Chapter 274: Joining Class One? Couple seat

After three thirty in the cafeteria, a group of people walked out slowly.

The staff in the kitchen also walked out and locked the door of the canteen.

Mu Feifan said: “Uncle, I’m sorry, I will delay you from get off work.”

“Young man, don’t say that, if it weren’t for you, I wouldn’t be able to taste the deliciousness of this world.” The staff smiled.

The more he looked at Mu Feifan now, the more pleasing to his eyes.

I have to say that food can really easily capture a person’s heart.

Until they left, the staff was still waving goodbye: “Come often!”

Chu Tiankuo responded loudly: “Don’t worry, uncle, we come every day!”

Everyone laughed.

The cafeteria must come to eat every day.

Mu Feifei followed all the way into the experimental class teaching building.

Li Meng smiled and said, “Brother-in-law, are you going to follow our class?”

Mu Feifan was a little embarrassed.

My eyes were almost glued to Xia Yuchan’s body, and he walked into the teaching building unknowingly.

Yang Xiaojie said, “Brother-in-law, why don’t you change classes? We welcome with your hands up.”

Yang Dahao said: “You can also raise your feet.”

Feng Li also said: “There is also a man’s fifth…”

As soon as he exited, he suddenly felt something wrong and stopped immediately.

If we go on, it will be evil.

Chu Tian smiled broadly: “Our second class also welcomes Brother Fan to join.”

However, he can only think about this idea.

After all, Xia Yuchan was in the first class, how could Mu Feifei transfer to the second class.

Mu Feifan smiled faintly: “Do you want me to become a parent so much?”

“Haha, yes, we are Sister Xia’s maiden family.” The others laughed.

Mu Feifei was a little moved. He looked at Xia Yuchan: “Wife, what do you think?”

Xia Yuchan said, “Will you be tired of watching it every day?”

“Do you think I will get tired of it?”

“That’s not true.”


“We were wrong. We shouldn’t give you a chance to scatter dog food.”

“Brother Fan, you’d better go to the second class, otherwise I will be killed sooner or later.”

“Yes, I feel very stressed when I think about your future days in the class.”

Mu Feifan was speechless.

You just clamored for him to come, changed your mind after a while?

“You don’t have a stand.” Mu Feifei sighed.

“What’s the use of standing? You should have pity on us single dogs, the compassionate Mu Shaoxia.”

As a result, the scene that caused them to collapse happened.

It has been delivered to the door of the classroom, and Mu Feifan has no intention of leaving yet.

Chu Tiankuo, Ouyang Ce, Ji Yang and Chen Yun all looked at the group with smirks.

Waiting to receive the crit!

Come on, Fan!

Although both classes are experimental classes and have been in the same building for three years, they have been secretly competing.

Even the relationship between their head teachers is not so harmonious.

Therefore, it is not the second class teacher Luo Fei who is in the same office with Li Xiuzhu, but Gong Xingyu.

Especially when the overall strength of the second class is not as good as the first class, Chu Tiankuo and others prefer to see the first class unlucky.

At this moment, in their view, Mu Feihua is a weapon to sanction the first group.

Don’t keep your hands!

Don’t be merciful!

As for the seriousness of the hands and mouth, they don’t care.

The school team members of Class 1 were all dumbfounded when they saw Mu Feifei really follow Xia Yuchan into the classroom.

At this time, Xia Yuchan walked ahead.

The people in the class only felt a chill passing by, and they couldn’t help but shrink their necks.

However, everyone was used to it, and there was no surprise.

In the next second, Mu Feifan stepped into the classroom.

That tall and handsome appearance immediately sparked an idea.

“Hey, look, isn’t that Mu Feifan?”

“Fuck, Brother Xia, why is he here?”

“Flower-protecting messenger, your mission is complete, Sister Xia has arrived home.”

Because everyone had met with Mu Feifan at the actual combat venue in the morning, they recognized it all at once.

In the face of the curiosity of everyone, Mu Feifan’s face did not beat and his heart did not panic.

At this time, he discovered that Xia Yuchan was also sitting in the second-to-last row by the window.

He looks exactly like him!

The protagonist!

“Wife, we are lovers.” Mu Feifan laughed.

“Oh? What a coincidence?” Xia Yuchan smiled rarely.

But this moment of expression is enough to make people dream.

“My God, did you see it? Sister Xia just laughed?”

“Nonsense, they are smiling at their boyfriend, not at you, are you excited about it?”

“No wonder I feel warm around me. It turns out that the cold wind has turned into a spring breeze.”

“I have to say that Sister Xia is the true goddess, even her frown looks so beautiful…”

“Lsp is going to kill you. Brother Xia has even repaired it by Teacher Li. Be careful that he throws you down the window.”

“Hey? Who’s talking about me?” Suddenly, a onee-san fan came into the classroom, it was Li Xiuzhu.

Everyone was so frightened that they immediately silenced.

It really means that Cao Cao is here!

Teacher Li, you can’t help but talk too much!

At this moment, Li Xiuzhu has changed to a new business suit.

After all, the morning set had already become dilapidated under someone’s attack.

It is still a knee-length skirt and black stockings.

At this moment, Li Xiuzhu looked around the classroom and suddenly saw someone standing still, frowning involuntarily.

“That classmate, why didn’t you sit down?” she said.

I have to say that in the classroom, Li Xiuzhu’s teacher’s demeanor is naturally revealed, completely different.

The style of women has changed too much.

Everyone saw that the person standing was Mu Feifan.

In an instant, a smile filled my heart, almost not stretched.

“I don’t have a seat.” Mu Feifan replied.

“It’s you? Classmate Mu?” Li Xiuzhu couldn’t help but start to see each other clearly.

Mu Feifan smirked: “Teacher Li, don’t come here without problems.”

Li Xiuzhu immediately thought of what happened in the morning. He was stuck on the ground like a headed green onion. It was too losing face.

A blush flashed across her face.

“Huh! What are you doing in our class?” Li Xiuzhu snorted heavily. She suddenly thought of something and immediately teased: “Could it be that you abandoned Teacher Gong?”


Mu Feifan was speechless.

Teacher Li, you can’t talk nonsense, it will be deadly.

My wife is sitting next to me.

“I’m an auditor.” Mu Feifei could only answer like that.

“But, we don’t have any extra seats in our class.” A trace of triumph flashed between Li Xiuzhu’s eyebrows, and she was now anxious to see Mu Feihua embarrassed.

To avenge yourself for being inserted!

“I can stand and listen.” Mu Feifan said.

Li Xiuzhu said embarrassedly: “But you have been standing, and the words sent out think that our teacher is physically punishing students, which will affect my reputation.”

Mu Feifan was stunned.

I just stand for one class, which will affect your fertility?

At this time, Xia Yuchan’s cold voice sounded: “Sit down with me.”

As soon as the voice fell, the whole classroom was shocked.

In the next second, they saw Mu Feifei sitting down, squeezing into the same seat with Xia Yuchan.

Seen from the back, the two are almost fused together.

At this time, Li Meng who happened to be sitting at the end was messed up.

What evil did I do in my last life?

Let me be stimulated here in this life?

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