Chapter 270 Give Me A Kiss? The dog is not as bad as you!

Chen Yun said: “You haven’t seen my last video. It was shot by surveillance. The quality of the scum, people are like mosaics. But it can’t stand the hotness. It has only been uploaded for less than two days. Ten million views.”

“Are netizens so receptive these years?” Ji Yang didn’t know the concept of tens of millions of views.

Ten million, it should be very popular.

“The main thing is that the video is wonderful. A fake treasure is refined in 30 minutes. If you can do it, you can fire it.” Chen Yun smiled faintly.

“Thirty minutes, fake treasure?” Ji Yang was stunned, and then said: “You can’t shoot Brother Fan too, right?”

Chen Yun nodded: “Yes.”

“Fuck! You are really monitoring Brother Fan 360 degrees around the clock without blind spots. You are not a pervert, are you secretly in love with Brother Fan?” Ji Yang said with a look of disgust.

Chen Yun was startled.

In the next second, he cursed with shame on his face: “Brother’s house!”

“What, give me a kiss?”

“I’m making you go!”

After a while, Ji Yang watched the video of Mu Feifan’s face-to-face meeting, and said, “Is the fire dragon behind this video that you uploaded? The special effects are not bad. It feels like watching a blockbuster movie.”

“What fire dragon?” Chen Yun was a little strange. At that time, he just held up his mobile phone without seeing how Mu Feihua did it.

The thief is afraid of stunning the snake.

Let’s talk about the big camera rack first.

Chen Yun moved his head over.

The two huddled their heads together to watch the video.

Seen from the back, this posture is great!

I saw in the video that Mu Feifei had already prepared the noodles, and when the soup was boiling, he released a fire dragon that dominates everything.

That terrifying and hideous look, even across the screen, shocked everyone.

“Oh my God, it’s him, it’s him, it’s him!” Chen Yun shouted excitedly.

Ji Yang looked dazed, and subconsciously continued: “Our hero Xiao Nezha?”

Chen Yun almost kicked him, and said cursingly: “You are Nezha, a freak who hasn’t been born after three years of pregnancy. You drink too much amniotic fluid.”

This kid is too venomous.

Ji Yang leaned back: “Daddy is so handsome, so he must be Ao Bing.”

Chen Yun: “You almost want to be a son for Donghai Dragon King, at best a nephew.”

Ji Yang: “What do you mean?”

Chen Yun: “Nephew of Donghai Dragon King, Ao Ye!”

Ji Yang: “Go to Nimei, daddy is Donghai Dragon King’s nephew Aoligi.”

Chen Yun: “Close to the subject, I just discovered something remarkable.”

Ji Yang: “Has the identity of Xuezha, the fourth son of Tota Heavenly King, been exposed?”

“Rolling, it’s boring to talk about it. I just found out that the real fire used by Brother Fan is exactly the same as the genius who refines the fake treasure.” Chen Yun said very seriously.

Ji Yang asked: “Even if the real fire is the same, it can’t prove that they are alone? It’s like hitting a shirt, it happened to hit a fire.”

“No, no, no!” Chen Yun showed an expression with only one truth: “Even twins who look the same cannot have exactly the same real fire. This is the iron law recognized by the craftsmanship circle, the uniqueness of real fire in the world.”


Ji Yang suddenly understood.

Such an analysis shows that the genius who can refine the counterfeit treasures must be Admired.

He asked: “What do you plan to do next? Defeat Brother Fan and prove that you are the best genius refiner in Binjiang City?”

“Fart, my grandfather may not be better than Brother Fan when he goes out.” Chen Yun was speechless.

Because the fake treasure is only the simplest step away from the treasure.

Therefore, being able to refine fake treasures is equivalent to a senior refiner.

“Your grandpa can’t compare to Brother Fan?” Ji Yang was dumbfounded.

You know, Chen Shuguang’s status in Binjiang City is extremely high.

It can be said to be the handle of the crafting industry in Binjiang City.

If he is not as good as Mu Feifan, it can be seen how high Mu Feifan’s refinement attainments are!

Chen Yun nodded bitterly: “My grandfather has watched his refining video. The refining technique is simply inhuman.”

Ji Yang suddenly said, “But have you ever thought about it. Once Brother Fan’s refinement level is exposed, the entire Binjiang City will be most affected by your Dawn Refining Apprentice Union.”

Chen Yun also saw all this and said: “Indeed, the trade unions are now popular because of my grandfather’s reputation. But we can’t cover up the fact that Brother Fan is a genius, so I will still report this matter to my grandfather. What to do when I come down, I believe that Grandpa has his own decision. He has always had the heart to love talent.”

“I didn’t expect Xiao Yunzi to have such a high moral character. I doubted if you were taken away.” Ji Yang smiled.

Chen Yun said, “Pull it down. The one who is most irritated is me. You see, Brother Fan is about the same age as me, and I have the level of a senior refiner, but what about me?”

Ji Yang: “I won’t comfort people, but the gap between people is sometimes bigger than the gap between people and pigs.”

“Hurry up and shut up.” Chen Yun said, “Although it is not as good as Brother Fan, I can upload the video of his cooking and get another wave of enthusiasm!”

Ji Yang was speechless.

Having just finished complimenting you on your nobleness, it seems that this is still too early to say.

The two walked out from behind the stone pillar and returned to the dining table.

Feng Li smiled and said, “Did you finish the relationship so soon?”

Ji Yang:?

Chen Yun:?

Feng Li said: “Didn’t you two have a love affair? Don’t tell me it’s because of three urgency, only dogs will look for horns to urinate.”

“Get out!” the two said in unison.

The goods are too damaged.

Suddenly, a familiar figure appeared.

It is Bai Lesheng.

At this moment, he slowly rolled his wheelchair, staring and squinting.

The whole body’s resentment, even if it is wrapped in a bandage, can’t stop it!

It was a real mummy that came out of the coffin, Killing intent soaring to the sky!

When Chen Yun saw it, he was so scared that he immediately hid behind Ji Yang.

“Chen! Cloud!” Bai Lesheng’s voice sounded cold, like a winter attack.

“Hi, Lao Bai, hello!” Chen Yun had to stand up when he saw that he was named.

Bai Lesheng’s eyes are about to breathe fire: “You can’t imagine what I went through. I actually climbed more than a hundred steps like a dog, picked up the wheel, and then looked like a dog again. Climb to the wheelchair.”

Oh My God!

When everyone heard it, they all looked at Bai Lesheng with sympathy.

This is too miserable.

No dog is as miserable as you.

Chen Yun said tremblingly: “I’m just making a joke, can’t you fly, what about your superb flying wheelchair?”

“My Fini sister!” Bai Le holy stood up from the wheelchair.

Feng Li hurriedly supported the other person and said to Chen Yun: “Your kid is too damaged, and the disabled are all healed by you.”

Unexpectedly, Bai Lesheng looked at Feng Li coldly.

Feng Li:? ? ?

Everyone is speechless.

Feng Li was also quite damaged.

Bai Lesheng just couldn’t use Spirit Power. He didn’t expect to be directly classified as disabled by Feng Li.

“I haven’t talked about you yet. Once disbanded and ran faster than the rabbit, how can I catch up with you?” Bai Lesheng complained.

Feng Li felt that he was right.

If eating is not active, there is a problem with the brain!

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