Chapter 254 Don’t Dare to Go? Rely on Sister Xia?

Depend on!

Director Pan was crazy and roared: “You give birth to me right here, right away! Right away!”

Zhao Long wanted to cry without tears.

Suddenly, an egg grunted out of him and rolled to Director Pan’s feet.

With a click, the eggshell shattered, and the head of a little chicken was poked out.

Director Pan’s face was green.

Was it really born?

Suddenly, Director Pan glanced away, staring at one of the people in the first class, and shouted: “Feng Li, you can go up to me!”

Feng Li is one of the top ten masters in the school.

Since students with a low Cultivation Base are not willing to go, then only experts are sent.

Mu Feihua, Mu Feihua, don’t blame me for bullying people.

No way, who told others to not want to fight you.

Director Pan thought bitterly.

As a result, Feng Li didn’t move at all.

“Feng Li, are you going to give birth too?” Director Pan’s eyes were wide, looking very scary.

“I…” Feng Li cried secretly, thinking that there was nothing wrong with him today, but Lao Pan pointed it out.

Feng Li had already seen how fierce Brother Fan was.

If he and Mu Feihua are singled out, isn’t that a sledgehammer?

Sadly, Feng Li is the little chicken.

“What are you?” Director Pan was aggressive.

I think you can think of any excuses!

Feng Li suddenly burped, rolled his eyes and fainted.

Referred to as burp.

At this time, the unity and friendship of the classmates are reflected.

I saw a group of people hurriedly backed around in fright, giving up a large area, for fear that they would be hit by Feng Li.


The back of Feng Li’s head came into close contact with the ground.

Hear this violent crash.

Pretending to be dizzy is really dizzy.

Director Pan’s mouth twitched, which is too cruel.

I would rather self-mutilate than fight with Mu Feihua.

However, Director Pan was not convinced.

What are you guys?

You are all top students in the Xiangnan Experimental Class.

Why can’t you even dare to fight?

“Where is Bai Lesheng? Come out and fight Mu Feihua!” Director Pan offered the last straw.

Second in the school, Bai Lesheng!

As soon as this grass came out, Mu Feifei was basically the end of a place where there was no burial.

But Director Pan has ignored it!

But for a long time, let alone Bai Lesheng’s voice, he didn’t even see him.

“Where is Bai Lesheng?” Director Pan grumbled and roared.

I have to say, Gold Core’s voice is loud and loud.

Roaring wind!

“Director Pan, are you calling me?”

At this moment, a wheelchair appeared in the distance, sitting on it was a weird man covered in bandages, desperately rushing towards this side.

Director Pan was taken aback: “Who are you?”

The bandage man arrived at the scene.

He raised his head, a pair of squinted eyes faintly revealed in the gap of the bandage: “I am Bai Lesheng.”


Director Pan was stunned.

Are you just crawling out of the coffin?

Bai Lesheng was also helpless.

I stayed well in the rock scene, but everyone in the class ran away with a scream, and no one cared about him.

Therefore, Bai Lesheng could only grunt over the wheelchair by himself.

I have to say that it is much easier to use than yesterday’s fake abduction!

At least it won’t fall so violently.

“Um… can you still fight now?” Director Pan asked a little uncertain.

After all, Bai Lesheng looked more than a tragic word now.

Bai Lesheng smiled: “Of course it can, in fact, it’s not a big deal.”

I blame the city owner and his son for being too exaggerated.

Going home last night, he wanted to untie it.

Unexpectedly, his parents felt distressed and told him that he would never be able to solve it until he was completely healed.

Therefore, today’s Bai Lesheng still goes to school like this.

To be ashamed is a bit ashamed.

But the good thing is that in this way, no one knows him.

Looking at Bai Lesheng’s banded face, his mouth was full of brilliant white teeth. The more Director Pan looked at it, the more he felt that the other party looked like a mummy weird person, and his face was full of mouths except for the bandages, which was too scary.

“Then work hard for you, and have a fight with Mu Feihua in a while!” Director Pan said.

“What, who to fight with?” Bai Lesheng asked again as if he didn’t hear clearly.

He was near the rock scene just now, and he didn’t know what was going on here.

“Mu Feifan!” Director Pan repeated again.


Bai Lesheng only felt a great fear shrouded in his heart.

Mu extraordinary!

Old Pan, do you know that I am in the end because of who I am?

That’s the devil!

Why do you want me to fight him?

Do you think I’m not miserable enough?

Thinking of this, Bai Lesheng only felt sadness coming from it, and sobbed.

Director Pan didn’t see Bai Lesheng’s expression. He felt that this battle was tenable, and said proudly: “Bai Lesheng, you have to beat him severely for a while, except don’t kill him. You’d better let him change. It’s as miserable as you.”

“Like me?” Bai Lesheng grinned, tears bursting out.

Damn, I was afraid that he would be directly killed by Mu Feifan.

“Hey, are you okay!” Mu Feifan said to Bai Lesheng from a distance, full of sympathy.

He didn’t expect that the child would be beaten so badly last time.

“He’s here, he’s here… Come on, classmate Bai, stand up and liberate your legs!” Director Pan beaten chicken blood next to him.

Bai Lesheng turned his head and watched as Mu Feihua walked slowly.

His squinted eyes suddenly widened, and there was unprecedented fear inside.

“Do not!”

Bai Lesheng screamed, controlling the wheelchair, and immediately moved in the opposite direction.

Due to the strong start, the center of gravity of the entire wheelchair is unstable.

Just listen to the boom!

Everyone looked over.

But seeing Bai Le Sage’s chair turned over and fell to the ground.

The wheelchair was weighing heavily on him, and the four wheels were spinning in the air unwillingly…

Director Pan was shocked!

What happened to you today?

Are you cursed?

Who fights with Mu Feifan, who is unlucky?

At this time, Director Pan set his gaze on Xia Yuchan.

The opponent is the last trump card of the class.

However, Xia Yuchan is required to deal with Mu Feihua… Director Pan will only do this unless he gets home.

Although Director Pan didn’t know that the two had obtained the certificate, he still knew that they had ordered a baby kiss.

Can’t just admit defeat!

Director Pan gritted his teeth, grandma’s, I’m a fool once today!

“Student Xia…” Director Pan tried to squeeze a smile.

Xia Yuchan glanced at him diagonally.

The appearance that strangers don’t enter really makes Old Pan feel desperate.

Director Pan said: “Please represent the experimental class and fight against Mu Feihua. Personal relationships are trivial matters, for the honor of the class…”

A surprising scene happened.

I saw Xia Yuchan stepping forward and slowly walking towards Mu Feihua.


Director Pan instantly felt that Xia Yuchan was an angel sent by God to save him?

“Sister Xia is really a clear distinction between public and private!” Director Pan was almost crying, shouting out sister excitedly.

Unexpectedly, Xia Yuchan came to Mu Feihua’s side, but suddenly took the other’s arm and stood gently beside him.

Although Xia Yuchan has not spoken yet, her position has been fully revealed.


Director Pan felt that he was struck by lightning.

It’s the kind of thunder and thunder.

what’s the situation?

Classmate Xia, you are not an angel to save people, are you here to pierce my heart?

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