Chapter 243 Don’t Believe A Taste! Cooperate obediently

Seeing Mu Feifan with a blank face, Shen Qing was a little anxious.

She was so happy to share it with each other.

So, Shen Qing, who was dazzled by joy, stretched out her tongue and said urgently: “Really, if you don’t believe me, come and taste it.”

Mu Feifan was stunned.

Sister, what does this mean?

What do you want me to taste?

At this moment, Shen Qing who spit out his fragrant tongue, her pretty face was flushed with eagerness, looking boundlessly seductive.

“Senior Sister, let’s talk hard.” Mu Feifei said sternly.

Only then did Shen Qing realize the ambiguity in what she had just said.

Suddenly, her face became even redder, and she looked more and more charming, and said, “I asked you to taste the food you cooked again. Where did you think of it?”

“So that’s it.” Mu Feifei was obviously relieved.

At this time, he asked again: “Senior Sister, what did you just say that your tongue was cured?”

Shen Qing said: “Because my sense of taste was too sensitive before, I would be irritable when I ate something unpalatable… But you see, I have drunk so much soy sauce and it’s all right now.”

Mu Feifei was a little surprised: “Is it really cured?”

“Yeah.” Shen Qing nodded.

After all, he knows best what his body is.

Mu Feihua fell into thinking.

Shen Qing’s super sensitive taste is the same as that of old man Shen, which belongs to the culinary talent.

As long as you taste a little bit, you can easily distinguish the ingredients used for cooking.

As Cultivation Base grows, this talent will also become stronger.

But everything has extremes.

Too sensitive taste can also bring strong side effects.

Its disadvantage is that it is difficult to swallow something unpalatable.

Shen Qing is not too serious.

After all, it is just a Foundation Building cultivator.

But the old man Shen has reached a terrible level now that he can’t even eat his own dishes.

This is undoubtedly a very sad thing.

If this tomato scrambled egg rice bowl can really cure the other person, Mu Feihua will naturally be very happy.

“Senior Sister, I think you should be more cautious in your life, so you have to try more.” Mu Feifei suddenly said solemnly.

Shen Qing opened her eyes wide and was a little puzzled: “Try what?”

“Of course-more unpalatable things!” Mu Feifei said with a serious expression: “It just so happens that a dozen dark dishes are in my mind, and I will make them for you in a while.”


Dark cuisine?

When Shen Qing thought of something, Hua Rong paled.

“Junior Brother Mu, don’t…” She backed away in fright.

Mu Feifan said: “I did it very quickly, and it was over in a while.”

Shen Qing has retreated to the door and is about to escape.

Turning around, the door slammed and closed automatically.

“Let me out!” Shen Qing’s expression was completely messed up.

She turned her head back in horror and found that Mu Fei Fei was poking out her hand, with Spirit Power surging in her palm.

Obviously, the closing of the door just now came from the opponent.

Mu Feifan’s eyes narrowed slightly: “Sister, I just want to figure out the true effect of this dish, you have to cooperate.”

After all, such a good patient number is hard to find.

“Mr. Mu, let me go, I am now a Foundation Building late stage cultivator, don’t force me to do anything to you.” Shen Qing could only bite the bullet and threatened.

Unexpectedly, the next second, Mu Feifan appeared in front of her like lightning.

A terrifying coercion swayed from him, as if Mount Tai was overwhelming and whizzing.

Shen Qing’s breathing is suffocated!

His legs suddenly softened, and slowly collapsed to the ground.

“You can’t beat me.” Mu Feifan said lightly.

Shen Qing was shocked.

She discovered for the first time that Mu Feihua was so strong!


The other party is just the Foundation Building middle stage.

But Shen Qing felt boundless fear.

It seems that standing in front of her is a real boss.

“Cooperate obediently, this will make you more comfortable.” Mu Feifei added again.

What could Shen Qing say, she could only nodded without tears, like a well-behaved little sheep.

When Mu Feifan showed a strong side, Shen Qing completely succumbed.

Soon, time was quickly lost.

Half a day passed.

When Shen Qing walked out of the kitchen, her eyes were dull, her hair was messy, her face was pale, and she looked desperate.

Without taking a few steps, she suddenly held the wall with her hand, and couldn’t help but retching.


How much pain I have experienced this afternoon!

Ordinary people can never imagine it.

Those horrible dark dishes, just looking at their appearance, are enough to make people break down.

Junior Brother Mu even asked her to try them one by one.

Thinking of this, Shen Qing felt trembling all over.

This guy doesn’t know how to pity Xiangxiyu too!

However, after eating so many unpalatable things, Shen Qing finally determined one thing.

That is, the side effects of my own taste have finally disappeared.

This is also a happy event.

Otherwise, if he develops like Grandpa Fourth, he will never experience the joy of food anymore. That would be the sadness of a spiritual chef.

“Senior Sister Shen Qing, what’s the matter with you?” Suddenly, when Jin Tao passed by, he happened to see Shen Qing with a weak face.

I have to say that at this moment, Shen Qing is like a willow supporting the wind, and it is easy for people to feel pity.

However, when Jin Tao saw Shen Qing’s state, he was shocked.

“Senior Sister Shen Qing, have you been bullied?” Jin Tao tried to ask.

When Shen Qing heard this, she asked suspiciously: “How do you know?”

Jin Tao’s eyes twitched slightly.

Now Shen Qing, except for the complete clothes, the rest of the characteristics are the same as having been forced to do something.

In the next second, a wave of anger filled Jin Tao’s heart.

This is the master sister of Ling Kitchen.

Although she is usually cold and majestic in front of everyone, Jin Tao knows that Ling Kitchen does not know how many disciples consider Shen Qing as their dream lover.

In other words, Shen Qing is the goddess of Ling Kitchen.

At the thought of the aloof goddess being bullied by someone, Jin Tao’s combat effectiveness was ascending in a straight line.

“Which beast did it?” Jin Tao is now full of justice and wants to stand up for the senior sister.

Shen Qing gave him a white look, why this guy’s expression is so exaggerated.

But she still said, “Who else can this guy be besides Mu Feifan?”

Although the term beast is a bit past, Shen Qing still feels relieved when she hears it.

Humph, who let that bad guy force me to eat him for a long time… I feel wronged when I think about it!

“Brother Fan?” Jin Tao was startled.

He looked in the direction behind Shen Qing and suddenly understood.

The exclusive kitchen used by Teacher Shen had long been used by Brother Fan.

I heard that Brother Fan is now making rapid progress in his cooking, and he is the celebrity in front of Mentor Shen!

How about letting out own kitchen?

“But now, not only did he give up the kitchen, but also his own granddaughter.” Jin Tao thought with a weird look.

Annoyed for a long time, it turned out that it was their own housework!

Jin Tao’s sense of justice suddenly disappeared.

“Sorry to interrupt!” He immediately turned around and walked away quickly.

Shen Qing was a little strange, her eyes filled with incomprehensibility: “Is the name of Junior Brother Mu so powerful?”

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