Chapter 255 You Are Enough! Where’s Old Pan’s face? (Fourth)

“Oh My God!”

“what happened?”

“What’s the relationship between Sister Xia and that Mu Feihua?”

Class One began to riot, and kept whispering.

Li Meng shook his head and said, “I can’t tell, they are a couple.”

The second class was also a little bit embarrassed.

After all, Xia Yuchan is well-known throughout the school, and has always shown her high coldness.

I never heard when she talked about her boyfriend.

Now he took the initiative to take the arm of a boy in full view!

Chu Tiankuo said solemnly, “Besides seeing Brother Fan want to say hello, I will also say hello when I see sister-in-law.”

The people in Class 2 nodded unanimously.

At this moment, Mu Feifei looked at Xia Yuchan and said, “Why did you tie your ponytail?”

“When you exercise for a long time, it will block your eyes. Why, don’t you like it?” Xia Yuchan asked.

“I like it.” Mu Feifan smiled: “You are beautiful in every way.”

Xia Yuchan didn’t speak, but the coldness in her eyes had long since disappeared, with a rare joy.

Everyone was stunned.

Xia Yuchan still has the side of such a little girl?

For an instant, everyone felt a crit in their hearts.

This is too sour!

The first reaction of those students who were in love at the scene was that I wanted to fall in love too!

The boys in Class 1 were all red when they saw it.

He is dying of jealousy of Mu Feihua.

“You two, can you pay attention to the occasion?” Director Pan couldn’t help but shouted in a low voice.

Xia Yuchan didn’t even look at him this time.

Director Pan was depressed to death, but he didn’t dare to say anything. He couldn’t provoke Xia Yuchan, so he could only stare at Mu Feihua fiercely.

He seemed to feel Lao Pan’s eyes that resented a woman, and Mu Feifan smiled lightly: “Wife Cong Chong, you go back to class first, and we will talk later when we go home.”

Xia Yuchan nodded.

“Enough of you…” Gong Xingyu and Wang Liangang were going crazy beside them.

After a while, even his wife was called.

Also, what is a bug’s wife?

Doesn’t you shout out loudly?

The rest also felt the crit of varying degrees.

“Have you heard that, Mu Feifan called Sister Xia his wife?”

“I’m not deaf, of course I heard it.”

“A group of idiots, shouldn’t the point of that sentence be the word “go home?”

“They all live together?”

“555 I’m still a child, don’t let me hear this.”

The first group of people groaned without illness, only to see Xia Yuchan approaching.

In the next second, all of them were silent.

No way, as soon as Xia Yuchan left Mu Feifan, he automatically reverted to a cold and proud appearance. Innate was really full of ice attributes.

However, she is not only cold.

Mainly the powerful aura from the inside out, crushing everyone to death.

Just like the high above Nine Heavens goddess, mixed in the pile of mortals.

It’s strange that this group of ordinary people are not afraid.

Mu Feifan looked at Director Pan and smiled and said, “Director Pan, I am willing to bet and lose, can you fulfill your promise now?”

“Director Pan, it’s a shame. I don’t have to go home to inherit the family property. I can only stay in Xiangnan and be my teacher.” Gong Xingyu also laughed.

“You haven’t compared with others.” Director Pan gritted his teeth and said extremely unwillingly.

Gong Xingyu’s face changed slightly: “Old Pan, you have also seen it, it’s not that we dare not compare, but the experimental class is unwilling to compare with Student Mu!”

She was a little angry.

Director Pan, this stinky not wanting face, do you want to shame?

Unexpectedly, Mu Feifan smiled faintly: “Director Pan, I know you would say that, but I will prepare a new plan for you.”

Director Pan was stunned.


You even thought of my shame?

Give me a new plan?

Where are you on earth?

Gong Xingyu also looked suspiciously at Mu Feifan.

Mu Feifan put his hand on Xiao Yue’s shoulder and said with a smile: “Let my brother Xiao Yue replace me and challenge the experimental class. Now you have no objections. The stakes remain the same!”


Director Pan was startled.

Xiao Yue was stunned.

Gong Xingyu was panicked.

She hurriedly said: “Student Mu, this is a joke. It hasn’t been long since Student Xiao reached the fifth floor, and he has no combat experience…”

“Ms. Gong, do you believe me?” Mu Feihua suddenly asked seriously.

Gong Xingyu looked at Mu Feifan deeply.

She thought of the miracle that this boy could break through the Qi refining period on the first day of using the temple, and also thought of the surprise that the other party had forgotten for so long to bring herself.

I have to admit that Mu Feifei has always revealed his age and stability.

“I believe you.” Gong Xingyu said.

However, she took another sad sentence in her heart, but I believe you have any use, and I don’t believe in Xiao Yue.

“Obviously you can easily win a game if you go up, why do you want to go around in circles?” Gong Xingyu was very entangled.

Mu Feifan said: “Just now you saw that no one wants to fight with me. Old Pan doesn’t wanting face, so I can only use this plan.”

“But Xiao classmate…” Gong Xingyu glanced at the other’s fertile body, and she didn’t want to say anything that would hurt people.

I really can’t see the other’s strong, it’s completely puffy.

“Since you choose to believe in me, you have to believe to the end.” Mu Feihua added: “Xiao Yueyue’s strength has grown a little bit by me.”

Gong Xingyu’s pupils shrank, and he said in shock: “It really is you, let the Cultivation Base Ascension of Xiao classmate be so fast!”

Use the temple once, directly from the first floor to the fifth floor.

Just bought a ten-time extension card, Medicine Pill is unlimited, and ordinary people can’t do it.

However, Xiao Yue did it.

Because this is all from the means of the extraordinary!

Mu Feifan’s own upgrade is fast enough, and it can drive other people, it’s a god’s hand.

“Okay, then leave it to Classmate Xiao, I believe you, so I believe him.” Teacher Gong said.

Xiao Yue said sadly: “But I don’t believe in myself, Brother Fan, I’m under great pressure now.”

“Don’t worry.” Mu Feifei suddenly said to Director Pan, “How about? Director Pan, let Xiao Yue play for me!”

Director Pan glanced at the restless little Fatty again, and laughed: “Mu Feifan, this is what you said, and everyone present is a witness! What if you lose?”

“I’m leaving school!” Gong Xingyu’s expression was unusually firm: “But if the experimental class loses…”

“I’ll perform a big top in front of everyone!” Director Pan also fought out, gritted his teeth and said.

The bet remains!

“Okay, next, who is willing to play in the experimental class and challenge this little fat guy!” Director Pan shouted.


“let me try!”

“Let me do it!”

Unexpectedly, the response was so enthusiastic.

Not only was this in the first class, but there were also people in the second class shouting out.

Xiao Yue was dumbfounded.

Why did you say that you challenged Brother Fan just now, all of you pretended to be dead, and now it’s your turn to challenge me, you are all alive?

Too bully Fatty too!

Director Pan sneered: “Little Fatty, although I don’t know what ecstasy soup your Brother Fan poured into the experimental class, don’t forget, standing in front of you are the 100 strongest students in southern Hunan!”

“They have their own dignity and arrogance!”

“Don’t think it’s an individual and you can challenge them at will!”

“Experimental class must not be humiliated!”

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