angry horns nearby, as if the door of The Underworld had been opened.

The people in a group in the distance shivered unconsciously.

The air seemed to be extremely cold.

“Blood kills the sky!”

Zhao Zilang screamed, then waved his blood sickle.

A huge beam of blood rushed out, with the power to destroy the dryness and decay, dominate everything and destroy everything.

The floors along the way all fly off!

Mu Feifan was extremely calm and slapped his storage bag.

The spear flew out like a rainbow.

For an instant, Mu Feihua held the barrel of the gun.

The gun is like a dragon!

Kill the gun!

Third Stage-Break the law!

An intent of a gun condensed into substance, converging on the tip of the gun.

This shot, without any bells and whistles, was a simple attack.

But with the invincible momentum of thousands of troops moving forward!


No one can stop!


The tip of the gun pierced directly on the blood awn.

The blood glow was strong, but in the face of this thunderous blow, the forward trend immediately stopped, and then, collapsed!

Just listen to a burst of sound.

The blood glow turned into a turbulent flow of thousands of energy, slapped the world.

Zhao Zilang was dumbfounded.

He never expected that when he attacked with all his strength, he would be dispelled lightly.

The next moment, the tip of the gun shot straight over.

No matter how bad the eyes are, you can feel the horror of this gun.

The strength of the gun tip was enough to shatter everything.

The feeling of Death filled Zhao Zilang’s heart.

At this moment, he was really scared.

“Do not!”

Zhao Zilang closed his eyes subconsciously.

Immediately he felt the strong wind blowing on his face, like a knife, brutally scratching his face.

He opened his eyes, but saw the tip of the gun pointed directly at the door, exuding a sharp cold light, and the stabbing Zhao Zilang trembled all over.

The air freezes at this moment.

Zhao Zilang didn’t dare to breathe in the air, he raised his head and looked at Mu Feifan.

“I said, I’m the one you can’t beat!” Mu Feihua had no expression on his face and repeated this sentence again.

Zhao Zilang felt his own dignity was trampled on again.

Still being stepped on the ground, rubbing fiercely.

“You… your uncle!” Zhao Zilang cursed very hard.

The next moment, Mu Feihua turned the spear head and stabbed him directly, hitting Zhao Zilang’s arm directly.


Zhao Zilang screamed and was knocked to the ground.

“Isn’t it?” Mu Feifan frowned.

“Served, served, don’t fight.” Zhao Zilang was really frightened.

“Then stand up.”

“Can’t stand up now.”

Mu Feifan:? ? ?

Zhao Zilang said in a crying voice: “The arm seems to be broken.”

Damn it!

Mu Feihua was speechless.

Did you get a discount on the other’s arm if you drew it casually?

Are you pinched by a clay figure?

I can’t help but hit it.

Thinking of the material of the spear, Mu Feifan suddenly understood.


He remembered that sentence again.

I really want to keep a low profile, but my strength does not allow it.

In the distance, Fang Siyuan had already broken the siege and started running wildly around the pill refining room.

However, his image at the moment is extremely embarrassed.

His eyes were broken, his hair was scattered, I don’t know how many feet I was kicked, and my clothes were covered with shoe prints.

“Brother Mu, save me!” Fang Siyuan wailed.

A good man can’t hold up a lot of people.

He cast spells behind him as he ran.

Bang bang bang!

Indoors are like fireworks.

A group of people kept chasing: “Just fuck the turtle grandson with glasses!”

Suddenly, Mu Feihua appeared, his expression indifferent and vigorous.

A spear is in his hand, like the boundary between life and death.

Whoever crosses the boundary will die.

Those people were immediately shocked.

Frozen is that no one dared to go.

At this moment, Mu Feihua stood there, as if supporting the whole world.

Don’t open one man!

The body of one person succumbed to more than a dozen people.

“Go on!”

“Why don’t you go?”

“You go first and I will follow immediately!”

They whispered.

Suddenly, there was a wailing on the ground: “Sister Niu, Daddy’s arm is broken, hurry up and take me to the infirmary!”

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