Chapter 210 Your Last Name Is Mu? Xiaofeng Uncle

Upon hearing this, all the younger brothers hurriedly helped Zhao Zilang from the ground.

“Oh, it hurts, who touched Daddy’s arm!” Zhao Zilang screamed like a pig again.

As a result, everyone changed their support to lift and lifted Zhao Zilang’s whole body above his head.

“Let’s go too.” Mu Feifan said to Siyuan.

“Okay.” Fang Siyuan shook his hair coolly. Although he seemed to have escaped from a refugee den at this moment, his temperament must be full.

“and many more!”

The two raised their heads and suddenly found that Zhao Zilang had drunk them again.

Fang Siyuan sneered and said, “What, Zhao Dashao, haven’t you been beaten enough yet?”

Zhao Zilang said angrily: “You fucked you, it wasn’t you who beat me, what kind of calf?”

Fang Siyuan naturally took Mu Feifan’s shoulders and said with a smile, “Brother Mu and I are comrades-in-arms. What is the difference between who beats him?”

Mu Feifan was speechless.

If he remembered correctly, Fang Siyuan still complained about others before he came here, why is his attitude changing so fast now?

Although Fang Siyuan is a bit tigerish, he is a veritable second-generation official at any rate, and he still has an eye for judging the situation.

While he was still entangled by the group of people, Mu Feifei killed Zhao Zilang in seconds, the speed was staggering.

From Fang Siyuan’s point of view, Zhao Zilang’s strength is a bit worse than him, but overall, the gap is not big.

Mu Feifan was able to second Zhao Zilang, and he was able to second Fang Siyuan.

And later, Mu Feihua suppressed more than a dozen people alone, and this aura was the real god descending to the earth.

Unlike him, he was chased around the house, looking like he was running away.

Therefore, Fang Siyuan was convinced.

There is no more thought to compare with Mu Feihua.

But he didn’t feel ashamed.

Dad is so polite to Mu Feifan, what can’t he let go of?

At this moment, Zhao Zilang was very upset with Fang Siyuan’s act of pretending to be a tiger.

However, the situation is not good for me now.

Zhao Zilang didn’t bother with this issue either, and directly said to Mu Feihua: “My Zhao Zilang always speaks for words. The Medicine Pill you just refined has a million pieces. My Zhao family has all received it.”

Mu Feifan was taken aback for a moment, but he didn’t say anything about the old way of pretending to be two million instead of one million.

He noticed the details in the other party’s words: “Do you Zhao family accept it?”

Zhao Zilang said: “Yes, my father will come right away and he will talk to you.”

“All right.” Mu Feihua nodded.

Zhao Zilang couldn’t help being happy.

Haha, I finally did something for the family!

On the surface, Zhao Zilang acquired Medicine Pill from Mu Feihua, but he actually wanted his father to come forward and negotiate with him.

After all, the emergence of Medicine Pill above the middle grade on the market, and also energy production, will have a big impact on the Zhao family’s Medicine Pill business.

After half an hour.

Fang Siyuan was sipping iced coffee in an emotional student cafe at Yaowen High School.

He raised his head and looked at the wishful stickers on the wall.

“Hope I get admitted to the ideal Sendo University!”

“I wish my parents good health forever!”

“Ding Jiajia, I love you, you are my goddess, and I hope to have a monkey with you!”

These are still normal, and the style of painting has changed suddenly when I look down.

“Dear! Received the takeaway, remember to give a five-star praise.”

Fang Siyuan was speechless for a while.

Who has posted the warm reminder of the takeaway store here?

In the distance, Mu Feifan and a middle-aged man sat face to face in the corner.

The middle-aged man wore a well-cut light gray suit, a strong white shirt, and his hair was not messy. He was a standard business man.

While Mu Feifan was looking at each other, the middle-aged man was also staring at him.

However, Mu Feifei felt that this uncle’s gaze was a little weird-as if he had known himself a long time ago.

Time passed by every minute.

Mu Feifan said: “Let’s talk about the acquisition of Medicine Pill.”

“Uh, I’m sorry.” The middle-aged figure woke up from his dream, with a hint of panic in his voice: “You count how many there are.”

Mu Feifei took out a bunch of small porcelain bottles and said, “Here are 119 top-grade Medicine Pills, one million pieces. You can count the number…”

Before he finished speaking, he suddenly realized that his account in his watch had received a transfer reminder.

One hundred and twenty million!

Mu Feifan was stunned: “Uncle, don’t you know the quantity? Also, your money is too much.”

The other party didn’t even look at the quality of Medicine Pill, and hurriedly used the face-to-face transfer function.

It was the first time that Mu Feifan saw such a person.

Should he say that this uncle trusts himself too much, or should he say that he is too generous?

“No need to order, I believe you.” The middle-aged man smiled kindly.

The soft eyes made Mu Feifan uncomfortable.

“Now that the transaction is over, I will leave.”

Mu Feifei wanted to leave as soon as possible, and he couldn’t bear the eyes of the middle-aged.

After all, he just discounted his son’s arm.

It would be nice if the other party didn’t scold him, and he was so kind.

Mu Feifan felt sorry.

Just after he left the table, the middle-aged man also stood up suddenly and said eagerly, “Wait!”

As a result of getting up too violently, many of the porcelain bottles on the table rolled to the ground, making a clinking sound.

This is a rare top-grade Medicine Pill.

But the middle-aged man didn’t even look at it, staring straight at Mu Feihua.

Mu Feifan is very strange.

Call him at this moment, what exactly the other party wants to do.

“Child, what’s your name?” the middle-aged man asked with great concern.

Originally, Mu Feifan was reluctant to reveal his name to strangers, but the middle-aged man felt too kind to him.

Moreover, Mu Feifan couldn’t bear to refuse the other party’s performance just now.

“My name is Mu Feifan,” he replied.


“Your surname is Mu too?”

The middle-aged man’s pupils shrank, his whole body shook, and his emotions suddenly became extremely agitated.

“Uncle, are you okay.” Mu Feifei was also taken aback. The own surname is so common, why does the other party hear it like he is about to commit a blood clot?

“I’m fine.” The middle-aged man raised his head, his eyes flushed, and asked urgently: “What’s your father’s name?”

Mu Feifei was a little surprised, why did this uncle’s expression seem to be eating people?

Doesn’t it mean that you have a deep hatred with your father?

“What’s his name?” The middle-aged man became more and more excited, and directly grabbed Mu Feifan’s shoulder.

“Mu… Mu Zi said.” Mu Feifan said.

“Mu Zi said?” The middle-aged man muttered repeatedly in his mouth, suddenly as if he had been drained of all his strength and collapsed on his seat.

Mu Feifan asked, “Uncle, do you need to go to the hospital?”

The middle-aged man smiled bitterly and waved his hand: “I’m fine, it’s me who admitted the wrong person.”

Mu Feifan said goodbye and wanted to leave.

The middle-aged man suddenly said, “Can I call you Xiaofan from now on?”

Mu Feifan nodded.

“My name is Zhao Xiaofeng, if you don’t dislike it, call me Xiaofeng Uncle!”

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