Chapter 242 Senior Sister Is Broken? Amazing effect

The silver spoon fell on the plate and gently took out a mouthful of rice mixed with sauce.

Shen Qing put it in the mouth very ladylike, chewing slowly.


“Isn’t it just tomato scrambled eggs topped with rice? What’s so strange?”

“But after eating, let’s give Junior Brother Mu a little encouragement.”

Shen Qing thought this way, suddenly the whole brain made a roar.

Then, it went into a blank!

what happened?

Shen Qing looked surprised.

When I ate it just now, the aroma of rice and the sauce of tomato scrambled eggs were thoroughly integrated, and the deliciousness quickly occupied every inch of the mouth.

This is too delicious!

But why is there still a feeling of ecstasy?

The next moment, Shen Qing instinctively took another sip.

good to eat!

It’s so delicious!

Shen Qing speeded up and completely forgot the image.

Mu Feifei looked stunned.

This… Is this still the dignified and cold senior sister?

Why does it seem to be hungry for days and nights?

Hey, sister, the big spoons are full, don’t put them on it anymore, it will spill out in a while!

Soon, Shen Qing finished eating like a cloud of wind, and then licked her red lips with unfulfilled meaning.

Only then did she raise her head, and she suddenly felt a little ashamed when she saw Mu Feifan with amazement on her face.


It’s really delicious to the extreme!

If it weren’t for the presence of the younger brother, I would have wanted to lick the plate just now…

Thinking of this, Shen Qing couldn’t help covering her face, it was too shameful.

Suddenly, she felt a burst of energy accumulating in her body, and then quickly climbed to a peak.


Shen Qing couldn’t help but let out a low moan, which was very alluring.

Mu Feifan hurriedly asked, “Senior Sister Shen Qing, are you okay, do you feel any discomfort?”

He suddenly thought whether the other party had the same aphrodisiac effect as last time.

After all, Shen Qing’s uncomfortable appearance is still vivid.

Moreover, Mu Feifan didn’t know the effect of eating the dishes on this fairy recipe.


Let the senior sister be a guinea pig again.

Mu Feifan had secretly picked up the pan.

Once the senior sister has any impulsive behavior towards herself, hum, don’t blame my iron pot for being ruthless.

But when he thought that this thing might slap people to death, Mu Fei hurriedly put it down, turned his palm into a knife, and slowly moved to the back of Shen Qing’s neck.

At this time, Shen Qing realized that there was something wrong with the shout just now.

She blushed and said, “Senior Brother Mu, I’m fine, I just broke something.”

“What did you break?” Mu Feifan lowered his head and looked at Shen Qing’s abdomen unconsciously.

Shen Qing followed Mu Feifan’s eyes and instantly understood what the other party was thinking, and immediately clamped her legs in shame: “Oh, what are you thinking, I’m talking about Realm, it’s Realm!”

Mu Feihua was speechless.

Isn’t it just breakthrough?

It’s so vague, it’s very easy to misunderstand.

Suddenly, Mu Feifei thought of something, and his expression was a little excited: “What did you say, you broke?”

Shen Qing’s face was flushed to the base of her neck.

When I just said it myself, I didn’t think it was any strange.

Now that I hear it like this, it’s really a tiger-wolf word.

“I have reached the late stage from the middle stage of the Foundation Building.” Shen Qing said.

Surprise appeared on Mu Feifan’s face.

Can breakthrough Realm be the same as Breakthrough Pill?

As expected of Xianjia dishes!

Such an effect can be achieved unexpectedly.

Thinking of this, Mu Feifan quickly started to catch fire.

Soon, he made another plate of tomato scrambled eggs over rice.

Mu Feifan couldn’t wait to taste it.

He took a bite with chopsticks.

Sure enough, it was delicious to the extreme, and there was a feeling of becoming an immortal.

Cultivation Base also seems to be advancing slowly.

“However, this progress is still a thousand miles away from breakthrough.” Mu Feifei was a little strange.

Is it not enough to eat?

Mu Feifan immediately gobbled up.

The diffuse fragrance floated from the plate, making Shen Qing almost drooling.

Because she has eaten it, she has a bit of marrow and knows the taste.

I want to eat it after I eat it!

However, Shen Qing can only hide this hunger in her heart when she sees what Mu Feifei seems to be doing.


But I can’t help it.

The table next to it was caught by Shen Qing with five finger marks.

After Mu Feifan finished eating, he raised his head, with confusion in his eyes.

He felt that the Cultivation Base was indeed a little higher than usual, but it was far from the breakthrough level.

“What’s the matter?” Mu Feifei was a little puzzled.

Shen Qing said: “Maybe I was about to reach the bottleneck, and eating this dish just achieved the effect of adding fuel to the flames.”

“Okay!” Mu Feifei could only accept this reason reluctantly.

But if you think about it carefully, if you can break through with eating and drinking water, what’s the point of the cultivator’s painstaking drug practice?

But that’s Xianjia dishes!

With just such a little effect, is it worthy of its origin?

Could the problem be with tomatoes and rice?

Mu Feifei gradually fell into thinking.

At this moment, Shen Qing said with a reddened face: “Junior Brother Mu, can I have another serving?”

Although she was worried that Mu Feifei thought she could eat it, the delicacy was so tempting that she couldn’t forget it.

Therefore, Shen Qing boldly proposed.

“…Okay.” Mu Feifei could only agree.

He quickly fried two more dishes.

Originally, Mu Feifan wanted to leave another copy for himself to experiment.

As a result, both sets were taken aside by Shen Qing.

Mu Feifan:! ! !

Sister, what kind of showman are you doing?

At this moment, Shen Qing was facing Mu Feifan with her back, and she lowered her head not knowing what she was busy with.

“Senior Sister, you won’t eat all of it, how much do you keep for me.”

After all, Mu Feifei only brought four eggs today, and they are all used up now.

He doesn’t quite believe that Shen Qing can eat it all, how much appetite a girl can have?

At this time, Mu Feifei slowly moved towards it.

He wanted to see why Shen Qing took two plates.

The result… As a result, I was stunned in the next second.

Because Shen Qing was really eating fast with a large spoon, and had already eliminated one set, and was aggressively attacking the second set.

Mu Feifan was dumbfounded.

Is the meal too delicious, or the sister is too good to eat?

At this moment, Shen Qing noticed that there was more light coming, raised her head in amazement, and was immediately stunned.

At this moment, her delicate little mouth was still covered with rice grains, which looked a little dull, too far away from the Shuya sister in the impression.

“Ah! I hate it, don’t peek at my meal!”

Shen Qing shyly wanted to bury her face in the rice.

She was worried that her own food would be too violent and lost her image, so she took it away.

The result was really seen by Mu Feihua!

Shen Qing’s face was red, how will he see Junior Brother Mu from now on?

“Senior Sister, I didn’t mean it!” Mu Feihua immediately retreated to the distance in shock.

When Shen Qing was about to speak, she suddenly felt a little strange, and said, “Mr. Mu, hurry up, bring me something unpalatable!”

Mu Feifan is a little strange.

Sister, isn’t she thinking about eating badly, how could she want something unpalatable?

As if unable to wait, Shen Qing ran to him, picked up a bottle of soy sauce and poured it into his mouth.

Mu Feihua sighed for a while.

I have to say that Sister’s way of eating is bold and unrestrained!

After drinking, Shen Qing wiped her mouth. After a while, she said excitedly: “Senior Brother Mu, my tongue is cured by you!”


Hearing this, Mu Feifan almost bit his tongue.

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