Chapter 269 Mobile phone exposure

Unexpectedly, someone really handed over a spoon.

It is Chen Yun.

“Come on, Brother Fan, transform yourself?” Chen Yun held up his mobile phone, preparing to witness the miracle moment.

Mu Feifan:…

Unexpectedly, Ji Yang pushed Chen Yun away: “Go go, play with the spoon!”

Chen Yun snorted very Tsundere.

Suddenly, Ji Yang seemed to have discovered something, and asked strangely: “Your kid has been holding his mobile phone since he entered the canteen. Could it be that you are doing something shameful?”

“I, I didn’t do anything!” Chen Yun was so scared that he immediately hid the phone behind him.

“Hehe, your nervous voice panicked, you must have done nothing good.” Ji Yang smiled and approached.

Chen Yun retreated steadily.

“If you come here again, I will call for help.” Chen Yun’s face was pale.

“Look, alien!” Ji Yang pointed behind Chen Yun.

“Haha, naive, really treat me as a three-year-old child?” Chen Yun looked disbelief.

However, humans are a very strange animal.

I knew it was fake, but I couldn’t help being curious.

Chen Yun quickly twisted his neck.

Turn around, turn around, the action is done in one go!

Sure enough, there is nothing behind it!

“Ahaha, Lao Ji, you are really a naive ghost. You can think of this kind of trick.” Chen Yun smiled.

“Hahaha, I didn’t expect that you really looked back.” Ji Yang said with a smile.

Chen Yun was about to ridicule a few more words, and suddenly felt something was wrong.

Why does Ji Yang show a mobile phone that looks so similar to his own?

Chen Yun looked down, his hands empty.

“Damn, that’s my phone!” Chen Yun roared.

“Haha, Xiaoyunzi, I didn’t expect it, I’m not the same when I arrived in the Foundation Building period.” Ji Yang laughed long, feeling the frustration of the past two years wiped out.


Suddenly, the anger on Chen Yun’s face gradually subsided, and he slowly calmed down.

“Hey, you can’t unlock the lock anyway, so please give me your phone obediently.” Chen Yun said.

Unexpectedly, the next scene made his eyes pop out!

I saw that Ji Yang directly clicked with his thumb to unlock it smoothly.

“Fuck, what’s going on, why can you release my fingerprint lock?” Chen Yun was stunned.

At this moment, he even suspected that the phone in Ji Yang’s hand was not own.

Ji Yang said faintly: “One day you were taking a nap in the classroom, I used your fingerprints to go in by the way, and then added my own fingerprints.”

Oh My God!

Chen Yun was dumbfounded.

“You… when did you add it?” he said tremblingly.

Ji Yang said: “It’s not long since the first year of high school. Who told you to defeat me with Magical Item on the first day.”

Chen Yun felt that his own worldview had collapsed.

You know, Chen Yun usually likes to take a nap.

The ghost knows how many times Ji Yang has secretly watched his own cell phone for so many years.

When Ji Yang knew all the little secrets in his mobile phone, Chen Yun felt embarrassed and angry.

It’s ashamed to the extreme!

“Ji Yang, sister Ni, you violated my privacy!” Chen Yun almost roared.

Ji Yang said impatiently: “Pull it down. Whoever is interested in your ghost refining videos is boring to death. This is the first time I have watched it.”

Hearing that it was the first time, Chen Yun was relieved.

Suddenly, he thought of something and immediately angrily said: “Fart, if you watch it for the first time, how do you know that my phone is full of refining videos?”

When Ji Yang saw the incident, his complexion suddenly turned red: “Your grandpa is afraid that you will be cheated when you go out, so he told me to take care of you and save you from hooking up with some messy people.”

“You are the messy person, right.” Chen Yun gritted his teeth sonorously.

At this time, Ji Yang lowered his head and swept his eyes quickly on Chen Yun’s phone.

“Fuck, why are there so many photos and videos of Brother Fan?”

Chen Yun’s complexion changed drastically, and he rushed up immediately, covering Ji Yang’s mouth.

At this moment, Chen Yun glanced in surprise and admired Extraordinary, only to find that the other party hadn’t paid attention to this side, and he was relieved.

He stared at Ji Yang bitterly: “It’s not convenient to say here, let’s go far away… Whoops!”

Unexpectedly, Ji Yang bit Chen Yun’s hand, and Chen Yun immediately screamed in pain.

“You are a dog!” Chen Yun’s eyes were red.

Ji Yang snorted coldly: “I can’t talk about a dog, it’s just a single dog.”

Chen Yun was speechless.

Single dogs are not a reason to bite.

The two walked behind a large stone pillar in the distance.

“Frankly be lenient.” Ji Yang played with the phone in his hand, spinning constantly.

Chen Yun was frightened by the look, for fear that the other party would accidentally throw it out.

Chen Yun sighed and could only explain everything.

“What, you said that Brother Fan is a genius refiner who can refine treasures?” After hearing this, Ji Yang went stupid!

Chen Yun nodded solemnly: “Although there is no sufficient evidence, I am already 99.9% sure.”

Ji Yang was speechless: “Your math is pretty good, even the decimal point comes out?”

Chen Yun: “Yes, just the one-tenth certificate is missing. I can almost identify the murderer.”

Ji Yang: “Where is the witness?”

Chen Yun: “Some are in meetings, some are doing business.”

Ji Yang: “Fuck, the bank works.”

Chen Yun gave him an angry look: “Pull it down, one person is in the bank, and the whole family is busy. Do you think I am so busy?”

“That’s insurance.”

“One person sells insurance, the whole family does not wanting face, look at me…”

“Well, you really don’t wanting face.”

“Go away, you want a face, you want a face, and you secretly add your fingerprint to my phone!”

After the two people quarreled daily, Ji Yang said with a serious face: “What are you going to do next?”

Chen Yun smiled slyly: “Of course I sent the photo of Brother Fan to the WeChat of the witness, and everyone will identify it together.”

“But the angle at which your kid secretly took photos is a bit fascinating. You don’t have a face, and some are still shaking.”

“No way, I felt my sister-in-law staring at me as soon as I secretly filmed, making my hands tremble in fright.”


“How about you come and shoot!”

“I didn’t say I’m not a waste~”

The two wastes have finished complaining to each other.

Suddenly, Ji Yang said, “The secretly recorded video of you is not bad. I have taken photos of Brother Fan’s face.”

Chen Yun smiled triumphantly: “Haha, I’m going to process this video and send it to the repairer video station.”

“Fuck, do you want human flesh brother Fan, don’t hurt too much, brother Fan has the kindness to me!” Ji Yang glared at him.

“Broken membranes? What the hell?”

“Abbreviation for breakthrough bottleneck membrane.”

The corner of Chen Yun’s mouth twitched: “Good and evil abbreviation, but you think too much, I just post it to increase my popularity, and I can’t see my face clearly?”

Ji Yang nodded: “But your video is really shaking hands. Netizens must think you have a thrombosis in ten years.”

Chen Yun:…

What do you know?

I risked my life to take photos!

If my sister-in-law finds out that a mirror split spell is called, let alone the phone, my whole person will be split directly!

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