Chapter 256 Liquidation Together! Call me strong

When Xiao Yue heard this, the fat all over her body was cramping.

I never thought of insulting them at all, now they want to insult me!

“I didn’t expect Xiao Yueyue to be so hot, everyone scrambled to turn over his brand.” Mu Feifei smiled and teased.

Gong Xingyu rolled his eyes.

There is also the mood to laugh and admire Feifan.

Didn’t you see that Fatty’s two sturdy calves started to tremble?

“Dear brothers of Class One and Class Two, please leave this opportunity to me!” Suddenly, a boy stood up from the seat of Class Two.

It was Xiang Wentian who had singled out with Xiao Yue back then.

The rest are not happy anymore.


“Yes, I am not convinced!”

“Why didn’t you see your second class sticking out the *** when you were fighting for extraordinary?”

This is a class of students.

Xiang asked Heavenly Dao: “Don’t ask, it’s because Little Fatty made me green.”


When everyone heard it, they were dumbfounded.

As if seeing the other side’s tortoise head, surrounded by circles of green.

A green prairie!

“Cowhide cowhide, too cruel!”

“Long Aotian admires such cruel words for the sake of fighting.”

“I, Ye Liangchen admire +1”

“Let me give you this opportunity!”

In an instant, the whole group stopped fighting.

After all, Xiang Wentian was so cruel that he didn’t even let go of his own hair.

Ordinary people can’t compare.

Chu Tiankuo said, “Xiaoxiang, although the little Fatty is Brother Fan’s brother, he is not our brother. Please don’t keep your hands, and give your breath to the second class!”

Xiang Wentian looked at the trembling Xiao Yue in the middle of the venue, and showed a sneer: “It’s necessary, the old and new hatreds, and they will be settled today!”

This is the style of the experimental class.

They recognized Mu Feifan.

But it definitely does not mean that they also recognize Xiao Yue.

Whoever dares to challenge them will have to pay the price!

At this moment, Xiang Wentian walked over slowly.

“It’s you? I got sick at the age of 88?” Xiao Yue was startled, and said the other party’s screen name.

Xiang Wentian smiled and said, “I went with me to steal pigs. I didn’t expect me to leave you such a deep impression!”

It seems that the holiday between the two is really not small.

Did not remember each other’s real names, but remembered each other’s screen names.

It can be seen how traumatic the last game caused to their hearts!

They are all tearing off the line!

Wang Liangang said, “I’ll be a referee for you.”

Director Pan stared at Xiang Wentian: “Student Xiang, I won’t say more about the significance of this game. Don’t let the water go.”

“Release the water?” Xiang Wentian sneered, “I will only bleed this Fatty!”

Seeing the other person’s stubborn look, Xiao Yue looked at Mu Feihua asking for help.

Mu Feifan walked to him.

“Brother Fan, he is at the sixth level of qi refining, taller than me!” Xiao Yue cried.

“Be confident.” Mu Feihua said loudly: “Come with me, you are very strong!”

“You are very strong!” Xiao Yuezhao shouted.

Mu Feifan was speechless: “I yelled wrong, I am very strong!”

“I am strong?” Xiao Yue began to doubt life.

“Speak louder, you won’t be able to hear it,” Mu Feifan said.

“I am strong!”

“Speak louder, haven’t you eaten enough in the morning?”

“I am strong!!”

“Be louder, don’t say it’s my brother after going out so badly!”

Xiao Yue’s complexion flushed red, her cheeks puffed up, and she used the strength of the breastfeeding, and suddenly shouted, “I am very strong!!!”

In an instant, it was like a sleeping wolf, uttering a long roar that shook the sky!

Wind up the horror.

The opposite Xiang Wentian only felt the wind blowing and his hair was all messed up.

At this moment, everyone was shocked.

“What happened just now?”

“I think this little Fatty seems to be a different person.”

“Don’t you know, Fatty is full of breath?”

At this moment, Xiao Yue was panting, as if the shout just now had squeezed all the fear in her chest and roared out.

His eyes gradually became fierce, staring at Xiang Wentian firmly.

“Remember, you are very strong!” Mu Feifan finally said when he left.

Xiao Yue said very confidently: “I am very strong!”

“By the way, you don’t have to be a last resort, don’t transform. This is your trump card. As long as you don’t change your body, you will always have the hope of comeback!” Mu Feifan secretly transmitted the sound.

Xiao Yue nodded.

He has always followed Mu Feifan’s words.

In other words, to a certain extent, Mu Feihua is not only Xiao Yue’s brother, but also his spiritual belief.

Although you believe in Brother Fan, you don’t necessarily have eternal life.

But it can rub the enemy on the ground!

Gong Xingyu looked surprised at Mu Feifan’s return.

This guy is not simple.

In a few words, Xiao Yue aroused fighting spirit.

Most people can’t do it!

“What’s wrong, Teacher Gong, don’t look at me with that kind of admiration.” Mu Feifan said.

Gong Xingyu angered: “How do you talk to the teacher, no matter how big or small.”

Mu Feifan lowered his head and looked at Gong Xingyu who barely reached his chest, saying nothing.

However, this invisible humiliation is the most deadly.

Gong Xingyu was indeed even more depressed.

She was considering whether to change to a higher heel tomorrow.

At this moment, Xiao Yue and Xiang Wentian confronted each other in the venue.

“Can you start?” Wang Liangang asked.

Both of them nodded.

Xiang Wentian sneered: “Little Fatty, don’t think that shouting with two voices is great. If you can win the game with a loud voice, I would have been singing the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau a long time ago.”

“Big Sand Sculpture!” Xiao Yue snorted coldly.

Xiang Wentian was angry and roared: “Fireball!”

I saw a scorching breath in his palm immediately, and then, a football-sized fireball rushed out.

“Watching me burn you to death!” Xiang Wentian tossed hard.

The fireball blasted towards Xiao Yue as if it had eyes long.

The audience were dumbfounded.

“Do you use magic when you come up?”

“Should I greet my fist first?”

“It seems that Xiang Wentian didn’t intend to keep his hands from the beginning!”

“The scene is hot enough, I like it!”

Xiang Wentian raised the corners of his mouth and sneered, “I expect fireball technique to blow you up into barbecue, which is still oily…”

When many people heard it, they swallowed secretly.

The gourmet food is undoubtedly.

Unexpectedly, Xiao Yue didn’t dodge or hide, but uttered word by word: “God of War!”

This is the master Cultivation Technique of the God of War Academy.

Xiao Yue had been cultivating for several months, and she was also quite knowledgeable.

Today, this is the first time it has been used in actual combat.

The next moment, a stream of air flow gushing out of his body, slowly covering the palm of his hand.


Xiao Yue slapped and slapped it out, like a tennis ball, hitting the fireball directly.


Under this terrible force, the fireball vaporized directly and disappeared in an instant.

Xiang Wentian was dumbfounded.

He was not the only one, and the expressions of the others in the room were similar.


“What did I see?”

“A war five scum can pick up the opponent’s fireball technique with bare hands?”

“The reason for catching the fireball is because he is reckless, and he dares to catch it. But shouldn’t the point be that he shot the fireball apart?”

“This Fatty, something!”

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