"Don't stop me!"

"I'm going in and scrapping this deflated calf!"

Tang Xiaohu's entire popularity was thunderous.

Tiandao Academy has been in existence for so long, and this is the first time that contestants have been kidnapped for extortion in such a heavy competition!

Extremely bad!

Forget it in normal times, but today there is a leader!

Can't you rest assured?

Zeng Deshuai covered his face, shook his head and sighed.

Lao Tzu has a foreboding that things are not going well.

It really crashed!

This is the most difficult class of students he has ever brought.

Saitama's face turned dark: "Principal, what can I do now?"

Tang Xiaohu looked at the picture on the holographic projection, blowing his beard and staring with anger.

Where does he know what to do!

I can't go up, and I can pick out Lin Que, right?

This is not in compliance with the rules!

Zeng Deshuai said: "Principal, should we talk to Lin Que and let him Sun Xiaosheng and the others?"

Tang Xiaohu took a deep breath and said in a deep voice, "Wait, I don't believe this bastard, what else can make a moth!"

Zeng Deshuai hesitated for a while, and said quietly, "How do you calculate the number of entries?"

Tang Xiaohu whispered: "Pick people according to the list discussed before!"

Oh shit.

It had been planned well, but now it was all disrupted by Lin Que.

He vowed that after today, he must let this year's students go out and break out more, otherwise, he would stay in the college and be bullied by Lin Que.

At this time, in the ghost realm.

Lin Que tied all the members of the eight classes to the deck except for the eliminated ones.

"Lin Que, let us go for a fight if you have the ability!"

"Skills can be killed but not humiliated. If there are seeds, let me go!"

"Return my clothes, they are my new ones!"

Everyone looked angry, their hands and feet were locked by Shu Ling, and they couldn't exert any strength.


Lin Que had a devilish smile with one hand on his hips: "Want to leave?"

"I give you a chance, now contact your mentor and make money to redeem someone!"

"Otherwise, Jie Jie..."

When everyone saw Lin Que's smile like a devil, their hearts trembled.

This guy is not human!

They came to provoke this guy with a fever like this in the first place?

Regret it!

Sun Xiaosheng grinned and roared: "Despicable villain, let me go and fight again!"

She didn't lose to Lin Que, but to her own carelessness.

No one would have thought that this guy would be so cruel to himself, he would rather fight back a serious injury, but also attack himself.

Lin Que curled his lips: "You have become my prisoner. Why do you want to fight with you?"

"Am I stupid?"

"It's numb, call someone to make money!"

"Otherwise, grab your clothes!"

Faced with Lin Que's improper behavior, everyone had no choice but to contact the tutors of their respective classes through the satellite bracelet.


They have all become prisoners. Who cares about the violation?

Just want to quickly get rid of the devil Lin Que.


The tutors present have received requests for help from the students.

Some people even shouted for help at the holographic projection.

In the auditorium.

Uncle Xia roared angrily: "Lin Que, you bastard, you dare to tie up my granddaughter!"

"You come out, the old man invites you to eat a set of Awei 18 styles!"

Had it not been for the surrounding uncles and aunts, Uncle Xia would have rushed in for a fight.

Teacher Saitama looked at his proud disciple Zhao Yi being tied up, and said to the vice-principal Qiuxiang on the side.

"Vice principal, Lin Que, don't you care about it?"

The other instructors also looked at Qiuxiang and tried to ask for an explanation.

Qiu Xiang turned her head and said coldly, "Why bother?"

‘Did he violate the rules of the game? "

The instructors pointed to the holographic projection: "He has tied everyone up, isn't it appropriate?"

Qiu Xiang picked up the tea cup, took a sip, and said lightly: "Then when your eight classes united and dealt with the little guy in my class just now, I think you were very happy!"

Hearing this, the faces of the instructors went stiff, and they couldn't say a word for a long time.

Damn it, with Lin Que's enchanting level, if the students in their class don't unite, will there be a way to survive?

Although Lin Que was only 19 years old, he was already full of waves of the world.

Whether it is insight, mind, or strength, they have long been beyond the reach of the students who grew up in the greenhouse.

The ghost experience?

The college has always been out of the protection of the students, and the selected ghost domains are not very dangerous.

It's okay to hone your strength, but it's far from enough to achieve the effect of experience.

Qiu Xiang's eyebrows were calm. Although Lin Que's actions were a bit out of bounds, it undoubtedly sounded a wake-up call for everyone!

The young eagle that shelters and grows under the wings of the ancestors will never experience wind and rain, and the flying eagle will fly higher!

During the period before the rejuvenation of the spiritual energy, who among them did not move forward with a heavy burden, and had already put life and death out of the question?

The current Yulingzhe is missing that blood in his bones!

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