Chapter 271 Not suitable for children

“Lao Bai, right? It’s been a hard journey.” At this moment, Mu Feihua came over and shook hands with Bai Lesheng kindly.

“Don’t work hard, serve the people.” Bai Lesheng trembled while being forced to shake hands.

He was afraid that Mu Feifan would accidentally pull his arm off.

Mu Feifan smiled and said, “I left you a bowl of noodles.”

After speaking, he turned around and brought a bowl of steaming clear noodle soup.

Chu Tiankuo looked envious: “My God, Brother Fan, you are too kind to Lao Bai, and you have specially reserved a bowl for him.”

Mu Feifan said: “Lao Bai is unwell. You can imagine how difficult it was when you came to the cafeteria. Of course we have to feed him.”

Bai Lesheng made him look like a human being without a ghost or a ghost. In fact, he admired the gift of Extraordinary.

Originally, Bai Lesheng had some criticisms about Mu Feifei, but when he heard this, he was a little embarrassed.

“Compared to Feng Li and Chen Yun, Brother Fan treats himself much better.”

Bai Lesheng looked at the clear noodle soup, his heart warmed, and he began to eat with big mouthfuls.

555 is delicious!

What kind of delicacy is this?

There is nothing more comfortable than holding up a bowl of warm noodle soup after being desolate.

Moreover, this bowl of noodles is also made by the top chef Mu Huanfei!

Let Bai Lesheng eat it, there is a feeling of rising to the clouds, like a fairyland.

For a while, he felt that the road he had traveled was no longer a poor mountain, but the only way to the peak of life.

“This side is delicious too, who made it?” Bai Lesheng sighed while eating.

He came too late and didn’t know what happened in the cafeteria before.

Mu Feifan said: “It’s me.”

“What, Brother Fan can still cook?” Bai Lesheng was surprised.

To know the current high school students, let them order takeout, one by one they will order.

But when it comes to cooking, I am afraid that even instant noodles are not so good.

“Yes.” Mu Feifei smiled faintly: “After all, I am a man with a wife.”

Damn it!

When Bai Lesheng heard this, he almost choked to death!

He felt his own glass heart and was hurt again.

Are single dogs not worthy of learning to cook?

The rest are not much better than him.

Especially Li Meng and Yang Xiaojie, they almost scratched the dining table with ten claw marks.


Why do girls like to grab things when they are excited?

Like the sheets or the man’s back?

Li Meng: “I really hope to find my first love before the college entrance examination!”

Yang Xiaojie: “My future husband, are you Lu Chi? I’m in Xiangnan High School. Why can’t you still come?”

“Little Sister, the reason why you can’t find a boyfriend is that Big Brother is so good that it makes you look so high.” Yang Dahao shook off his bangs, and said incomparably.

“Yang Dahao, please leave me smoothly, not wanting face!” Yang Xiaojie raised her eyebrows, her phoenix eyes staring at the boss.

At this moment, Mu Feifan looked at Hu Tun Hesai’s Bai Lesheng, the corners of his mouth couldn’t help but raised slightly.

The reason why I left a bowl for Bai Lesheng was not because of the overflowing Virgin Mary’s heart.

It’s because Bai Lesheng is also experimenting in the first class.

Considering that the other party is the younger brother of Xia Yuchan’s class and joined the school team, Mu Feifan took the initiative to show his favor.

Although Bai Lesheng provoked him first, he did not suffer.

Instead, Bai Lesheng became a mummy.

At the thought of the other person climbing a hundred steps like a dog, Mu Feifei felt a little sympathetic.

Poor boy paper!

Let him eat more.

At this moment, Bai Lesheng held up a big bowl and gave a strong drink.

Everyone who saw it was frightened.

Did they look like this when they ate just now?

Everyone feels a little embarrassed to think of their own imageless booze.

Be sure to pay attention to eating in the future!

Thanks to Lao Bai for being a negative textbook again.


Bai Lesheng put the empty bowl on the dining table, squinted and closed his eyes very satisfied.

Suddenly, he felt something was wrong.

The whole body seemed to be bathed in divine light.


The next moment, a surging Spirit Power erupted.

With a roar, all the straps on Bai Lesheng’s body burst apart.

“My God, what’s the matter?”

Bai Lesheng exclaimed.

He stood up abruptly, and suddenly found that all his injuries had disappeared!

“My injuries are all healed?”

“And Cultivation Base has also grown.”

“This skin is as delicate as a newborn baby.”

Bai Lesheng said with incredible emotion.

Suddenly, he found a dead silence around him, and there was no breathing even.

what happened?

Bai Lesheng turned his head and saw everyone staring at him in shock.

“Why do you all look at me like this? Is it because I recovered from my injuries and frightened you?” He smiled.

However, everyone’s eyes were still shocked, and gradually moved down.

Following their eyes, Bai Lesheng also lowered his head.

The next moment, a voice about to blast through the roof burst from his mouth.

“God, why didn’t I wear clothes?”

Li Meng and Yang Xiaojie shouted in unison: “Rogue!”

The other men looked at the two women strangely.

Why are the expressions on your faces so happy when you shout hooligans?

As a normal innocent girl, shouldn’t you cover your eyes or turn around at this moment?

On the other side, at the moment when Bai Lesheng’s bandage exploded.

Mu Feifei decisively pressed Xia Yuchan’s head on his chest, and firmly protected her.

No, it should be said that it blocked all the sight of Xia Yuchan.

“What happened?” Xia Yuchan asked.

She was buried in Mu Feifan’s arms, and she didn’t know how wonderful it was outside now.

“The picture is a bit unsuitable for children.” Mu Feifan explained.

Xia Yuchan heard the other two women shouting hooligans happily, and instantly understood.

She said faintly: “Actually, you don’t need to hug so tightly, I won’t look at other men.”

“I’m afraid that my wife will passively see it.”

“Neither can it be passive, my eyes can selectively filter.”

“Huh? So amazing?”

“Yes, the whole world is in the eyes of others, but you are the only one in my eyes.”

Mu Feifan felt that he was igniting again.

Every time his wife teased him, she couldn’t stand it.

At this time, if he is not impulsive, he admires Feifan in vain for a man!

Thinking of this, Mu Feifan raised his head and watched the environment vigilantly.

In the next second, he was dumbfounded.

Because everyone’s eyes have shifted from Bai Lesheng to him.

Mu Feifan:! ! !

Why are you all looking at me?

Is it so difficult for me to be a transparent person?

At this time, Wang Liangang said weakly: “Student Mu, this is not the scene of the explosion, so there is no need to protect Xia with such strict protection.”

The rest of the people also showed that the other party’s actions were too exaggerated.

“Did you see it? It’s dangerous. The first thing my brother-in-law thinks of is Sister Xia.” Li Meng said enviously.

The corners of everyone’s mouth twitched.


Danger, you still call that happy?

At this moment, Bai Lesheng had tied Feng Li’s jacket around his waist. Although it looked like a fart curtain, he didn’t need to show the bird anyway.

He raised his head, but saw Mu Feihan holding Xia Yuchan tightly, and he was immediately stunned.

I have become a prop for others to show their affection again?

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