Chapter 273 Friendly Exchange? Can’t hold it

Wang Lian had lived for more than forty years. If you count the time spent in Otherworld, it’s even longer.

Also well-informed.

Even if it is a powerful alchemist, the medium-grade Medicine Pill seldom can be refined.

Therefore, it rarely appears in the market.

But its absorption effect is definitely leverage.

Which cultivator does not want to take better Medicine Pill?

The cultivation efficiency is virtually ascension several times!

In the world of cultivating immortals, time is money.

However, Yun Ling Pill is the Medicine Pill used by Gold Core.

It must be a Tier 3 alchemist to refine it.

Therefore, Wang Liangang also tried to ask.

“I can’t refine it.” Mu Feifei said decisively.

“That’s a shame.” Wang Liangang was not depressed.

He had expected it a long time ago.

After all, Mu Feifan is just a Foundation Building cultivator. If you have the strength of a Tier 3 alchemist, it would be too heaven-defying.

However, Mu Feifan smiled faintly in his heart.

Not to mention Yun Ling Pill, he even made the legendary Broken Realm Pill!

That’s the elixir!

But when Mu Feifei opened the Medicine Pill store, he will refine what the market needs.

What level of cultivator has the most in the league?

Of course it is the Foundation Building period!

Therefore, Mu Feihua’s main medium-grade Gathering Pills.

Moreover, it will save a lot of trouble.

Once the alliance official comes to check the water meter, he can also explain.

After all, own Cultivation Base is very equivalent to Medicine Pill.

However, if you expose yourself to the ability to develop a high rank Medicine Pill, it would be dangerous!

He has seen a group of mentors in Dengxian Academy fighting to break their scalp in order to break the realm.

I am a small Foundation Building cultivator with no background, relying on copy and paste…Ah! It’s not easy to get to this day step by step by relying on talent.

Therefore, it is better to be cautious to go further in the world of immortality.

At this time, the voice of taking orders rang again.

Mu Feifan asked strangely: “Have any of you placed an order?”

Everyone shook their heads.

Just kidding, what family would dare to eat two million Medicine Pill?

Mu Feifan looked down and couldn’t help but feel happy.

The original name of the person who placed the order was Langweixian.

Isn’t this the kid Zhao Zilang?

Why did he buy Medicine Pill again?

But of course it couldn’t be better to have business.

Mu Feihua easily forwarded the order information to Li Bo’s WeChat.

At this moment, Yaowen Middle School.

Zhao Zilang’s arm has recovered as before.

I have to say that the second-order bone-strengthening pill given by the old man is a cow.

“Damn, if it weren’t for the old man’s advice, why would I take the initiative to show good to this kid?” Zhao Zilang wanted to die at the thought of himself like a living dog licking.

It hurts his self-esteem too!

But you can’t help but listen to what the old man said.

After all, Dad is the source of Zhao Zilang’s pretense.

Zhao Zilang understood this a long time ago, so he could only follow his advice.

Ask him to contact Mu Feifan directly, and Zhao Zilang can’t erase Face, so he can only think of this way.

Place an order!

I have condescended to be like this. You Mu Feifei should have seen my sincerity.

Everyone is almost relieved of their previous grievances.

This is the calculation in Zhao Zilang’s heart.


If Zhao Xiaofeng knew what his son thought, he would be very helpless.

Apologize to Mu Feifan, why are you wronged?

But there is no way, who caused Zhao Zilang to be erased by Teacher Ying.

Therefore, Zhao Zilang has no knowledge of Mu Feifan’s true identity.

I only know that it is the son of an old friend of my father.

After a while, Zhao Zilang received an unfamiliar call.

He subconsciously felt that he was Admiring Feifan, so he gave a light cough, and said formally after connecting: “Hello, hello!”

“The things you bought have arrived. Please take them. I’m at the school gate.” The other party replied.

“Oh, okay.” Zhao Zilang looked confused when he hung up the phone.

Why is it not Mu Bianhua’s voice?

Is it because the other party is embarrassed to talk to me and let others speak for it?

Thinking of this, Zhao Zilang chuckled. It turned out that this kid also felt embarrassed.

If it is tied, with Zhao Zilang’s temperament, he will definitely send the other party to the front of the teaching building.

But now, Zhao Zilang’s attitude has undergone a major change.

He soon arrived at the school gate.

As a result, I saw a person riding an electric car, wearing a helmet and sunglasses, standing in the wind.

“Fuck, fully armed? This kid looks like a takeaway.” Zhao Zilang was shocked.

He subconsciously regarded the other party as Mu Feifan.

At this moment, Zhao Zilang walked over and was thinking about how to communicate with Mu Feifan in a friendly manner to resolve the conflict last time.

“Your goods arrived, remember to give a five-star praise!” Unexpectedly, the other party handed over a package, turned around and left, acting very chic.

Hearing this strange voice, Zhao Zilang held the package, completely dumbfounded.

Grandma is a bear. It took me a long time, but it was not Mu Feifan who delivered the goods!

It’s really a knight who delivers food!

Zhao Zilang’s Ruyi Scepter abacus was completely disrupted.

The friendly exchange plan failed!

He only left himself in the wind and continued to be confused.

At the same time, Bai Lesheng and Ouyang Ce also received the package.

Their knights were more considerate, and they were sent directly to the cafeteria.

The two of them opened the bag and saw the porcelain bottle lying quietly inside.

“I’ll eat it first, Lao Bai.” Ouyang Ce smiled and took one.

“Ah? Are you so anxious?” Bai Lesheng still wanted to take it slowly after returning home, but he didn’t expect the other party to eat it on the spot.

As soon as the Medicine Pill was imported, a surging Spiritual Qi poured into Ouyang Ce.

Ouyang Ce only felt that the whole body was comfortable, like bathing in a hot spring.

He instinctively started Cultivation Technique.

After not knowing how long, Ouyang Ce opened his eyes and found that everyone was still looking at him.

“How does it feel?” Bai Lesheng asked impatiently.

“Cool!” Ouyang Ce couldn’t help but let out a long moan.

I go!

Why does it sound so wretched?

Bai Lesheng’s expression was a little weird.

“It’s really cool… the feeling of being a god, you know.” Ouyang Ce said: “And the effect is very good, just for a while, I think Cultivation Base Ascension is very fast, much stronger than the ordinary spirit gathering pills, produced by Brother Fan. It must be a boutique!”

When Bai Lesheng heard it, he swallowed one on the spot without saying a word.

The others are very envious.

Unexpectedly, Mu Feifan was still an alchemist.

And looking at this situation, his Realm in pill refining is more than ordinary alchemists.

“If Sister Xia wants to eat this medium-grade Medicine Pill, she must be in unlimited supply.”

“You see that the name of the shop is full of affection.”

Thinking about it, Li Meng and Yang Xiaojie admired Xia Yuchan even more.

No way, who made Sister Xia look so good and found such an excellent boyfriend.

But the two women changed their minds, and Brother Fan was too enchanting, and if he changed to them, he would definitely not be able to grasp it!

Only Xia Yuchan can be worthy of Mu Feihua.

After all, the number one in the school is not just a talk.

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