"Hit my shadow, is it fun?"

Sun Xiaosheng's face became stiff, and his heart was full of shock!

This guy, when did he appear behind him, he obviously didn't feel the fluctuation of the power of space!

Before he could think about it, Sun Xiaosheng turned his head abruptly and threw a punch.

However, she fisted a lonely one, and she was still an afterimage!

Next second.

She was shocked to find that countless Lin Que's figures appeared around her, looking at herself with a joke on her face.

"How can you be three thousand incarnations!"

This is his own trick, how did Lin Que learn it?

Dozens of Lin Quecun shadow clones jokingly smiled and said, "Is this difficult?"

As early as Lin Que saw the three thousand incarnations of Sun Xiaosheng, he had a whim, using the power of space and the power of the mad field to create a clone based on Blood Shura.

At first I wanted to give it a try, but I never thought it was really okay.

Sun Xiaosheng snorted coldly: "Hmph, even if you do, how about that? Today, you must give me an explanation!"

While she was speaking, she pulled out her hair, transformed into countless clones, and rushed toward Lin Que.


With a single swing, Lin Que's incarnation was wiped out without any resistance at all.

Sun Xiaosheng was stunned.

Is it so weak?

At the moment she lost consciousness, Lin Que's funeral halberd directly killed her.

Sun Xiaosheng hurriedly drove the back of the somersault cloud, pulled a safe distance, and said with an angry expression.

"You fool me!"

Lin Que grinned, "Who told you that my ghost clone has combat effectiveness?"

Although he succeeded, he found that he had no combat effectiveness at all.

It's okay to bluff, once you fight, you can't even beat a kid.

Sun Xiaosheng: "You really angered me!"

As soon as the words fell, an astonishing flame burst out from the golden armor on his body, and the golden hoop in his hand burst into light.

Lin Que's pupils shrank, a dangerous aura!

When he was about to move, a sealed door appeared above his head, and the force of the terrifying space locked him in place, unable to move.

Xia Yuyan was aside, her face coldly said: "You have no chance!"

"The stick destroys the world!"

Sun Xiaosheng roared, and the golden hoop in his hand shattered the void, making sound bursts and falling down.

Lin Que was restrained by the Sealed Gate, raised his head and looked at the falling golden cudgel, without any panic on his face.

The corners of his mouth were slightly tilted, and a finger snapped in his hand.

A huge black hole space appeared above his head, swallowing all the golden rods that fell.

The spirit power in Lin Que's body was rapidly consumed, and one-half of it was consumed in the blink of an eye!

Not only that, but a smear of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth!

At the same time, above Sun Xiaosheng's head, a black hole space suddenly appeared, and terrifying sticks poured out.


Sun Xiaosheng looked at the falling gun power off guard, and directly drowned her whole person.


After an explosion, Sun Xiaosheng's figure flew upside down, his face pale.


A mouthful of blood was spit out from his mouth, and the breath on his body became lethargic.

The attack just now caused her a lot of trauma.

Sun Xiaosheng looked at Lin Que unwillingly: "You sneak attack!"

She couldn't think of how Lin Que could reverse her attack.

Xia Yuyan also didn't expect that Lin Que would be able to release her soul abilities when she was sealed by her own sealing door.

Strong pervert!

Lin Que exploded with all his strength, shattering the Sealed Gate, and withdrawing the Thousand Blades of Magic Knife, countless blood-red blades filled the audience.

Suspended above everyone's heads!

Holding a Thomson Dragon in his hand, he shouted twice towards the sky.

"Don't move!"

"Looking at the entire ghost realm, who would dare to move me Lin Que!"

"You join hands to bully me!"

"Today, you must give me an explanation, otherwise, it will be dead!"

With that, Lin Que looked at the members of the Eighth Squad Alliance, and said with anger.

"This incident has caused great trauma to my young soul, and I must compensate for my mental losses!"

"Otherwise, just grab it all for me!"


Tang Xiaohu was about to rush into the ghost realm to beat Lin Que, but was stopped by Zeng Deshuai on the side.

"Principal, you have to calm down!"

sp: Write this every day, the donkeys of the production team can't stand it!

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