Inside Villa Nine.

Lin Que looked at the IP address displayed on the computer, and a wicked smile appeared on his face.

"Catch you!"

"Beijing University? Wait until I come to catch you!"


Suddenly, on Lin Que's computer screen, the other party replied with a line of characters.

"Lin Quenan god, I'm waiting for you at Beijing University!"

(づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭❤~.

"Puff haha!"

"Lin Que, people are not afraid of you at all!"

"You are being ridiculed!"

Qin Feng and others rolled around on the sofa with a smile.

Lin Que gritted his teeth and looked at the computer.

I have been insulted.

"Check for me if there is a mission at Beijing University, I'm going to go over and teach this little girl a lesson!"

Oh shit.

Even if you spoof yourself, now you speak harshly, and you are still being ridiculed.

What a shame!

Mo Qingcheng shook his head and said, "Lin Que, we just came out of the ghost spirit realm. At this time, the academy will not let us leave."

Lin Xi nodded: "Brother, don't be angry, in our hearts, you are always the best."

Lin Que was moved when he heard this!

What a **** brother, or his sister, the intimate little padded jacket, sensible!

Su Tang, who was sitting in a chair by the side, closed the book and said, "Don't you think the ghost spirit realm thing is a bit weird?"

Xiang Qian gnawed an apple and said, "It's really strange!"

"It stands to reason that the ghost spirit realm should be guarded by our academy strong. It happens that there was no one on the day of our accident!"


Lin Que was silent, and felt something was wrong in his heart.

Just as everyone was thinking, the satellite bracelet rang, and a cold voice sounded.

"Everyone, gather in the classroom!"

Everyone did not neglect, and rushed towards the teaching building.

Villa area.

A dark shadow was hidden in the dark, staring at Lin Que's back, he muttered: "Funny little guy, don't let me down!"

At this moment, Lin Que's walking pace suddenly stopped, and he slowly turned his head back, frowning as he watched the empty scene.

"Strange, how do I feel someone is peeping at me?"

Ahead, Qin Feng waved at Lin Que: "Lin Que, what are you looking at, hurry up!"

Lin Que retracted his thoughts and followed quickly.

After half a minute.

The scene squirmed in the void, Lin Que's figure reappeared in the field, his soul power covered the audience, and there was still no discovery.

"I really feel wrong?"

Without staying, the figure merged into the void and left the scene completely.

Waiting for Lin Que to leave, the dark shadow reappeared, a weird curve formed at the corner of his mouth.

"Cautious little guy."

"Come on, I need the power of ghosts and immortals by your side!"

After speaking, the shadow disappeared in place.

ten minutes later!

Lin Que and his party came to the classroom, and Qiu Xiang was already here waiting for everyone.

"Everyone performed very well in this competition!"

"Although something unexpected happened midway, in general, everyone was the best."

"I know the big guys are most concerned about the number of entries in the global league!"

When it comes to global leagues, everyone's eyes are shining!

As far as their performance in this club is, they are shortlisted in the top ten, it's not a big problem!

Qiuxiang continued: "I regret to tell everyone that due to the many problems in this competition, the college cancelled the competition arrangement!"

"However, everyone will be rewarded according to the class ranking!"


Listening to these words, Qin Feng and the others were like discouraged balls, lying on the desks with nothing to love!

Qin Feng rubbed his bald head on the desk.

I tried my best to kill a half-step supreme powerhouse of the ghost race, what is the picture?

A big loss!

Lin Que didn't care.

No matter when he chooses a spot, he will set it!

He doesn't need to be the champion, but no one wants to grab the place in Taikoo Shing for me!

Who will die!

Hongye can be waiting for herself in Taikoo Shing!

Qiuxiang turned on the holographic projection on the blackboard, and a series of task lists appeared in front of everyone.

"In view of the problems this year's students showed in the competition!"

"The college has decided to open teaching and send nine classes of students to various universities and colleges in Daxia for academic exchanges and teaching assistant tasks!"

"In this competition, our class is ranked first, so we can choose first!"

Everyone looked at the blackboard, the rows of academies with generous remunerations, each of them was about to flow out.

Lin Que, who had been careless, suddenly saw a line of bold characters on it!

Beijing University!

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